MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 585 The Huo family was also one of the people in the underground city at first.

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“The first person I did this to was Chongjun.”

 The city lord closed his eyes and did not look at Lin Wu again.

His voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible: "He was a child who was abandoned by his family at the time. He was considered an orphan. After arriving in Killer City, I saw that he looked a bit like my former clan brother, so I kept him by my side to educate him. . It can be considered as treating him as a clan member, so that I don’t seem to be alone."

"Some strangers from the Chi family can change their appearance freely. When I raised him, I was not too weak and could become an ordinary person. Until the time when the foreign body almost invaded me, I was so weak that I could no longer maintain my human body. And he heard the commotion and came in, and saw me like this."

 What was Chongjun's expression at that time?

 He can’t remember clearly.

 He was almost completely out of his wits at the time, and his only lucidity was to think of a way to barely save himself. But Chongjun was beside him, and he attacked him.

 Foreign objects were not successful.

 He also fainted.

 Fortunately, he woke up early.

 A little later, Chongjun's child will be corroded by the foreign body's breath and die.

 He wanted to take it back, but Chongjun stopped him and said he wanted to help him.

 He was silent for a long time and asked Chongjun if he wasn't afraid to see him like that.

 Zhongjun said he was not afraid.

Later, he followed Chongjun's advice and kept the foreign body's aura in the opponent's body and suppressed it so that he would not lose control under normal circumstances.

This inspired the city lord.

After that, he was too weak to recover, and foreign objects were constantly eroding him. In order to slow down this process, he began to continuously leave the power of foreign objects on the people of Killer City. As long as he controls it properly, it will not harm anyone, nor will it affect his life, and it will allow him to live longer.

"At that time, I just wanted the people around me to help share some of my pain. But later, the former deputy city lord who I promoted at the time discovered that there was something strange behind the eighteenth floor of the Ice Prison, so he threatened me and almost made the alien thing go out of control. It was then that I had the intention to kill the former deputy city lord."

“I didn’t have enough manpower at that time, and the former deputy city lord has gradually developed a lot of power, so I can’t touch him for the time being.”

“In addition, the foreign objects in the ice prison became more and more powerful, and I had a premonition that I might not be able to hold on for long before being swallowed again. So at that time, I did another thing.”

"Actually, I have previously transferred the first eight Rakshasa people to guard the Ice Prison. It is too dangerous there, and basically everything will happen to the people stationed there. But I gradually discovered that if a foreign object swallows a person, he will stay calm for a while. It's just a matter of time. What comes from it will also be stronger. But it is better than completely losing control."

Lin Wu said: "So in these years, you have been constantly looking for people and letting them enter the lower levels of the ice prison. In this way... delay. Repeatedly delaying the time when they will break out of control?"

The city lord nodded calmly and said mockingly: "I never imagined that I would do this in the future. Even if I try my best to train them and deliberately let them learn some life-saving mystical arts, I hope they can live longer. It’s hard to hide the fact that I asked them to die.”

Lin Wu was silent and said, "To a certain extent, you have done your best. There is no need to blame yourself."

 This is a disguised form of sacrificing a few people to protect the majority.

 It is right to say it is right, and it is wrong to say it is wrong.

  Can't just talk about right and wrong.

"I have a question. Fan saw a petrified Rakshasa in the Ice Prison. What happened? Is the other party a member of the Chi family?"

"No. That was what I did. He almost destroyed this place, causing it to collapse and foreign objects pouring out. So I used his blood sacrifice to stabilize it, and he turned into stone." The city lord said.

Lin Wu thought for a while, "But this is not a long-term solution after all. You can delay it for a while, but you can't..." She suddenly paused, "Me? Do you want me to take over your position in the future and help you solve the extraterrestrial objects here? "

The city lord looked at her deeply.

 After a long moment, he nodded.

He asked: "Do you know when I knew about your existence?" "Thirteen years ago." Lin Wu said.

The city lord smiled, "No, it was eighteen years ago."

Lin Wu was stunned: "At that time... wasn't I just born? How did you know that you were here?"

"Because at that time, another member of the Chi family came to the outside world from the underground city." The city lord said, "My people noticed it. It was a little boy."

 “But before I had time to find him, he was taken away first.”

“At the same time, something happened in the underground city. The door almost opened, and a meteorite with an extraterrestrial object appeared and landed in Lingnan, China.”

"I asked someone to check this first, and a young man took the initiative to find my people, followed him, and saw me."

“He said he was also a member of the Chi family, and he was with the little boy who had just escaped. He told me about the current situation of the Chi family in the underground city.”

It turns out that he was right. There are indeed a few Chi family members still alive in the underground city, but they are also in a very bad situation. They were imprisoned by other ethnic groups, and their blood was drawn for experiments in order to make a phoenix tattoo that could pass through the gate. But they don't have phoenix tattoos at all, and blood doesn't work, so they have been abused and their lives are worse than death.

 Finally, those ethnic groups lost their patience and wanted to kill them for a blood sacrifice. Knowing that they were too weak to resist, they tried every means to send a child out of the dungeon to survive, using the remaining blood of the boy with the wind phoenix tattoo.

 They hid it until a day when they should use it.

 The movement of the meteorite was caused by them to buy time for people to leave. It was used to attract the attention of other groups and make them busy.

 In order to make such a little noise, the remaining Chi family members in the city were gone.

  In other words, all the Chi family members who are still alive today are outside.

"The man also told me that after they escaped, they were chased by a force named Huo. It was also the organization I found out about looking for the two Chi family members."

“He knows that I am also one of the tribesmen and hopes that I can help them cover up their tracks. He has already found a way to place the little boy and wants to live incognito.”

 “I promised him.”

"In addition, my place is no longer safe. There happened to be an extraterrestrial meteorite in Lingnan. It was so dangerous that not many people dared to go there. It was a good place to hide secrets. So at that time, I tried to find a way to get a fragment of the Kongtong Seal I had. Sent there for storage.”

Lin Wu’s face slightly condensed.

"That person must be Jian Chonghe. He has always been in contact with Lu Guichi. Lu Guichi sometimes changed his identity, and it was him who did it."

"I don't know. He gave me a false name and asked me not to get too involved with him and the little boy. He wanted to reduce the risk as much as possible and let the little boy grow up safely."

The city lord said: "I finally got a new clan member, so I agreed. I also hope they can live safely. So I gave him a unilateral way to contact me for help, and I didn't take the initiative to find him."

Lin Wu was now sure that it was definitely Lu Guichi and Jian Chonghe!

"After he left, I asked people to check on the Huo family. I found something very interesting. Their ancestors were the ones who escaped from the foreign object chaos in the underground city when the door was opened." City Lord He said suddenly, which surprised Lin Wu.

"The original members of the Huo family are no longer here. They were eroded by foreign objects while escaping and could not survive for long. Their descendants also did not live to be fifty years old. To solve this problem, they began to find ways to return to the underground city. As time passed, , I don’t know how they spread it, but the thrilling news of the underground city was lost. They thought that the underground city contained amazing wealth and treasures, and could also make them immortal."

"So they have been secretly inquiring about the underground city. They discovered two abnormal Chi family members more than thirty years ago, and they traced them. Nothing was found, so they could only disappear. It wasn't until eighteen years ago that they discovered Chi's family again. Traces of the family, trying to find the dungeon."

Lin Wu frowned.

 No wonder the Huo family did what they did and were so persistent in going underground.

She pursed her lips and asked, "Don't you want to kill them for revenge?"

 “You’ve already done it, haven’t you?” the city lord asked with a half-smile.

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion