MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 39

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Lan Muyu stared blankly at Li Ruonan, resisting her inner impulse, she tried to make her voice seem calmer: "What do you want...what do you want to say?"

Li Ruonan gave a low laugh, took out his mobile phone and issued a few commands.

The moment the phone was put down, the scrolling entries on the surrounding LED display stopped instantly, leaving only the striking sentence "Lan Muyu, I like you." 】

After watching the premiere of "Limited Sales", it was already two in the morning. There were almost no people on the street. Those billboards and big screen confessions clearly fell into Lan Muyu's line of sight. surrounded.

Lan Muyu was all excited, gasping for breath, as if it was about to explode in the next second.

Li Ruonan stepped forward and took Lan Muyu's hand.

At the moment when the fingertips touched, Lan Muyu realized that she was not the only one who was nervous. She held back Li Ruonan's slightly trembling fingertips.

Li Ruonan pursed his lips, as if he was dealing with a crucial document, and finally said, "Lan Muyu, I like you, stay with me."

A gust of wind blew past Li Ruonan's words. Lan Muyu clearly heard it, but pretended not to hear it and said suspiciously: "The wind was a bit strong just now, I didn't hear it clearly, can you say it again?"

- That is of course good.

At this moment, Li Ruonan would not refuse any request from Lan Muyu.

Even if you are picking the stars and the moon, I am afraid that you will first think about how to buy a satellite.

Li Ruonan calmed down, his face pretended to be calm, but the tips of his ears revealed his inner thoughts, stained with a touch of red, and solemnly said: "Lan Muyu, I didn't realize my feelings before, if it weren't for you these days. What you have said to me since, maybe I will wake up after I lose you.

I don't want to share you with anyone, much less accept being out of your world one day.

I don't like people too much, but I think this kind of possessiveness is just like. I am very fortunate to meet you and to be by your side. I hope this luck will last a lifetime.

Maybe you're right, I'm the timid rabbit, but the rabbit is aware of his feelings. Lan Muyu, I like you and want to be with you. "

Listening to Li Ruonan's stern speech-style confession, although the tone was a little out of context, but the words were sincere, making Lan Muyu a little breathless.

She didn't expect Li Ruonan to do this for her. With Li Ruonan's character, she originally thought that as long as she chose the right time to take the initiative, Li Ruonan only needed to promise her.

But who would have thought that this timid rabbit, who had been silent in recent days, was preparing such a big surprise for her?

She had always known that Li Ruonan cared about her. After her death in her last life, she had completely seen Li Ruonan's heart.

She was born again by chance. She originally only wanted to live her life well, let those who took the initiative to provoke her get the end they deserved, and then - thank those who paid for her in the past life.

But in the days she spent with Li Ruonan, her heart fell early before she even noticed it.

But she didn't struggle. It was her luck to fall in love with someone as good as Li Ruonan. When she tried Li Ruonan's mind again and again, she found that she never wanted to let go.

She was addicted to it willingly, unable to extricate herself.

Lan Muyu's ears seemed to be muted, and Li Ruonan's words were played in a loop, and the heartbeat in his chest became louder and louder: "Bang dong... bang dong...".

Li Ruonan clenched his hands a little, and asked nervously again, "Mumu, promise me, okay?"

Lan Muyu gently pulled her fingertips away, and after seeing the disappointed expression on Li Ruonan's face, she smiled softly, and then she jumped on Li Ruonan without hesitation, wrapped her neck around her, and kissed her.

At the moment when he kissed the lips that Xiao had thought about for a long time, Lan Muyu abandoned all the distracting thoughts in his mind, devoted himself to the kiss, forcefully pried Li Ruonan's teeth, sucked gently and tossed and turned. He tried his best, trying to pull back the game from the previous night.

But Lan Muyu's kiss was still softer, slowly hooking Li Ruonan, and after Li Ruonan took the bait, he quickly retreated, grinding slowly, and even if he wanted to deepen it, he still maintained this speed.

