MTL - After I Became a Zombie, My Face Is Paralyzed-Chapter 22 can i tag you

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Xiao Shenwei didn't know how to describe his current feeling.

This feeling is very strange, warm and sore, Xiao Shenwei couldn't help but want to hug Rong Yun.

He is obviously just a fragile human who is injured and cannot heal quickly, and is afraid of cold and heat, but he is always protecting himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Xiao Shenwei was even a little scared, afraid that Rong Yun was just to repay the kindness that he sacrificed to protect in the fallen city.

Even if it was just a nice misunderstanding.

When the new dim sum was baked, Xiao Shenwei was still holding his face in a daze, holding a cat-fucking stick in his hand and swaying the funny flower roll.

Rong Yun sat down beside Xiao Shenwei and touched Xiao Shenwei's cheek with his fingers.

"What are you thinking about?"

Xiao Shenwei turned his face: "What will you eat tomorrow?"

"The little snake you brought back last time has leftovers. Do you want to eat snake meat hot pot?"

Xiao Shenwei blinked, unable to control his mind thinking of Rong Yun after being poisoned by a ghost snake, his head started to smoke again.

"Well, good."

Xiao Shenwei secretly picked up a piece of dessert and put it in his mouth.

The golden yellow skin of the flower cake is sprinkled with crushed sesame seeds, and the inner skin is layer upon layer, as thin as a cicada's wings, wrapping the bright red flower filling inside.

Take a bite, the crispy and tender dough is wrapped with soft, waxy and sweet stuffing, mixed with the fragrance of flowers and honey, all the way to the heart.

Xiao Shenwei looked at Rong Yun's slender and beautiful hands, which could hold both a steel gun and a kitchen knife, and even the fingertips were glowing with a healthy thin red.

Unlike his own, pale and thin, his nails still have a faint cyan color, showing a morbid state.

He was silent for a while, and quietly hid his hand back, but Rong Yun reached out and held it.

Rong Yun pinched Xiao Shenwei's cold fingers and rubbed his thumb on his protruding knuckles.

Xiao Shenwei flinched and tried to pull his hand back, but was clenched tightly and couldn't take it out.

"you're too skinny."

Xiao Shenwei: ...?

"It's better to gain weight."

Xiao Shenwei: …

Although it makes me very happy to say so, but it always feels like our roles are reversed?

Hanamaki likes to jump into Xiao Shenwei's arms recently, and often crouches in Xiao Shenwei's arms with small hands and squinting eyes.

Xiao Shenwei didn't mind either.

On the contrary, he likes to hold the flower scroll.

The cat's soft fur and warm body in his arms can make Xiao Shenwei, who is cold all over, really feel that he is still alive.

He prefers to tuck his hands under Hanamaki's stomach to warm his hands, and then put his warm hands on his cheeks, although that little bit of warmth will dissipate quickly.

Somewhat childish.

But Xiao Shenwei never tire of it.

Rong Yun took the flower scroll out of Xiao Shenwei's arms and led Xiao Shenwei towards the bedroom.

"There is still hot water, do you want to take a shower?"

Xiao Shenwei looked at the hands they were holding, and the warm temperature passed from them.


The two of them were lying on the bed after taking a bath. The moonlight came in through the window and cast a rectangular light spot on the bed.

Rong Yun habitually took Xiao Shenwei in his arms, breathing gently and long.

Hanamaki curled up at Xiao Shenwei's feet and fell asleep.

Xiao Shenwei opened his eyes in the dark, and he lost sleep.

He touched Rong Yun's cheek that was close at hand, a little distracted.

I don't know since when, the desire for Rong Yun's face to face food has quietly changed.

Xiao Shenwei lowered his eyes and thought about it seriously.

Maybe it started from eating the amazing spicy rabbit meat and honey sauce rabbit legs?

Or the warm embrace in the howling storm, the phrase "you're just sick" in the misty night...

Or "I like white tea" under the influence of snake venom, that unexpected kiss in the afternoon,

Until this evening of Rong Yun's 26 missed calls, blue-frozen toes, scorched desserts...

Possibly, both...

What about him?

Is he like me too?

Xiao Shenwei looked at Rong Yun's closed eyes under the hazy moonlight, her light-colored lips were slightly open, and her shallow breath sprinkled on her face with fresh mint.

He almost uncontrollably recalled the feeling of Rong Yun's lips brushing the corner of his mouth earlier.

It was like a feather was scratching on his heart, and the scratching made him breathe a little faster.

