MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 609 Chi Yangzhi’s safe

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 Upstairs, Lin Wu was at the top of the stairs.

After becoming a stranger, her five senses were far better than before, and she could clearly hear the voices of several people on the first floor.

After standing there for a long time, Lin Wu finally stopped going and went to the room prepared for her by the Gu family.

The maid has prepared a change of clothes, and water has been put in the bathroom bathtub.

Lin Wu came out from the shower and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind empty for a while.

She remembered something and took out her cell phone to call Mr. Xun, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. But she was afraid that Mr. Xun would be worried and nagging her, so she called Uncle Qian instead.

 Uncle Qian was so pleasantly surprised that he kept asking her how she was doing.

Lin Wu said yes, ask them.

 Uncle Qian gave her a detailed account of what he and Mr. Xun had done recently, and how Mr. Xun was doing.

Lin Wu listened patiently and didn't say much. He told Uncle Qian to take care of himself and Mr. Xun, and then hung up the phone.

Thinking about it again, Lin Wu didn't think of anything else to do, so he closed his eyes to catch up on his sleep.

  However, her sleep was not stable either. She had a nightmare related to the dungeon, and finally woke up directly.

 The antique wall clock jingled, and the room was groggy.

Lin Wu turned around and saw that it was almost evening.

She lay there in a daze for a while, then realized that she was at Gu's house now, so she got up from the bed, changed her clothes and went out.

 Several servants were cleaning in the corridor outside, and when they saw her, they called her "Miss" respectfully.

A thought suddenly flashed through Lin Wu's mind, "Where is the study room my mother usually uses? Take me there."

Without saying a word, the servant took her up to the fourth floor and stopped in front of the third room at the end.

The door was not locked, so Lin Wu could just push it in and touch the light switch on the wall. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't turn on the lights. Lin Wu's night vision is very good now. But she wanted to see more clearly.

This room is very large, and there are a lot of things placed there. There are built-in bookcases on three walls, which are full of various professional books. Several tables are also filled with literature, and there are many models and equipment piled on the floor. .

There is a small door on the right, which is not locked.

Lin Wu went over and pushed open. Inside was a small laboratory.

 It can be seen that Chi Yangzhi really loves physics.

If she were not a member of the Chi family, but just an ordinary person, she would have devoted her life to physics.

Lin Wu closed the door of the laboratory, went back and sat on the ground, looking through the information that Chi Yangzhi had read so often that it was a bit messy.

 It was as if she could feel that Chi Yangzhi was beside her.

Lin Wu’s eyebrows were downcast.

Suddenly, Lin Wu glanced out of the corner of his eye and noticed a dusty safe at the root of the wall next to the desk opposite.

Only it was dusty, it hadn’t been touched for who knows how long, and it looked out of place compared to other clean places.

 This is a bit strange.

It is impossible for the servants not to clean everything.

 Unless Chi Yangzhi doesn’t allow it.

Lin Wu immediately put down his things and went over, but there was a combination lock on the safe.


“It’s August 3rd, your birthday.”

 Gu Tangzhang's voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Wu turned around and saw Gu Tangzhang at the door holding a fruit plate.

Gu Tangzhang came in, knelt down next to Lin Wu, took a toothpick and gave her a piece of pear, and explained: "Your mother bought this safe eighteen years ago. She set your birthday as a password."

Lin Wu took it and ate it, raised his head and asked, "What's in it?"

Gu Tangzhang shook his head: "Dad doesn't know, she doesn't allow any of us to touch it. The next time Shiqing came in to play, she was curious and wanted to open it, but your mother happened to catch her. At that time, she, who was usually good-tempered, got furious and almost fell ill. It worries us to death, so we don’t dare to touch it.”

"What's strange is that we haven't seen her open it. When we asked her, she said she didn't know, but she just remembered that she couldn't open it."

Gu Tangzhang thought for a while and said bluntly: "But more than ten years ago, when your mother's condition was still unstable, she would lock herself in this room for a long time. My father once sneaked in through the window to see her, and he saw her sitting He was in a daze before it."

Lin Wu suddenly had a guess, which made her heart beat fast.

She stretched out her hand and stopped hesitantly when she was about to touch it.

Gu Tangzhang touched her head and said warmly: "You can read it if you want. Since Yangzhi uses your birthday as the password, the things inside should be related to you. She won't mind if you read it."

Lin Wu looked up at him, then at the safe, pressing the codes one by one.


