MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 8 00 I should accept the favor of saving my life.

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Chapter 8 008. You should accept the offer of saving your life

Lin Wu met the man’s eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling: “…”

He is actually a doctor.

She raised her hand in submission, briefly shook the man's hand as a greeting, then took it back and said, "Nice to meet you."

Bo Yuting glanced at his hand, raised his eyebrows and said, "I wonder what Miss Lin did when she saw me?"

 Lin Wu said in a calm tone: "I have a relative who is hospitalized and needs..."

 “Let’s sit down and talk.”

Bo Yuting said suddenly. Under Lin Wu's gaze, the hand hanging by his side brushed his abdomen.

 That's where the man got hurt when we met on the train.

Last night, she saw that he looked calm and didn't look injured. She thought she had made a mistake.

Having something to ask for, Lin Wu naturally nodded: "Okay."

Bo Yuting turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Wu passed him and sat on the single sofa on one side, but he didn't expect Bo Yuting to sit on the end of the sofa next to her, and the two were very close.

Meeting Lin Wu's gaze, Bo Yuting slightly raised the corners of his lips: "It's easier to hear clearly because we are close. After all, I am older and my hearing is not as good as yours, little girl."

Dean Wu was stunned and couldn't help but doubt his own eyes for a moment.

The doctor Bo just now was not so good-tempered. No matter what he said, he always looked cold and indifferent, even expressionless and a little impatient.

 Did he just see it wrong? ?

 He said quickly: "Doctor Bo, it's like this..."

"Since this Miss Lin has something to do with me, please ask Dean Wu to go out first and I will talk to the patient's family in person," Bo Yuting said.

 Dean Wu: "Uh..."

"have opinions?"

Bo Yuting glanced at Dean Wu.

Dean Wu quickly waved his hand and said he didn't dare. When Lin Wu nodded, he had no choice but to go out and leave space for them.

 After closing the door, Dean Wu suddenly reacted.

 That’s his office!

 …Forget it, if you can’t afford it, just give it.

In the office, Lin Wu said straight to the point: "I'm here for my grandfather. His condition is serious. The attending doctor said that this area corresponds to your specialty. You may be able to do something."

If it were someone else, Lin Wu might really have no hope. He immediately tried every means to find Mr. Yang from the medical organization, and even if he wanted to kidnap the person, he would have to kidnap him first.

However, Lin Wu felt that he could still have some expectations for Bo Jiuye of the Bo family.

Bo Yuting chuckled and said, "As you know, I am injured. Originally, I did not plan to treat any patients in the near future and will take leave until I recover."

Lin Wu paused for a moment and said, "You can make an offer, I can afford it."

"Why are you so anxious?" Bo Yuting rested his chin on his long arm and looked at Lin Wu calmly, "But you are my savior. Of course I can't shirk my benefactor's work."

It’s not that Lin Wu never thought of using life-saving grace as an excuse.

 It's just that the man in front of him is from the Bo family in Beijing, and it is said that no one can force him to do something he doesn't want to do.

If she confronts him, she may not be able to be kind enough not to say anything. It will also waste time and delay her from finding someone from the medical organization.

Lin Wu was silent and said: "Conditions?"

Bo Yuting clicked his tongue, "Do I look like someone who can negotiate terms with my savior?"

Lin Wu couldn’t deny it.

Bo Yuting sighed in a long and helpless tone. He suddenly took out his mobile phone, tapped the screen a few times with his long fingers, and pointed the screen towards Lin Wu.

 “Then add a contact information.”

 Lin Wu’s eyes moved from the screen of his mobile phone to him without moving. Bo Yuting raised his eyebrows: "How else can we communicate about our condition?"

Lin Wu immediately took out his mobile phone to add it, and noted the doctor.

After the negotiation was settled, Lin Wu stood up and said, "I will ask someone to bring you the information about my grandfather's condition."

Thinking of the man's injury, Lin Wu added: "It's hard work. In return, I can give you blue spices that are good for wound healing."

Bo Yuting's eyes widened when he heard this.

 Special spices, he knows.

There are four types of special spices known on the market, namely white, green, blue and black. White is the lowest grade and black is the highest grade.

Because special spices have great effects on the human body, they are difficult to prepare and there are only a few perfumers.

The most widely circulated spices on the market are white spices, green spices are rare, blue spices are rare, and black spices are rare and no one has ever seen them.

The little girl gave him blues spice, which was a big investment.

 It seems that the little girl cares about this elder.

He stood up holding on to the armrest of the sofa and said, "That's not necessary. Blues spice is rare, so Miss Lin should keep it for herself."

 He knows about special spices.

 Confirming this, Lin Wu thought for a moment and decided to urge Zheng Qi to hurry up.

If Zheng Qi's speed is not enough, she will use the methods on the dark web.

"I, Lin Wu, never owe any favors. You treat my grandfather's injuries, and I will reciprocate. It's as it should be." Lin Wu left these words and left the office.

Bo Yuting looked at her back and said nothing.

Not long after, Dean Wu came in. Seeing Bo Yuting still standing there, he cautiously called him.

Bo Yuting came back to his senses, glanced at him lightly, and asked, "Where is my office?"

Dean Wu said hurriedly: "I'll take you there and I've already cleaned it up for you!"

Bo Yuting hummed lightly and left with Dean Wu.

 After arriving at his office, Dean Wu cautiously asked if there was anything he was dissatisfied with.

Bo Yuting glanced casually and said, "No. By the way, Miss Lin's elder's information will be sent over as soon as possible."

 Dean Wu did not expect that he actually agreed, and was a little surprised.

On second thought, it was expected that a person as unpredictable as Lin Wu could get Bo Yuting to agree.

 Dean Wu agreed and left.

Bo Yuting had just sat down on the leather sofa when her cell phone rang.

He took it out, looked at it, and answered the call casually: "Hello?"

“Master Jiu! How are you getting used to the new place?” came a male voice with a playful smile over there.

Bo Yuting was half-lying down, covering his abdomen with a big hand, and said lazily: "It's okay. What's the matter?"

The person over there hurriedly said: "I'm here to tell you the good news! After my unremitting persuasion, my friend finally agreed to meet you! When I return to China next week, I will immediately organize a meeting for you!"

Bo Yuting hummed.

The person over there changed his voice and added: "That's right... I'll tell my friend that your search for her may be related to the 511 case that year."

Hearing this, Bo Yuting narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a dangerous tone: "Did you really say that?"

The person over there said bitterly: "Anyway, you and my friend will talk about this sooner or later. There is no harm in my friend knowing. Besides...if I don't say this, my friend will not agree...You don't know, my brother can Stubborn!"

Bo Yuting sneered lightly and said, "Then you'd better pray that it won't affect what I want to do."

 After saying that, he simply hung up.

 (End of this chapter)