MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 17

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When I returned to the office, it was already the third period of class, and Shen Luyang's appearance with his arms and mouth purplish at the corners of his mouth attracted a wave of attention as soon as he entered the door.

Zong Weiqing was not in class, neither was Shi Fan, only Jiang Nuanyu and the other two teachers from the next class were teachers.

Jiang Nuanyu swept him around for the first time, then glanced at Xie Weihan behind him with suspicion, and said lukewarmly, "You two have a fight?"

"That's right," Shen Luyang nodded in a serious manner, "I said I wanted to feel the difference in combat power, and Teacher Xie fulfilled my rude request."

Jiang Nuanyu squinted his eyes, and the expression on his face was very clear - "You are fooling a ghost".

Indeed, with the physical quality of Shen Luyang, an ordinary Alpha, Xie Weihan really wanted to do it, and he didn't need to approach, so there were 800 ways to let him rest.

Shen Luyang took out the pitiful reason that no one believed, and didn't bother: "I accidentally fell down the stairs, it hurts."

Jiang Nuanyu snorted, lowered her head and continued to correct her homework.

Obviously don't believe it.

Shen Luyang didn't care about her expression, and used his friendship with Jiang Nuanyu who often exchanged snacks. After lying two times, he asked someone for two Band-Aids.

Jiang Nuanyu watched helplessly as Shen Luyang got the Band-Aid, and ran to share it with Xie Weihan as soon as possible.

Like a heartless Erha who only leaned over to the alpha wolf and rubbed around.

He was unaware of the danger around him, and thought this was a husky that was only much more handsome than him.

Sunny, silly and dull.

It also perfectly interprets the law of "stupid people have stupid blessings".

The alpha wolf, who has always been estranged, left the dog uncharacteristically.

I don't know why.

It's never going to be a good thing.

"Last time you put two Band-Aids on me, I don't think you have them in your box," Shen Luyang put the Band-Aids on Xie Weihan's desk, "Mr. Jiang gave it, wow, this pattern is a bit burdensome for me to put on, actually It's not that I'm not handsome, but isn't this a little too cute..."

Xie Weihan raised his eyes slightly and looked at Jiang Nuanyu, who was staring at him. The moment the other party received his gaze, he moved away vigilantly.

This is the true reflection of Alpha meeting him.

The most basic, risk-averse intuition.

He raised his head, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he looked at the man in front of him with his arms leaning on his desk, unpreparedly pulling two cartoon band-aids with his fingers, with a serious and tangled face—

He's special, unique so far.

"This is more suitable for you." Xie Weihan pointed to the Band-Aid with a small sun pattern on it, and there was a bright smiling face on the sun.

Shen Luyang picked it up and made a decision easily: "Then this is for you."

A red Band-Aid with a cartoon poison symbol was left on the table.

But cute.

Shifan returned to the office at noon.

Shen Luyang was struggling to choose between "fried rice noodles" and "steamed dumplings" on the takeaway interface, when a tall and thin shadow suddenly stood in front of him, and before he could raise his head, his familiar clear voice sounded.

"Mr. Shen, are you free?"

Shen Luyang put down the phone, looked at Shi Fan's slightly tired eyes, and smiled: "Yes, what's the matter, Teacher Shi?"

It seems that although the protagonist Gongshou has broken up, the bond is still very deep, and Shifan's face is so bad now.

He really didn't get involved in this matter.

Shi Fan looked around: "Let's go out and talk?"

Shen Luyang stood up: "Okay."

The first time he went to the roof of the teaching building, Shen Luyang took a novel look around. It should have been cleaned all the year round, the floor was clean, and there was no student's confession statement on the wall.

The scenery is also very good. The mountains are small at a glance, but the wind is strong and it is a little cold.

Shen Luyang tucked up his sleeves, especially wanting to put his hands together and crouch against the wall to keep him warm.

Considering Shi Fan's dignified expression now, he gave up the unrealistic idea, rubbed his arms and asked, "Mr. Shi, there should be no one here, what do you want to say?"

Shi Fan lowered his head, and after a while, he took a deep breath and looked at him with determination, "Mr. Shen, I want to apologize to you for what happened today."

"No, no, Teacher Shi," Shen Luyang quickly waved his hand, "I voluntarily do this, you don't need to be burdened, this little injury is nothing to me at all."

Shi Fan frowned guiltily, his eyes worried: "Mr. Shen, I want to remind you that Duan Chen's family... is very powerful, he was also arranged to come to this school, and no one including the principal could restrain him. Me too... I'm worried he'll do what I do to you, you have to be careful."

Shen Luyang remembered what the system had told him before, that Duan Chen was also packaged by his family to be "remodeled" at the school, and his family was very cool.

It's probably the brute force that can easily ask the principal to fire a teacher.

Seeing that Shifan was about to go and negotiate conditions for him, Shen Luyang suddenly remembered his mother Shen who came yesterday.

Thinking of the other party's care and love, Shen Luyang's eyes flashed with warmth, and the corner of his mouth raised: "You don't have to worry about this, Teacher Shi."

Shi Fan looked over in confusion.

Shen Luyang folded his arms around his chest with an unfathomable expression on his face. He learned from the rich second generation he had seen on TV. He leaned against the wall and clicked his tongue, "Who doesn't have a father anymore!"

Isn't it just fighting dad.

He was also packaged by his father and sent in. He could also make the principal give up three points, and he also drove 911 to and from get off work every day—to sum up, he, Shen Luyang, was also a rich second-generation arrogant!

