MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 511 : Ghost brother, borrow the ghost body for 1 use.

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The danger of the ghost market seems to come from the night.

The whole afternoon was spent in peace.

Of course, Lin Chen was not completely idle, but used the dream function to check the ghost body laboratory again.

Although the ghost body laboratory does not have the macroscopic **** crystal like the mining area.

But this place is too mysterious, Lin Chen has always had a premonition that here, he can get far more than just a simple crystal.

So this time, Lin Chen used the dream function back and forth, and he just consumed five thousand gods' coins, which is definitely not a small price.

But it also gave him a certain understanding of the various areas of the ghost body laboratory.

There are thirty-three layers of space.

The space on each floor is extremely wide, at least Lin Chen did not detect all the edge positions in a certain floor.

The first time Lin Chen used the dream function to enter the ghost body laboratory, the place he was randomly teleported to was the tenth floor, and happened to go to the eleventh floor, where he saw the so-called experimental area.

Otherwise, if you simply go down, the goal will only be the transparent containers that seal the evil spirits one by one.

The ghost body laboratory, although listening to those researchers talk, the demand for ghosts is very great.

But in fact, after Lin Chen went down ten floors this time, he was shocked to find out how many ghosts there are!

The bottom ten floors are all forbidding experimental subjects!

On the fifth to tenth floors, there are ghosts of all grades from Tsing Yi to Ghost King.

And below the fifth floor, the ghost king, palace, fortune, Tongtian, and... ghosts and gods are respectively sealed off!

Even today's Lin Chen felt an indescribable shock when he saw the deepest layer, when there were thousands of transparent containers filled with ghosts and gods!

From this, it can be seen that the power of the ghost body laboratory is by no means weaker than that of the cemetery of the gods and the club of the heavens.

On the tenth floor, it is divided into the test area, data area, pharmaceutical material area, business management area, manager area, etc.

The test area is the area where Lin Chen has seen a ghost body laboratory before. It also has ten floors, and there are countless laboratories on each floor.

There are only three floors in the data area, but the ancient books contained in it are extremely vast. Rows of bookshelves record all kinds of ghost materials.

Lin Chen spent most of the magic coins in this dream, and most of them were spent in this area.

Because he was looking for materials related to ghosts.

Unfortunately, he didn't find it.

This point can only be asked after the intersection with the ghost body laboratory afterwards.

As for the rest of the time, Lin Chen mostly stayed in the so-called business area. Here, Lin Chen successfully found some partners to cooperate with.

It's just that he doesn't have ghost storage on him, so he didn't show up directly.


The night began to spread, covering the ghost city, making the originally gloomy environment gradually enter deeper darkness.

It wasn't late at night, and it wasn't time for those ghosts hiding in the dark to come out.

Therefore, the tenants here do not need to be wary of anything for the time being.

On the contrary, many ghosts came out of the room and gathered downstairs to taste delicious food.

This is the home field of ghosts, so it is self-evident what they eat, even though it is separated by a wall with some power of rules.

Lin Chen could smell the blood coming from downstairs.

Not only the smell of blood, but also a strong resentment, this smell is very pungent and disgusting.

Even Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, then narrowed his eyes slightly, got up and walked out of the room.

As soon as he went out, the door of the opposite room suddenly opened.

The old ghost and the two young ghosts came out one after another.

After seeing Lin Chen, the three ghosts were taken aback for a moment, then the old ghost shook his head lightly, and did not have any more words with Lin Chen.

As for the other two young ghosts, they snorted softly.

no more

Pay attention to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't care about this at all. In fact, in his eyes, whether it was the three ghosts or the other two female ghosts who were walking with them, they had a lot of resentment.

It was "meat".

Once you encounter this kind of ghost, you will have to be sent to another kind of life sooner or later. Since the other party is unwilling to communicate with him, he will not have any relationship with these friends. Affection.

The three ghosts knocked on the door of the two female ghosts' rooms, and finally the five ghosts went downstairs together.

The **** smell below seemed to stimulate the desires of many ghosts.


There are about twenty figures gathered here.

Among them, the weakest one is just the ghost king, but the strongest are the two good fortune ghosts, one of whom exudes the high-level ghost power of good luck, no wonder the old good fortune ghost with the ghost power of the legendary ghost species is cautious.

In front of these ghosts, wine glasses were placed, filled with scarlet liquid, and the blood was pungent.

On the table, there were pieces of **** human flesh, complete arms, and fleshy leg bones, and even in front of the good fortune ghost, there was a ferocious head full of fear.

Before the man died, he seemed to have encountered something terrible. Even though his head was sawed off by a ghost, the despair in his eyes still did not dissipate.

Instead, it permanently retained the look that the evil spirits like most.

For ghosts, this is undoubtedly an exquisite way of "setting the plate".

The ghosts did not make any noise.

Tasting their respective "food" quietly, only the slight chewing sound came from the mouths of each ghost.

But it was this silence that made the atmosphere even more eerie.

After the five ghosts came down, they also didn't make much noise. They found a seat by the side very low-key, and secretly looked at the other ghosts.

In fact, the strength of the ghosts downstairs is not overwhelming for them, but this is a ghost market they are extremely afraid of, so they seem a little cautious.

In fact, not only these five ghosts, but also other ghosts, otherwise, this "feast" would not be so deserted.

"Hee hee, the five guests have come down, do you need a meal?" Leng Ying kid glanced at Lin Chen, and then ran to greet the five ghosts in the corner without saying a word.

Obviously very dissatisfied with Lin Chen's behavior during the day.

"Hmm... let's have some fresh human meat."

The old ghost nodded.

"Is it the player's flesh and blood or a mortal?" Leng Ying's eyes lit up.

The value of human flesh is not low. As a member of this store, he naturally hopes to gain more benefits from these temporary tenants.

"Do you have the flesh and blood of Samsung players?"

"I just bought half of them today!" Leng Ying said with a smile.

"Okay, it's best to cut it raw. After cooking, it will affect the taste of human meat."

Hearing the words, the old ghost also showed a smile, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes, and he bought five copies.

Not only him, but the other two men and two women also subconsciously licked the drunk, showing anticipation.

Although the ghost market is dangerous, it has to be said that there are indeed many resources. In Yinhuangzhou, human flesh and blood are very precious and rare, but in this ghost market, you can buy them at will, which is enough to show the strength of the ghost market.

It is precisely this huge benefit that drives countless ghosts to go deep into the ghost market.

After the five ghosts finished ordering, Leng Ying turned around and came to Lin Chen, asking the same question.

"Have a cup of ghost blood, two marinated ghost heads, four charcoal-grilled ghost kidneys, ten ghost big bones with sauce, and you need good fortune."

As soon as this statement came out.

There was a real silence in the whole inn.

All the ghost's movements stopped, even the slight chewing sound disappeared, and they all turned their heads, looking straight at Lin Chen.

The old man waited for the five ghosts, and couldn't help showing a look of astonishment, and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

what does he want to eat


As for Leng Ying who took the initiative to ask Lin Chen about his needs, he froze on the spot.

Lin Chen didn't care about the eyes of other ghosts at all, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he looked directly at Leng Ying and said, "Can't you understand what I said? Do you want me to repeat it again?"

It was only then that Leng Ying seemed to have come to his senses, and his face darkened:

"Guest officer, I'm afraid it's hard to meet your needs. The ghost body is actually a condensed body of Yin Qi, ghost blood, and the flesh body is just a manifestation, but it is actually an invisible thing. When the ghost body is cut , the part that is out of the body will continue to dissipate with the passage of time, and finally become nothing, how can it be made into food for you?"

"Then why don't you just get some fresh ones? Even if it's the ghost blood of a vicious god, it will take enough time to dissipate. What's more, what I want is the flesh and blood of the good fortune ghost. Can't you even do this well? "Lin Chen reasoned as he should.

He naturally knew about ghosts.

"Shihua ghost? Officials, can you afford the flesh and blood of the good fortune ghost? Can you really afford enough ghost scarves? This is a ghost market. As long as the deal is reached, there is no possibility of breach of contract. The consequences are not the price. I can do it." I'll bear it." Leng Yingxiaogui showed a sneer on his face, and there seemed to be a hint of disdain.

"Make an offer." Lin Chen said indifferently.

"200 billion ghost coins, guest officer, I forgot to tell you, in our inn, since you asked the price on the table to order, as long as the price of the ingredients is not too unreasonable, it means that the transaction has already started That means you have to take out the money now." Leng Yingxiaogui sneered.

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of all ghosts.

All the ghosts looked at Lin Chen with different eyes, some were surprised, some were wary, and some ghosts suddenly showed a sneering sneer after thinking about it for a while. Come. At this moment, Lin Chen directly took out a silver bracelet and slapped it on the table.


The sudden sound even frightened many ghosts into shivering.

This is a storage space.

Seeing this, all the ghosts subconsciously used their mental power to investigate.

The next moment, his expression changed!

"Money! A lot of money."

"There are so many ghost coins? 200 billion must be enough."

"Is he crazy? Take 200 billion ghost coins to buy ghost's flesh?" All the ghosts couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lin Chen looked at Leng Ying and said with a smile, "Take the money and bring me the things."