After being unable to stand Lan Muyu's eagerly-rejected kiss, Li Ruonan reached out and clasped the back of Lan Muyu's head, deepening the kiss. It was clear that Lan Muyu had already grasped the opportunity this time, but in a game of mutual replacement, he gradually lost the initiative and let Li Ruonan lead the rhythm.

Before today's premiere, Gu Yan contacted Li Ruonan from the very beginning and wanted to invite Li Ruonan to watch the movie together, but he was rejected by Li Ruonan, which was nothing, after all, Li Ruonan was busy with business. But Li Ruonan asked another question about the viewing process.

He told Li Ruonan about the planned activities one by one, including the scene where the male and female protagonists interacted.

After the big screen showing the movie just now scrolled his confession to Lan Muyu, Gu Yan was surprised and gradually understood.

Therefore, when Lan Muyu ran to the parking lot of the movie theater, Gu Yan found that after the surrounding cars had been cleaned up, he was very considerate and didn't bother to go forward, and even instructed people to lead the audience to another direction.

Time passed by, and Lan Muyu's lips unconsciously overflowed with a few murmurs, and gradually softened. The arms that were hugging Li Ruonan gradually lost their strength, and half leaned on Li Ruonan's shoulder, while she Li Ruonan hugged the whole person tightly, and the close body resisted the cold wind at 2:30 in the morning.

Li Ruonan finally took into account where the two were now, and stopped, but when he left Lan Muyu, he kissed Lan Muyu's lips with nostalgia, and then slowly released.

Obviously he already knew Lan Muyu's answer, but Li Ruonan pressed his lips and asked, "Mumu, promise me?"

Lan Muyu was already dizzy from being kissed. After she understood Li Ruonan's words in a daze, she was kissed again, and her lips were rubbed in her mouth, "Mumu, promise me?"

This time Lan Muyu heard it clearly, but she was caught by someone and couldn't open her mouth. She could only make a protesting sound of "woo woo", pushing her with both hands.

"Mumu, promise me?" Li Ruonan took the opportunity to deepen the kiss again, and finally let go of Lan Muyu with great compassion.

This time, before Li Ruonan asked, Lan Muyu hurriedly shouted, "I promise, I promise, I promise!"

After she finished speaking, she covered her mouth, panted anxiously, stared at Li Ruonan, and instantly felt a little embarrassed. If she didn't answer, Li Ruonan would continue to ask questions, and then kiss her again.

It's too much! !

Li Ruonan took a step forward, his fingertips seemed to want to touch the corner of Lan Muyu's red eyes, but Lan Muyu leaned back vigilantly, avoiding that hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Muyu's hair was rubbed, and Li Ruonan took him into her arms. Li Ruonan's low laughter came from her ear: "Well, I heard it."

The hug lasted for a long time, and when Lan Muyu's mood calmed down, she withdrew from Li Ruonan's embrace, pointed to the confessions in the distance, and asked rather unnaturally, "You prepared those?"

Li Ruonan didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "You don't like it?"

Lan Muyu took a few steps, looked around the lit commercial district, and sighed: "Then when will these... be removed?"

"Remove? You..."

Lan Muyu said in a muffled voice, "This is going to cost a lot of money."

Li Ruonan laughed softly: "It's okay, it doesn't cost much."

"Not only Yuncheng, but also various cities in Huaguo. There are netizens other than Huaguo on Weibo, who also said that they saw the same confession screen, so why not spend money?" Lan Muyu rubbed himself. The back molars, "Li Ruonan, this is the first time I found out that you are such a prodigal."

"Defeat, loser?" Li Ruonan was stunned.

There are also some ignorant and ignorant prodigal generation around Rao Shi, but this word has never been used to describe Li Ruonan, who has been a child of others since he was a child.

Lan Muyu said confidently: "We're together, your money is my money, it's fine if you don't feel bad, don't you allow me to feel bad?"

Li Ruonan tapped the tip of Lan Muyu's nose, "Yes, of course."

"Hmm." Lan Muyu rubbed her hands with excitement in her tone, "So what are we going to do next? Is the next step in the idol drama going to go straight to the hotel's presidential suite, and then three days and three nights? The kind that don't go out? Don't linger, the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, let's go quickly?"

