MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 68

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"Is it better with Li Jinyuan?" Huo Chengming asked.

Zhong Yuhuan: "?"

"Ah, um... well. Very good. Very good!" Zhong Yuhuan pondered in the bottom of his heart and felt that he had to say it well. Otherwise, the villains will have more vengeance. Can remember not to forget for one hundred and eighty years.

"Why not?" Huo Chengming whispered. His voice was extremely low and extremely low, and his breath was unstable.

When the words spit out from the tip of the tongue, Huo Chengming felt as if he had rolled over a fireball. He was hot, tight and depressed. Deeply buried with some unspeakable expectations, but deep buried worry and anxiety.

"What?" Zhong Yu Huan did not hear it.

His voice is really too low.

"I said, why not?" Huo Chengming repeated it.

He felt that the fireball was about to break open and flew out.

Zhong Yuhuan was slightly horrified.

Why not?

Why not look for a boyfriend as a standard?

do you mean this?

"Huanhuan." The footsteps were near. At the same time, Li Jinyuan stopped there. He looked up and looked at Huo Chengming first, then looked at Zhong Yuhuan: "We should leave, my cousin is waiting."

"Ah, good." Zhong Yuhuan immediately responded.

Huo Chengming clenched his lips and his brows followed.

He looked up and looked at Li Jinyuan. The two men staggered for three seconds and staggered.

Zhong Yuhuan turned and walked outside.

Although Huo Chengming’s request is a bit strange, it’s not too ridiculous...

Probably because I have spent too many years together, so they have really treated her as a family. Then she will worry about her boyfriend. In the bottom of my heart, I hope she can choose a better person?

Thinking of this, Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but smile.

Up to now, Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan have completely separated from her stereotypes about villains and male masters.

I am worried about such a thing... quite cute.

Zhong Yuhuan turned and smiled: "Cheng Ming brother, hurry up, get on the bus."

Huo Chengming slammed into her brilliant smile.

The fireball was immediately slammed back into the chest.

Huo Chengming unconsciously licked his lower lip.

He wants more.

Just like that smirk, he wants more than just the moment, but also wants more, longer, and every day.

Huo Chengming was not sure about Zhong Yuhuan’s thoughts for a time, but the mood of depression was turned broad. He followed quickly.

Everyone got a car of Langjin and arrived at the airport.

When Zhong Zhonghuan got off the bus, Lang Jinzhi said: "Don't move."

"Well? Cousin?" Zhong Yuhuan looked at him in confusion.

Lang Jinzhi opened the door, first came down from the driver's seat, then walked to the front passenger seat, opened the door, and bent over to give the bell to the candle. At the same time, he whispered: "Love can, but can't be overly indulged. Don't be fooled by the other side. Don't immerse yourself in the awkward atmosphere. And..." "The other party is good or bad, if you can't tell. Then I Come and tell you."

After Zhong Yuhuan listened to this passage, my heart was touched again.

Not only Huo Chengming is worried, but Lang Jinzhi is also worrying about her.

Zhong Yuhuan nodded and smiled happily: "Well, listen to the cousin."

Lang Jinzhi just straightened up and let go: "Get off the bus."

Zhong Yuhuan got off the bus and followed Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan to the hall.

Lang Jinzhi looked at her back and couldn't help but looked down at her palm. Still too little. He is good to her, not enough. He had missed too much before, but now, he hasn't made up for it yet. He will look at her as a nesting Yan, and rush to the embrace of others.

Lang Jinzhi has reached this age, let alone marry and have children, even the girlfriend has not yet paid. But he really felt a little bit like it was like raising a daughter.

When they got the boarding pass, they went to the waiting hall.

Gu Yuling smiled and asked: "Dr. Lang sent you here?"

Zhong Yuhuan nodded.

Gu Yuling’s voice fell, and there was no other voice around.

Boarding today, Yin Qiqi, Ling Lan are all together, only Gomei and Wen Yuchen are not. But in addition to Gu Yuling opened his mouth, everyone else was completely silent.

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but glance back and glanced back.

Yin Qiqi immediately gave her a smile.

And Ling Lan... Ling Lan's eyes are obviously added a hint of haze.

Zhong Yuhuan:? ? ?

What did she do?

Under the lens, she and Ling Lanlian are almost no interaction, which can also let Ling Lan remember her?

Li Jinyuan suddenly came over from behind, raised his arms and hugged Zhong Yuhuan. He looked up slightly, his eyes sinking heavily and concealed, and he cast a look at Linglan. After a glance, Li Jinyuan never looked at him again, and walked straight to Zhongbu Huan to go to the ticket gate. At the same time, he whispered in the ear of Zhong Yuhuan: "Huanhuan, when you set off, what did Huo Chengming say to you?"

Zhong Yuhuan said: "Well? Didn't say anything."

Said, Zhong Yuhuan unconsciously earned the arm of Li Jinyuan, Li Jinyuan seems to surround her loosely, but in fact the strength is great, so that Zhong Yuhuan has a feeling of being hooped.

Li Jinyuan noticed her movement and whispered, "What happened?"

"Hey, too close."

“What's the relationship?” Li Jinyuan smiled in her ear: “Everyone knows that we are a family anyway.”