200 billion ghost coins are a lot, which is almost all the wealth of a good fortune.

The flesh and blood of ghosts that Lin Chen wants are at least the lives of two good-for-nothing ghosts.

Because the legs can regenerate, the complete head cannot survive after being cut off.

In this way, the price is still reasonable.

"I..." Leng Ying's expression changed.

If he wants human flesh and blood here, it may be easy, but the flesh and blood of ghosts will not be stored at all, let alone ghosts of the good fortune level.

What he said before was nothing more than deliberately embarrassing what Lin Chen had said before, and it was nothing more than a statement.

But he never expected that Lin Chen would hand out so much money without blinking.

"What? Didn't you say that once the transaction starts, you can't interrupt or refuse it? I've already given you the money you asked for. Are you going to violate the rules you set yourself now?"

Lin Chen sneered.

The cold baby kid was sweating profusely. What he had always been proud of was that, as a member of the ghost market, he enjoyed all the protection and convenience brought by the rules of the ghost market.

But at this time, if he violated the rules of the ghost market, then his next fate can be imagined.

If the deal could not be reached, even if Lin Chen violently shot him to death, no one would come out to stop him, let alone say a word to him.

Lin Chen's eyes began to have a dangerous cold light, and he looked at Leng Ying unceremoniously, as if he was also waiting, as long as the kid said no, he would not be polite.

Love playing with the rules, huh?

Then let's play together.

The last thing Lin Chen lacks is ghost coins!

Leng Ying's body trembled, and he couldn't help taking a step back, his face became paler and paler, he could already feel that he was firmly locked in by Lin Chen's breath!

The whole room became silent again.

All ghosts are watching this scene.

The heart is extremely shocked.

It is not uncommon for merchants in the ghost market to use rules to suppress customers, but customers use rules to suppress merchants in turn. This is definitely the first time I have seen it!

At this critical moment, a pleasant voice sounded.

"Leng Ying, since the guest officer needs something, you can satisfy it. It's just two good fortune-level ghosts. Even if you can't get it today, can't you get it tomorrow?"

Leng Ying's expression relaxed, as if seeing a savior, he turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

Lin Chen also raised his head.

I saw the glamorous female ghost proprietress who suddenly appeared at an unknown time, standing at the staircase, and staring at me with a smile on her face.

"What I want is the spot stock. You only raised the money, but it didn't say that you don't have any surviving goods in your hands. Lin Chen doesn't intend to end this matter so simply.

This ghost's flesh and blood, he is going to order it today!

"Guest officer, since that's the case, we can also cancel this transaction, because although the conditions can be met, you are not satisfied. This is in line with the rules of the ghost market. As for the cold baby kid, I will ask him to apologize to you and send you an apology. How about waiving your room fee for three days?" The proprietress laughed.

This ghost is not simple.

This is something that all the ghosts present are well aware of.

Being able to establish a foothold in this terrifying ghost city and open an inn has already said everything. Maybe if it was another ghost, they would find a step and come down after hearing the words.

But Lin Chen was naturally different. He sneered and said, "If an apology is useful, why do you need rules? I have already given out the money, and you have to take out the ghost blood and ghost meat you promised. Why, you want to play a shop bully That set?"

The proprietress couldn't help sighing when she heard this.

She seemed a little helpless, and finally walked down the stairs.

She didn't wear any shoes under her slender beautiful legs, and her snow-white jade feet touched the wooden boards, giving people a sense of guilt like a fairy stained with dust, and the sound of footsteps attracted the attention of all ghosts.

After the proprietress went downstairs, she didn't go to look for Lin Chen, but went to the five ghosts that Lin Chen guessed were from the legendary family. She was a little surprised at the old man who was found for some reason, and said with a ghostly smile:

"Guest officer, UU Reading, you live in the same room with three ghosts. In fact, this does not fully meet the requirements of our store. I believe you know this, so I can't treat you as a ghost. If you are a real customer, then please use the ghost body."

As soon as the words fell, the old ghost's expression changed, sensing danger, the ghost power of the Creation-level legendary ghost species suddenly exploded.

This kind of power was extremely terrifying, and when it exploded suddenly, the entire downstairs hall became icy cold, as if entering the Shura field.

However, the face of the glamorous proprietress did not change at all, she only faced the ghostly power of the old man, stretched out her plain hand and grabbed the old man's head easily.

"Wood ghosts, legendary ghost species, are extraordinary, but since they can reach the fortune level, no one is easy."

Accompanied by the whisper of the proprietress.

The violent ghost power in the inn dissipated in an instant like a burst balloon.

"Leng Ying, take it to the kitchen, let the kitchen deal with it, first give this customer a ghost."

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