MTL - After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible-Chapter 18 , the case is clueless

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"Senior Brother Gu!" Meng Xing bowed his hands and said.

Gu Qingzhuo glanced at Meng Xing and nodded slightly, his eyes still looking at Xiao Yuluo with some fiery enthusiasm.

"It turned out to be Senior Sister Xiao's suitor. Senior Sister, there are a lot of people who like you. If a man marries you in the future, if he doesn't have enough strength to calm down the scene, wouldn't he be beaten to death? That man too Poor and sad." Meng Xing groaned inwardly.

"The three of them, Luo Yao, Zhou Ruoqing, and Ye Xuelian, you should already know." Xiao Yuluo continued to introduce Meng Xing.

[1. Salute to three people normally]

[2. Kneeling and licking Luo Yao, and said to her: "You are my dream lover, how about we get together?"]

[Third, said to Xiao Yuluo: "I already know them, and I plan to marry three of them in the future to enjoy the beauty."]

Meng Xing was suddenly shocked, this system is becoming more and more unreliable, this is trying to kill himself.

He is obviously not a scumbag, but this system wants to lead him on the path of a scumbag.

The embarrassing situation in the dining hall just now has not been completely eliminated. If he really chooses the second or third option in front of Xiao Yuluo, I am afraid she will really kill him. Well, not to be beaten to death by her, but also to be hated to death by her.

Meng Xing decisively chose the first option. Although the system's reward was attractive, he couldn't sell himself for this reward.

"Senior Sister Luo, Senior Sister Zhou, Senior Sister Ye!" Meng Xing bowed his hands to the three of them. He had no choice but to become a junior junior brother even if he was one or two years older than them.

[The task has been completed, get a random reward: Array +1]

Luo Yao nodded and said, "We already know each other."

The expression on his face was flat.

Zhou Ruoqing showed a smile and said, "Meng Xing, I didn't expect Senior Sister Xiao to ask you to come along. Senior Sister Xiao really values ​​you! Alright, let's have a look together."

His expression was very friendly, which made Meng Xing feel like a spring breeze.

Ye Xuelian glanced at him and said nothing.

Hearing Zhou Ruoqing's words, Gu Qingzhuo frowned slightly and said, "Junior Sister Xiao, what is his cultivation realm? Will it hold us back?"

"Three-level Open Pulse Realm. However, Meng Xing is very thoughtful about everything, and maybe he will help us. I will take care of him then, you can just do your own thing. Let's go, go there quickly. Look around the village."

After speaking, Xiao Yuluo left first.

Gu Qingzhuo wanted to say something, but seeing Xiao Yuluo like this, he obviously didn't want to hear what he had to say, so he had to hold back, so he followed behind.

Luo Yao's three women also followed.

Meng Xing shook his head and didn't take Gu Qingzhuo's words to heart. After all, it was normal for him to think so.

The six people walked fast all the way. Among the six people, Luo Yao, Zhou Ruoqing, and Ye Xue were all in the Open Pulse Realm. Although the cultivation base in the Open Vein Realm was only ninth rank, it was already the threshold for stepping into a martial artist, and their feet were faster than ordinary people.

Meng Xing was not in a hurry or slow, and followed closely behind. His cultivation was a little stronger than Xiao Yuluo and Gu Qingzhuo, but since he was clumsy, he naturally couldn't show it.

An hour later, I came to a small village in a nearby town, Huanglong Village. In this area, Xiao Yuluo and Gu Qingzhuo were very familiar, obviously they came here to fight for the righteousness.

There are hundreds of households in the village, which are close to the mountains and the water. Behind the village is a small mountain range, and in front of the village is a small river with a width of one zhang.

When the crowd came here, there were already three arresters waiting in front of the village. When they saw them, they were naturally very polite and went forward to salute.

One of them, Li Zhukuai, described what happened in the village. Just ten days ago, there was a murder case here. Five people were killed in one night, all of them were beaten to death. No one screamed, and it was all discovered the next day.

"Where are the corpses?" Gu Qingzhuo asked.

"The villagers were afraid that the body would stink if it was left for too long, so they buried it after three days," Li Zhukuai said.

"Have you found any clues?" Gu Qingzhuo asked again.

"No, I have no clue. We have been inspecting here for ten days, and we haven't found anything unusual at all. It's like a ghost. Seeing that we are about to leave, I can't wait to ask you for help, I hope you can Help." Li Zhukuai said.

"Has anyone here been from somewhere else lately?"

"No, the people who live here are all the old villagers from generation to generation, and no one comes here." Li Zhukuai replied.

Gu Qingzhuo didn't see anything to ask, so he took everyone to check around the village, and even went to the homes of five dead people to ask some things.

After some inspections, everyone was at a loss and had no clue.

However, Meng Xing triggered a lot of options and gained a lot of skill attributes.

"Not bad, not bad. The place where the disciples of the outer sect of Jianchi Peak have been visited, and the triggering system is getting more and more difficult. This is a good way to go down the mountain." Meng Xing was satisfied.

"Meng Xing, is there any way you can find out?" Xiao Yuluo asked.

"There is no way." Meng Xing shook his head.

"However, those five people are all lazy people. They idle around in the village all day long and like to fight with people. It is possible that they hated people and died of vendetta." Meng Xing pondered for a while and said.

"What else?" Xiao Yuluo continued to ask.

"All five of them were killed by one palm, which means that the one who killed them was probably a warrior, and at least not lower than the third-order of the Open Pulse Realm, in order to be so clean and neat. UU Reading" Meng Xing said.

"Of course, it is also possible for people who practice other systems, such as cultivating demons or building foundations."

Xiao Yuluo's eyes brightened, and he said, "In this way, the scope of our inspections is much smaller. Recently, someone from the red-clothed Demon Sect has appeared on Jianchi Peak. Is it possible that they are from the Red-clothed Demon Sect?"

"It's possible. It's a pity that the body has been buried, and we can't find anything more." Meng Xing said.

Luo Yao's three women glanced at Meng Xing, but they didn't expect him to be able to analyze so much information.

Gu Qingzhuo said: "These are actually not difficult to analyze. The important thing is how we find the murderer. Ten days have passed, and it is even more difficult to find."

"Actually, it's not that there is no clue." Meng Xing said.

"What else did you find?" Xiao Yuluo asked with some shortness of breath.

"Brother Chakuai, please call the village leader. I have something to ask him." Meng Xing said.

"Okay." A catcher left here, and soon, an old man about sixty years old was called.

"You young heroes, it's hard for you to come here to investigate the case. Such a big thing has happened, and now the villagers are uneasy and can't live in peace. I hope you will solve the case as soon as possible. The old man is very grateful!" salute said.

"We'll do our best, don't worry, old man." Meng Xing said, helping the village up.

"This is good, this is good." Muramasa said quickly.

"By the way, old man, has anyone here left the village in recent years? Or has anyone died?" Meng Xing asked.

The villager thought about it and said, "Most of the villagers in our village actually live and work in peace and contentment, and rarely leave. But..."