MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 600 The whole family goes to Beijing together

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Chapter 600 The whole family goes to the capital together

That bumbling look in her eyes stung Liu Ji's heart. The old father sighed and reached out to touch his daughter's head to smooth her hair.

 Siniang snorted and ducked with her eyes wide open.

Liu Ji had no choice but to explain honestly to Qin Yao first:

"Madam, let me tell you the truth. The more I think about what Zhen Yubai said, the more panicked I become, so I want to go to the capital with the fourth child to have a look. Just take a look and I will come back. Really!"

 After speaking, he carefully raised his eyes to look at her expression.

 However, she had none of the expected emotions. Instead, she stared at him up and down, as if weighing something, which made Liu Ji feel anxious and unsure whether she agreed or disagreed.

A Wang stood up and said expressionlessly: "I won't go."

Except for Qin Yao, everyone was surprised.

Qin Yao interrupted forcefully, and said with a smile and a determined look: "I say you can do it, you can do it! Believe in yourself, this is not difficult."

Qin Yao said: "I understand, I respect your opinion, so everyone should be quiet first, I want to announce something."

 Is this hateful woman someone he can invite? Obviously not. Liu Laosan still has this self-knowledge.

Qin Yao has always been cautious about Zhen Yubai's sudden show of kindness today. Even if Zhen Yubai doesn't seem to be telling lies, she has to confirm it herself. She can't just let others dictate what she says.

At this time, Liu Fei had realized that Sister-in-law San's decision to go to Beijing was not a joke. She was serious about it. He couldn't help but feel a little excited and responded solemnly: "Don't worry, Sister-in-law San, I will go find out about Mr. information."

The places cost money, so Mrs. Ding cannot be cheapened.

Qin Yao pointed at Liu Fei who had his mouth wide open, "Fourth, please close your mouth. Plans will never keep up with changes. What's going on today? Come here, I have something to tell you." "Oh, okay!" Liu Fei When he walked up to her, he looked like a student who was called on by the teacher to answer questions in class. He was standing in an orderly manner, but in fact he was extremely nervous.

 Before leaving, I didn’t forget to turn around and wink at my third brother who was already overwhelmed by the surprise. Now, third brother, you are happy again.

"Liu Ji, you and your children will go to the Ding clan school tomorrow. Please handle the matter of dropping out of school and exchange the four places for the children at home with children from other families."

To her surprise, she had no experience in managing a farm or a shop. She couldn't help but panic, "Madam, I, I'm afraid I can't do it."

“Awang, take the carriage to the city for inspection tomorrow and reinforce it if necessary.”

  Meaning that you can go to other places? Qin Yao looked sideways at Awang, who seemed to sense something and raised his head to look at her.

As soon as he finished speaking, as expected, he saw quite wonderful and complex emotional feedback on Liu Ji's face, including shock, ecstasy, disbelief, re-confirmation, and excited rubbing of his hands.

Liu Ji was the most shocked. He had long been accustomed to being accompanied by Awang when traveling, and the full sense of security could only be replaced by the evil woman.

 A Wang: “I won’t go to the capital.”

 These words were said to Awang and Yin Le.

Qin Yao looked at Yin Le and ordered: "A Le, you go to Liu Dafu and Liu Yang early tomorrow morning and inform them that a new village chief election meeting will be held the day after tomorrow, and let all villagers who meet the voting requirements gather at the ancestral hall the day after tomorrow."

Thinking of this, Liu Fei felt relieved and almost cheered "Long live the third sister-in-law!"

After seeing off Liu Fei, Awang closed the courtyard door and let his family enter the house.

Song Yu and Li looked at each other, and the couple responded together: "Yes!"

As for the four children in the family, as soon as they called her A Niang, she became their master, and the whole family went to the capital neatly.

Yin Le was still covered. He didn't have time to be shocked by his master's sudden decision to go to the capital, so he hurriedly nodded to accept the task.

 After arranging the family's assets, Qin Yao asked Li and Yin Le to prepare their luggage for their long trip in five days.

Qin Yao immediately made arrangements without waiting for anyone in the room to say anything.

 The main reason is that time is tight and there are many things to be arranged, so there must be no delay for a moment.

 Fortunately, this time there is the third sister-in-law in charge, so he does not have to be the unlucky guy who helps wipe his butt.

“I know you are surprised and may not want to go with me. You can think about it for one night before telling me the result.”

Qin Yao said to Song Yu and his wife: "You just knew about going to Beijing. You stay at home and guard the house and stationery factory for me. Mr. Li, Song Yu is busy with things in the stationery factory and has no extra energy." , From now on, you will manage all the fields and orchards at home, and 10% of the income will be considered as your personal remuneration. "

“Sister-in-law, please remember to write to me when you set off on your journey, so that I can prepare in advance.”

 The most important thing right now is the handover of her position as village chief.

From the time she decided to go out for a visit to the time she decided to go to the capital, Qin Yao had been brainstorming and had already made a travel plan.

Then he smiled at Song Yu and said, "You should teach Mr. Li more so that your wealth will not go to outsiders. It is better to leave your skills to your own wife than to an outsider. In the future, you and your wife will be of the same mind, so I can rest assured." ”

 His third sister-in-law is coming to Beijing with him, so what is there to be afraid of? Just walk sideways!

Ms. Li was surprised and happy. What she was happy about was how capable she was. Madam actually valued her so much and was willing to leave such an important matter to her.

Liu Ji opened his mouth to speak, but Qin Yao raised her hand and said to everyone first:

Even before he arrived in the capital, Liu Fei was already worried about how much trouble his third brother, a bastard, would cause in the capital where he could bump into a prince princess within a few steps.

Qin Yao said: "You continue your plan to return to the capital tomorrow. You can travel lightly alone. It is faster to take a boat and take the waterway. You can get to the capital first so that you can meet us. By the way, you can find out more about Mr. Gong Liangliao."

 “What’s the matter?” Liu Ji asked with a guilty conscience. He was afraid that she would reject his decision to go to the capital.

Liu Fei still wanted to stay, but after hearing what she said, he had no choice but to go back first.

 Song Yu and Li were also called over by Yin Le, and the atmosphere was serious.

 Looking at each other, everything is unspoken.


 “Awang, why don’t you go?” Liu Ji asked excitedly. How can he live without Awang?

 Qin Yao nodded and saw that it was already getting late. Liu Fei would have to get up early to set off tomorrow. She waved her hand and said, "Then you go back and rest first. These arrangements in the village are no longer your concern, so don't worry about it."

Qin Yao smiled at him, her eyes were playful, and she said slowly: "I have decided that our whole family will go to the capital together!"

 After everything was arranged, Qin Yao gave instructions to the four brothers and sisters of Dalang alone:

“You also need to take the time to pack your luggage. Remember, there is only one carriage, so you have to weigh what you want to bring and what not to bring.”

Qin Yao smiled and patted the four little heads who had been shocked by the news of coming to Beijing. "My personal suggestion is to only take what you need most and abandon unnecessary burdens, so that you can go faster and farther and gain more knowledge." to more scenery.”

The four Dalang brothers looked at each other, unable to conceal their excitement, "We know!"