MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 621 Great changes in underground city

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I don’t know how long it took before Lin Wu finally regained consciousness.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the dark sky, which seemed to be wrapped by some dense and huge alien creature, and he felt a sense of depression.

Lin Wu immediately sat up, wanting to see where he ended up after sinking into the sea.

Due to previous experience, Lin Wu thought it would also be boundless darkness.

But what was surprising was that she could clearly see that she was in the center of a platform, surrounded by a vast expanse of space with nothing but an illusory horizon that seemed within reach, but was actually extremely far away.

 Looking back, there is a long stone staircase extending upward behind, disappearing into the sky.

Lin Wu stood up and found that the ground beneath him was rough and made of an unknown gray-white stone.

From the corner of his eye, he could see some man-made patterns around the ground, and several tall and thick round stone pillars on both sides, which looked like some kind of altar.

But this place seems to have experienced some kind of disaster, and there are craters and dilapidations everywhere, which makes the pattern incomplete, and Lin Wu can't see the meaning of the only part.

"Forget it." Lin Wu gave up and called out the names of Guan Chen and Lu Guichi.

It was also at this time that Lin Wu realized that this place was unusually big. She couldn't even hear her own echo.

Lin Wu walked to the edge of the stone platform and looked down, his pupils narrowed.

This stone platform is actually suspended in the air. I don’t know how high or deep it is below!

"How did you do it..." Lin Wu looked around in surprise, but didn't see anything.

 Finally she stopped in front of the stone steps and looked up.

 There is no doubt that the shipwreck encountered earlier was caused by Lu Guichi!

Lu Guichi didn't want to listen to her. His desire to come to the dungeon alone had never changed. He also knew how to get to the dungeon, so he didn't tell her the truth!

 So after going to that sea area, Lu Guichi deliberately waited until the last time he went into the sea and did something before he came up again. He only waited for the accident to happen and then went down and let them go!

Then the place you arrived after falling into the sea should be the entrance to the underground city.

 Is this here?

 Can you see the dungeon when you go up?

Lin Wu looked back and saw no other way, so he went up the steps.

She was still a little worried about whether there were any potential dangers on this stone staircase, so she walked very carefully, but slowly she became sure that she was the only one in this eerily quiet place, and she did not notice any other dangers.

The tattoo didn’t pop up to remind her.

Lin Wu sped up.

The end of the stone steps disappeared into the sky. Lin Wu originally thought it would take a long time to walk, but she was surprised to find that she had only walked for half a minute and she had reached the horizon!

 Looking back, it’s thousands of feet high in the sky!

 There should be a special mystery in these stone steps.

Lin Wu stepped forward and carefully touched the dark clouds in front of him. It could penetrate through!

She made a secret gesture just in case, and rushed forward, as if passing through a soft air current, it passed by in an instant, and her feet hit the ground.

 When he opened his eyes again, Lin Wu was shocked.

A majestic and huge city, floating and half-hidden in the sea of ​​clouds among the mountains! At first glance, its buildings have a primitive and simple atmosphere, like a palace beyond the sky where indescribable things live.

Extremely shocking visual impact.

There is still a long stone staircase in front of you. At the end is a square, and then up is the majestic gate.

Lin Wu looked around as he walked, and soon came to the steps outside the gate.

You can see it more clearly here. They are two heavy stone gates, about five or six meters high, with rough surfaces, but in the middle there is a red phoenix painted with cinnabar, spreading its wings and about to fly, lifelike.

Lin Wu touched his heart and the tattoo came out.

 She really arrived at the legendary dungeon.

 I don’t know if the door is still closed, and if there is the smell of Kongtong Seal on it.

 This is related to whether Bo Yuting and Chi Yangzhi are still alive.

Lin Wu stepped forward quickly, but for a moment he flinched, not daring to touch reality. But she still took a deep breath to calm down and reached out to touch the door. The tattoos on her body suddenly began to move animatedly, and colorful tail feathers appeared on her hand that touched the door, and she quickly climbed up to the door.

In an instant, the wind phoenix on the door burst out with a dazzling red light!

Lin Wu closed her eyes subconsciously, and the red light actually merged into her body, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared.

Lin Wu opened his eyes suddenly and stared at the door.

 This was obviously her first contact, but her tattoos already told her that it was the induction of the Kongtong Seal!

The real power of the Kongtong Seal appeared on the door. It gently suppressed the foreign power in her body, making her whole body relaxed as if she was new to life. It also sent her a sense of intimacy, as if it was happy for her arrival.

Lin Wu showed no joy in response at all. There was only a blank and a sharp dull pain in his mind.

—Kongtongyin’s reunion was successful!

 This also shows that Bo Yuting has...


 She doesn’t accept it!

 He cannot die!

Lin Wu pushed the door open hard.

 The heavy door was fluttering in front of her and opened for her silently.

 However, when Lin Wu looked inside, he froze on the spot.

The moment the door opened, the invisible barrier covering the dungeon also dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the interior to visitors.

 It was not even half as grand and shocking as what she saw outside!

There are ruins everywhere, desolate and dilapidated, and the rivers of blood on the ground have dried up and turned black!

 It’s all the scene after the disaster overturns!

"how so…"

Lin Wu rushed in and called everyone's names.

But this huge city was so quiet that it was suffocating, with no echo or breath at all, as if Lin Wu was the only person left in the world!

Even the people who originally lived in the underground city were nowhere to be seen!

Suddenly, Lin Wu didn't pay attention to his steps, so he tripped over something and fell heavily to the ground.

The stone layer on the ground was very rough, and Lin Wu's palms were scratched when he held the ground, causing a burning pain.

This made Lin Wu sober up, but he still couldn't calm down.

 There is no one here, how come there is no one? !

Bo Yuting, Chi Yangzhi, Jian Chonghe, Bo Qingcheng, Gu Tangfeng...where have they gone? !

There were also Lu Guichi and Guan Chen who came in before her!

  Why not one!

 Could it be that…

 Have they already managed to open some space crack, so that everyone and the alien objects from the sky perished together and went in together? !

The forest fog rolled up and up, trying to find the center of the city.

When he raised his head, Lin Wu paused.

Not far away, a young man walked over and entered Lin Wu's sight.

 The moment his eyes met, he stopped.

It’s actually Luan Zhi!

 Why is he in the dungeon?

 Unexpectedly, Luan Zhi was not as surprised or astonished as Lin Wu.

He just looked at Lin Wu blankly, not knowing what he was thinking. After a moment, he slowly said: "Is it you?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Luan Zhi's voice became hoarse.

 He said: "This time, is it you I finally see?"

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion