MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 598 Chi Yangzhi and Bo Yuting both became traitors!

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Lin Wu didn’t hear clearly what Miyano said.

 Because his voice was drowned out by Gu Siyin.

The four people who got off the car strode over directly. As they approached, Gu Siyin rushed over and hugged her tightly, almost knocking her down.

"Wuwu, you're finally back! We thought something happened to you. We've been so anxious these past few days. We looked everywhere for you but couldn't find you! It was the day before yesterday when your subordinate Zheng Qi returned home and told us that you were fine, so we just Put some snacks in!"

Lin Wu was out of breath.

Fortunately, Gu Siyin let go of her at this moment, holding her hand with red eyes, looking around her and asking if she was injured.

Lin Wu noticed that her eyes were bloodshot, the dark circles were heavy, and her appearance was haggard. It was obvious that she had not had a good rest for a long time.

Looking past her and looking behind, Bai Jing, Zheng Qi and Bo Wu also looked at each other.

She felt soft and said, "I'm not hurt, I'm fine."

"Are you really okay?" Bai Jing stepped forward and asked, his voice a little hoarse.

Lin Wu glanced at Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qiwei shook his head imperceptibly.

He learned from Zheng Lian what Lin Wu had gone through and what Lin Wu meant. He didn't say that Lin Wu almost died.

Lin Wu calmed down and said, "I'm really fine. Why don't you check me out?"

 Fortunately she has recovered.

Lin Wu looked at Gu Siyin, "Compared to me, your injury is more serious. It hasn't been long. You haven't recovered from the injury you suffered in Lingnan, right?"

Gu Siyin felt relieved to see that she was in high spirits and was behaving well. She really didn't seem to be injured.

But after hearing Lin Wu's words, her eye circles became even redder, "Sister's injury can be taken care of, and it will be healed slowly without any trouble. It's not like you, who doesn't rest honestly and goes to the northwest to find someone. We even went straight to Killer City at the Antarctic Ice Wall!"

 Lin Wu’s eyelids twitched and he looked at Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi's scalp tightened slightly and he quickly explained: "Master, when I return to China, Miss Gu and others already know about it."

Lin Wu: "?"

"That's what I said." Bai Jing said in a deep voice, "I had to tell them where you were at that time."

 She immediately told Lin Wu about what happened after the Northwest.

Lin Wu left for about four or five days when everyone discovered that she was no longer in the northwest.

However, Yu Bai helped cover it up at that time, and Zheng Qi was working abroad, so they could ask Zheng Qi. They heard Zheng Qi say that Lin Wu was busy with important matters recently and it was inconvenient to disclose his whereabouts, but he was safe, so they gave up temporarily. Find Lin Wu.

They waited worriedly for nearly a week, but there was still no sign of Lin Wu. They searched everywhere but could not find Lin Wu. They realized the seriousness when they found no trace of Lin Wu at all.

It's just that Lin Wu's people refused to disclose her specific whereabouts, saying that she was fine. At this time, something happened in China.

Bai Jing came to China at this time and told them about Lin Wu's Killer City, but he didn't tell them too carefully, so as not to affect what Lin Wu wanted to do.

At least they knew where Lin Wu was, so the Gu family calmed down and listened to Bai Jing and stopped looking for Lin Wu to avoid causing trouble to Lin Wu.

"I also asked Zheng Qi to come back. I can calm things down for you in the country, but I don't know what arrangements you have made. He can prevent trouble and mobilize and manage your people." Bai Jing said.

Lin Wu frowned when he heard this, "Something happened in the country? What happened..."

“Let me talk to you first, is the matter in Killer City really settled?” Bai Jing asked.

"It's over. I'm standing here, isn't it enough proof?" Lin Wu said easily.

Bai Jing stared at her: "But I heard the old thing said, you are over there..."

Lin Wu interrupted: "It was a little unexpected, but it was resolved without any danger."

Bai Jing looked at Gu Siyin who had a worried face, stepped forward and patted Lin Wu on the shoulder with understanding, and said softly: "Just come back."

Gu Siyin pulled Lin Wu to look around her body, and groped around for a while. She really felt relieved when she found no injuries.

"Don't leave without saying a word in the future. Can't we help you?" Gu Siyin said with a thick nasal voice.

They all knew the connection between Lin Wu and Killer City. At that time, they felt heartbroken and regretted not finding Lin Wu earlier.

If Lin Wu could come back to us sooner, he wouldn't have experienced so much!

"It's okay, it's all over." Lin Wu asked, "What happened in Beijing?"

 When mentioning this, everyone fell silent.

Lin Wu thought for a while and said, "Did the traitor No. 49 who colluded with the Huo family be found out? This person is quite extraordinary. He caused a lot of chaos and many people were implicated in stepping down."

Bai Jing opened his mouth: "The traitor has been found. But..."

Lin Wu looked confused.

Miyano couldn't help it anymore: "Well, why don't you go back to the hotel to rest first and talk about it tomorrow morning?"

Gu Siyin pursed her lips slightly and then said: "Wuwu, you just came back from abroad. Wait until tomorrow..."