 The cabinet door is open.

Lin Wu opened the door and was stunned when he looked inside.

 There is a black-covered notebook inside.

 She took it out.

 Suddenly, a photo fell out of the notebook.

 Lin Wu caught it subconsciously. When his eyes fell on it, Lin Wu froze.

 Gu Tangzhang was also stunned.

 That photo must be many years old, and the surface has turned yellow. Above is a little girl of three or four years old, wearing old clothes one size larger. She is standing upright, with her head slightly lowered, but she glances at the back of Hele, a family of four not far away.

 This is a profile photo, but it can be seen that the little girl’s immature facial features are similar to Lin Wu’s.

"It's me when I was a child..." Lin Wu pinched his fingertips tightly and turned white, "I seem to remember that day, probably the Lin family went out to play without me."

 No, it should be said that the Lin family just didn't take her seriously, so they didn't even think about taking her with them, and there was no need to tell her.

 So she followed her to the door, and without them noticing, she got in the car and left.

 She stood at the door for a while, realized this, and went back by herself.

 When Gu Tangzhang heard this, his first reaction was anger, and he winced in pain.

But then, he was stunned and said incomprehensibly: "How come your mother has this photo of you? She...she already knew where you were in Beicheng? Then why didn't she tell us, why didn't she send you to death?" The Lin family will bring him back!"

Lin Wu stared at the photo in silence, and for a moment whispered that Chi Yangzhi had lost his memory on purpose.

Lin Wu told him all the huge amount of information he learned in just one day.

Gu Tangzhang was stunned for a moment.

 There was a sudden "bang" at the door.

Lin Wu turned around and saw Gu Chengbai, Gu Shiqing and Gu Siyin.

There were broken cups on the ground and warm milk spilled all over the ground.

 They obviously heard it too.

 The three of them dragged their heavy bodies in.

Lin Wu smiled proactively and said, "I don't want to think about the past. Let me see what mom has written down in her notebook."

 She lowered her head in a disguised manner to prevent others from noticing her emotions and opening the book.

However, Lin Wu choked up after seeing the above content.

This is what Chi Yangzhi wrote down before she completely lost her memory. It was about the underground city and where she found Lin Wu.

And tell yourself, you must remember that the contents of the safe are very important and do not let anyone touch it.

 If you remember some strange people or things one day, open the safe and take a look.

 Finally write:

  【My little daughter’s name is Lin Wu. She is the most like me and I owe her the most. 】

  【But, Chi Yangzhi, don't be afraid to forget her, and don't see her again. 】

  【This means that she is safe and will never reach the dungeon. 】

There was dead silence in the room.

Lin Wu was dazed for a long time, closed the book, put the photos and all back into the safe, and closed it again.

"I've been sleeping for too long. I'm going to go out for some exercise and get some fresh air." Lin Wu said calmly, got up and went out.

As soon as Lin Wu left the room, his vision became blurry.

She forced herself to go downstairs quickly and went to the backyard.

 The servant is taking care of the flowers and plants, saying that those are the varieties Chi Yangzhi personally selected.

Lin Wu asked them to step back and sit down by the pavilion, looking at the darkening sky.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was a fragrance wafting over.

Lin Wu turned around and saw Gu Shiqing coming over with a bowl of tomato and beef brisket noodles.

His eyes were still a little red. When he met Lin Wu's gaze, he immediately smiled, came over and sat across from Lin Wu, and said, "Dad cooked noodles, try it? He used to cook for mom. It's really rare tonight. I’m happy to do it for us. You can’t miss it.”

 He handed the chopsticks to Lin Wu.

Lin Wu took it and ate it.

Gu Shiqing looked at her quietly.

Lin Wu raised his head and asked, "Second brother, don't you want to eat?"

Gu Shiqing said: "Second brother is not hungry."

Lin Wu let out a low voice.

Just a few seconds later, Gu Shiqing made a surprising statement: "Do you want to give Dad some medicine to let him sleep for a few more days?"

Lin Wu was caught off guard and choked.

Gu Shiqing hurried over and patted her on the back.

Lin Wu came over slowly and looked at him in astonishment.

"Look at what the second brother is doing." Gu Shiqing laughed. "The second brother feels that he knows you best among the fathers. You must have heard what dad said to us at noon, and you must be going to the dungeon, right?"

He looked at Lin Wu and said, "Second brother will help you. But you have to promise him that he will stay with you and not sneak away by yourself."

Read The Duke's Passion