Shi Fan was taken aback by his righteous appearance, and it took a long time before he said "um" ignorantly: "Then Mr. Shen, you should also pay attention to safety, I'm afraid of him—"

Shen Luyang took it seriously this time, squinting at Shi Fan's eyes: "Yin me?"

Shi Fan didn't answer directly: "He is a top Alpha, we are all just ordinary Alphas, if he wants to hurt you...without leaving evidence, there should be many ways."

Originally, Shen Luyang was seriously thinking about how to avoid Duan Chen's "sacking" behavior, but Shifan directly proposed a simpler and cruder "pheromone level suppression".

This sinking Lu Yang's heart completely let go.

He has the amulet of Teacher Xie, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

To appease Shifan's emotions, Shen Luyang happily ordered steamed dumplings. When the takeaway arrived, he wanted to share with Xie Weihan the results of his shop visit last week.

But Xie Weihan has been out of the office since the fourth class.

Zong Weiqing said that the school leaders have something to look for.

Shen Luyang didn't think much about it. Teacher Xie was an excellent teacher, many times more senior than the temporary worker who was forced in.

It's normal to be busy.

The third session in the afternoon was Shen Luyang's physics class. Shen Luyang, who had enough to eat and drink and played badminton with Jiang Nuanyu for half an hour, walked to the class with a book full of energy.

He is a newcomer, and the school only arranges him to teach the second class, Class 21, so the course is relatively easy.

Like Xie Weihan, he usually takes two classes. In addition to class 21, there is also one key class.

But for some unknown reason, he chose to stay in the science group of class 21.

All the way through a few noisy classes that have not been quiet yet, when I walked to the door of Class 21, I could clearly feel that the sound inside was very small.

Shen Luyang laughed. It seemed that Peng Jun's little stubble group was very loyal, and for the sake of Teacher Shen's "life-saving grace", he decided to manage classroom discipline.

He walked to the podium and stood up.

Peng Jun's four people were suspended from school, and before they got home, their mobile phones were flooded with news, and they basically asked them "what is the surname Shen doing?"

Although they had made a sneak attack on Shen Luyang and had a good relationship, the unexpected honesty of the four people did not weaken Shen Luyang as an all-around hexagonal player who could resist, fight and hide.

This made "Shen's surname" overnight in the minds of class 21 students in the second year of high school, and became "Mr. Shen", "secretly hide someone from Shen" and "that man".

Seeing the injury on his face, Zhan Jingmiao in the first row was startled and shouted, "Teacher, you are injured!"

This sound seemed to have smashed the soundproof net, and the weakened voice in the class suddenly recovered with a chirp, as if seeing something incredible.

Shen Luyang waited for 20 seconds, stretched out his hand and pressed it down. Xiao Po had a reason to see who was using it with whom, and wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand: "I accidentally fell while walking up the stairs, it hurts to death. Stop making trouble and start lecturing."

It was obviously a group of stubborn stubborn stubborn stubble, and if they blocked it with a Band-Aid, it would not be obvious that Teacher Shen had beaten each other.

Shen Luyang ticked the corner of his mouth, very satisfied with the discipline in the back row.

When talking about a certain knowledge point, he picked up the chalk and just wrote a letter, and his arm hurt.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Luyang continued to write with his arms stretched while holding on to the sequelae of courageous actions. His natural expression was that none of the students saw that something was wrong with him.

"November will be a long holiday in two days, and there may be more homework in these two days than last week," Shen Luyang gave up his usual elbow and pestle movements, simply leaned on the podium and reasoned with his classmates, "November It's a holiday, it's just for fun, and you don't want to go home and analyze physics problems after a long day, right?"

A moment of sympathy below.

There are also those who have an inch: "Teacher, can you not stay today and tomorrow?"

Shen Luyang looked at the fourth row next to the door in surprise: "This classmate, I never made such an unreasonable request when I was in school."

The students joked with him: "Teacher, are you a good student?"

Shen Luyang raised his brows and said confidently, "That's for sure. You go to my alma mater and ask, who doesn't know Shen Luyang, a three-good student?"

After class, Shen Luyang just walked to the door of the next class when he was blocked by the four Peng Jun who rushed out.

"What are you doing?" Shen Luyang put his arms around Peng Jun's shoulders and walked aside, "blocking the door of other people's classes, make an appointment?"

Peng Jun: "…"

Why are you so familiar with these racking procedures? !

Li Shenyu frowned at the small section of his exposed arm, which was blue and purple.

"Did Tu Bohao's accomplices do it?"

Shen Luyang looked at him: "how is it possible, unless—"

Li Shenyu's expression tightened.

Shen Luyang: "His accomplices are the steps of our school."

Li Shenyu: "…"

Shen Luyang analyzed the possibility seriously, and then told them: "If this is the case, then he is likely to have a mental problem, or a cognitive impairment..."

"Don't say it," Li Shenyu took a deep breath, rarely losing his composure, "I don't like to hear a word."

Shen Luyang held back his smile: "Okay."

A group of rebellious but kind little brats.

Shen Luyang gave the lump candy by himself as a consolation, and regardless of whether the stubble wanted it or not, he threw it away and went back to the office.

As soon as he opened the office door, he heard the lowered voice of Gong Wanjun, the chemistry teacher in the next class.

"I just came back from the principal's office and heard that Mr. Duan Chen had a car accident!"

"My God, are you alright?"

"I only heard a little bit, it seems to be driving fatigue, both arms are broken, the face is cut by the glass, the chin and mouth are full of blood..."