MTL - After Being Forced To Marry a Rough Man In the Mountains, She Was Spoiled By the Group-Chapter 18 scented

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  Chapter 18 Fragrance

   "Then let them scold, anyway, there will be delicious food," Xi Yao joked.

   Zhou Yi thought of what he found today, and he suddenly became energetic, and he echoed stupidly: "Yes, if there is something delicious, just scold me, I'm so old, they won't beat me!"

   Xi Yao was amused.

   She looked back at the densely vegetated mountain forest, and said regretfully: "But it's still a pity, there must be a lot of things in it,"

   "No, when wild boars weren't so ferocious in the past, I went up the mountain with the girls in the village, and I could pick up a lot of things casually, and the villagers could even catch prey,"

   "Why don't you think about killing the wild boar!"

   "The people in the village were thinking about it, but the wild boar rushed down the mountain and was caught off guard. People were dead before, so everyone didn't want to go up the mountain!" Zhou Yi said helplessly.

   Xi Yao frowned, thinking about the terrain of Zhou's house, and worried: "If the wild boars come down directly to our backyard, wouldn't they be able to rush directly to our house?"

   Zhou Yi looked at her in surprise, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses, and then said in horror, "Yes, we only have a bamboo fence in our backyard, and that can't stop wild boars!"

   "But now, everyone is busy plowing in the spring, and no one is willing to build an earthen wall, not to mention, if the backyard is so big, it would take a lot of effort to enclose it," she said disgustingly.

   "Then what should I do?" Zhou Yi was a little panicked.

   After all, she is the one who stays at home the most.

   "We'll talk about it when they all come back at night." Just the two of them can't solve this matter.

   With good things, Xi Yao didn't want clear water mushroom soup, so she took over the dinner at night.

  The meat oil was still frozen, so Xi Yao scooped a small spoonful of oil and made a mushroom egg soup.

   A pot of mushroom soup with an egg.

  There are only spring bamboo shoots after blanching, and it is very luxurious to use a piece of jerky that I don’t know when to dry, and cut a little meat, rightly there is a meaty smell.

   Beans and brown rice, served with one dish and one soup, made Zhou Yi want to drool.

  Because he was afraid that others would smell the fragrance and would come to ask, Zhou Yi simply closed the door.

  Anyway, only my own family would knock on the door, and the rest of the people, just curious, couldn’t do anything to knock on the door.

  The Zhou family is so happy because of today's progress.

  Arrived at the door of the house, smelled the fragrance, all faces changed, as if guessing something.

"Father, mother," Zhou Yi opened the door and explained quickly: "The fourth sister-in-law didn't know, so she went to the back mountain. I haven't been there for a long time, I forgot about it, and didn't remind me, but we just picked it up. Mushrooms and bamboo shoots came back, and didn't go inside,"

   "That's terrible, you can forget it!" Chen stabbed her in the forehead angrily.

   rubbed his head, Zhou Yi said pitifully, "It's not been a long time since I went, I didn't remember it!"

   "Okay, the fourth daughter-in-law doesn't know, so don't blame them," Zhou Yougen persuaded.

  Chen was not really angry.

   Honestly, it was her fault that she didn't make it clear to her new daughter-in-law.

   "That's right, Dad, Mom," Zhou said that his parents were not angry, so he followed behind them: "Sister-in-law four said, if there are wild boars, the fence in our backyard can't stop them."

  The Zhou family, who had been preparing to do their own thing, suddenly stopped and looked at Zhou Yi with strange eyes, and they all remembered that they had forgotten about it.

  Chen shi remembered something, and his expression changed, "How can this be done? When spring comes, this wild boar will go down the mountain. At this time, no one is willing to help us build a mud wall."

   (end of this chapter)