MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 599 She wants to go out for a walk

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Chapter 599 She wants to go out for a walk

Zhen Yubai left, but the words he left behind were like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing a splash of water to fly high.

 Liu Ji took two deep breaths and suddenly received the news that his teacher was about to die. What was on his mind was not fear, but the reason.

“The old man was fine and in good spirits when he left. Why did his time suddenly run out?”

“Also, what do you mean there is not much time left? Are there only a few days left or are there still many months left?”

Liu Ji then remembered to pursue Zhen Yubai. He had to ask clearly what the time was running out, and it couldn't be so unclear.

 Unfortunately, when I ran out the door, everyone was gone.

Awang had parked the carriage and passed by the door. When he saw the old man standing at the door, he asked with concern: "Sir, are you okay?" His face looked a little ugly.

Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom in the mountains, and countless birds and animals are dyed in the spring rain into a colorful forest spring scene oil painting.

Qin Yao was fascinated by the sight. She let the raindrops fall on her hair and shoulders and breathed comfortably, "It's so beautiful~"

“Dad, next spring, isn’t it too early for you to enter Beijing this year?” Siniang asked in surprise. Suddenly I learned that my father was going away from home, and I felt reluctant, sad, and angry.

However, not even half a month after Sang Yu married into the Li family, her husband was bitten to death by a wild beast and she became a widow.

Awang handed over the rent slip, which clearly recorded the rent data of each tenant.

Promote a friend’s new book. If it’s on the shelf, if you like this type of book, you can go and support it.

Qin Yao nodded and warned in a gentle voice, "It's not safe for a person to travel alone. When we get to Fucheng, we'll hire two more guards. You don't have to save money for me. Safety comes first."

Yin Le went to pick up the children from school. When passing by the old house, Liu Ji and Liu Fei happened to come out, so they came back together.

 San Lang and Si Niang all rushed to sit with their brother-in-law, but Liu Ji moved them away and sat between Liu Fei and Qin Yao.

But the beauty of the world is not limited to this place. It is also very interesting to go to distant places to see different lonely deserts and sunsets over long rivers.

Dalang and Erlang looked at each other. Could it be that something happened to Mr. Gongliang?

Before the two of them could ask more questions, the call of Mrs. Song Yu and Li came from the backyard. Little Laifu suddenly became excited. While responding to the call of his parents, he whispered to Dalang Erlang: "I have to go back."

It’s strange that the second brother didn’t even smile, and the eldest brother also had a weird frown on his face.

Picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of braised pork with plums and vegetables. The fat and thin meat was stewed until it was tender and filled with the fragrance of the plums and vegetables. It melted in your mouth. Liu Fei's eyes lit up. It was so delicious! No wonder the children always clamor to eat the food cooked by Uncle Awang.

 Get up and go to the gate outside the courtyard. The terrain here is high and the view is wide. You can take in the scenery of the entire Liujia Village.

"I have left enough wheat for my family's daily needs, and the rest have been sold, and I have received twenty taels of silver, which I hold in my hands." Awang said truthfully.

"Big brother, second brother, it's time to eat!" Si Niang stood at the door of the hall and shouted. She looked around and saw two brothers coming out of the corridor. She grinned and said excitedly: "Uncle Awang is in charge of the cooking today. , we cook what we like to eat.”

Siniang stared at her two brothers for a while, then was attracted by the aroma of food wafting from the dining table, and hurriedly ran back to her seat to sit down, waiting for the meal to be served.

The noise in the hall was not too quiet earlier. Little Laifu gave the two brothers a "don't betray me" look. When the two brothers nodded in agreement, he whispered:

"I didn't hear very clearly. I only heard a few words about Mr., being sick, and not having much time left."

Erlang asked in a low voice: "What did Master come to our house for? What did they say?"

However, no matter who it is, if he suddenly learns that his mentor is seriously ill and about to die, his face will probably not look good.

Qin Yao read the rent bill, confirmed it was correct, put it on the table, waved her hand, and asked Awang to go to the kitchen to help prepare dinner.