Li Ruonan's expression froze, holding Lan Muyu with a strange expression, "No..."

"Ah, it's not the presidential suite? I'm reluctant to accept the other rooms."

"No, that's not what I meant." Li Ruonan tapped Lan Muyu's forehead, "Go home with me to sleep."

"Hey? Go home to sleep? It's okay to go home!" Lan Muyu hurriedly followed Li Ruonan's footsteps, "Let's go, let's go."

Li Ruonan opened the car door for Lan Muyu and emphasized again, "I didn't mean that."

"Well. I know that's not what you meant." Lan Muyu got into the car obediently, fastened her seat belt, and added, "Just go home and sleep, I understand, sleep, sleep."

"Just simply sleeping."

Lan Muyu looked at Li Ruonan, who was sitting upright in the driver's seat, and gave an ambiguous wink, and urged, "Hurry up and drive, what time is it? Let's go home and simply sleep."

Li Ruonan: died.

When Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu went home, the Internet had already exploded because of this grand confession.

Without him - who made it cost too much?

Those netizens who haven't fallen asleep went crazy, and they all speculated who made this move.

[I think it must be the crew. I just watched the screening of "Limited Sales". In order to fulfill a wish of the heroine Luo Yiyi in the play, the crew thought of confessing to Lan Muyu and fulfilling the audience's dream. 】

[I also think it's the crew, otherwise they'll be ready to welcome my late-night blade! 】

[Well, how about the movie "Limited Sale", I'm in the dark about what you're talking about. 】

【Want to know? Don't be a prostitute, buy a ticket to see it yourself. 】

[Hey, I said that you fans are too naive. This is obviously the gold master of Lan Muyu. I have already said that there is someone behind Lan Muyu. 】

[Upstairs, the lawyer's letter warns, have you forgotten about Baige Media? 】

[Don't say it, if you have the financial resources, if I am, I will marry! This must be the highlight of my life. 】

【Ah ah ah ah is this all true? Mom, I fell in love with a fairy! 】

[So whoever of you confesses to me, I don't have high requirements, as long as the light screen of Y City is fine! 】

Li Ruonan's action kept Lan Muyu's popularity high, and he still couldn't dissuade the fans from their enthusiasm in the middle of the night. One by one, they used magnifying glasses to find people who had clues to Lan Muyu, but they all came to nothing.

The group photos of Lan Muyu and various artists were dug up one after another, and countless CP fan super chats were established overnight.

When encountering this kind of behavior of being grouped as a CP, fans from all walks of life must avoid suspicion if they can, for fear of causing trouble for their own master. But this time, the fans of each family could not wait for their favorite artists to have a relationship with Lan Muyu, and as long as they were single, they would come to match them.

After all - who can make such a romantic confession, no one can do it except the artist they like! It's an honor, it has to be their sister/brother's!

As for how they should sigh about the loss of love after it is confirmed, it will be left to their future self to solve.

More importantly, there has been a wave of confession on the Internet, and you can't include LED screens. Then, confessing on Weibo is considered to be good to the world, right?

Therefore, the two topics of #Who is Lan Muyu's official match# and #Announce to the world that I like you# are closely next to each other, occupying the top two hot searches.

After returning home, Li Ruonan contacted Ling Shan to deal with the matter tonight, neither admitting nor denying it, letting the comments on the Internet ferment, choosing a few more positive entries, sending them to the hot search, and adding The negative news was suppressed.

At the same time, the crew of "Limited Sales" also actively cooperated, seized the popularity of this share, and typed the entry #don't watch the movie, you don't know who confessed to Lan Muyu#, netizens scolded "Limited" Volume Sales" shameless, while booking the film after dawn.

The popularity of "Limited Sales" is rising steadily here, but "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" broadcasted at the same time has no splash.

After all, the trailer for "Old Movies of the Republic of China" at the beginning was ahead of "Limited Sales", grabbing the first opportunity, and because of the drama-style trailer, it whetted the appetite of netizens. Now there are more and more commercial films, but there are fewer and fewer well-produced dramas.

In addition, "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" also has the reputation of Xin Tianhao's production, which also makes netizens wonder whether Tianhao has really made a big change after his surname is not "Fu".

However, sometimes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment of the audience after they are dissatisfied with the plot.

The situation of "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" and "Limited Sales" is exactly the opposite.

Many people who went to see "Limited Sale" went there for the looks of Lan Muyu and Chi Huai, as well as the fancy Republic-style cheongsam in the trailer, just as a love sweetie interspersed with some Republic of China righteousness. Go to the show.

However, the artistic effect of the film has reached full marks. From the storyline to the interpretation of the actors, everything shows the excellent intentions of the crew. It not only made the audience feel the coolness and enthusiasm, but also made the audience immersive and felt the difficulties of that era, and their hearts were tightly tied together.

And the "Old Shadows of the Republic of China", which is in the style of a serious drama, is a Mary Sue's little sweet drama, and it is even full of thunder points. At the beginning, in order to show the innocence of the heroine, what kind of woman pretending to be a man to fight with people?

And the female protagonist who is also from a famous family, "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" also arranges the background of studying abroad, but in order to highlight the difference between the female protagonist and the old-fashioned women, the female protagonist makes a few swear words from time to time, and learns the appearance of men to promote Equality between men and women.

Did they see the eldest lady from a famous family, or a wild girl from the countryside?

This made the audience who bought the tickets began to plan to leave the venue, but the show of "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" continued.

When faced with the power struggles of other male relatives in the family, the female protagonist kept preaching equality between men and women one second, she would never rely on men, and the next second she took the initiative to ask the male protagonist of the warlord family, expressing that as long as the male protagonist was willing to help her, She married the male protagonist, and then started a story of love after marriage...

"Old Shadows of the Republic of China" Mary Su's sweet drama style has also officially opened.

According to some netizens who watched the whole process, they originally thought that there would be a reversal later, but the heroine directly started the house fighting mode. As soon as the female protagonist is wronged, the male protagonist will come to complain. As soon as the female protagonist is targeted, the male protagonist will come to stand up.

As a result, "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" became a thunder drama, and there was a lot of scolding.

But all this has nothing to do with Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu tonight.

After taking a bath, Lan Muyu saw that Li Ruonan was still in the study, and took the opportunity to fill Li Ruonan's bedroom with his personal belongings, like a giant dragon finding a new nest, trying to make every corner of the room full of her shadow. .

Li Ruonan's bedroom was soon filled with Lan Muyu's little treasures.

- Especially those personal clothes.

There was no way, time was short, she could only take the light ones, Lan Muyu said that she was helpless too.

So, when Li Ruonan returned to the bedroom, what he saw was the closet that was stuffed so tightly that he couldn't close the door.

Li Ruonan: …

You don't have to guess to know who the culprit is.

But Lan Muyu still looked innocent and looked at Li Ruonan pitifully, "Your wardrobe is too useless, you can't even fit some of my clothes."

"What are you doing with your clothes here?"

Lan Muyu hugged Li Ruonan's pillow and tilted her head slightly, "Of course I want to sleep with you, just sleep."

"Cough cough cough." Li Ruonan choked on hearing this.

Li Ruonan could barely understand Lan Muyu's opening room when he was outside just now as a customary ritual in idol dramas, so now Lan Muyu is talking in her bedroom after taking a shower and sleeping on her bed, no matter what. No matter how you understand it, it all boils down to the same meaning.

Li Ruonan's fingers curled up and took a deep breath, "It's getting late, go back to your room for me before I finish taking a shower."

"No, didn't you mean to simply sleep?" Lan Muyu pulled Li Ruonan's quilt and wrapped it around her, "I won't leave."

Li Ruonan had a big head and emphasized again: "I said that you sleep with you, and I sleep with mine, that kind of simple sleep. I'm going to take a shower now, and you should leave quickly."

After saying that, he ran into the bathroom.

Nearly 20 minutes later, the bathroom door was opened, wearing a nightdress with suspenders, and not forgetting to put on a bathrobe, Li Ruonan, who covered herself tightly, walked out, her soft long hair following her footsteps. Swing gently on the back.