His fingers gently caressed Rong Yun's chin, Xiao Shenwei gently rubbed Rong Yun's soft lips.

...what does it taste like?

…would it be like ice mint jelly…

...Sneak a sip, you won't be found...

Xiao Shenwei quietly leaned over, quickly pecked and kissed Rong Yun's lips like a dragonfly, and quickly closed his eyes to pretend to be asleep.

After waiting for a long time without hearing Rong Yun wake up, Xiao Shenwei quietly opened one eye.

huh, didn't wake up...

He smashed his mouth, reminiscing about the soft touch just now, he felt as if he had stepped on a cloud, and the whole person was fluttering and dizzy.

The silly roe deer in his heart almost knocked a hole out of his chest, and he couldn't help but cocked the corners of his mouth and bent his eyes to laugh.

But he doesn't laugh anymore.

Xiao Shenwei: …This is really a sad story.

But that didn't stop him from spinning around happily in his head.

Xiao Shenwei pinched Rong Yun's fingertips, nestled in Rong Yun's arms, closed his eyes, and fell asleep contentedly.

He didn't see that Rong Yun's ears suddenly turned red, and even the smell of pheromone belonging to Rong Yun in the air was a little richer.

Early the next morning, when Ping Hanhai and Tang Qiu came, Xiao Shenwei hadn't gotten up yet.

Rong Yun boiled a pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge in the kitchen. Hanamaki wanted to steal it, but after being sanctioned by Rong Yun, he chose to trouble Xiao Shenwei.

At this time, Hanamaki's plump body was pressing on Xiao Shenwei's chest, his paws stepped on Xiao Shenwei's face, and when he opened his mouth, a vicious tiger roared at Xiao Shenwei:


Xiao Shenwei pushed the flower scroll away, turned over, and didn't look like he was about to wake up.

Hanamaki jumped over and continued:


Xiao Shenwei reached out and squeezed Hanamaki's cat's mouth, and said in a dazed voice, "Don't be noisy."

Hanamaki felt that her majesty was being challenged, she shook her head away from Xiao Shenwei's hand, and jumped onto the pillow.

Then he flicked his tail and sat on Xiao Shenwei's face.


Xiao Shenwei: …

Baidu search: How to make cat meat delicious?

After throwing away the nape of the neck carrying the flower roll, Xiao Shenwei yawned and headed straight to the kitchen.

A pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge is simmering slowly on the stove, steaming hot.

Lean meat and preserved eggs are tumbling in the thick white porridge, with green chives floating on it, which looks very appetizing.

"woke up?"

Rong Yun, who was handling the snake meat, turned his head when he heard the movement, and the golden sunlight plated a layer of gold on his whole body.

Xiao Shenwei: My grain reserves are really nice.

"Morning." As Xiao Shenwei said, he lifted the lid of the pot where the porridge was simmering, took a deep breath, and his eyes lit up: "Can you drink it?"

Rong Yun came over and stirred with chopsticks: "Wait."

Rong Yun approached a little too close, Xiao Shenwei could even hear Rong Yun's shallow breathing.

He turned his head and tentatively hooked the little thumb hanging by his side: "Cough, that... Last night you..."


Rong Yun turned his head, the two looked at each other, and the tips of their noses almost touched.

Xiao Shenwei saw Rong Yun's ears redden at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the breath blended, Xiao Shenwei saw his own reflection in Rong Yun's eyes.

He held his breath and didn't dare to breathe, feeling like he was about to suffocate.

...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too close...

The pheromones of the two people in the air were chaotic almost at the same time.

"...Porridge, the porridge is ready."

Rong Yun turned his face in a panic, and reached out to touch the handle of the small cooking pot.

The results are obvious.


Rong Yun, who was scalded, suddenly retracted his hand.

"Oh, are you alright?"

Xiao Shenwei held Rong Yun's hand, looked at Rong Yun's red-hot fingertips, and blew lightly.

After blowing twice, Xiao Shenwei felt a little stupid again, and couldn't help but curled the corners of his lips.

Then Rong Yun was a little stunned.

Noticing Rong Yun's gaze, Xiao Shenwei raised his head with an undisturbed smile in his eyes: "Huh?"

"You look good when you smile."

Rong Yun said.

Xiao Shenwei was stunned.

... can I... laugh?

He looked at Rong Yun's beautiful eyes and light-colored lips, thinking of the stealing kiss last night, and lowered his eyes with a guilty conscience.

"Then what, I'm going to wash my face."

And then ran away.

