MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 19 A conspiracy a wedding dress

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Lin Chun looked at this Weibo posted by Gu Jiaxi with a shocked expression. She shook her head in disbelief, impossible! Absolutely impossible! Is Gu Jiayu crazy? Does he not care about being exposed?

How many of his fans are girlfriends? Does he have any idea? Those enthusiastic fans must turn into black, how much love and hate, and I don't know how much trouble can be caused by that time! Does Gu Jiazheng care nothing?

Before Lin Chun had time to think of a countermeasure, he immediately tasted what Bai Yu was under siege by the group. The tea bag turned into a fried and medicine bag collectively!

Gu Jiayu is the name of the person behind the two days behind the scenes, the fans support people automatically unite together, organized and disciplined: tear him!

Lin Chun's current agent called him violently. After he connected it, he scolded his head and scolded his face: "You better explain to me what's going on! What did you do when I didn't know!"

"I ..." Lin Chun was speechless and looked at the comments on the Internet in a panic. The matter was beyond his control. He never thought of such a result, and did not even leave him time for processing.

When the agent heard his tone, he sighed in disappointment. "Forget it, you don't need to explain. Our contract has expired. How far can you roll me!"

Newcomers don't need much ability, they just need to be obedient and don't get in trouble. No one dares to have such an ambition!

Lin Chun shook his body, sitting in a chair with a buttock, shaking his hand to find Zheng Xueshao's mobile phone number, rushing over, his voice trembling: "Brother Zheng, why is this? This is different from what we said!"

Zheng Xueshao asked slowly: "What did we say? What did I promise you? Go ahead if you want to be exposed, and try if anyone believes what you said."

At this time Lin Chun realized in despair that he was too naive!

To this day, he has nothing.

If at this time he said the president of Gu Jiayu Hidden Marriage Group, would anyone believe it?

Lin Chun gritted his teeth, and returned to Gu Jiayu's Weibo with a hate: You are indisputably married to the President of the Mo's Group!

He's crazy! He doesn't care anymore! Anyway, he can't go on in this circle anymore! Gu Jiayu's fans will not spare him unless he goes for a facelift and starts again!

In the panic, Lin Chun didn't even think about it. When he said this, he directly acknowledged that what Gu Jiazheng said was true.

Gu Jiayu quickly replied: Hehe!

Not even a white eye.

These two words are obviously ridiculous. The person who originally chased Lin Chun tears instantly like a chicken blood: ha ha! The dog jumped off the wall! shameless! Whoever believes is a grandson!

Thank you, La Lang. I used to think that my brother-in-law was so handsome. The people who deserve him are still in outer space. Now that I see President Mo, I think he is worthy of my brother!

A p-picture is added below. A photo of Mo Yunqi's financial interview + a photo of Gu Jiayu attending the awards ceremony. Coincidentally, the two of them can cross the left leg and the right leg. Comes in a heart shape. And all are in a black suit, a bright smile, a gentleman's polite smile, sitting together in the aura is quite harmonious. Netizens are very clever with a big 囍 word on it, perfect!

This message was flashed into the spot shortly after.

Netizens have left messages: lying down! After looking at this picture, I think they are a good match!

Who is that person? Is there an informed way?

Upstairs, please see World Finance Times Issue 332, the man who occupies the entire page! The easiest way is to search down the world wealth list. From the top down, the first name!

Lying down!

Lying down! !!

I am! !! !!

Lin Chun looked blankly at the scene in front of him, and finally realized that he was being used. All that he has done, on the contrary, made Gu Jiayu a perfect wedding dress to expose his marital status in the future.

Completely lost, nothing!

Gu Jiayu looked at the comments on the Internet, and used the WeChat to tire of Zheng Xueshao: Why is it so arranged? I don't understand very well, can you explain it to me? You asked me to scold someone, I scolded you, I have to give some reward after scolding?

Zheng Xueshao impatiently replied to him: You must not pave the way for the future. Do you want to be in love for a lifetime, will you always be willing?

Gu Jiayi raised an eyebrow. Why did he care if he wanted to? What is underground love?

Zheng Xueshao pulled him directly, talked to him, and he would be mad.

Now Bai Yu doesn't know where to go, it's not worrying!


After dinner, Brother Hua knocked on Gu Jiayu's window with a little white rat. "Dude, I caught a little cute today." "

Brother Hua introduced Gu Jiayu to his new toy.

