MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 617 The ruins of the Kingdom of Lemuria are underground cities

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"?What is this?" Ren Ke looked confused.

Several other people were basically confused.

Bo Qi checked it out immediately: "Like Atlantis, it is an ancient civilization that has disappeared for a long time."

According to existing records, it existed hundreds of thousands of years ago and was the cradle of a certain prehistoric super-civilization. However, later this continent suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea due to a devastating disaster and disappeared.

There are still people who are constantly exploring it today. Based on a certain understanding, they call it the homeland of mankind or the first scene of the Garden of Eden, and speculate that it has a rather mysterious and bizarre country.

Bo Qi looked at it and discovered something interesting.

"There are actually many people who think that there is also an alien civilization in the Lemurian civilization. They believe that the coexistence of humans and aliens at that time reached an incredible balance and harmony. Humans can even complete evolution with the help of special powers, and even more Suitable for survival…”

 Suddenly, Bo Wu stopped abruptly and raised his head in shock.

 Why does this sound similar to the alien objects in the underground city and the aliens from the Chi family?

Others also thought of it. Gu Siyin said in surprise: "Is this speculated alien civilization the same kind as the extraterrestrial objects in the existing underground city? Did they exist so long ago??"

Several people looked at Lu Guichi subconsciously.

Lu Guichi was confused: "I don't know about that. I actually know very little about the underground city. I only know the history of the Chi family. As for whether extraterrestrial objects existed so early..."

He frowned, "The earliest time I know they were formed was thousands of years ago. At that time, they wreaked havoc on the world, and only then did humans step forward and seal them into the underground city."

"Going forward, how did they exist for so long? If they existed, they would cause great harm to the human race, but no one has ever heard of it."

Lu Guichi didn’t dare to tell others. If it was true, the Chi family would definitely record it! It’s impossible for the Chi family not to notice!

A few people were even more confused and asked Lin Wu what he thought.

Lin Wu was no less surprised than they were.

Just after confirming the map, Lin Wu asked Gu Siyin and Ren Ke to notify everyone to come over, while she left her clothes to pack, and then checked the final location.

“The underground city is located in a sea area in the South Indian Ocean. On the satellite map, it is all sea, and there are no islands or land to land on.”

Lin Wu felt strange and wondered if there was some mysterious magic that had covered up the traces of the underground city, so he sent a satellite to see the real scene, but he couldn't see anything unusual.

If there is magic, why would there be traces of it? Her current cultivation level has also improved greatly, it is impossible not to see it.

But the dungeon is definitely there, and the map is correct.

Lin Wu looked up what was special about that place from other aspects, and then he found out about the continent of Lemuria.

“That sea area was where it existed before it sank.”

As he continued reading, Lin Wu was attracted by the research on extraterrestrial civilizations.

Because the speculations about the Lemurians are very similar to the current situation of the Chi family!

She thought deeply and said: "My master Mochuan told me that in order to keep foreign objects from the sky away from the human race, the underground city was moved to the ends of the world, isolated from the world."

“Could it be that they accidentally moved to the ruins of the Lemurian civilization, and under the sea?”

 This can also explain why there is no land on the sea, and no abnormalities are found in calm seas.

The dungeon is in the sea, so of course there is no need to set up defenses at sea.

That sea area is also remote and mysterious enough. When people think of it so far, they only know about the Lemurian civilization and never think of going to the underground city. It is indeed a good hiding place.

more importantly-

Lin Wu looked up at the people and said, "I have two doubts."

“First, with the industrial level of a thousand years ago, it was impossible to build a city large enough to exist in the sea. But current speculation is that the underground city is in the sea, not in the sea.”

Miyano questioned: "But this doesn't make sense. How can they live in the sea? No wonder the overall appearance of the underground city is an airtight spherical shape? There is also an oxygen supply problem."

Lu Guichi immediately said: "No! In my impression, the underground city is no different from the city outside, except that it is more majestic and primitive. You can also see the sky, but it is always dark. As for oxygen, we won't worry about it. No one has ever noticed the need for oxygen."

