MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 586 Because they have always insisted that you are still alive

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Lin Wu choked, knowing what the city lord said about what happened on the island. He really knew everything. She said: "I mean back then."

City Lord said: "I thought about it. But before I took action, the young man contacted me and said that he would use the Huo family to open the underground city and go back for revenge. I didn't take any action."

"As expected later, he wanted to return to the underground city more urgently than I did. Not only did he unite with the agencies in China, he also revealed the news to the Huo family to follow them secretly and make second-hand preparations. But it seemed that something unexpected happened. I don't know what it was. In the end, it didn't succeed. .”

Lin Wuxin said, because there was a spy.

And the specific location of the dungeon is difficult to find. If you want to find it accurately, you can only rely on the "map" in the tattoo.

 Hey, wait!

Aren't the spies in the Chinese agency at that time Jian Chonghe's people? Since he wanted to find the dungeon, why would he stop him? That means... there is another spy? ?

Also, how did Jian Chonghe make use of No. 49 when his foundation was still shallow? ?

 By Chi Yangzhi?

 No, Chi Yangzhi was mentally disturbed at the time and couldn't do anything.

That is cooperation? Cooperate with No. 49’s senior management? Got stabbed in the back? ?

 In any case, something must have happened to one of the parties that Jian Chonghe did not expect, and backstabbing and spies were both possible.

The city lord said at this time: "After knowing this, I thought about whether to intervene, but the young man contacted me and said one thing. The location of the dungeon was shifted due to the movement of their escape. Without the phoenix tattoo, they I can’t find or enter the gate, so I want to give up for now.”

“I told him that none of the Chi family members who are still alive now have wind phoenix tattoos. But he told me that no, there are three other children, all of whom are considered Chi family members. They may all have wind phoenix tattoos.”

"The probability is too small, I don't have any hope. But he actually told me that he had a sister who was pregnant. When the child was still in the mother's belly, they felt the strong power of blood. They had a premonition that that Nine times out of ten, a child will have a phoenix tattoo."

Lin Wu was stunned.

The city lord looked at Lin Wu, "It's just a pity that there was an accident."

“This timing is very unfortunate, it was exactly when the little boy escaped from the underground city eighteen years ago.”

“The young man took the little boy to hide in Tibet, and contacted his sister in a place in China to ask for help. His sister rushed over, but encountered the Huo family, and it was difficult to give birth to a dead baby.”

“They couldn’t take the child away at the time, and they went back to look for it but couldn’t find it. But they all felt that the child was not dead.”

Lin Wu's mind went blank, "That'"

 The city lord nodded.

“Actually, I discovered you when you entered Killer City for the first time thirteen years ago.”

"Because you are the first tribesman I have met in so many years who is so tenacious, vigorous, healthy and normal. It is difficult for me not to notice you."

“But I wasn’t sure at the time that you were the child the young man mentioned, I just had a feeling. I couldn’t contact the young man for confirmation, and he disappeared.”

"I originally wanted to keep you by my side and raise you personally, but the former deputy city lord is still staring at me, and I'm afraid that I will implicate you. After thinking about it, I think Fan is very suitable. He and the former deputy city lord are opposite, and the former deputy city lord I won’t touch him. So I’ll find a way to guide him to choose someone new and keep you by my side.”

“It wasn’t until two years ago that the young man finally showed up to find me. I mentioned you to him and showed him your photos, and he confirmed my idea.”

Lin Wu was stunned.

 She knew that the Chi family had a very strange bloodline.

For example, Lu Guichi, as soon as he saw her, he was sure that she was one of his tribesmen, and then stayed with her for six years.

Chi Yangzhi still knew about the underground city and the Chi family at that time, so naturally she also knew about this bloodline.

So it was because of this that Chi Yangzhi was sure that she was still alive within those few months; it was also because of this that Chi Yangzhi was mentally disturbed and was sure that her whereabouts were related to the underground city, and that someone similar to the Huo family had kidnapped her. Want to use her to make a tattoo and go into the dungeon?

It took a long time for Lin Wu to calm down and asked: "My appearance is very similar to that of my mother. It's not surprising that Jian Chonghe could identify me when he saw me. But since he knew it in advance... why didn't he tell my mother and let me My mother would have gone to find me earlier and take me home?"

Lin Wu felt that Jian Chonghe knew about it at least six years ago.

