MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 390 I have the urge to chop hands

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   Chapter 390 I have the urge to chop my hands

"No matter how good Mr. Pei is, it is also for Liya. Do you think those rumors are false? Don't be naive! If he has no means, can he make Pei so big? Liya is a winner in life, and those of us with mediocre aptitudes Little shrimp, just accept your fate!"

   "Oh, forget it, it's all gone!" Fang Qi waved her hand impatiently, listening to the discussions around her.

   As soon as she left, the little followers who often followed her also left.

   The lively stage just now was all gone in just one minute.

  Su Muxi was carried into the backstage lounge by Pei Xinyu.

  Because everyone else is still on stage, there are only two of them here.

   Pei Xinyu put her on the chair and leaned over her whole body.

  Although this was not the first time they had come so close, Su Muxi's heart couldn't help beating violently.

   She reached out and pushed on his chest, "Don't get so close, I'm almost out of breath."

   This charming and charming attitude, coupled with this coquettish tone, almost broke Pei Xinyu's defense.

   He couldn't help but do something unkind to her. Pei Xinyu resisted the urge in his heart and reluctantly got up and sat on the opposite chair.

   After he left, Su Muxi couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief.

  If he doesn't leave again, I don't know if he can control her, but she definitely can't help but do something to him.

   Like... punch him, kick him, hit him or something.

   She is so strong, how could she make herself suffer?

  The two were silent for a while, and finally Su Muxi spoke first, "You brought me here, do you have something to tell me?"

   "No." Pei Xinyu almost blurted out, but after saying these two words, it seemed that something was wrong.

   After thinking about it, he added: "I just want to be alone with you for a while."

  Otherwise, after she went out and let the people in the audience see her, she should have been entangled in her body again.

Before    took the stage and took Su Muxi away, he had already explained to Yu Lin, and when everyone left, he would call to inform him.

   "Pfft!" Seeing his serious appearance, Su Muxi couldn't help but want to tease him.

   She stretched out her hand to lift his chin, and teased with a little playfulness in her eyes: "I didn't expect Young Master Pei to be so possessive!"

   "Oh!" Pei Xinyu's mouth suddenly raised, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes, "You are setting fire, do you know?"

   Su Muxi, who originally just wanted to play a joke on him, saw his evil expression, she was so frightened that she quickly retracted her hand.

  Su Muxi stood up pretending to be calm, then turned around and walked out the door as if nothing had happened.

   "It's getting late, let's go quickly! Otherwise, Dad and the others will be worried if they can't find me."

   However, before she took a few steps, a hand stretched out and pulled her back...

   Immediately afterwards, her nose hit a solid chest.

   "Hush!" Su Muxi couldn't help crying out in pain.

   "Didn't I just make a joke with you? As for such a big hatred? Fortunately, I am the original one.

  Su Muxi rubbed her nose with her hands and complained with a pouting face.

   "How's it going? Show me." Seeing her pained appearance, Pei Xinyu had the heart to chop off her hands.

   (end of this chapter)