MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 489 : Respect me like a Buddha, fear me like a demon.

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Under the sun, that figure appeared in everyone's sight.

The people around have gathered more and more, and the major organizations and high-level executives in blue clothes rushed here immediately.

They looked up.

Lin Chen restrained his breath and faced the public. He took a deep breath and recovered his own state.

All the splendor disappeared, leaving only Lin Chen standing in the void.

There was silence below, like a pilgrimage. Some people were sweating and breathing quickly due to tension and excitement, but they didn't make any unnecessary noises.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

In the past, Lin Chen, perhaps in order to save his life, or because he disliked certain players, had various frictions with them.

Now, although he wouldn't say that he let go of his grievances, he was somewhat bearish. Before the righteousness of Blue Star's destruction, he would not be so wise to protect himself.

It's time to do something.

Before refining Shenjing, Lin Chen already had some plans.

Now he said directly:

"Now, I have become an eight-star good fortune player. The light of the gods shines on the world. Wherever I go, the legs of the evil spirits. Wherever I look, the evil spirits are terrified. The so-called ghost disasters are no longer scary."

"Even if it scares the other side of the world, ghosts still respect me as they respect Buddha, and fear me as they fear demons."

Lin Chen said this sentence out of emotion, but the latter is true, and indeed many people know it.

Lin Chen's reputation has already spread to Blue Star in the horror world.

There is the notoriety of little ghosts stopping crying. When you hear that there are morning haunts, the streets may be full of quiet, and the evil ghosts dare not go out alone.

It's just that this so-called notoriety, from Blue Star's point of view, is the best reputation.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen excitedly. Lin Chen's words had a full sense of substitution, which made people believe, agree with, and feel inspired from the bottom of their hearts.

"Li Shen is actually an eight star!"

"It's too strong. I heard that Li Shen brought all the members back in the six-star dungeon and got an SSS rating. It's only been a few days, and he even crossed two levels!"

"Haha! Li Shen is right. With Li Shen here, evil spirits are no longer scary. Just like what Zhou Zu said at the beginning, darkness wants to cover the blue star, but there will be a blazing sun rising in the darkness, a brilliant day , illuminating the sky, dispelling all darkness!"

The popularity on the Internet is almost full, and various servers continue to explode, but it still cannot alleviate the enthusiasm of the world.

The invasion of evil spirits is related to everyone, and so is Lin Chen's strength and attitude.

"Next, everyone doesn't need to care about my own actions. I have a series of plans to keep Blue Star safe, and I want to become a team member.

To attract elite players from all over the world, from all over the world, from one star to six stars, those who are willing to join, and those who pass the selection, will become a team exclusively under me.

You will be trained by me, and I will also give you top-level equipment and methods to quickly improve your strength, turning into a sharp knife, cutting through the darkness covering the blue star! "

When the words fell, the whole world fell into an uproar.

People who longed for Lin Chen, those who wanted to gain more power, and those who hated evil ghosts, those who had hatred for ghosts, etc., were all excited to the extreme.

"I'm going! Li Shen takes me."

"I have the power to hide ghosts! Although I am not as good as Li Shen, I can still be regarded as a genius. I want to go."

"I have extraordinary physique and special means."

"I can trap evil spirits, it is a necessary talent!"

World Channel, Blue Star's major media, everyone fell into madness.

Lin Chenzhi's strength is difficult to calculate with common sense. The white thunder method, special energy, extremely fast speed, and invincible strength.

They all know that this is a huge opportunity, if they can enter this group, they will be able to see a wider sky.

Zhou Geng also came. Seeing Lin Chen at this time, he was so excited that he almost shed tears!

Blue Star is finally out!

Lin Chen finally grew up and turned into a giant, supporting the sky.

At this moment, his back was no longer so straight, not because he was discouraged, but because he relaxed the tightness all the time.

he won't be so tired...

Feeling the favor of the world, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

This is Lin Chen's idea. In fact, Blue Star's evil spirits are still entering. He himself needs to go to the horror world to develop, so Blue Star's power still needs to be armed.

And these ghosts, can't be wasted...

It's also a win-win.

The members of the so-called Sharp Knife Team all need a suit that can catch ghosts, which can more easily eliminate the ghost of the blue star and at the same time obtain more ghost goods for him.

Of course, for Blue Star, he will not be stingy, and will give a share ratio. Low-level ghosts can exchange for ghost power fruit, physical fruit, and spiritual fruit.

For high-level ghosts, Lin Chen can give Shenjing.

Lanxing's ghosts may be limited, but Lin Chen will not underestimate the gains in Lanxing, because in addition to Lanxing, there are various dungeons, and Chen De's help in the dungeons.

Speaking of which, it has been three or two days since Chen De entered the horror world, and it is estimated that there will be a big move soon.

According to Lin Chen's understanding, Chen De, who has obtained some authority, can directly select new players to enter the dungeon, and provide appropriate help to the players in the dungeon.

It can be said that from today, Bluestar will enter a stage of rapid growth.

And it was Lin Chen and Chen De who brought all of this.

Lin Chen left directly after finishing what he had to say, while Chong Lan stayed here, using the method of time, and spent a lot of effort to restore the villa.