 She was familiar with Lu Guichi at that time, and Lu Guichi must have mentioned it to Jian Chonghe. Jian Chonghe will know her relationship with Chi Yangzhi as soon as he sees her.

 Of course it cannot be ruled out that Lu Guichi did not mention it to Jian Chonghe, not even a word.

The city lord said after a while: "Because he gave up his original plan."

Lin Wu was confused: "What?" The city lord said: "He told me when he came to see me two years ago. After his failure eighteen years ago, he had a plan to use the power of the Huo family to try to make tattoos. He no longer wants to use the blood of the Chi family to make tattoos, and hopes that the Huo family will use other things to make tattoos that can open the door to the dungeon."

“If this doesn’t work, he is going to use their blood to sacrifice the Kongtong Seal, hoping that the Kongtong Seal can be restored, thus opening the door for them to enter the underground city.”

“It failed until six years ago. But then he met someone, you. Of course, at that time, he didn’t know that you also appeared at my place.”

“He knew at that time that you would definitely be able to fuse the Kongtong Seal. He decided to use you, but the little boy next to him stopped him and continued the tattoo experiment.”

"Without success until two years ago, he came to me. At that time, he also knew that I had known you. After we discussed it, we came to a conclusion. He and the little boy decided to sacrifice their own blood to the Kongtong Seal. , forcefully opened the door to the dungeon and went in, giving up on you."

“He left you to me and let me choose whether to use you to solve the extraterrestrial objects here.”

"About this, he has never told your mother. He said that your mother can't remember the past, and he doesn't want her to know about it and it will increase her pain. I think it's okay, at least one of the Chi family members must be able to be an ordinary person. , can live a normal life.”

The city lord looked at Lin Wu and suddenly sighed.

“Counting the time, they should have arrived in the dungeon by now. In fact, what they did has no chance of success. In three years, they didn’t make a real tattoo.”

"But not long ago, he actually contacted me and said that they already had a solution. He didn't tell me the specific solution, but just asked me... to leave you in Killer City."

Hearing this, Lin Wuhao stood up.

There was a buzzing in her ears. She didn't know why, but the injuries on her body suddenly became very painful, and she felt uncomfortable and confused in her heart.

She: "They...have gone to the underground city??"

"Yes. I can feel it, Kongtong Seal, they took it away. I don't know what they will do, but I can't do anything else."

Lin Wu was silent, thinking about Lu Guichi's strong rejection of her since Danmaya, and also thought about the words between Jian Chonghe and Lu Guichi in Lingnan, and Jian Chonghe's final promise not to hurt her. Her soul caused her to lose her memory.

 But in fact, at that time, Jian Chonghe was still unwilling, right? They couldn't find a way to successfully reunite Kongtong Yin than her. If they can't enter the dungeon, they can't take revenge. They don’t have phoenix tattoos either, and they are risking their lives if they go there!

Lin Wu closed his eyes forcefully, forced himself to calm down, and looked at the city lord.

 “Then what choice did you make?”

“Now that I am standing here, it have decided that you want me to deal with the extraterrestrial objects here?”

The city lord looked at Lin Wu silently.

 It became increasingly quiet in the ice cave, so quiet that it was heartbreaking.

The city lord suddenly said: "I also thought about giving up on you. So if you want to leave Killer City, I will acquiesce and provide you with convenience."

"However, I am getting weaker and weaker. Over the years, my waking hours have become less and less. In order not to lose control and not hurt people in Killer City, I take a few days every year to try to peel off some of my body parts. The power of a foreign object, but once it is peeled off, I will become petrified."

“In order to stop and wake up, every year I will dig out the petrified flesh and blood, tie myself up, and force myself to go out of control and regain my senses.”

Lin Wu’s eyes fell on the scarred body of the city lord, and he was speechless for a while.

She couldn't help but think of the last time she was in the castle. She went to look for the city lord at night and smelled the pungent smell of blood in the city lord's room.

 So the city lord was at that time...

 “I need someone who can take over from me and do what I haven’t done yet.”

The city lord's eyes softened, but with a deep apology, "I'm sorry, I already made this decision when I first discovered your existence thirteen years ago. So from then on, I started to guide you Grow, wait for you to discover these, and make sure that eventually you are strong enough to do what I want you to do.”

"Later, I no longer want you to return to the underground city. I just hope that you can do what you do here, have a chance to survive, break away from the underground city and the identity of the Chi family, and become an ordinary person."

 “Now,” he asked hoarsely, “do you accept it?”