MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 366 what did you just call me?

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   Chapter 366 What did you just call me?

   A group of people discussed and discussed, and finally they all decided that the object of love with Pei Xinyu was Su Yuexin, the adopted daughter of the Su family.

   As for Su Muxi, the real lady of the Su family, she has become the most regrettable person in their hearts.

   If it wasn't for the wealth and power of the Su family, they knew they couldn't compare, or they all wanted to hold a large condolence banquet for Su Muxi.

   It was half an hour after they came out of the conference room.

   If it wasn't for the tasks assigned by Pei Xinyu, they would probably still be able to discuss it for half an hour.


   After returning to the office, Pei Xinyu quickly processed several urgent documents, put on his jacket in one glove, picked up the car key in the other, got up and left the company.

   Looking at Pei Xinyu's back that "returns like an arrow", Yu Lin shook his head helplessly.

   Is this the power of love! ?

   He never thought that Pei Xinyu, a person with such a strong professionalism, would one day leave work early because he was rushing to the woman's house for dinner and left a lot of get off work?

   If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it if he was killed.

After    left the company, Pei Xinyu drove directly to Su's house.

   Before it was time to eat, Su Qingcheng played a few games of chess with Mr. Xiao.

  Although Xiao Yuefan and Mr. Xiao were also very polite to her, Su Yuexin always felt that something was missing.

   In addition, she also saw that Xiao Yuefan had something to tell Su Muxi, so she took the initiative to go to the room to review.

   Looking at her back upstairs, Xiao Yuefan smiled reassuringly, "Xiaoyu's eyesight is so good, he didn't raise the wrong person."

   In response, Su Muxi pursed her lips noncommittally.

   "I heard that there is a rose garden in the backyard, can you take your uncle to see it?"

   Looking at Xiao Yuefan's look full of anticipation, Su Muxi made an inaudible "um", then turned around and led the way.

   Looking at her awkward back, Xiao Yuefan shook his head helplessly.

   This girl has the same temperament as Xiao Yuxin.

  There is a pavilion in the backyard, you can sit in it and have a panoramic view of the whole rose garden.

   After smelling this quiet and rich floral fragrance, I felt relaxed unconsciously.

   Looking at this extremely brightly blooming sea of ​​flowers, and imagining Xiao Yuxin sitting in the pavilion enjoying herself, Xiao Yuefan felt both relief and regret.

  Happily, she found a good man. Although her life was short, it was undoubtedly happy.

  Unfortunately, he could never see her sitting here admiring the flowers again.

   "Your father is a good man, and your mother did not marry the wrong person." Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Yuefan said sincerely.

  Su Muxi glanced sideways at the man next to her, and the alienation in her eyes lightened a little.

   She doesn't know much about the past, but it is not difficult to see from his performance that he is a brother who loves his sister very much.

   Moreover, after reading the Gu family's information and understanding Gu Zetian's personality, she also understood what happened back then, how he and the old man had no choice.

   Last time, the reason why he left in a hurry was because he didn't want to startle the snakes!

Su Muxi bit her lip lightly, and after some struggle, she said awkwardly, "Uncle, can you tell me about the Xiao family and the Gu family? For example, why did my mother talk to Gu Zetian back then? Engaged? And why did she suddenly choose to leave?"

   "What did you just call me?" Xiao Yuefan turned around abruptly, staring at her blankly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

   (end of this chapter)