Going back in time is not easy.

The more extraordinary the recovered object is, the longer it takes, the greater the power it needs to consume.

Because this is a means against the sky.

At least for Chonglan, a true king, it took a long time to restore an ordinary villa with the power of time.

Of course, this is not to say that Chong Lan really made a contribution to Blue Star, but that his divine crystal is still below, that is his life!

Kyoto headquarters.

Lin Chen sat on the main seat, and Zhou Geng, Duan Jibo and others had already gathered beside him.

It's not that Lin Chenke occupies the main seat, but because of his strength. If he wants to sit in the guest seat, no one will feel at ease.

One by one, six-star players rushed to the scene.

The meeting room is not small, and the huge tabletop alone can accommodate more than a hundred people.

The decoration is also neat and gorgeous, and the environment is very good.

"Boy Chen, I thought you were extraordinary from the very beginning. My sister still misses the friendship you took care of us in the deserted village. I feel that she might have a crush on you. Do you want to communicate?" Duan Jibo said cheekily.

He has a good friendship with Lin Chen, and he knows Lin Chen's character, so he is not too reserved. On the other hand, the other six-star bosses are obviously nervous, especially the six-stars from other countries. Seeing Lin Chen is like meeting an emperor. Generally, a constant salute.

It feels like all nations are coming to Korea.

"You didn't have this attitude before. You put the two of us aside when you slept, like a wolf guard, and if you talk like this, aren't you afraid that your sister will find out and settle the score for you?"

Before the meeting officially started, Lin Chen also laughed. The attitude of him at the fortune level and the ghost king's level towards his friends has not changed at all.

"She looks young, but in fact she is in her thirties, and I do it for her own good, otherwise I won't be able to get married." Duan Jibo said cheerfully.

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing either.

Not long after, Zhou Geng spoke up and said, "Li Shen, the people who have been contacted are basically ready, let's start the meeting."

As the occasion became more formal, Zhou Geng also called Lin Chen directly by Li Shen.

He cooperated with Duan Jibo, one expressed his closeness to Lin Chen, and the other expressed his respect and support for Lin Chen, for the sake of all countries and forces.

The minds of these big guys are like a hornet's nest

Like, one more than one.

"Don't, don't, take me, don't leave me behind!"

A voice sounded first, and as the space fluctuated, a figure teleported into the room.

"Xu Renfeng!"

As soon as this person came out, everyone's expressions changed, either in surprise or surprise, because the ghost power on this person had reached the seven-star power.

It was actually the second human above six stars of Blue Star.

Lin Chen also recognized it. Although it was the first time they met, Zeng Jiang also saw the portraits of the top powerhouses at Zhou Geng's place. Xu Renfeng was recognized as the number one among the six stars. Three years ago, he proposed to find a way. The person who completes his own path and then breaks through to Seven Stars.

Unexpectedly, he really succeeded.

"Mr. Xu, you succeeded!" Zhou Geng stood up in surprise.

Xu Renfeng has made great contributions to Blue Star. He first discovered that the flesh and blood of the Yin Beast in Banjie Mountain is very useful for player improvement, and he never hides his secrets, so he is very respected.

Especially since he was the only son of the former Blue Star founder!

His identity, deeds, contribution, and strength are all far superior to others, and even Lin Chen took a high look.

"It's not easy. After three years, I finally broke through to Seven Stars. I thought I was number one in Blue Stars. I didn't expect someone to be one step ahead, and even reached Eight Stars..."

Xu Renfeng smiled wryly, but there was no depression on his face, but he looked at Lin Chen with piercing eyes, full of appreciation and admiration.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I'm just lucky..."

"This is treating me as an outsider, Li Shen, I also know what you said in front of the public, well said! Very good! Simply put, I recognize you very much, so I come to join in the fun and give my all to support you "Xu Renfeng said with a smile.

Lin Chen was taken aback, he didn't expect this person to be so proficient, and he was so enthusiastic when we first met.

At this moment, Zhou Geng's sound transmission came to his ears.

"He has always been like this... In terms of merit, he is worthy of everyone's admiration, but you may not know that few people have too deep a relationship with him... Especially when working with him, even I am very careful when getting along with him. "

"Is he a pious person? One thing on the surface, another thing on the other side?" Lin Chen frowned, but he didn't care too much. Even if this person had other thoughts in his heart, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Seven stars only...

"No, his enthusiasm is real! And he will become more and more enthusiastic. There is absolutely nothing to say about his He also guards Blue Star seriously and pays more than anyone else, but he... He doesn't want to die."

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen was stunned.

"Why did he know that the flesh and blood of Yin Beasts can be restored? Because he rushed to the front in the Banjie Mountain. Although this is admirable, but at that time, the plan had not been announced, so he rushed over, alone!"

"Among all his dungeons, he is studying routines and rules, and he has never been cautious, but proactively probing. For example, you once entered a painting of No. 9 Mental Hospital! Ben, there is a That little blue pill that hits the brain, right?"

Lin Chen nodded.

"If he is here, and on the premise that the little blue pill is limited, he probably can eat the No. 9 mental hospital and go bankrupt!"

Lin Chen: "..."

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