MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 616 Gu Shiqing: Who are you asking? ?

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Lu Guichi felt a sudden dull pain in his heart, which made his throat feel as if it was being strangled, making it difficult for him to make a sound.

The suffocation spread silently in the room.

 After a long time, Lu Guichi still didn't look at the person in front of him. He lowered his head slightly and said calmly: "There is no reason."

 “I purely hate you, that’s all.”

 He then looked up, his face very calm.

“Since you are here to help Wuwu, I can’t say anything else. But other than that, I hope there won’t be anything else. After all, if it gets ugly, Wuwu will be in a lot of trouble.”

 “So, can you leave now?”

Guan Chen's breathing was slightly stagnant, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "Do you really think so?"



Guan Chen stared at Lu Guichi for a long time, then stood up suddenly and went out.

It wasn't until the sound of closing the door that Lu Guichi's heart was clenched, and his tense shoulders slumped.

"What else can I think about?" Lu Guichi mocked himself, "I only have so much time, so what else can I think about..."

 At the same time, in the ballast water tank on the third negative floor.

After the inspection, Gu Shiqing and the accompanying crew gave some instructions, and took them to check a few temporary cabins. After confirming that everything was fine, he was ready to go back.

Unexpectedly, I bumped into Miyano going down the stairs.

The other party seemed to be worried about the weather and sailing problems and came to check.

Gu Shiqing said hello politely, stepped aside to get out of the way, and passed people up.

But Miyano suddenly grabbed him.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Gong San?" Gu Shiqing had to stop and glanced at Miyano's somewhat strong hand. He spoke in a gentle tone, as if he didn't care about the other party's offensive behavior.

 But he also broke away from Miyano, went up the steps with a normal expression, and distanced himself.

Miyano looked up at him and said with a faint smile, "Second brother seems to have misunderstood me a little?"

Gu Shiqing's eyebrows twitched. His impression of the man in front of him still lingered on that night in the service area of ​​Soto City, when the other party threatened him with Lin Wu.

 Afterwards, he tried his best to avoid contact with this person.

 Fortunately, now that Lin Wu knew everything about No. 49, he no longer had to worry about how the other party's actions would affect his relationship with his precious sister.


 Gu Shiqing untimely recalled the internal information No. 49's record of Miyano. This man was a very difficult person to mess with, and it was best not to conflict with him.

Now that they are going to the dungeon together and on the same ship, it would be bad if they don't get along.

 The mist will be difficult.

Thinking of this, Gu Shiqing suppressed his displeasure with the other party, showed his usual smile, and said politely and distantly: "Master Gong San has misunderstood. I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you."

 After saying that, Gu Shiqing wanted to leave.

Miyano stared at him and said suddenly: "I didn't lie to you before. I want to find someone at No. 49."

Gu Shiqing paused slightly.

Miyano continued unhurriedly: "Originally, I wanted to ask Xiaosi for help, but she was too busy, and I didn't want to cause trouble for her. So is it convenient for Brother Gu to help me? What if? It’s inconvenient, I’d better go find Xiaosi.”

Only then did Gu Shiqing stop and turn around.

“Who is Mr. Gong San looking for?”

Miyano curled up his lips slightly and walked forward, standing on the same step as Gu Shiqing.

He has an extraordinarily beautiful, handsome and delicate face, but his aura is sharp and sinister, which makes his innocent look frightening.

 Now that we are so close, the cramped stairwell has a sense of oppression and aggression that is hard to ignore.

 Gu Shiqing felt that it was dangerous and frowned in discomfort, but there was nothing strange on his face.

He then heard Miyano say: "This man's name is Xin Yi."

Gu Shiqing's mind froze for a moment, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the other party.

“...who?” “Xin Yi.”

Miyano repeated it, looking at Gu Shiqing calmly, and said: "It's a coincidence that he is the same age as you, Brother Gu, but he is more taciturn, obedient and gentle than you. I have known him for a long time, but when he It was only after his death that I found out that he was actually an expatriate from No. 49, and he had other agendas when he was with me."

Gu Shiqing was stunned.