Bai Yu, who had become the original, remained motionless.

"A dozen of my brothers set up the cat array before they caught him and gave it to me." The tabby cat put the little mouse in its mouth on the ground and held it with one paw, expressing its comfort at the combat effectiveness of its own.

Gu Jiabi pumped the corners of his mouth, "Oh." This little white mouse turned on the talents: pretend to be dead!

Bai Yu opened a slit slightly last night, sent a distress signal to Gu Jiayu, and continued to play dead.

Gu Jiayu "..." We foxes don't know your hobby of mice very well.

Brother Hua seriously said, "He is really cute."

Gu Jiayu's eyes were complicated. "Oh."

In order to prove that his toy is cute, Brother Hua used his paw to pinch the little rat's belly, and the little rat was motionless.

Pull again with the paws, turn the little mouse over, rub the back with the claw pad, and then scratch the head, the little mouse is still motionless and dead completely.

Gu Jiayu's face was indifferent. We foxes don't understand your cat's hobbies. What's so fun about this?

Brother Hua was suddenly excited: "The time to witness the miracle is here!"

In Gu Jiayu's doubtful eyes, Brother Hua was on Bai Yu and licked from the bottom up!

I saw that Xiao Mao's hair started to explode from the tip of his tail, and it looked like electricity. It exploded to the top of his head at a uniform speed.

Brother Hua flickered, and he returned again in less than a second, raising his chest and wondering, "Is it super cute?"

"Squeak!" Bai Yu was about to cry.

Gu Jiaxuan sighed, holding Bai Yu's little tail, shuddering disappointed. How can Huage get out of the soil?

He kept splitting his mind and watched Gu Jiayu's frown frown. He seemed to see a stray cat give his beloved lover a dead mouse.

Look at that color, the one he shot dead in the morning.

It is said that the cat will give what he has caught and picked up as a gift to the person he likes. Is this dead mouse a gift?

Thinking of this, President Mo bucked up the computer, and went out in anxiety, glaring at Gu Jiazheng and looking at the mouse, frowning seriously, "throw it soon!"

Gu Jiayu, who just wanted to talk to Bai Yu, was startled. He subconsciously listened to the other party's words, released his fingers, and Bai Yu instantly turned into a white line, snapped, and fell to the ground.

Gu Jiaxian grimaced his fingers, sorry, he didn't mean it.

Seeing Mo Yunqi, Bai Yu was so frightened that he did his destiny again: lying still, pretending to be dead!

This man is too cruel!

Like my idol, there is no demon at all, it is definitely an ancient demon!


Mo Yunqi came and grabbed Gu Jiayu's wrist, pulled him back to the house, and educated, "The mouse carried a lot of germs, and there were many kinds of germs and viruses in the saliva. Wash your hands and disinfect them."

Gu Jiayu was pulled, feeling the temperature in the palm of the other side, and for a while he forgot how to react, and was foolishly pulled away.

Not to mention why, he couldn't refuse the feeling of being led away. It was not the nervousness that he wanted to blew his hair after being stimulated, but the opposite feeling. He was very calm. Seems like ... used to this?

Mo Yunqi grabbed Gu Jiayu's hand and carefully washed it three times. The two hands were smooth and greasy under the lubricity of the hand sanitizer, rubbing it again and again, until Gu Jiayu's Fingers rubbed red, which only spared him.

Gu Jiayu's face was reddish, and it felt that the temperature was a bit high now.

"Don't touch that kind of dirt in the future, remember?" Mo Yunqi looked at the person half-circled in his arms, his eyes were dark like the deep night outside. If he really had no feelings for him, Gu Jia I won't let him hold it like that.

Gu Jiayi blinked, his originally calm heart, because the sentence near the ear suddenly beat up uneasily, the other person's nose hit the auricle, causing the temperature of his cheeks to rise.


Spelled again!

Gu Jiayi hurriedly pushed Mo Yunqi away and turned away.

Looking at his back running away in a hurry, Mo Yunqi froze coldly. The reason why Gu Jiazhen did not dare to accept it, he must find out as soon as possible.

Gu Jiayu returned to the room, rubbed his face uneasily, and calmed himself down, so he couldn't continue, he needed to find a fairy to see if he was poisoned!

After making a good decision, Gu Jiayu thought of Bai Yu. After the demon force explored the opponent's position, he waved his powerful demon power and sent the other party directly to the crew's position.

He sent away Brother Hua's baby toy and accompanied him with a catty cat food tomorrow.

After being aware of this power, people from the special management department rushed to investigate. This aura full of magical power is even more pure than the magical power of the household. Can this still be called a demon? After finding out that it was Gu Jiayu, they all went back home. As the top ten good monsters in the country, Gu Jiayu is the benchmark of the monster world, and he is not expected to do bad things.


Normally, it would take several days for a network to tear down, but it doesn't take so long at Gu Jiayu here. The tea bags are all die-hard powders. Gu Jiayu's powder-suction constitution is amazing. In short, Gu Jiayu is right in everything he does, and he will never be against the water. Gu Jiayu ’s black hidden in the fan base. In two days, they were brainwashed by these fans. They also successfully became spies, played a game of infernal affairs, and made people who wanted to black Gu Jiayu not inside or outside.

Lin Chun was torn out of the performing arts circle. It took only one day for the tea bags to make Lin Chun infamous, and no studio dare to accept him.

As for where Lin Chun went later, the tea bag didn't matter.

But Father Zheng knew, and Mo always knew, Gu Jiazheng was not surprised.

Forget it, Gu Xiaoyue definitely doesn't think it matters ╮ (‵ ▽ ′) ╭

The idle tea bag began to b1 Ba who was passed on to Gu Jiayu's hidden marriage. Mo Yunqi's materials are not secrets, but if he just casually puts them out, it is an achievement that no one else can reach in his life.

Fans keep saying: Poverty limits my imagination!

Some people said that if Brother Cha really wanted to find a target, he would find President Mo, even if he had a male and male match, he could not give me cheap tea to other women!

Of course, if he dares to fall in love, they will capture the headquarters of Red Forest, kill the Red Forest boss, and even hang himself.

After all, most of the Internet should be lively. After all, Gu Jiayu and Mo Yunqi have no intersection. Some fans kindly remind everyone to stop talking about this topic in case Mo always misunderstands Gu Jiayu. Thoughts and dissatisfaction may cause unnecessary trouble for Gu Jiayu.

The crew of Gu Jiayu and the crew did not think so much. When they came to pick up Gu Jiayu ’s car and the snacks brought by Gu Jiayu, they always felt that this incident was not groundless.

The snacks offered by the royal family of country y, and the lifelong nobles of the royal family from country y. If you ca n’t see anything, their brains may be wholesale in a plastic factory.

However, people who are in this circle are not fools. They know what to say, and what is rotten in their stomachs can not be said. With Lin Chun's lesson learned, no one will talk any more.

In this case, Wang Dao generously gave Gu Jiayu two days off to let him rest and come back again, so as to save his mood and affect the shooting.

Gu Jiazheng looked blank: in fact, he was not affected at all, really.

After getting the hint of his dad's eyes, Xiao Mo always happily ran over and hugged Gu Jiayu's legs: "Dad, let's go to the playground tomorrow!"

The little guy looked up, with a pair of **** eyes on Bai Nennen's face. At this moment, he looked at Gu Jiayu with hope, and looked forward.

Gu Jiaxu thought that he did not have time to take Mo Zeyang out to play on weekdays, and thought of agreeing to Mo Yunqi, and hugged his baby son with a smile, "Okay! Go out and play tomorrow!"

After hearing the news, President Mo silently sent a message to Secretary Wang: I have something to do tomorrow, so I won't go to the company.


After dinner, Gu Jiayi lay on the window sill and answered the phone with a smile: "Well, it's okay, this kind of thing is not once or twice again. How can I go to my heart ... I will go to you tomorrow night. There is something very important The important thing is to ask you ... Oops, the rules are dead, people are alive. It is not the first time that you have made an exception for me. Would you like to make fried chicken wings for you?

President Mo's face is getting colder and colder, who is the opposite?

The author has something to say: To play a very important role, it is not that Xiao San does not intervene in the relationship between the two, so guess who he is?

Come to the small theater again:

Brother Hua: "Little mouse, I want to be friends with you?"

Bai Yu: "The demon is dead, something burns paper!"

Brother Hua: "Mummy Mummy coaxed Meow Mimi to scare Mouse Ziski, come back! Call for soul ~"

Bai Yu! ∑ (° Д ° ノ) ノ
