MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 49

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"Is the close-up lens in the interview too good?"

"Love tea, learn fencing, what is this fairy hobby?"

"I want to see Li Jinyuan fencing!"

"attachment +1"

"Secondary +2"

"Love tea, really old cadres... plus fencing, really temperament and abstinence!"

In a group of crazy praises, there are more than one unfriendly blacks.

"Other people's hobbies are playing games, learning music, emmmm is not the same as Li Jinyuan? Fencing tea? Suddenly cue loves to drink tea, will not wait for any brand to go to him to speak for him? Now the newcomer must not, this program is Have you started these tricks after recording a few episodes?"

"It is estimated that the team wants to set up a deaf person..."

"LS is not disgusting? People just said in the interview when they loved to drink tea? Love tea is not only one of them, why do you hard to make people into a monk?"

"+1, whoever is in the first two days, the hot search for the @@欢欢hL, did you just have a photo of drinking black tea? There are so many people drinking tea under the sun, you are neurotic, non-personal And wait for the brand to come to the endorsement."


There are many people on the Internet. Of course, there will be people like Li Jinyuan, and there will be people who don’t like Li Jinyuan.

When the director came to look for him, Li Jinyuan was turning to the online commentary on the interview.

The director looked at him with a cold face and couldn't help but say, "Hey, don't care about these, there are boastful things, and naturally there are also embarrassing. Look less, feel good. You are now red, who cares about him?" Hey? Come over, let's talk about the next recording of the show."

Li Jinyuan nodded and did not defend.

Of course, what he cares about is not an online evaluation.

What kind of origin did he and Huo Chengming have? What kind of suffering has not been eaten? The evaluation on the Internet is nothing but a painless thing for him.

The praise of others cannot make him inflated, and the embarrassment of others will not make him depressed.

The only thing that Li Jinyuan cares about is -

There are so many people drinking tea under the sun...

Is there so much?

Li Jinyuan had a subtle loss in his heart.

Can Huanhuan see what he means? He just wanted to be in the interview, echoing the joy of drinking tea.

... This kind of subtle rapport will make Li Jinyuan have an indescribable enjoyment. But now this enjoyment has been destroyed.

Li Jinyuan put away his mobile phone and walked to the conference room with the director.

In the conference room, the other twenty players were already seated. They heard the footsteps and couldn’t help but look up at Li Jinyuan. Everyone is now looking at the eyes of Li Jinyuan, and there have been changes. Envious, but also close to the knot. So twenty-two people, Li Jinyuan is a big red, and now he is always on the hot search. Where can you look at him with his past eyes?

Li Jinyuan took everyone's reaction to the bottom of his eyes. He was very gentle and gentle, but he was very satisfied with his heart.

This is nothing, he will stand taller sooner or later.

If you reach the top, what more can he bring to Huanhuan?

Li Jinyuan thought about it and opened the chair in front of him.


Zhong Yuhuan went to a concert. After listening to it, he also made a phone call with Han Yingying. After a few days, he went shopping together.

The car stopped outside the villa, and Zhong Yuhuan just got off the bus and saw a few figures. They stood outside the gate of the villa, apparently waiting for someone... who can wait? Of course, I am waiting for her.

The sound of Zhong Yuhuan’s look is cold.

Zhao Assistant, who was behind her, also came down: "Sorry Miss, I didn't expect them to come here."

"none of your business."

When Zhong Yuhuan walked closer, he saw the appearance of the person standing there.

There are still quite a few people, one, two... seven. There are seven people. Zhong Yuhuan guessed roughly according to their age. They should be Xu Yuhui's parents, two younger sisters, brother-in-law, and a Xu Wei who stands in front and bows his head and exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

Xu Weihui's two sisters are very similar to her, with a soft face and a rich body. Just looking at the bag, at first glance, it’s a bit high-spirited.

But when Zhong Yuhuan walked to the front, the two Ms. Xu Qi Qi both converge.

Their experience is not too shallow, but to the station in front of Zhong Yuhuan, is still a pheasant with the meaning of a feather filled with phoenix, of course, this time do not dare to take their own insults.

"Is there anything?" Zhong Yuhuan asked politely.

Although she hates these people.

The child does not teach, the father too.

Xu Yuhui cultivated this virtue, and he was willing to be an outside room for so many years. The children have raised so much. Parents don’t know that it is impossible, and connivance is true.

"Xu Wei is still the son of Mr. Zhong." The old lady licked her eyelids like orange peel and twitched openly: "We come over, not for anything else, just want to ask for a support for him." This child is still in high school and will definitely spend money in the future. My grandfather and I are older and have no pension, so there is no way to raise him... you see this..."

Zhong Yuhuan turned to look at Assistant Zhao.

Assistant Zhao immediately said: "Some of you still don't know, Miss has already prepared money for Master Xu, and will continue to graduate from Xu Shaoye University. Even if he wants to study for a master's degree or a doctor, it is fine. Of course, this is not because Xu Shaoye is the son of Zhong Dong. It is because the young lady is kind and feels that she can take care of it."

Xu Yuhui’s two sisters immediately changed their face: "What is the son of Zhong Dong?"

But the old lady grabbed their wrists and shivered with a shy voice: "Hey, hey, that's good, thank you, thank you. But we think more. We just leave, this Just go..."

The old lady is not a fool.

Zhong Yuhuan was a little surprised.

But this is also good, if Xu Jiazhen is a shameless from the top to the next, then Xu Wei really ruined.