Liu Ji's eyebrows have not relaxed since he just left the house. Seeing Qin Yao saying that dinner is ready and picking up his chopsticks to face the table full of sumptuous dishes, he can't relax his eyebrows.

The meal was finished in peace, Yin Le cleaned up the dishes, Awang wiped the table and swept the floor, and the four brothers and sisters of Dalang followed them around. They looked very busy, but they didn't know what they were busy with.

Liu Ji glanced at Liu Fei encouragingly. Liu Fei reluctantly put down the chopsticks he had just picked up and turned to look at Qin Yao. He opened his mouth only to be interrupted by her.

 Liu Ji and Liu Fei looked at each other again, reached a consensus, and looked at Qin Yao, the head of the family, with a tacit understanding.

 "After I became a widow, I was taken into the East Palace by Prince Yinyi"

It is already dusk, and the houses in the village are connected together. White smoke rises from the roofs of each house, blending with the hazy mist in the water. It is so quiet that you can clearly hear the happy voices coming from the farmhouses.

While I was washing my hands and getting ready for dinner, I called Erlang to join me. The two brothers coaxed the little laifu over and asked, "Is anyone coming home this afternoon?"

Seeing her finish drinking the tea she was gargling in her mouth, she raised her eyes and looked over. The time was ripe, so Liu Fei spoke first:

In the drizzle, the mountains and rivers are green, and there are thousands of acres of farmland. There are farmers working hard in the fields, either carrying coir raincoats and hoeing to plant vegetables, or driving oxen to plow the fields in preparation for spring plowing.

Dalang is thoughtful and observant. Just by looking at his father's forced smile, he guessed that something happened at home today.

Yin Le, Awang, and Dalang brother and sister who were busy in the room all stopped and looked at Liu Ji, who was sitting on pins and needles with a ray of light on his back.

It seemed that he was talking about cooking meat and vegetables for dinner tonight, and both adults and children laughed happily.

 After saying that, he ran away.

Introduction: Sang Yu is a well-known beauty in the village. She is beautiful and her skin is as white as jade. She does not look like a girl who grew up in the countryside. As soon as she got haircut, she became the object of competition among the young people in the village.

Taking another deep breath of the fresh air here, Qin Yao has made up her mind - she wants to go out for a walk!

 Liu Ji and Liu Fei went home with the four Dalang brothers and sisters.

Little Laifu nodded and told the two of them about the Master's visit to the house in the afternoon.

 The little girl thought in anticipation, she will eat two bowls of rice today!

 It is similar to the first half of last year, but because there is no grain tax, the overall data is two taels more.

 Liu Fei: "Oh."

Unfortunately, the uncle was greedy for money and married her off to the eldest son of the Li family for five taels of silver. Since then, I have stopped thinking about countless good men.

When Awang came to the main room, Qin Yao looked as usual. She was always calm and would not have too much emotion when things happened. Seeing Liu Ji running towards the old house, she guessed that he was going to find Liu Fei to inquire about the situation in the capital, so she looked back. , asked Awang: "How is the rent collected?"

"Let's talk about it after eating first." She was afraid that hearing something annoying would affect her appetite.

Delicious food can heal everything on its own. A family with different ideas at the dinner table soon became conscientious cooks.

He agreed to take them to the garden to paint and practice piano with her!

Liu Fei's heart warmed, and he said naturally, "Third sister-in-law, there is no need to hire an escort. Third brother said that he also wants to go to Beijing in advance to prepare for next spring, and plans to take Awang with him so that he can be taken care of along the way."

“Third sister-in-law, go back and pack tonight. I plan to go to Fucheng with my eldest brother’s convoy tomorrow, and then board the ship back to Beijing.”

The gurgling river flows through the village, and raindrops fall in the silver water, creating ripples.

At this moment, the dead hearts of all the men in the village came to life again.

At this time, Sanlang Li, who had not been home for a long time, looked at his weak and pitiful widowed sister-in-law, and his heart became alive.

 Good scholar, Wen Shuwen came to the door of his widowed sister-in-law at night: Sister-in-law, please open the door, I am my brother!