MTL - After Abusing Me: Brothers Cried and Begged For Forgiveness-Chapter 317

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  The man's eyes fell on Lu Fei.

  Lu Fei directly ignored the angry eyes of the other party.

  There were big waves on the stage, and the woman's smile became more intense.

  The price of this bag of medicine powder is higher than she imagined.

   I just don’t know where the little girl got the medicine powder from?

  If you can know this channel.

  The reputation of their auction will definitely be even louder.

  The big wave woman suddenly had a plan in mind.

   It seems that this girl still has some value.

  I'll see if I can get the source of this bag of medicine powder out of the little girl's mouth later.

   "Sure enough, this is the boss's battlefield?"

   "With this money, I might as well save it and buy two more women."

   "Maybe 20 million yuan is nothing to others."

   "Who do you think this bag of medicine powder will end up in? It's probably the man in the corner, right? Didn't you see that the man in the front didn't ask for a price?"

  Of course the man heard these words.

  He squeezed his fist, always feeling that these words made him unable to step down.

   When was Shao Li ever looked down upon outside?

   But 20 million did make him hesitate.

  He did not bring much money with him this time.

  The chattering voices of the crowd fell on the man's ears.

   But he took it as a mocking remark.

  The man gritted his teeth: "Twenty-one million!"

   This is his last stubbornness.

  Lu Fei did not expect that someone would follow suit.

  He is getting impatient now.

   He even wondered in his heart, is this person deliberately against him?

  Obviously he guessed right that the other party was against him.

   "Twenty-five million."

   When Lu Fei said this number, he took a special look at the man in front of him.

  Any fool can see that the reason why Lu Fei bid this price is not just for the hemostatic powder.

   More to humiliate the man.

  The man sat down on the chair decadently upon hearing this.

  He stopped bidding.

  He is not a fool.

  He can also see that he can't afford to provoke the other party.

   After all, the other party can output 25 million numbers casually.

   Then it means that the other party does not lack this money at all.

   May I ask, how could he afford to provoke such a person?

  The man sat on the chair with a gloomy expression.

  The auction has just begun.

   This incident made him very unhappy.

  The female partner saw that the men were not happy.

   Quickly squeezed his leg: "Young Master Li, I heard that there will be a pearl necklace worn by the European royal family later, can you buy it for them?"

   "This bag of broken medicine powder is neither edible nor drinkable. Why pay so much for it?"

  Hearing what his girlfriend said, the man's expression finally eased a bit.

   It seems to have found a step.

   After completing the transaction, Lu Fei finally got the medicine powder he had been longing for.

  But what he was even more curious about was, who was the person who provided this bag of medicine powder?

   After all, as long as you find the person who provided this bag of medicine powder, maybe he will be able to know the formula of this bag of medicine powder.

  Even if the other party is unwilling to speak, he still has a way to make the other party speak.

  Lu Fei couldn't help following the big wave woman.

  He knew that this woman with big waves was the boss behind this auction.

   Presumably this woman must know where the self-contained medicine powder came from.

  Lu Fei watched with his own eyes this wavy woman take away a little girl at the auction site.

  Of course he chose to follow.

   "Little friend, your name is Gu Yan, right?"

  The big wave woman used the most gentle voice in her life.

   I never thought that the person I want to please in this life is not a man but a child.

  Thinking of this big wave woman, I feel a little dumbfounded.

  But when she thought of her plan, she still chose to let go of her figure.

  Gu Yan nodded.

   I don’t know what kind of medicine is sold in this big wave woman’s gourd?

   "Just now you saw that the medicinal powder in your hand has attracted everyone's attention."

   "Where did you get this medicinal powder? My sister can buy it for you. As long as you can provide my elder sister with these medicinal powders, or if you tell my elder sister where these medicinal powders come from, my elder sister will let you out."

  If it were any other child, they might have already been fooled.

  But Gu Yan has experienced twists and turns in several lifetimes.

  How could it be so easy to be fooled by these words?

   This woman with big waves sees the value in her.

  If she told the source of the powder.

   It is absolutely impossible for a woman with big waves to let her go.

   And it is impossible for her to tell this woman that she made the powder.

   After all, the big wave woman knows this.

   might see her as an emotionless healing machine.

  Gu Yan looked at the big wave woman in a daze: "Those brother gave them to me, and I don't know where my brother bought them from."

   Want a powder?