Zhong Yuhuan is also now, only to learn from Zhao’s assistant. In the past few years when she went abroad, Xu Wei’s stay at Murphy Middle School was not as good as one year. He could not integrate into the circle of the second generation of the rich and the rich. Other politicians, children of celebrities do not have to say, the key is that he still does not deal with old people. Therefore, it always provokes that Zhong Chi is furious. After every opportunity to learn from Zhong Chi, Xu Wei will become more silent.

Zhong Yuhuan felt pitiful.

It’s just that she didn’t have the heart of the Virgin to care for the people. It’s enough for Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming to worry about her.

"Zhao assistant, send them away." Zhong Yuhuan whispered.

"Good." Assistant Zhao joined the villa's bodyguards and invited people out.

Assistant Zhao, just sent the person outside the door, a car stopped outside the door.

Assistant Zhao looked at it and Huo Chengming came down from the car.

He has seen Huo Chengming not many times. His previous impression of him was the child adopted by Zhongjia. The impression is very different now... Now it is only left. He has this impression in the financial news. He also listened to people in private and talked about him. He said that he had been doing things with the young Master Chen, and then he was doing it, and he was a little bit with a black mafia in Europe. It didn’t take long before he became famous... ... insiders describe him as "not good to provoke" "youth talent".

When everyone later connected this one of Huo Chengming and one of the children adopted by Zhong Jia, everyone couldn't help but sigh. Although Zhong Dong walked early, but Miss Zhong Jia is really blessed!

Let's not say anything else, the value of people's current Huo Shao, the future of Miss Zhong also absolutely can not eat a bit bitter. Besides, Huo Chengming and Zhong are related, isn't the relative Zhongshi more stable? It is equivalent to a commercial marriage, and it is the same reason that the stock market can be stabilized.

Zhong’s top management has eaten a good heart!

Assistant Zhao was busy pressing the thousands of words in his heart, and looked up and Huo Chengming greeted him.

Huo Chengming nodded his head and his eyes fell on the body of a group of Xu's father Xu... He frowned and coldly said: "Who are they?"

Assistant Zhao was busy explaining.

Huo Chengming is tall and tall, and is different from Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan went there for a stop, and the feeling of self-defense was born.

And Huo Chengming went there for a stop, which gave birth to a strong sense of oppression, and even a little bit of rebellious thoughts could not be born.

The young man in a suit and tie in front of him easily reminded them of a male lion.

Xu Yihui’s two sisters had originally thought that this young lady had given money because it was so easy to say that it was a good talk and a good temper. From the time when Xu Yuhui lived in Zhongjia, she went abroad and couldn’t she see it? It is just a coincidence that she took over all of the property of the Zhong family. Can a girl protect her money? Xu Xihui's two younger sisters have moved their minds in their hearts, thinking that they can come to fight the autumn wind.

At this moment, let alone the autumn wind, what thoughts have been blown away by the wind.

They swallowed hard and felt a guilty conscience, not even dare to look at Huo Chengming's eyes.

"Don't come here later, I don't have such a good temper." Huo Chengming said coldly.

He didn't talk much to them nonsense. When he finished, he quickly advanced the door. It’s hard to take time out. He came back specially to accompany the clock, and how can he be willing to waste precious time on such people?

Waiting for Huo Chengming to enter the door.

Xu Yihui’s second sister couldn’t help but ask: “Is that also the son of Zhong Dong?” Why can he still live in Zhongjia Villa?

Assistant Zhao said faintly: "That is the adopted son of Zhong, the brother of our lady."

"Foster child?" Xu Jia's second voice changed his tone. Obviously, my heart is even more convinced. Xu Weiming is a biological son, but he is not a biological person. He has to follow them. This adopted child is free to enter and exit the Zhongjia Villa. What is the reason?

Xu Jiasan was busy pulling her arm, whispered: "The family is a company CEO..."

Xu Ermei immediately closed her mouth.

It’s really sinful...

Assistant Zhao sent them and the group went away. Looking at the car carrying them, Zhao’s assistant couldn’t help but sigh.

What is the vision of Zhong Dong before his death? How to look at the daughter raised by such a family.

Isn’t it what you should look at, is it a lot of money like Miss Zhong, is it more pleasing and enjoyable?

When Huo Chengming entered the door, he heard a singing voice.

It should be what video Huanhuan is playing.

When Huo Chengming came closer, he heard that it was a video of Li Jinyuan.

Li Jinyuan is singing a love song, the voice is soft and lingering, it is like whispering to the lover...

Huo Chengming approached again and saw the way Zhong Zhong laughed and smiled.

Is this ridiculous?

Huo Chengming was a little unhappy at the bottom of his heart.

I haven't returned to my comment yet.


“Hmm?” Zhong Yuhuan raised his head: “How come you are back?”

Huo Chengming frowned and said: "To make a difference, come back and see you first."

Zhong Yuhuan patted the position around him: "Come and sit, show you this."

Huo Chengming’s heart is even more happy.

She also wants to share the video of Li Jinyuan to him... Is Li Jinyuan singing and dancing so good?

However, Huo Chengming only forced himself in the bottom of his heart, and there was no revealing on his face. He walked over and sat down.

Zhong Yuhuan put his mobile phone in his palm. Huo Chengming took a look at the mobile phone. All of them were videographs of Li Jinyuan's sand sculptures. The densely populated barrages were all kinds of sand sculptures...

Huo Chengming’s heart was immediately stabilized, and even his mood was much better.

The author has something to say: Huo Chengming: sand sculpture on ojbk.