MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 615 I just want to see you

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Lin Wu went up to the deck and was surprised to see Mo Lang and Zhong Jun also there. She went over and asked, "Why are you two seniors here? I thought you would stay in Killer City."

"There is Lingxiu there, as well as your subordinates. They will take good care of it." Mo Lang said.

Zhongjun's tone was calm: "The city lord has told me to protect you. Since you are going to die, I should go with you."

Lin Wu: "..."

Chongjun is actually still practicing the words of the city lord.

Mo Lang proposed to go back and rest.

Lin Wu said: "Senior, I won't bother you anymore, you can do as you please..."

 “I have a few questions to ask you.” Chong Jun said suddenly.

"you say."

 “What does a dungeon look like?”

Lin Wu walked to the railing, rested his elbows on it, and bent his back slightly. She shook her head and said, "I don't know. Senior, you should ask Lu Guichi. He has been there. But his impression of the dungeon is not very good. I advise senior not to mention it to him."

Zhongjun suddenly looked at her: "Then will you stay in the underground city? The underground city is the hometown of the city lord, and he will guard the things inside throughout his life. You are the city lord's clan."

"So what? The city lord is the city lord, and we are us." Lin Wu said straightforwardly, "Besides, with luck, the dungeon should no longer exist in the future."

 She told Chi Yangzhi and others what they were going to do.

Zhongjun was thoughtful and said solemnly: "I brought the remains of the city lord for cremation."


"I know that the city lord wants to return to his people. He doesn't want to be alone." Chongjun said.

Lin Wu was caught off guard. He opened his mouth and said, "Okay, I will take the ashes of the city lord for burial when I enter the underground city."

"No." Chongjun turned to face Lin Wu, "I want to bury the city lord, and I want to go in."

Lin Wu said truthfully: "You can't get in."

 Only those with tattoos can enter the dungeon freely. It's too late for them to make tattoos now.

 This is the fundamental reason why Lin Wu agreed to let Gu Shiqing and the others follow.

  She knew that no one could enter except her.

Zhongjun hit the nail on the head and said: "Those tribesmen who went before you didn't have tattoos either. Since they can enter, I can enter too."

Lin Wu was silent for a few seconds: "They may not have gone in, they may have died, and the blood spirit was brought in by Bo Yuting. Furthermore, Bo Yuting is dead, let the Kongtong seal be restored. Then my mother They use the Kongtong seal to open the door and then close it again. No matter what it is, you really can't get in without a tattoo."

Zhongjun said calmly: "Then kill me and take me in with you."

Lin Wu looked up in shock: "Why? Haven't you thought about leaving again?"

Zhongjun shook his head and looked at the night on the sea in the distance. His cold voice had a vague and unreal feeling at this moment: "I want to accompany the city lord. It would be too lonely for the city lord to stay in the underground city by himself."


"I have discussed it with Mo Lang, and he has no objection. If Killer City didn't need him in the future, he would be the same as me." Chongjun said.

Lin Wu was speechless for a moment, and finally said: "We haven't reached the dungeon yet, senior... think about it again. I think the city lord would prefer you to live well."

 Zhongjun just shook his head and stood quietly unmoved.

Lin Wu followed the cold sea breeze for a while, then returned to the cabin and found an empty room to rest.

 The sound of waves hitting the hull was clearly audible, and the hull was very stable and would not rock.

Lin Wu stared at the ceiling for a while, then turned over and fell asleep.

 It was noon when I woke up, and the sky was bright outside.

Lin Wu's head felt a dull pain. After a while, he got up to wash up and went to the restaurant on the second floor to eat.

  Gu Siyin and Ren Ke are here.

Gu Siyin waved: "Come on Wuwu, I'm just making sushi. Although it's my first time making it, it tastes good."

 Ren Ke gave a thumbs up.

 “It’s really good, so I’ll have another one. I want the flossy one.”