   Go find her brother.

  The light that had just glowed in the eyes of the big wave woman went out again.

   "The kid who is your brother?"

  Gu Yan sweetly said Shen Qianfan's name.

  Hearing these words, the big wave woman nodded.

"okay, I get it."

   After speaking, he turned and left.

   I don't know whether to investigate Shen Qianfan's identity, or what to do.

   After seeing the big wave woman leave.

   Lufei, who had been hiding in the corner, came out.

  Because they were a little far away just now, he didn't hear the conversation between the two of them clearly.

  But he vaguely heard news about the medicine powder.

  He thought about countless possibilities, but he never thought that the medicine powder would be provided by this child.

   Originally wanted to take out the formula of the medicine powder from the opponent's mouth.

  Keep looking at the child in front of you.

  Lu Fei felt that it was absolutely impossible for the other party to make this medicinal powder.

   Maybe this kid was brought from somewhere.


  Gu Yan was just about to go back when he was stopped by this mysterious man in front of him.

   This man is wearing a mask, only showing a pair of eyes.

   People can't see his appearance clearly.

   But Gu Yan didn't find it strange.

   After all, those who come to this kind of auction don't want to reveal their identities.

  So I will cover up more on the appearance.

   "I can't find my way, there is a maid beside me."

  Gu Yan pointed to the maid not far away.

  Lu Fei was stunned for a moment before realizing what the kid in front of him was saying, and said with a bit of a smile: "It's not that I can't find my way, but I have something I want to ask you."

  Gu Yan pretended to be naive and asked: "Big brother, what do you want to ask me?"

   Lu Fei saw that the other party was only a ten-year-old child, and his face softened a bit.

   Try not to look so aggressive.

   "My little friend, you gave this bag of medicine powder to that sister just now, right?"

  Lu Fei shook the medicine powder in his hand.

  Gu Yan blinked her big eyes, and there was a hint of puzzlement in those eyes like two black grapes: "Yes."

  She looked as if she didn't know what was going on.

  Lu Fei smiled and said, "Can you tell big brother, where did you find this medicine powder?"

  It turned out that the other party came for this bag of medicine powder.

   "What does brother want this medicine powder for?"

   Gu Yan asked innocently.

  He was thinking secretly.

  This man was able to spend 25 million to buy this bag of medicine.

  That shows that the identity of this man is not simple.

  Maybe this is a good opportunity.

   After all, she doesn't want to stay in this ghostly place forever and be sold as goods in the end.

  Lu Fei said patiently: "My brother is a research and development personnel, and I am very interested in the formula of this medicine. If you can tell my brother where you got this medicine, my brother will also fulfill your little wish."

   "Can it really be used for anything?"

  Gu Yan looked excited.

  Lu Fei thought that Gu Yan was a foolish kid, so he naturally agreed.

   "Of course, my brother never lies to children."

  What can a little girl ask for?

   Anything money can buy.

  Lu Fei didn't even pay attention to it.

   "Can my brother take me out of this place? I was captured by them, and my brother is still waiting for me at home."

   As she spoke, crystal tears rolled down from the corners of Gu Yan's eyes.

  Of course Lu Fei knew what business this auction was doing.

   It would not be difficult for him to buy this little girl back.

   "Then you have to tell me the formula of this medicinal powder first."

   It's just that he is not sure, is this little girl talking nonsense, or does she really know where the medicine powder came from?

  Gu Yan said sincerely: "I know the formula of this medicine powder, as long as my brother takes me out, I will tell you the formula."

   "How do I know if you're lying to me?"

  When Gu Yan heard this, there was no panic or guilty conscience on his face: "My brother took me out, if I didn't tell my brother about the other party, my brother would naturally have a way to deal with me."


  She made this medicine powder.

  Of course she knows the recipe.

   Lu Fei was dubious about the girl's words.


   "I'll go to the boss to buy you back later."

  Gu Yan suddenly thought of another question.

  She promised the boy that she would take him out with her.

   "Brother, I have one more request. A friend of mine was also arrested. We need to leave this place together."

  Lu Fei readily agreed.

   It's nothing more than spending a little more money.

   The formula is more important.

  The two returned to the auction one after another.

  The auction at this time is at its most intense.

  Many treasures have been presented.

  The atmosphere at the scene was heightened to the extreme.

   Lu Fei sat next to Gu Yan, not interested in all this.