MTL - After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible-Chapter 17 , the scene of the death of the society, down the mountain

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Meng Xing was chopping wood when three options appeared in front of him.

[1. Continue to chop 200 catties of firewood. 】

[Second, go into the dining hall and beat Huang, Ye, and Zhang for a meal. 】

[Three, go in and say to them: "Xiao Yuluo is mine, don't think about toads eating swan meat."]

It seems that the three guys are here again, triggering the system.

Meng Xing looked at the options and hesitated for a while. He chopped 200 catties of firewood. Although it didn't take much effort for him now, it would take more time.

The second option is to go in and beat the three guardians. With his current strength, he seems to be able to deal with the three of them. In the past, he would have shown that both sides would suffer, but now he has not shown it, which shows that his improvement these days has surpassed them.

However, it does not meet the purpose of his low-key development. Although it was a pleasure to beat them, he might also be famous for Jianchi Peak and become the target of public criticism.

The third option seems to be the easiest task, but it's just a word, and it's easy and comfortable, and then it's enough to not recognize it.

Moreover, with Xiao Yuluo in his pocket, forgive these three people and dare not do anything to themselves.

After being warned by Xiao Yuluo last time, these three people never came to see them again, which shows that they are still very afraid of her.

Well, it seems that this time the system wants to reward itself with a big one, and is going to put some water on it.

Thinking of this, Meng Xing put down his axe and walked into the dining hall.

"You said that Hufa Xiao came here for Meng Xing? How could Hufa Xiao be so disregarded of his identity that he came here to find him for this little bastard?" Hufa Huang said a little sadly.

"This, I don't know about Zhang, but I want to come to Hufa Xiao to supervise him personally." Zhang Santu touched his stomach. He was punched three times just now, and it still hurts.

Although he really wanted to scold Meng Xing, he couldn't help shuddering when he thought of his murderous eyes.

However, the cultivation of these three guardians is very powerful, and they are definitely more powerful than Meng Xing. It would be wonderful if they could conflict with Meng Xing. He could also borrow their hands to clean up this Meng Xing and avenge his beating just now.

"Senior Brother Huang, I think we might as well do it and beat that little **** hard." Hufa Ye said.

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other when they saw Meng Xing walking in.

Although they said ruthlessly, but if they really wanted to do something, they still had to think about Xiao Yuluo. If they really angered her, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Zhang Santu also shrank his body, and his heart trembled with fright.

Meng Xing looked at the three guardians, hesitated for a while, and felt a bit ashamed to say this. What is the difference between Zhang Santu and this guy?

Moreover, he had no idea about Xiao Yuluo, he just regarded her as a senior sister.

But when things come to an end, you can't back down, right? This is what the system forced me to do, so if I lose face, I will lose face. Anyway, I won't admit it in the future.

He bit his head and said quickly: "Xiao Yuluo is mine, don't think about toads eating swan meat."

[The task has been completed, and a random reward is obtained: Qinglian Burning Heaven Art (middle grade Xuan level)]

Meng Xing breathed a sigh of relief. The system really poured water on him, and even gave him a mid-level Xuan-level reward. This time the task was too easy.

"Meng Xing, what are you talking about?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice entered Meng Xing's ears, making his body a little stiff.

Meng Xing: "…"

A sentence suddenly popped out of his mind: "The system is tricking me! This is to make me die on the spot!"

Meng Xing turned around slowly, with an embarrassed look on his face, and said, "Senior sister, I was just saying that Xiao Yuluo is mine...Senior sister...don't let them think of anything wrong."

I'm not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed. At this moment, Senior Sister Xiao must be more embarrassed than me.

Meng Xing thought to himself, and the embarrassed look on his face slowly disappeared.

Xiao Yuluo stood slim at the door, wearing a light blue dress with a light blue ribbon around his waist, holding a long sword in his hand, his face was calm and indifferent, and he did not know what he was thinking.

She nodded and said, "Well done! Come with me."

"Okay." Meng Xing bite the bullet and followed behind her.

Didn't she say that she would come to find her in the afternoon? Why are you here in the morning? Meng Xing had some doubts in his mind.

When the three guardians saw Xiao Yuluo, they were a little stunned, especially when they saw that she was not angry with Meng Xing's words. If they said this, I'm afraid they would have the heart to kill them.

Don't look at Xiao Yuluo who is usually soft and weak, but if he angers her, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Could it be that Meng Xing really hooked her heart away? How could a chopping wood disciple get her heart?

Or do we really not know how to get a woman's affection?

However, they did everything they were supposed to do, expressed great kindness and tolerance to Xiao Yuluo, and tried their best to flatter them, so why didn't they get it?

The three guardians suddenly felt defeated, a woman's heart is really a needle in the sea, unpredictable.

Meng Xing followed Xiao Yuluo, but found that she was walking down the mountain.

"Senior sister, what are we doing down the mountain?" Meng Xing asked after taking a few steps forward.

Since he crossed into this world, he has not been to the foot of the mountain. Every day he stays within the range of the disciples of Jianchi Peak's outer sect, and he has never been to other peaks of Zhenwuzong. He is simply an otaku among otaku.

"There was a big incident in a village at the foot of the mountain. Several villagers died silently. The county magistrate Zhukuai asked our Zhenwuzong for help, and I hope we can help find out the cause. I took this task and want to take you there. Experience." Xiao Yuluo said.

"Just the two of us? How many more?" Meng Xing asked. UU reading

"Others are already waiting for us at the foot of the mountain." Xiao Yuluo said.

[Do you want to receive the "Qinglian Burning Heaven Art" that you obtained this time? 】

The system pops up a prompt.


Meng Xing suddenly felt a mysterious message pouring into his mind. At the same time, a slightly hot breath rushed into his body, circulated in his body for a week, and then flowed into his dantian, opening a fire spirit in his dantian. pulse.

Meng Xing was already familiar with this kind of empowering method.

"Meng Xing, walk faster, don't dawdle." Xiao Yuluo turned around and glanced at Meng Xing, who was behind, and said.

"Senior sister, don't worry." Meng Xing said, walking slowly.

In my mind, I was comprehending the information that had just poured in. Qinglian Burning Heaven Art is a mid-level Xuan-level cultivation art. Is it stronger than Lei Yuan Tian Gang Art and Jing Shui Bo Yuan Art?

In these days of cultivation, the Lei Lingmai and the Shui Lingmai have also reached the seventh rank of the Condensation Realm, and their cultivation has actually surpassed Xiao Yuluo's sixth rank of the Condensation Realm, and it will take some time for the Fire Spirit Vessel to reach this level. practice.

However, this is not difficult for Meng Xing. With the two spiritual meridians as the basis, coupled with the improved physical quality, it will definitely be easier to cultivate.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, I saw three women and a man waiting there. Except for the young man who didn't know him, everyone else knew him.

The three women are Luo Yao, Zhou Ruoqing, and Ye Xuelian. These three seem to be a team of best friends, and they go all the way.

"Junior Sister Xiao, you are here!" The young man nodded with a smile and said.

"This is my senior brother Gu Qingzhuo, who is also a disciple of the chief elder of the Law Enforcement Hall." Xiao Yuluo introduced Meng Xing.