MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 633 Don’t take everything at face value

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Chapter 633 633. Don’t take everything at face value

Lin Wu was stunned by what the old man said.

  Why is it a bit strange when the other person says something quite ordinary?

She said: "That's more or less it. Do you know where he is?"

 The old man was silent.

Lin Wu asked again in confusion.

At this time, the old man said slowly and with determination: "Since you have such a master, you are also... destined to the Thirteenth Ridge. It seems that for your master's sake, I can tell you the whereabouts of the Eleventh Ridge Lord."

 “Seriously?” Lin Wu’s eyes lit up slightly.

 The old man nodded and sat down on the side.

Lin Wu still had some scruples: "But you just said that I have no destiny with the Thirteen Ridges. It's not like I have a master just now, it was the same before. It makes no sense that I didn't have a destiny before, but now I have a destiny."

“So senior, if you tell me this, will it have any impact on you, or what price will you have to pay?”

 She looked at the old man.

 The old man said: “What if there is?”

"Then I won't ask you. I'll think of another way, or just find my master." Lin Wu said without hesitation, "This is my own business. I can't drag others down."

The old man looked at her steadily, and then smiled: "There is no price. This may be God's will."

Lin Wu saw that he didn't look fake, so he felt relieved and asked, "Where is the Lord of the Eleventh Ridge?"

 The old man raised his hand and pointed at the ground.

Lin Wu lowered his head and looked around, confused.

"What's the meaning?"

“Ten meters below this small temple, there is a cave, and inside there is a ginkgo tree that has been dead for who knows how many years.” The old man said.

Lin Wudeng immediately looked up at him.

“My master did mention to me that there is a ginkgo tree near the temple where you live, but he also said that it remains undefeated all year round. How could it wither?”

The old man said slowly: "It is indeed undefeated all year round. As long as you can make it show its former glory, you can meet the Lord of the Eleventh Ridge."

Lin Wu was slightly startled and said, "Is this all that needs to be done?"

 The old man nodded: "That's all I need."

Lin Wu pondered.

"Little girl, don't think it's easy to do." The old man reminded, tapping his fingers on the table, "Drink some hot water, it will keep you warm. The room next to the firewood is a guest room. You can stay in it. The one opposite is Utility room, if you need anything you can find it in there, it’s God’s will if you don’t find it.”

He stood up and said, "That's it for now. You can do what you want in the next few days without looking for me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the right side of the middle room, walked up the steps there to the highest house, opened the door and went in.

Lin Wu drank some water to moisten his throat, and immediately went to the edge of the door and looked down.

The foundation of the house protruded quite a bit from the cliff, blocking the view. Lin Wu could not see clearly below.

 She went back to rummage through her bag for a rope, found something strong to tie to the door for support, and grabbed the rope to fall.

 The rope was more than twenty meters long, enough for Lin Wu.

 However, when she went down to more than ten meters, she looked left and right, but she didn't see any cave.

 Going down further to the end of the rope, he still couldn't find it.

Lin Wu climbed up to ask the old man, but after knocking on the door for a long time, there was no movement inside.

She raised her voice and said something offensive. She opened the door and went in. There was no one inside, except for a strange beast with closed eyes and lowered head enshrined in the middle of the main hall. She didn't know what it was.

She went back to look for other rooms, but couldn't find the old man.

  Could it be that the old man left just when she went down?

Lin Wu thought it was possible, so he returned to the yard and waited patiently.

Although the old man said there was no need to look for him, what he said was wrong. We still need to meet him again to make things clear.

As the night got darker, Lin Wu got some cold water, made a self-heating pot, ate biscuits, and squatted in front of the stove to keep warm.

  She is not afraid of the cold after the alienation, but she has lost too much strength and has not recovered yet. Now her body is no different from that of a normal person, but she is even more afraid of the cold.

Lin Wu attributed this to the fact that her alien form was not of the cold-resistant family in the mountain ice sheet. However, no one was seen until midnight, so Lin Wu had no choice but to go into the house and sleep.

 When it was noon the next day, there was still no one in sight.

"Is this a deliberate attempt to hide away..." Lin Wu thought resolutely. He went back to the door with a headache, tied the rope around his waist, and chased him while hanging in the air.

This time Lin Wu did not rush to look, but carefully observed the surroundings.

 The old man deliberately did not show up, which meant that what he told her should be fine. Maybe he was hiding some kind of mystery?

 She can understand something so important without being able to tell her explicitly. This is probably a real test of her understanding and ability.

Lin Wu thought that the Thirteen Ridges were all special, so she couldn't think of the Thirteen Ridges with ordinary people's thinking.

 The old man said it was ten meters, so it should be ten meters.

 But his assessment may be different from hers.

In addition, maybe there is magic involved?

It's like being in a dungeon, just a few steps and you'll go a long way.

Lin Wu looked at the cliff carefully, wondering if it was because of her psychology. There were several strange protruding stones on the cliff. They were not big, but they could stand on one foot.

She grabbed the rope and swung over, grabbed the top stone and climbed up, letting herself stand on one foot for support.

 Inadvertently looking up, Lin Wu was stunned.

There was a stone staircase going down in sight. They were separated by dozens of centimeters and they could stand on one foot.

Lin Wu hesitated for a moment and then went down.

Who would have thought that after walking only a few steps, the rope around my waist would become tight and reach the limit of length!

 She turned around and saw that the rope was stretched tightly!

 There is indeed something different here!

Lin Wu simply untied the rope and carefully lowered it.

After walking more than ten steps, Lin Wu looked up unexpectedly and found that the small temple was nowhere to be seen!

Lin Wu took a breath and continued walking down calmly.

Even though she walked very far, she actually walked a few meters on the stone steps!

 At last we reached the end, and there was a cave as high as one person!

The inside is not very deep. When the sun shines in, you can vaguely see the innermost stone wall, but it is very dark in the depths.

Lin Wu turned on the flashlight, and after entering, his vision suddenly became clearer.

Even though it is not too spacious, the height of the mountain is not small, it is twenty or thirty meters high. Inside, there is a huge ancient tree with intertwined roots that actually penetrates deep into the mountain! The tree can be hugged by two people who are close together, and the branches are thick and strong, shaped like an umbrella canopy.

What’s even more amazing is that most of it is almost embedded in the mountain wall and seems to be integrated with it.

The forest mist passed, and I climbed over the layers of tree roots and climbed to the tree. I stared at the giant tree in front of me in amazement.

The trunk of the tree was rough and cracked, and it was unclear how long it had been dead.

 “Can me alive??”

Lin Wu was very skeptical.

 But when thinking about the stone steps, Lin Wu felt that he should not look at the appearance of everything and had to change his mind.

Mochuan said that this tree remains undefeated all year round, which means that it is actually still alive. As for the appearance in front of us...maybe it is an illusion?

Lin Wu patted the tree body with her hand. The surface was so rough that it hurt her hands.

She clasped her hands together, intertwined her ten fingers, and quickly changed her gestures to form a formula and punch it into the tree, carefully testing the inner strength of the ancient tree.

Suddenly, Lin Wu was shocked to find that there was a strong vitality deep in the tree, as if there was a life...

Before Lin Wu could investigate any further, a terrifying aura erupted from the tree, so fast that Lin Wu couldn't even feel it!

At the critical moment, the hair string on Lin Wu's wrist suddenly emitted a white light.

The breath is slightly stagnant.

next moment-


Lin Wu was caught off guard and sucked into the tree!

Lin Wu was shocked.

But surprisingly, when she was about to take some precautions, she staggered and fell to the ground.

 When I looked up, there were dozens of people in front of me!

Lin Wu’s voice stopped suddenly.

Read The Duke's Passion