MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 403 fight for loneliness

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   Chapter 403 Fighting for loneliness

After    came out of the hospital, Yu Lin sent Su Muxi home first.

  Because it was getting late, and because Su Qingcheng and the others were worried, Pei Xinyu did not enter the room.

"Although it was handled in a timely manner, after all, it hurts your muscles and bones. During this time, remember not to do heavy work. If it really doesn't work..." Su Muxi bit her lip, and said with a tangled face, "Otherwise, I'll go to you. Live at home for a while? Just in time to spend more time with Grandpa Pei."

   As if she was afraid that she would go back on it, Pei Xinyu agreed immediately before she could finish her words.

"it is good."

   Seeing his treacherous smile, Su Muxi suddenly had a bad feeling.

   She wouldn't be a sheep into the tiger's mouth, right?

   However, this idea was passed by her in an instant.

   In terms of force value, Pei Xinyu is not her opponent at all, let alone that he is still injured.

   And, didn't he say it before? He will not cross the line in any way until he gets the certificate.

   said goodbye to him, and Su Muxi walked into the villa alone.

   It is now nine o'clock in the evening, and the villa is still brightly lit.

  Su Muxi thought that there were only four people in the living room: Su Qingcheng and Su Yuexin, father and daughter, Xiao Yuefan and Mr. Xiao.

  As a result, as soon as he entered, he found that in addition to the four of them, He Yu was also there.

   In addition, there are three men who look exactly the same.

  Although I had never seen them, Su Muxi guessed their identities at a glance.

   Their faces were six points similar to Xiao Yuefan, and the shadow of the old man could be vaguely seen.

   More importantly, as soon as they saw her, a kind and kind smile appeared on their faces.

   "Cousin, you've finally come back." Xiao Zhe thought he was handsome and flicked the broken hair on his forehead, then patted the position next to him, "Come, come here with my cousin."

   If it wasn't for the fear that being too greasy would scare her, he wanted to wink at her and give her an electric shock.

   "Don't listen to him." Xiao Xiao waved to her gently, "Sit with me! I happen to have something to tell you."

"Cough!" Xiao Che pretended to clear his throat deeply, people who used to be indifferent and cold-hearted, tried their best to appear to be easy to get along with, "I also want to tell you something, or else , you sit across from me!"

  Because they only knew each other, the others did not understand the characters of their three brothers.

   However, for Xiao Yuefan and Mr. Xiao, who have watched them grow up since childhood, their behavior is enough to make one's jaw drop.

"What's the matter with these three little bastards?" Mr. Xiao frowned and asked Xiao Yuefan very puzzled: "When you called them here before, you were all reluctant. Is it? It's only been a few hours, how did everything change?"

   "I don't know!" Xiao Yuefan also had a very incomprehensible expression, "I'm wondering too!"

  Su Muxi glanced at them, nodded lightly, then walked over and sat beside He Yu.

  Three brothers: "..." After a long time, they ended up feeling lonely.

   However, Xiao Zhe originally came with the mentality of watching the fun, so even if Su Muxi didn't choose him, he didn't feel much.

Perhaps because they were afraid of being embarrassed, after Su Muxi sat down, Xiao Yuefan immediately introduced her: "Xiaoxi, these three are your cousins. They are triplets, although they all look the same, they are actually very good. identifiable."

   (end of this chapter)