MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 3 : It's really going to be released this time!

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"System, extract ten slaps from the ghosts."

【Successful in extracting the Ten Slaps for Slaying Ghosts, you will automatically practice the first-level palm technique for the host. 】

With the same memory instillation, a brand new palm technique appeared in Lin Chen's mind. The records were very detailed, and Lin Chen already knew the first palm in his heart. As long as his mind moved, he could use his internal force or ghost power to hold the palm. Law urged.

Lin Chen left the house and found a deserted place outside.


He put his palms in front of his chest, the ghost power in his body circulated, and he slashed his palms in front of him.

In an instant, a cloudy wind blew up, with Lin Chen as the center, a black palm wind that could be clearly seen in the dark appeared, charged towards the empty space in front of it with a cold and fierce force, until it reached dozens of meters. After that, the palm wind slowly weakened and finally dissipated into the air.

However, the green grass in front of Lin Chen had been opened up into a large open space with dozens of square meters.

Lin Chen was overjoyed.

You must know that the open space on the ground is only caused by the remnants of the wind, and Lin Chen's palm was not aimed at the ground.

If this palm hits the ghost, I am afraid that a middle-aged Tsing Yi-level ghost like Xiang Tsing Yi will not even be left with scum.

This trick of surrendering ghosts is a big deal, so use it with caution in the future.

Such a precious thing as a ghost, it would be too much of a loss if you killed it...

Lin Chen walked around the field again, and after not finding any ghosts, he returned home in the early hours of the morning.

On the way, Lin Chen ate three physical fruits and five spiritual fruits.

This kind of fruit is collectively referred to as the basic attribute fruit by Lin Chen.

However, most of Lin Chen's current strength is derived from this, but for Lin Chen, the improvement brought by the current basic attribute fruit is already very small.

In the beginning, a fruit increased Lin Chen's attributes by 10 points, and then it gradually became 9 points and 8 points. Now a basic fruit can basically only increase his attributes by 2 points.

Constitution: 176

Spirit: 160

At this point, after all the rewards have been digested.

Lin Chen climbed onto the bed and fell asleep after a while.

Silent all night.

The next day, as soon as Lin Chen opened his eyes, he picked up the invitation letter of the thriller game and looked at it.


There's still half a day left.

After Lin Chen thought about it, he turned on the computer, connected to the wifi upstairs, and searched the Internet.

Search: "Thriller Game"

Thriller! A middle-aged woman plays games with a dog at home!

Lin Chen: "…"

Search: "Ghost restaurant"

Web page: too fierce! Centipedes are found in the dishes, this restaurant is a genius to eat!

Lin Chen: "…"

Search: "Ghosts write letters."

Search: "The time that moves on the letter."

Lin Chen searched all the words that could be related, but found nothing.

The letter stated that he was the lucky number 59. Lin Chen guessed that there were probably nearly 60 people who also received similar letters.

However, online, but could not find any clues.

This base is not a popular thing.

However, if a normal person receives a letter with an automatic countdown timer, combined with the strange text on the invitation letter, I am afraid that they would have been frightened to call the police and cause chaos.

"Am I thinking too much? It's not that more than 50 people received invitations at the same time. Does the number 59 represent that this ghost is going to kill the 59th person?"

"But what level of ghost is it? The letter sent, with the ghost power in the letter, it is difficult to find the strength of the ghost behind it, I am afraid it is very likely to be Red!"

Red clothes are ghosts higher than Tsing Yi.

The system once released the price range of ghosts, and Lin Chen learned about the realm of ghosts from above.

But he has never seen a ghost like a red-clothed-level ghost, and even the Tsing-clothed-level ghost has only caught 20 or so over the years.

There are too few ghosts in this world! It always gave Lin Chen the feeling of crossing the wrong world or bound to the wrong system.

But the invitation letter for this thriller game has greatly aroused Lin Chen's interest.

With a physique of 176, coupled with Yijinjing and ten slaps for descending ghosts, Lin Chen would not be afraid even in red.

The next day, Lin Chen stayed at home, while playing the online game of escape room escape from the recent fire, while killing time, waiting for the end of the countdown on the invitation letter.

The time of the day is fleeting.

It wasn't until half an hour before the countdown that Lin Chen got up and left the house.

Back in the wild again.

If after the countdown is over, a Specter comes to the door, here, he doesn't need to worry about not being able to let go.

After all, the invitation letter only stated that he would be a waiter, and there was no explanation for other locations. Maybe a ghost would appear and lead him to the destination.

Lin Chen sat quietly on a stone, waiting for the countdown to end.


There are ten minutes left.





At the end of the countdown, Lin Chen opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely sharp, and the whole person was tense, like a beast in the mountains that sensed danger!

The internal force is agitated, and the ghost energy spreads!

Exudes a breathtaking breath.

He put one hand in front of his chest, ready to slap one palm to subdue ghosts and ten slaps at any time.


The surroundings were silent, nothing changed, only a wisp of breeze blowing gently.

Lin Chen: "???"

Where's the ghost?

Lin Chen hurriedly looked at the invitation letter of the thriller game again, and found that after the countdown reached zero, this very strange looking invitation letter became very ordinary.

"Is this a prank?"

Lin Chen's face turned dark, and he felt like he was being played.

at this time! A strong suction came from the invitation letter in his hand, as if to **** Lin Chen into it. UU Reading

Lin Chen subconsciously used all his strength to resist, however, his most confident physique had no resistance under this suction.

I saw Lin Chen's figure was instantly sucked in by the invitation letter, and after that, the seemingly ordinary invitation letter slowly dissipated.

In the colorful light, Lin Chen spins uncontrollably.

After about a few breaths, a down-to-earth feeling came, and Lin Chen's body also regained control.

He opened his eyes, and his face was suddenly shocked, because the scene in front of him had changed!

A moment ago, it was still a lush, spring-like mountain forest.

The next moment was replaced by a very elegantly decorated restaurant, but the light was dim and yellow.

In the dining room, the red tables and chairs seemed to be stained with blood, and the lighting on the roof was filled with human skulls, which was eerie.

There is a faint smell of blood in the air, as well as an extremely rich Yin Qi!

Around Lin Chen stood a stunned human being, and everyone's expressions were basically shocked and frightened.

The other fifty or so people who received invitations?

Lin Chen just glanced at these humans, and then put his eyes on the ghosts who were staring at them with greed and strange eyes.

Tsing Yi ghost, one, two, three, four, five... ten, eleven...


so much?

Is that the ghost in red?

The first time he saw the red-clothed ghost, Lin Chen was so excited that he was almost gasping for breath.

Red-clothed Specter, the price ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 Divine Coins!

Lin Chen looked at each of the ugly and ferocious ghosts with fiery heart, and could not wait to look up to the sky and laugh.

It's a holy place! I am rich!