The car whistle sounded, and the two men who had gone to fetch the car came back.

Lin Wu had no intention of leaving. She felt a strong uneasiness in her heart and said, "You guys should say it now."


  "Say!"   Lin Wu turned directly to Zheng Qi and shouted at him.

Zheng Qi lowered his head, not daring to look directly at her.

 At this moment, Bo Wu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stepped forward. His face was haggard and worried, which turned into a few heavy words.

“Ms. Lin, a lot of things have happened in Beijing during your absence for more than half a month. I think there are only two things you need to know.”

“First, your mother, Professor Chi, left without saying goodbye.”

“Secondly, Mr. Jiu... also left, and now I don’t know whether he is alive or dead.”

 Bo Wu paused and added: "Moreover, Professor Chi... is one of the few traitors uncovered on No. 49!"

Lin Wu was stunned when he heard what was happening in front of him.

 After listening to it all, she was so incredible that she thought it was ridiculous.

 “What **** are you talking about?”

 “How could my mother be the traitor of No. 49?!”

"What's the matter with her leaving without saying goodbye? What's the matter with Bo Yuting not knowing whether she's alive or dead!"

Bo Wu clenched his hands hanging by his side, "It's true. And... the master didn't tell us where he went, and he didn't allow us to explore. After the incident of the traitor No. 49 came out, the superiors conducted a thorough investigation, but they were abroad. Found some traces of the master, he was with the two traitors revealed on No. 49!"

"Now, the superiors have also issued a pursuit order for the master. If the fourth master and us hadn't suppressed him, I'm afraid they would have made it public and attacked the Bo family!"

Lin Wu’s mind went blank, and he couldn’t hide his anger: “Fart! How could Bo Yuting get involved with the traitor No. 49!”

 “Master, it’s true.” Zheng Qi said with difficulty.

Gu Siyin whispered: "Mom is indeed... The higher-ups have verified it. Mom has done a lot of things secretly over the years. She is not who we thought... The higher-ups are also planning to attack the Gu family. Dad and eldest brother are very troublesome. I just managed to suppress it. I have to thank Miss Bai for this."

Bai Jing said solemnly: "After learning about this, I came to China as soon as possible and put pressure on him to suspend the above-mentioned measures."

Now everyone knows that she is the daughter of Lord Bai Hai and a friend of Lin Wu.

Lin Wu’s identity is no longer a secret.

 When she came forward, she came forward on behalf of Lin Wu.

 No one dares to deny her face.

 Later, she contacted Zheng Qi and asked him to return home quickly to deal with it. He knew some of Lin Wu's arrangements better than she did.

It was precisely because of what happened that when the Gu family asked where Lin Wu was, she had to tell her.

She had to let the Gu family know that Lin Wu had a hard time escaping and was in danger, and she couldn't let the Gu family misunderstand that Lin Wu didn't care about them.

"International organizations, the Fourth Special Zone, and the Independence League have also come forward. Under pressure from many parties, the higher authorities have not touched the Gu Bo family and are still investigating." Bai Jing said, "No. 49 requested to find someone, but no matter how hard I tried to find them, I couldn't find them. No. The current situation is...a stalemate. I don’t know what the outcome will be."

Lin Wu's ears were buzzing.

 She turned around suddenly and asked Miyano.

“The Fourth Special Administrative Region has taken action, do you know? Second brother also knows? Since we were in Killer City, you have been hiding it from me?!”

Gong Ye was stunned for a moment and hurriedly explained: "Xiaosi, you just woke up at that time. If I had told you at that time, you would have returned home immediately. We just wanted you to have a good rest for at least one night. We didn't hide it from you on purpose. ! It’s really not intentional!”

Lin Wu turned around immediately, his chest heaving violently.

Several people looked at her worriedly.

Lu Guichi, who was also stunned by the news, suddenly thought of something and said: "Wuwu, they should have all gone to the underground city!"

 What followed was an extremely unbelievable guess for Lu Guichi.

“Auntie, she must have recovered her memory!”

“The method my uncle said may be to let my aunt take my place!”

Lin Wu’s heart suddenly sank.

Others were confused when they heard this.

Only then did Gu Siyin notice Lu Guichi: "What aunt, who replaces you? Lu Guichi, what did you and Jian Chonghe do to my mother?!"

 She rushed to Lu Guichi, grabbed him by the collar and asked angrily.

“Let me tell you, if anything happens to my mother, our whole family will never let you go!”

 Lu Guichi staggered.

Lin Wu took a deep breath, turned around and pulled away from Gu Siyin. She said: "Mom is from the Chi family in the underground city, and so is Lu Guichi. Mom is his aunt."


Gu Siyin was shocked by the sudden news.

 Lu Guiyan’s fake brother... became her mother’s nephew? !

 What is going on!

Lin Wu forced himself to calm down, "It's not convenient to talk here, so go to the hotel. Tell me what happened on the way!"

She can't rush back to Beijing overnight. This is too passive. She wants to know everything and clear her mind before returning to Beijing!

Read The Duke's Passion