MTL - After Being Forced To Marry a Rough Man In the Mountains, She Was Spoiled By the Group-Chapter 17 There are wild boars in the mountains

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   Chapter 17 There are wild boars in the mountains

   "That's what I said, but it's not easy for us to rob our daughter-in-law. Right now, she's not around. When she comes back, I'll ask, and I'll answer you tomorrow," Chen said politely.

   This mouth was determined to be a dowry, and it had to be approved by Xi Yao, and there was no way everyone could do it. In the end, those people left with anger.

   Everyone in the Zhou family looked at each other in dismay, and felt that if this matter was not resolved, I was afraid that everyone would have a hard time.

   Seeing that people were gone, Zhou Yi hurriedly closed the door.

   "Where's your fourth sister-in-law?" Mrs. Chen asked.

   "She was afraid that people would surround her, so she went to the backyard,"

   "You're a smart one," Mrs. Chen murmured and said to her, "Find your fourth sister-in-law back, let's go to the fields first,"

"it is good!"

   All the adults in the Zhou family left, and the children rushed out with them, leaving Zhou Yi alone.

  Xi Yao was dizzy before, so Zhou Yi took care of her and never came to the backyard.

  At this moment, walking along the path, I found that the backyard of Zhou's house was quite big and it was backed by the mountains.

I don't know what's going on in front of me. It would be embarrassing if the family pestered Chen to find him, so Xi Yao walked forward in a spirit of curiosity, ready to go to the foot of the mountain to see if there was anything delicious. .

   It's not that she is greedy, it's the Zhou family's food, which is really bad.

Before   , I was afraid that there would be nothing to eat in the second half of the year, so everyone ate it sparingly, all of which were coarse grains, and she had a sore throat, but she didn't dare to have any objection.

  In spring, there are so many gifts from nature, and I haven't walked around for a long time. Xi Yao is now walking briskly.

When    Zhou Yi came over, he found that his fourth sister-in-law had a lot of things around her.

   "Is this edible?" Looking at the mushrooms at the fourth sister-in-law's feet, she asked worriedly.

   "You can eat it," Xi Yao said firmly.

   Knowing that the fourth sister-in-law has the ability, Zhou Yi did not doubt it, but said excitedly: "It's really edible, it's not easy to find, fourth sister-in-law, where did you find it, there are so many, enough for a meal at home,"

   "If you look down the tree, you should be able to find some." Xi Yao stared at the bamboo forest not far away and asked, "Whose family is that?"

   Zhou Yi followed her gaze, shook his head and said, "No, just from the village. If you want, you can cut it yourself, but you can't cut it all."

   Xi Yao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

   "Let's go and see, maybe we'll find something good,"

   As soon as he heard there was something to eat, Zhou Yi said nothing, just followed.

  The spring bamboo shoots are the most delicious at this time. Xi Yao couldn't help it when he saw it, and asked Zhou Yi to dig it together...

  The two sisters-in-law have been busy for a long time, and they have made a lot of things.

  Because everyone was busy with spring ploughing, this was the back of the Zhou family, so no one noticed.

  Because he didn't bring anything, Zhou Yi went back first with a bag of mushrooms, and then brought the bamboo baskets at home and helped put all the spring bamboo shoots in it.

   "There are so many things in the back mountain, why is no one going up the mountain?" Xi Yao asked suspiciously.

   Zhou Yi thought of something, his face changed, he just felt that the thing in his hand was not being carried, nor was it thrown away...

   "What's the matter?" This expression is not right at first glance.

   "There are wild boars in the mountains," Zhou Yi said timidly.

   Xi Yao understood and murmured, "So that's how it is!"

   "In normal times, adults don't allow everyone to go to the foot of the mountain. Today I also forgot," she tangled: "I don't know if my parents know, will they scold us!"

   "I didn't know, that's why I went there," Xi Yao said with a smile: "If you really want to scold, you should scold me too."

   (end of this chapter)