MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 14 0Who dares to break into the Lin family?

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Chapter 14 014. Who dares to break into the Lin family?

The so-called Xuanmen is an organization established by the Xuan masters of China.

Since there are fewer and fewer mystical masters nowadays, some people above want to gather the mystical masters together to facilitate communication with each other and pass them on. If there are those who are talented in cultivation, they will also be absorbed into Xuanmen training.

At the same time, for the convenience of management, basically all major cities have branches of Xuanmen.

After a while, there was a "ding" sound, and the elevator opened after reaching the first floor.

Lin Wu strode out and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Look for the person in charge of Songcheng Xuanmen branch and find out who among the Xuanshi masters currently in Songcheng has contacts with the Lin family in Songcheng. Also, if I take a picture of something for you, you can ask someone to find out who made it and how it was made."

 After saying that, Lin Wu hung up the phone, took out the pendant, took a photo and sent it to the other party.

The other person’s note is Cheng Man, who lives up to his name and is slow to speak and respond to messages.

Lin Wu walked to the parking lot of the hospital and found her car before seeing Cheng Man's reply.

【This thing looks a bit evil, it doesn't look like something an ordinary mystic master can make. As for the person you mentioned, Xuanmen can check it out, but there are no specific clues. It will take some time. Give me two days to check it out. I'll give you the results in two days. 】

Lin Wu replied with a nice word.

After thinking for a while, she sent another message: "Find someone to notify Shixing here in Songcheng. I'm going to go there and use their equipment to test something."

According to Lin Wu's experience, this pendant looks like a stone, but it is not an ordinary stone.

There are all kinds of ores in the stone row, both imaginable and unexpected. They have them. Maybe they have records about this material.

 This is all secondary.

Lin Wu was most worried that the inexplicable excess of radioactive elements in Mr. Lin's body would come from this pendant.

 If it is really...

 She will definitely not let the Lin family go!

Cheng Man replied quickly this time: [Okay, I will ask someone to say hello in advance. When the time comes, you can just tell them that you are a Taoist student. 】

Lin Wu glanced at it, put away his phone, and drove away.

 An hour later, Lin Wu parked the car under the Lin Group Building.

She put on her hat and mask, then opened the door and walked straight to the door on the first floor.

 After entering, Lin Wu went to the reception desk on the first floor and tapped the table with his fingers, attracting the attention of the receptionist.

“Call Lin Shenghai and tell him that Lin Wu wants to see him.”

 Cheng Man is still too slow.

Grandpa’s illness cannot be delayed. If this pendant was really harmful to her grandfather, she had to verify it early and tell Bo Yuting immediately after confirming it so that he could work out a treatment plan.

 So she couldn't place her hopes only on Cheng Man, she had to come and ask Lin Shenghai in person.

The best result would be to ask Lin Shenghai here. Once the question came out, she would directly ask Cheng Man to deal with the so-and-so master through Xuanmen channels.

If she couldn't find out, she could only take the pendant to test it first, and then wait patiently for Cheng Man's results.

The front desk looked at Lin Wu, who was dressed in black trousers, with most of his face covered, and was stunned for a moment. She asked as usual: "Do you have an appointment?"

"No, just tell him directly that it was Lin Wu who came to see him." Lin Wu said.

When the front desk heard that Lin Wu had not made an appointment, and felt that Lin Wu did not look like someone with a background, he immediately looked a little impatient: "Young lady like this, unless you have an appointment, we, Mr. Lin, will not have time to see you."

Lin Wu glanced at her and without saying anything, turned and walked directly to the elevator in the lobby on the first floor.

"Hey, what are you doing there? No one can get in without waiting!" the front desk said hurriedly. Seeing Lin Wu still striding in, he immediately became anxious and called the security guard.

When the staff coming and going saw this movement, they all stopped and looked over.   …

 Eighteenth floor, conference room.

Lin Shenghai is having a meeting with senior executives and listening to the project manager’s report for this quarter.

At first, what he said before was good, which made Lin Shenghai very satisfied, but when he heard the next thing, Lin Shenghai's face suddenly darkened.

 The project manager paid attention to Lin Shenghai's reaction and spoke more and more tremblingly.

"Just a few days ago, Yunke International Group unilaterally stopped cooperating with us on several large projects. What you said is that our company's current level of capabilities cannot allow further cooperation, and they will instead seek new opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region. The right partner.”

Yunke Group has a very important position in the world. If it stamps its foot, the economic lifeline of various countries will tremble three times.

 Not long ago, half of the confidence that the Lin family was able to enter Shenggui came from the Yunke Group.

 Because looking at the Asia-Pacific region, Lin is the only company that can continuously cooperate with Yunke Group for two or three years.

 With this relationship with Yunke Group, many companies in the industry are rushing to seek cooperation from Lin.

If he can no longer cooperate with Yunke Group in the future, Lin will definitely suffer serious losses that are immeasurable.

Lin Shenghai immediately slammed the table and said angrily: "Why are you reporting such an important matter now?"

The project manager shrank his neck and said with a grimace: "It's Mr. Xiao Lin. He...he said he would solve it, so let us wait first."

 The Mr. Xiao Lin he mentioned was none other than Lin Jiangbai.

Lin Jiangbai is the vice president of the Lin family, but he doesn’t like the word “vice”, so he asks his subordinates not to use the word “vice” when calling him. In order to distinguish him from Lin Shenghai, the people below called him Mr. Xiao Lin.

Lin Shenghai looked around and saw Lin Jiangbai, and asked: "What about others?!"

Someone raised their hand weakly: "It seems that they went to socialize."

Lin Shenghai almost didn't mention it in one breath.

Of course, if he is angry, he cannot take it out on his eldest son whom he values ​​​​otherwise. Otherwise, what prestige will the eldest son have in front of the company's senior officials in the future?

Just when Lin Shenghai was looking for an easy way to get angry, suddenly, people in the conference room were knocked away from the outside.

 Everyone looked over immediately and saw a bodyguard, but he fell to the ground.

The fire in Lin Shenghai's heart jumped even higher, and he scolded: "Didn't you see that I was in a meeting? What's wrong with you!"

However, when the bodyguard heard the sound, he raised his head and revealed a face with a bruised nose and swollen face. He looked in pain, as if he had been kicked in by someone.

  "Mr. Lin, it's not good, someone forced... forced his way in..."

At the same time, there was some movement outside, mixed with the cries of pain from other bodyguards.

Lin Shenghai was furious and slammed the table and stood up: "Who is so brave!"

The senior executives behind him were also surprised. In broad daylight, someone dared to break into the Lin family?

Before they could recover, the next moment, someone came through the door.


Lin Shenghai was startled when he saw a tall and thin woman. The woman raised her head despite countless looks, then reached out and took off her sunglasses.

Lin Shenghai recognized him as soon as he saw the other person's deserted eyebrows.

 “Lin Wu, how dare you?!”

 (End of this chapter)