Gu Siyin: "Wait, I want to make it for my sister first." Lin Wu went to the bar and sat down, "Where are the others?"

"Bo Qi is contacting his people, it seems he is communicating about the domestic situation. Unbeknownst to Zhongjun and Mo Lang, they stayed in the room and did not come out. The food was sent in. Miyano didn't see anyone. You two I haven't seen you either. Guan Chen and Lu Guichi haven't gotten up yet."

Ren Ke yawned as she spoke. She got up because she was extremely hungry, otherwise she would have been able to catch up on her sleep until the afternoon.

Gu Siyin quickly made the sushi, cut it into pieces and pushed it in front of Lin Wu, saying: "Second brother went to check the ballast water tank. The weather in the water area we are passing through is not very good. It is predicted that there will be strong winds and waves in half an hour. , Second brother is worried. But it’s nothing serious, don’t worry.”

She was making another one and asked: "Wuwu, second brother asked me to wait until you wake up and ask, when are you going to look at the map?"

"We'll go after dinner." Lin Wu stuffed a piece of sushi and said quickly and vaguely: "I'll go back to the room to finish it later, but I still need someone to help me draw it."

 “Can’t we take photos? It’s so fast.” Ren Ke said casually.

Lin Wu glanced at her: "Don't you look at the map?"

"Of course! Don't think about doing it secretly behind our backs, and then find an opportunity to sneak away on your own!" Ren Ke said threateningly.

Lin Wu said: "Then I have to draw it. My tattoo is now entrenched on my heart."

"What does this have to do with paintings..." Ren Ke wondered, and the next moment he realized that if he wanted to see the tattoo map, Lin Wu would have to be naked from the upper body. It's really inconvenient to take pictures of this.

 “Wuwu, sister, I’ll help you draw it.” Gu Siyin said.

Ren Ke said with great interest: "I'm coming too. I want to see what kind of tattoo can attract so many people, and where is this dungeon?"

Lin Wu nodded and ate slowly.

 She is not in a hurry to get the map now.

Because Lu Guichi is on the ship now, he provided the captain with the approximate direction last night, so the ship no longer has to go to the place she mentioned.

On the other side, Lu Guichi was about to wake up, and when he opened his eyes, he vaguely saw someone sitting next to the bed.

 He thought it was Gu Shiqing. The two of them didn't sleep together last night. Gu Shiqing asked someone to find a small bed and put it in the room. The two of them lay and chatted for a long time. Lu Guichi went to bed even later, and he was still awake.

“Cousin, are the fog and fog rising...”

Lu Guichi rubbed his eyes and asked.

 “I don’t know, I didn’t pay attention to them.” The person replied.

Just when Lu Guichi was about to respond, he suddenly reacted and opened his eyes to look.

 The man beside the bed is not Gu Shiqing, but Guan Chen!

 He suddenly sat up and stepped back.

“Why are you here? No, who let you in?!”

  Guan Chen paused slightly before retracting the hand he was about to extend. He looked at Lu Guichi, who was sleeping dazedly and his hair was a mess, and said, "I asked Black Fox's second brother, and he said I can come in."

 Lu Guichi opened his eyes wide: "When did it happen?"

 “An hour ago.”

 Guan Chen replied honestly.

"You just stayed here watching me sleep for an hour? You did nothing else, right?" Lu Guichi was suspicious and stepped back again, leaning against the wall.

Guan Chen's eyes darkened and he asked, "What do you think I can do? Can I still force you?"

 Lu Guichi choked up.

Guan Chen pursed his lips slightly: "The last few times, whether it was three years ago or now, you ran away before I woke up without even saying goodbye. You didn't even say goodbye to me."

He looked at Lu Guichi and lowered his voice, "So this time, I just want to watch you wake up."

Lu Guichi was speechless for a moment and turned away, "Then you can go."

Guan Chen squeezed his palms and his voice was slightly tight.

 “Is this what you mean?”

“You still want to drive me away now?”
