MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 602 The Sun Also Rises

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Chapter 602 The sun still rises

 The younger brothers and sisters gradually fell asleep, and only the elder man still had his eyes open in the dark room.

He didn't bring many things with him. He wore the small sword given by his uncle and carried it with him. The slingshot, bow and arrow, and dagger were already packed in boxes. He only had two books. If he didn't have any, he planned to borrow them from Erlang to save himself some energy.

 But there was one very important thing that he couldn't take away, and he couldn't find anyone to borrow it.

A Wang will not go to the capital. He made his attitude clear when he was in the main room just now.

Qin Yao also chose to respect.

Thinking of this, Dalang felt depressed. The excitement and joy of exploring the new map dissipated, leaving only a feeling of powerlessness and helplessness.

 For the first time, the young man realized that the relationship between people turned out to be so weak.

 He cannot change anyone, nor can he change himself for anyone.

Even if they are blood-related brothers and sisters, they are all independent individuals with their own independent ideas and will not stop for anyone.

 Everyone has their own way to go.

Dalang hasn’t figured out the path he wants to take yet. It seems a bit far away for him, but he wants to know what kind of path Uncle Awang wants to take.

After all, they can’t sleep anymore. They are going to drop out of school tomorrow morning. Dad, a lazy guy, will definitely not take them out early. It’s okay to go to bed later. They can get up anyway.

Dalang sat up from the bed, put on his shoes and clothes, walked out of the room quietly, and walked towards the attic in the backyard in the dark.

Having just arrived downstairs, before I could knock on the door, the door was blown open by the wind, revealing a crack just enough for one person to come in and out.

Dalang patted his chest to ease his frightened heart, and looked inside. A light suddenly turned on, and Awang was standing inside holding a candlestick.

“Uncle Ngawang!” Dalang walked in excitedly and asked in a low voice, “Do you know I’m coming?”

Awang nodded, pointed to the attic, and motioned for him to go up first. He stayed behind and closed the door before coming up holding the candlestick.

 “What are you doing here?” Awang asked confused.

Dalang sat down cross-legged on the ground in a very familiar way. He looked up at Awang who was sitting by the window and asked, "Uncle Awang, are you really not going to the capital with us?"

Ngawang nodded firmly: "I won't go, I just said it." So he was not very satisfied and asked again, as if he couldn't understand what people said.

Dalang practiced martial arts with Awang, and he understood his character and temper not only to a great extent, but also to a vague degree.

He usually doesn't use excuses. He just goes and goes. He doesn't need to think about every word he says because it means it literally.

"Okay, then we are going to the capital. What are you going to do if you are left alone?" Dalang asked with concern.

Awang seemed to be thinking seriously, and he answered after two or three seconds: "Continue planting vegetables and watermelons, and then raise a few pots of flowers."

He saw that the Qiu family raised two pots in the old house, which was quite interesting.

Seeing Awang's expectant look, Dalang had to admit that he felt very sad and muttered in a low voice, "Then you don't feel sorry for us at all?"

 “A little bit.” A Wang replied truthfully.

 He waved to Da Lang to sit over and patted his shoulder with a big, generous hand. "Practice in martial arts is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It requires long-term persistence. Even if there is no strict teacher supervision, you still have to practice hard."

Dalang let out a dull "hmm". He knew this, and even if Uncle Awang didn't tell him, he would insist on practicing martial arts every day. only

“Uncle Awang, I’m going to the capital. Although I didn’t say how long I’ll be there, I still have to wait until Dad gets the results in spring. I’m afraid I’ll be away for several years, or maybe...”

The young man suddenly paused, and Awang asked suspiciously: "Or what?"

“I’m not coming back.” Dalang sighed deeply, suddenly grabbed Awang’s hand and asked him: “Uncle Awang, will you always wait for us at home?”

 Awang: “I don’t know.”

This expected answer obviously made the young man sad. He lowered his head, slowly let go of his hand, and remained silent.

 Awang urged: "Go to sleep, I'm going to sleep too."

Tomorrow he has to get up early to go to the city to check the carriage, and then according to his wife's instructions, he will buy two more horses with strong legs so that he can go on the road.

Dalang looked resentfully at Awang, who had no mood swings. Sure enough, human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same!

"Then I'll take my leave." With a somewhat angry tone, Dalang got up from the floor, clasped his fists, turned around and ran downstairs to his room.

  Before opening the door of the children's room, Dalang vaguely heard a long sigh coming from the attic.

Perhaps it is not easy to meet people, and we should cherish every inch of time we can spend together.

This night, the young man tasted the feeling of parting, and understood that everyone is just a passer-by in other people's lives, not a protagonist.

 To sum up, if there is no one in this world, the sun will still rise.

Early in the morning, the carriage was driven into the city by Awang

Liu Ji took his children to study with the Ding family quite late indeed. The elder man yawned and woke up his younger brothers and sisters. The five father and son washed themselves, had breakfast at home, and then set off in the bullock cart.

It just scared the unsuspecting Jinhua Jinbao. He was a good student on time, but he was dragged down by his third uncle and his family and missed a class.

 Fortunately, their third uncle assured them that they were delayed because of important matters at home, and the Master did not punish them.

Just when he suddenly learned the news that his third uncle and his aunt's family were all going to Beijing, Jinhua Jinbao cried with genuine envy.

“Third uncle, how about I work as a book boy for Da Lang? Can you take me to the capital with you?!”

Liu Jitong finished his explanation with his wife and was about to lead his four children to the Ding family, when Jinbao suddenly made a loud and earnest request.

Liu Ji thought to himself, do you dare to repeat this in front of your mother?

If he dares to take his eldest brother and sister-in-law’s only son to the capital, the eldest sister-in-law must not kill him!

"Jin Bao." Liu Ji looked at his eldest nephew with a heartbroken expression, "Your third uncle's life is also life! Why do you have to say such a vicious request? If I agree to your request, your mother will not scratch me to death when I get home?"

Under the apologetic gaze of the child, Liu Ji raised his hand and made a shushing gesture, signaling his eldest nephew to shut up.

 “Be good, listen carefully to Master’s lectures.” Pointing at the Master who was about to get angry with a serious face, Liu Ji flicked his sleeves and went straight to Ding’s house with his four children.

At the same time, all the people in Liujia Village, old and young, have received the news that the village chief is leaving and will soon vote for a new village chief.

 Some people are happy and some are sad.

The patriarch detained Yin Le, who came to inform him, and escorted her to Qin Yao's house. As soon as he entered the door, he caught Qin Yao who was packing her luggage in the courtyard and scolded her: "You are just making nonsense!"

"Hurry and get someone to withdraw the news. Just say that you were just joking with everyone. You are doing a good job as the village chief. Why retreat? We are pointing at you to lead the whole village to the pinnacle of life. You Have you forgotten everything you said before?”

The clan leader spat out spittle and sprayed droplets all over the sky. Qin Yao was so frightened that she quickly took three steps back and shook her head helplessly.