But... Lan Muyu was still lying on the bed, quietly huddled under the covers. Just like what Li Ruonan saw last time when he went to Lan Muyu's room late at night, he curled up with a pillow and only took up a small space.

Li Ruonan sighed lightly and wanted to wake him up, but after seeing Lan Muyu's frowning brows, he softened his heart.

She knew how busy Lan Muyu was these days. She finally fell asleep, but she still didn't wake her up.

Li Ruonan turned off the lights in the bedroom, leaving only a bedside lamp. Under the dim light, her fingertips rubbed Lan Muyu's cheeks vainly, as if she was guarding a very precious piece of art.

After a long time, with the sound of a switch, the bedroom entered darkness, the mattress next to him collapsed slightly, and the quilt was lifted up and put down again.

After it was quiet, Lan Muyu's eyes slowly opened, looking at the stars outside the window, the corners of her lips twitched in satisfaction.

After a long time, there was a rustling movement from behind Lan Muyu. At the same time that Lan Muyu's back touched the heat source, an arm came over, covering his waist, and tightened little by little. , into his arms.

"Mu Mu..."

Lan Muyu didn't answer, but turned over, facing Li Ruonan, tightening her arms.

Li Ruonan's body stiffened in an instant, he didn't dare to move, even the arm that just held Lan Muyu was squatting, and he didn't dare to fall again.

Lan Muyu sighed inwardly, the big rabbit is still the timid big rabbit, and some things seem to have to be taken slowly.

She still made an unconscious move, and after humming twice, she became quiet.

A few minutes later, Li Ruonan's hand finally landed on Lan Muyu again, approached slightly, placed a kiss on Lan Muyu's forehead, and whispered, "Good night."

In a place that Li Ruonan couldn't reach, the corners of Lan Muyu's lips curled up.

This person is finally hers.

Due to the biological clock that had been getting up early for several days, Lan Muyu woke up before Li Ruonan the next day.

Looking at Li Ruonan's sleeping face, Lan Muyu was stunned for a few seconds at first, and then her cheeks flushed slightly to finish what happened to the two of them.

The love that Li Ruonan announced to the world was quickly replayed in Lan Muyu's mind, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop grinning, if there was a tail behind her, she would not be able to lift it up to the sky.

But thinking of Li Ruonan's righteous rejection of her last night, she still hugs her tightly at this moment...

Lan Muyu looked Li Ruonan up and down, and neatly slipped the straps of her pajamas onto her arms.

Just a little movement will reveal all the spring colors.

After all this last night, Lan Muyu twisted his body slightly, trying to wake up Li Ruonan who was sleeping, and quickly closed his eyes a second before Li Ruonan opened his eyes.

And Li Ruonan, who felt the movement in his arms, finally opened his eyes when the sunlight outside the window fell on the bed. He habitually wanted to look for his mobile phone to check the time, but found a warm person in his arms.

Li Ruonan gently pulled out his arm, slowly lifted the quilt, and was about to get out of bed when the clothes were pulled, and a lazy voice came: "Are you awake?"

Li Ruonan turned his head slowly, but turned back quickly, his breathing began to quicken, and said angrily, "Get me dressed."

"Huh? What?" Lan Muyu rubbed her sleepy eyes and pulled her nightdress down again, and was caught by her chest, "Why didn't you call me when you got up?"

Li Ruonan turned his head and froze completely, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

Lan Muyu looked down at herself and puffed out her mouth: "You were so fierce last night."

Li Ruonan finally reacted, pulled the quilt up, and smashed Lan Muyu with his head and face covered.

Then he quickly got out of bed, rushed to the sink and patted his cheek with cold water before calming down.

However, with her beloved lying beside her, if her unconscious actions offend Lan Muyu after falling asleep...

Li Ruonan looked at himself in the mirror and was stunned.

At this moment, the bathroom door was pushed open, and Lan Muyu was leaning against the door frame, looking at Li Ruonan accusingly, "Liar, dare not admit it."

Li Ruonan: ? ? ?

Suddenly, she was also a little unsure...