MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 394 That's it, you want to deal with me too?

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   Chapter 394 That's it, you want to deal with me too?

   With the appearance of this opening, the air in the tire seemed to have found a breakthrough, and it all ran out in a short while.

  The car had to stop because the tire slumped.

   Soon, a fat man with a small scorpion tattooed on one side of his face walked out of the car cursing.

   "TND, why is this tire leaking?" The man glanced at the deflated tire, then kicked the back door of the car with his foot, "They all came down and changed the tire."

   With this kick, everyone in the car basically finished getting off.

   There are not many people on the other side, only four. But from a physical point of view, they should all be vicious.

   Yu Lin thought silently in his heart, if the two sides faced off against each other, how much chance would they win.

   First of all, Su Muxi is a weak woman, and she will definitely not be allowed to come forward.

   Pei Xinyu one-on-two, it shouldn't be a problem.

  But...he's just a flower fist and embroidered legs, and he can barely handle one. Two, I'm afraid hanging.

   Or, let Pei Xinyu solve the three?

  Yu Lin was still thinking about it. Seeing everyone coming out, Su Muxi stood up from the haystack.

   She stretched out her hand to sort out the grass on her body, and then swaggered towards those people.

   Seeing this, Yu Lin was so frightened that he almost couldn't hold back his foul language.

  This aunt is too bold, isn't she?

   He went out so blatantly?

   Yu Lin sighed angrily, and immediately got up with Pei Xinyu and followed behind Su Muxi.

   Actually, Pei Xinyu was not very worried about Su Muxi's safety.

   He also observed carefully just now that these people were not armed.

   If he only relies on his skills, even if it is a one-on-four, he is completely sure.

   The other party did not expect that they would appear suddenly, and they appeared so coincidentally.

   In just a split second, these people connected the puncture to them.

  The man with the scorpion tattooed on his face is obviously the head of the group.

When he saw Su Muxi's face, there was a sharp flash in his eyes, "Damn girl, you have a kind! You even dare to send it to your door, you deserve to be the descendant of the Xiao family, you have courage! It's a pity! , you are just like your mother, you are clever but you are mistaken. Do you think that if you break our car, you will be able to get out? Oh, how naive. If we are not fully prepared, how could we easily treat you Take action?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he gestured to a few people behind him.

   The three got his signal, and immediately bent down and groped under the car.

   When they stood up again, an iron rod with a diameter of about eight centimeters and a length of one meter five appeared in each hand.

   Also, it’s solid.

   If you are not a regular practitioner, it will be difficult to pick up, let alone use it as a weapon.

   One can imagine how painful it would be to hit someone with this thing.

   I'm afraid that as long as you get close, you'll have to see the King of Hell.

   No wonder these people are so confident.

   However, there was no fear on Su Muxi's face, instead, a contemptuous expression appeared on her face.

   "That's it, you want to deal with me too?" Su Muxi raised her eyelids in disbelief, "Didn't the person who arranged for you to come here tell you about my strength?"

   "Huh! I'm not ashamed to say it!" Her words completely angered the other party.

   Without giving them time to react, these people hit them with iron bars.

   (end of this chapter)