"In this case, it cannot be in the sea." Guan Chen said, "Is it possible that there is some mysterious magic that can lead to other places on the seabed? Black Fox, aren't you a mysterious master? Is there a way to detect it? Is this true?" Ren Ke slapped his forehead and said, "That's right! Last time we entered the ice prison from the bottom of the sea, it was through magic. It should be the same this time!"

“What you said makes sense, but you need to hear me out first.”

Lin Wu tapped his fingers on the table to attract their attention.

She said: "As far as magic is concerned, it is impossible to move such a large city to other places through space. To give a simple and easy-to-understand example, a hundred of me now combined will definitely not be able to do it. .”

“If it’s not a magic trick, what else could it be?”

A few people were even more confused.

Lin Wu said: "But it may not be without magic."

Several people:"???"

 “This brings me to my second thought.”

Lin Wu thought thoughtfully and said slowly: "There was no such thing as Lemurian civilization a thousand years ago. I think people at that time didn't know where they had moved, they only knew that they had found a suitable place. "

Thinking about it further, people at that time faced a difficulty.

How can such a large city survive on the sea?

Lin Wu is more inclined. They did not think about sinking to the bottom of the sea at first, but were trying to find ways to overcome the problem of floating on the sea, including but not limited to using magical weapons and trying large-scale engineering operations.

Lin Wu clicked on the screen and changed it to another picture of the volcanic distribution zone.

Pointing at it, he said: "There are many dormant volcanoes under this sea area. Once they erupt, they will cause disasters such as tsunamis and crustal movements. I checked, and scientific speculation is that it most likely happened once nearly a thousand years ago."

Gu Shiqing understood instantly: "Wu Wu, you are saying that maybe the underground city had a tendency to stabilize on the sea at that time, but suddenly encountered a disaster and was forced to sink to the bottom of the sea?"

Lin Wu nodded.

Thinking in this direction, Gu Shiqing quickly figured out the next thing.

"The underground city is still alive today, which shows that they escaped the disaster. But how can such a large city be saved from sinking into the sea? I am afraid that the city buildings will not be able to withstand natural disasters and be destroyed. In addition, humans cannot survive in the sea, lack of oxygen is enough Let people die, and fish and beasts..."

As Gu Shiqing spoke, an idea flashed across his face.

 “It’s the ruins of the Lemurian civilization!”

“In the process of sinking into the sea and being shipwrecked, they may have come into contact with the ruins or the passage leading to the ruins, and thus escaped there to avoid the disaster!”

“The current underground city may not be the underground city they originally built, but the ruins of the Kingdom of Lemuria itself!”

These words were quite astonishing, and several people who heard them were stunned.

Mo Lang, who was watching on the sidelines, finally couldn't help but speak: "But this is too ridiculous, can it be true?"

"Why not? Everything is possible until you see it with your own eyes. Besides, this is the most reasonable speculation based on the currently known information." Lin Wudao said.

 Thinking about it again, Lin Wu's eyes lit up strangely.

“Besides, don’t you think that there may be an extraterrestrial civilization in Lemuria? It’s hard to think about it?”

“It once had extraterrestrial objects, and there was a place suitable for them to exist, as well as rules that restricted them from doing evil. The extraterrestrial objects in the underground city were all sealed in the center of the city, and they basically lived in peace.”

 The two have different approaches but the same purpose.

"Furthermore, I have actually thought about how powerful our ancestors were in being able to seal so many extraterrestrial objects. After all, I almost died when I only dealt with a few escaped extraterrestrial objects, and the extraterrestrial objects in the underground city It is extremely large and numerous.”

“In addition, after experiencing such a disaster, the ancestors must have been severely weakened. It would be even more difficult to achieve the seal and close the door in a short period of time and never go out.”

“So it is more reasonable that there are the ruins of the Lemurian civilization, and there are already rules and places for restricting alien objects. The ancestors were lucky enough to discover it, and they happened to work together to seal and suppress it!”