"But I don't care anymore." Miyano stared into Gu Shiqing's eyes and said, "I always thought that he might not be dead. As long as he comes back to me alive, I can ignore everything he lied to me in the past. I also If he doesn’t do those businesses anymore, he doesn’t have to worry that he and I will go against each other.”

Gu Shiqing's mind was empty for a few seconds, and he naturally turned his eyes to one side, his voice as calm and gentle as ever.

"I'm sorry, I have never heard of such a person in No. 49, so I can't answer you. But don't worry, Mr. Gong San, I will have someone check the file of No. 49."

 Miyano suddenly approached.

Gu Shiqing subconsciously retreated, but with the railing behind him, he had no way to retreat.

 This made Gu Shiqing frown visibly.

Miyano didn't come any closer, he just tilted his head and smiled, but his eyes were dark.

"I hope Brother Gu will not give me the result that this person really died in the line of duty."

Gu Shiqing said calmly: "This is not something I can decide. Does Mr. Gong San have anything else to do?"


Miyano shrugged, looked at him one last time, and simply turned around and left.

 Gu Shiqing stood there quietly for a long time, frowned and went up, but he did not go back to the room. Instead, he went to the deck, enjoying the sea breeze and lost in thought.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder.

 “Second brother!”

Hearing the familiar voice, Gu Shiqing suppressed his conditioned reflex and took action, tilting his head and looking gently.

Gu Siyin leaned in front of the railing and said strangely: "Second brother, what are you thinking about? I called you many times, but you didn't hear me."

"It's nothing, I was lost in thought for a moment." Gu Shiqing simply explained, "Why did you come here? It's cold outside, and your body has not recovered yet. Don't catch another cold."

"Hey, second brother, it's not like you don't know me. How can I be so weak? I came to tell you about Wuwu. She has already drawn the map in the tattoo and asked everyone to look at it and discuss the future. The route. Everyone else has arrived, but you haven't gone yet, so I went out to look for you." Gu Siyin said.

Hearing this, Gu Shiqing immediately went back with Gu Siyin.

As they were walking, Gu Shiqing said out of nowhere: "Siyin, do you remember Xin Yi?"

Gu Siyin paused, her expression became more nervous, and said: "Second brother, why do you ask him so suddenly?"

Gu Shiqing looked at Gu Siyin's reaction calmly, "A few years ago, I received an undercover mission to the Golden Triangle together, and he was a teammate with me. However, something happened later, and the action was exposed. He retreated to cover me and his body was completely destroyed. I almost died that time, and when I woke up from a coma, I forgot what happened in the Golden Triangle, and I couldn’t remember the details of the mission.”

"I originally wanted to go back to look for him, but the superiors told me that the mission has been completed and there is no need to delve into it further. They will do a good job in the aftermath. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and leaking our identities, I did not go back. .”

He paused and said, "Now that I think about it, I still feel sorry for Xin Yi. I feel that I should find out what happened during the mission so that I can live up to his kindness in protecting me."

 “No need!” Gu Siyin blurted out.

Gu Shiqing asked: "Why?"

"Uh... the mission is the mission, don't think about it anymore after it has passed." Gu Siyin couldn't hold it back and said: "Second brother, you don't know, you were in pain when you were in coma. It shows that your mission process was not very good, remember. It’s a good thing not to.”

 Gu Shiqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and under Gu Siyin's nervous and worried gaze, he finally nodded and said, "You are right. There is no need to think about the past, you should look forward."

Gu Siyin breathed a sigh of relief.

 The two of them quickly arrived at Lin Wu's room.

 Everyone else is here, but the atmosphere in the room seems a bit solid.

As soon as Gu Shiqing entered, he met Miyano's unabashed gaze.

He looked away and asked Lin Wu, who was sitting on the sofa, warmly: "Wuwu, where is the dungeon?"

 There is a drawn map on the table.

There is a tablet next to it, and the corresponding satellite map is on the screen.

Lin Wu looked at them and said slowly: "The map on the tattoo is the route from nearly a hundred years ago, and it has changed a lot now. Fortunately, Lu Guichi knows the approximate direction of the landmarks, and I compared it based on this."

“The final result—” She raised her head and said in a deep voice: “Have you ever heard of the continent of Lemuria?”

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