MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 605 Goodbye Liujiacun

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Chapter 605 Goodbye Liujiacun

The door of the room closed with a bang, and Awang scratched his head angrily. He didn't know that he came here to deliver medicine out of kindness, but something went wrong that offended Qin Yao.

 Forget it, he is not a careless person. Anyway, the medicine has been delivered and it is late at night, so he goes to bed.

 There is one day left before departure time.

In terms of personnel, Qin Yao has handed over all the things in the village. The stationery factory also said a brief farewell to the workers. Yin Le has quit his job in the canteen and is ready to go to Beijing.

 Liu Ji returned home in the evening and got the necessary directions for traveling. The four Dalang brothers and sisters also put their luggage into the magical book box.

Siniang wanted to take the piano away with her, so Qin Yao specially added a wooden trough on the roof of the carriage, just enough to put the piano down.

As for long-distance transportation, maps are available, carriages have been inspected and reinforced, and each family member has prepared two pairs of shoes for replacement.

Two more horses were bought. Qin Yao and Liu Ji would each ride one, while Yin Le drove the carriage and took the four children in the carriage.

In terms of money, Qin Yao has exchanged all the cash in his hands for easy-to-carry banknotes, leaving only fifty taels of silver for Yin Le to keep for safekeeping and to be responsible for food and accommodation expenses along the way.

 Everything was ready. The night before departure, the family of six checked again to see if there was anything missing.

Liu Ji looked at his stuffed bookcase and nodded seriously, "I have brought all my newly made clothes with me. I will never embarrass my wife when I arrive in the capital."

 Qin Yao: Speechless is her mother tongue.

The four Dalang brothers carefully checked their book boxes again. The most important things had been packed, and they reported to Grandma in unison: "Grandma, we have packed them all!"

Qin Yao hummed and looked at Yin Le again.

Yin Le has few things and carries all the concealed weapons with him. The remaining two pieces of clothing can be rolled up in his baggage.

“Master, I don’t have many things, so I brought them all.” Yin Le reported seriously.

Qin Yao also looked at her luggage. She used an old mother-of-pearl lady's box, which contained some of her personal daily necessities and a change of clothes.

The rest is the wooden box containing the Yanyue Sword, and a pair of bows and arrows that I plan to hang directly in the carriage for ready access.

 An iron rod was stuffed into the bottom of the carriage, and he also carried a light dagger and a slingshot.

 “I’ve brought them all, too.” Qin Yao said to everyone.

 Following that, everyone looked at Li.

Mrs. Li took out two bulging oilcloth bags and told the people that she had packed five umbrellas, a tent, a small iron pot for the army, seven wooden bowls, as well as mixed seasonings packed in bamboo tubes, and at any time All edible dry food and snacks are packed in these two bags.

  When the time comes and you put it on a horse, you won’t have to worry about rain or sleeping in the wilderness along the way.

However, looking at the weather in recent days, Li was still worried: "It is rainy during the Qingming Festival. I am afraid that most of the trip will be rainy. Don't be too anxious on the journey."

Qin Yao and others nodded to show their understanding.

It’s getting dark, so we’ll have a night’s rest and we’ll set off early tomorrow morning to the most prosperous place under the sky.

Thinking of this, not only the children at home were excited, but even Qin Yao, a calm adult, couldn't help but lie on the bed, tossing and turning, secretly looking forward to it.

 I fell asleep in a hazy state, and when I opened my eyes again, it was already dawn.

Qin Yao stood up from the bed in a hurry, quickly put on a light spring shirt with money stamps sewn on it, inserted the dagger and slingshot into her waist, pushed the door open and left the room.

She paused at the door for a moment, carefully looked at the house she had lived in for four years, and closed the door with a smile. Liu Ji and his son had already gotten up early and were loading their book boxes onto the carriage, stacking them one on top of the other and tying them with ropes to the extended platform at the back door of the carriage.

 Five book boxes were placed neatly behind the car.

Qin Yao's lady's box and Yin Le's small bundle were placed under the small table in the carriage, leaving plenty of space for the four Dalang brothers and sisters to sit and sleep.

The newly bought horse by Awang was very docile. Liu Ji had never ridden a horse other than Lao Huang. After loading all the luggage on the carriage, he quickly pulled the horse out for a couple of laps before breakfast. familiar.

By the way, feed all the horses well and let them eat more good things.

 After leaving the house, all I had to eat was dried bean dregs cakes.

Awang seemed not to want to see them off, so he went to the fields with his **** without eating breakfast. Yin Le couldn't call him back to have breakfast together no matter how hard he shouted.

“Alas~” Yin Le looked at the figure walking towards the ground and sighed helplessly, “At least I ate the last reunion dinner.”

Saburo had just said goodbye to his friends in the village and jumped into the courtyard gate happily. When he heard Yin Le's words, he frowned and made a silent gesture with his fingers seriously.

“Senior Sister Le, my uncle said that you are not allowed to say such unlucky words when traveling far away.”

Yin Le's forehead twitched, he tapped the little guy's round forehead, and said angrily: "I know!"

“I don’t see you listening so carefully when I’m reading on weekdays, but I remember this kind of thing clearly.”

Saburo made a face, ran away, rushed into the main room, obediently found his seat at the dining table, and sat down to wait for the meal to be served.

Liu Ji helped Mrs. Li put the food on the table, glanced outside the courtyard, and then turned back to Qin Yao, who was squatting at the door sharpening her knife, "Madam, do you really think Awang won't come with us?"


Liu Ji refused to give up, "You won't persuade him? What's the point of staying in a place like this? It would be great to go to the capital." He could also be his follower, run errands, etc. Even if he didn't do anything, he just stood by his side. It would be nice to support him.

Now that he is raising people in a dignified manner, how can he do it without a decent boy following him when he goes out!

Qin Yao raised her head fiercely, her eyes were evil, and the knife in her hand was sharpened, "If he doesn't want to, is it possible that I have to tie him up?"

Liu Ji forced out a smile and abruptly changed the subject, "Madam, dinner is ready. Let's eat first. If we delay it any longer, it will be too late."

Qin Yao stared at him for two seconds, making him hairy, then she dipped the knife into the water and stood up.

He wiped the knife dry and put it into the box. He waved to Yin Le and asked her to put the wooden box into the carriage.

 When Yin Le came back from his busy work, he started to have breakfast in earnest.

 The thing that makes people miss the most when they go out is the hot food at home. The family of six knew that after going out today, they would not be able to eat any delicious food for at least half a month, so they all opened their bellies and ate as much as they could in one sitting.

 When my stomach was full, the sun also climbed up from the top of the mountain.

The family of six, who thought it would still be rainy today, suddenly laughed out loud.

  God is so flattering!

Qin Yao and Liu Ji rode in front.

The children happily got into the carriage, and Yin Le got on the saddle, raised his whip, and followed them.

Everyone from the old house came to see each other off, and together with the peaceful and peaceful mountain village of Liujiacun, they gradually fell behind Qin Yao's family.

The couple turned around and looked at the blurry people, houses and farmland behind them.

 Looking back, suppressing the slight reluctance in my heart, and with some expectations, I rushed towards the most prosperous eastern capital of Shengguo.