That's what it says...

Zhong Yuhuan couldn’t help but look back. Ling Lan is a few steps behind, and the haze of the eyes seems to have become more. Zhong Yu sighed.

Li Jinyuan just took her over, should she be aware of the unfriendliness that Ling Lan revealed? But it seems to make things worse. Under the powerful original plot, Ling Lan will have a good impression on Li Jinyuan. Now that I see this scene, my heart must be so happy and unpleasant.

Count the ball.

Zhong Yuhuan sighed, and broke the cans.

The original female is not angry, shut me down!

Anyway, it can't be avoided anyway.

Zhong Yuhuan turned and looked at Huo Chengming: "Chengming brother."

She was rarely called under the camera, but she nodded her mouth without any psychological burden.

Let it be angry.

Let the original female master watch, she not only has a male protagonist, but also has a big villain around her. All the auras except the female host were gathered by her.

Not angry?

Then you are mad!

Huo Chengming was a bit flattered by her voice, so she took a long leg and followed it up. She still had a bag of Zhong Yuhuan.

Gu Yuling looked at his eyes and looked at him with a smile. He said: "Miss Zhong is really flattering. Should the family be very fond of her?"

Ling Lan said lightly: "Isn't it?"

Yin Qiqi shut up, miraculously did not say a word.

To be replaced, she must have hurriedly opened her mouth. Hard to insert into the topic of others, she has to open this mouth. But today, she suddenly did not dare to open. When she recorded the first episode, she knew who sent the clock to the airport. That is, until the program was broadcast, she was like the countless audience and netizens. She knew that the person who sent the bell to the airport was called Lang Jinzhi. The outsiders would respect the "Mr. Lang", and the family was Zhong Yuhuan’s dear cousin. The status is not bad, let alone such a small wild model, is a human entrepreneur, and does not dare to offend such a person.

Think again, oh, Li Jinyuan, Xiao Huo is also a family, and the people themselves inherit the wealth of Zhong’s.

Yin Qiqi suddenly lost his mind.

Her approach is inferior, but her mind is not too stupid.

At this point, the taste converges, and I see the thoughts of Gu Yuling and Ling Lan.

Yin Qiqi did not have a small amount in front.

She quietly glanced at the two women around her, and said, "I will watch you go dancing this time, see you guys!"

"Travel Time" has been broadcasted for several periods, and the period is full of topics. The ratings have been rising all the time, and there is no decline. So the program group was relieved, and now it is ready to record the fourth and fifth issues together, so that the time for the later period is more sufficient, and the next program can do better.

The destination for the fourth period is Turkey, and the destination for the fifth period is Greece.

After the plane landed, Li Jinyuan quickly took everyone to the hotel to rest first.

Woke up the next day, Gome and Wen Yuchen rushed from the other two places, everyone washed their faces and brushed their teeth, and changed their clothes, they were ready to go to their first attraction.

When I went downstairs, Zhong Yuhuan slid his own long skirt and was ready to go downstairs.

"Happiness." Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming almost stopped at the same time and stopped her.

"Go slowly." Huo Chengming said.

"Don't step on the skirt." Li Jinyuan said.

"The driver is already waiting." Zhong Yuhuan did not slow down, and shook his head: "We have to hurry."

Huo Chengming frowned.

Li Jinyuan’s mouth was quietly smashed, revealing a bit of unpleasant taste.

Who is happy?

As long as I think that Wen Yuchen is now dressed downstairs, everyone is not happy.

Huo Chengming suddenly said: "Huan Huan, remember what I said to you."

"Well?" Zhong Yuhuan blinked and blinked. For a time, he couldn’t remember what Huo Chengming was referring to.

And when they talk, they have already arrived in the hall.

Gu Yuling and Gome took the initiative to talk, Gome said: "Wen Yuchen waited outside the door, let's go."

Several people and Gome sang a few words, and then they came out together.

Only the faces of Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming have never changed.

Especially when I stepped out of the gate, I saw the moment of Wen Yuchen.

Huo Chengming's brow wrinkled more tightly, and Li Jinyuan's mouth was even more powerful.

As for the lens on one side... Who will care about the lens?

"Happy Huan." Wen Yuchen, who stood by the car, smiled and smiled. Compared with the previous issues, there was a clear change. As long as the person with his eyes grows, he can see his attitude.

Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming certainly have eyes.

Not only did they have long eyes, but they were still full of torches in the chest and burned.

"Mr. Wen." Waiting for Zhong Yuhuan to open, Huo Chengming has already made a cold voice.

Li Jinyuan also replaced the "Chen Ge" who respected his predecessors in the past, and changed to "Mr. Wen" in the same tone.

Wen Yuchen clasped the fingers of the door handle tightly.

Before listening to the agent said that he received a three-way phone call in a row, he had a bad feeling in his heart. But he thought that when the program was officially recorded, it should not be difficult for him. But now it looks... it seems that he thinks too easily.

Under the they have no scruples?

Wen Yuchen thought about it and said hello to them with enthusiasm: "Today, Xiao Huo."

The taste of pleasing is buried in it, but it can be heard at a glance.

In Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming's chest, there were more torches in the moment.

Burning anger and rising.