Rong Yun was stunned for a while, before shaking his head with a smile, taking out the lining and carrying the cooking pot down.

On the other side, Xiao Shenwei looked in the mirror in the bathroom.

He found that he could already make some subtle expressions.

Xiao Shenwei: Congratulations, my facial paralysis has been saved.

The blue lines on the neck have faded to the vicinity of the collarbone at some point.

Xiao Shenwei pulled down his collar and touched the lines that seemed to be engraved in his skin, feeling a little dazed.

…will I be back to normal when the blue lines are all gone?

When Xiao Shenwei came out after washing up, Rong Yun had already prepared the porridge.

The three were sitting around the table and all seemed to be waiting for him.

Hanamaki was still angry, and held Xiao Shenwei with her butt.

Then Xiao Shenwei took out a packet of jerky.


Hanamaki rubbed against Xiao Shenwei's feet and began to turn her stomach and sell her cuteness.

Xiao Shenwei: Oh, meow star.

He fed Hanamaki a few mouthfuls, put down the jerky, held the porridge bowl, and stirred the bowl with a white porcelain spoon.

The soft and glutinous porridge is thick and not sticky, embellished with jade-like chopped green onions, and the thick rice fragrance mixed with the slightly salty meat fragrance is tangy.

The rice porridge tastes smooth, the lean meat is just right, and it warms all the way from the throat to the stomach.

The only downside is that it's a little light.

However, in Xiao Shenwei's heart, it is still the best delicacy.

After eating, Xiao Shenwei hugged the flower scroll again, rolled up the thin quilt and lay in a daze on the sofa.

He feels more and more lethargic recently, and his body is a little colder than before.

Seeing that winter is coming.

Maybe... zombies need to hibernate too?

Xiao Shenwei thought so.

Ping Hanhai and Tang Qiu came here to deliver sweet-scented osmanthus candy. The beautiful candy **** were sealed in a glass jar, which was really beautiful.

Of course they have another purpose - to eat.

The two were squatting on the side of the coffee table and playing flying chess, while Rong Yun was in the kitchen preparing ingredients for hot pot at noon.

Xiao Shenwei was basking in the sun wrapped in a thin blanket, and fell asleep again in a daze.

In the haze, someone came to help him tuck the quilt, and a little warm dampness fell on his forehead, which was fleeting.

Xiao Shenwei rubbed the quilt, turned over, and didn't wake up.

What finally woke him up was the aroma of hot pot.

Xiao Shenwei was sitting at the table holding his chopsticks, feeling that he was about to be fed by Rong Yun into some kind of salted carbon-based aquatic creature (salted fish).

It seems that in addition to eating every day, it is sleeping and in a daze, and occasionally going out to be walked by the charcoal head.

And now he is holding the bowl, staring at the tumbling red soup in the pot, like a salted fish lost its dream, only the hot pot is left in his head.

In the pot, the sliced ​​and marinated snake meat is boiled. The pink and white snake meat is dipped in the red soup, and the oil is bright and shiny.

Tofu and green small wild vegetables are tumbling in the soup, with a spicy aroma in the heat.

Xiao Shenwei took a spoonful of vegetables and poured it into the bowl, but he didn't care about burning it.

The green vegetables soaked in the red soup are spicy and refreshing, the tofu is so tender that it melts in the mouth, the snake meat is delicious, and a few people eat white rice and their noses sweat.

Until Tang Qiu fished out a piece of snake meat from the pot, the atmosphere froze.

"what is this?"

I saw two flower-like pieces of meat suddenly exploded from the snake meat, trembling slightly under the light.

Several people were stunned,

Xiao Shenwei was silent for a while, and said solemnly, "The method of elimination can be used."

"First of all, it's not an elephant."

Ping Hanhai & Tang Qiu: "…"

On the contrary, Rong Yun coughed lightly, as if a little embarrassed:

"It's okay, you can eat it, that's... cough, snake whip."

Xiao Shenwei: …emmmm…

As the saying goes, when a man dies and a bird faces the sky, is it possible that he becomes a snake?

Xiao Shenwei started flipping through the book in his mind:

Snake whip, warm in nature, sweet and salty, invigorates the kidney and strengthens yang, fills the essence and nourishes the marrow, balances yin and yang, eliminates fatigue, and improves sleep.

He couldn't help but glanced at Rong Yun's waist, thinking of the charming waistline that Rong Yun showed when he came out of the shower last night.

...I don't know what it feels like to touch, but it looks like it feels great...

The back of Xiao Shenwei's neck became hot for a while, and the Adam's apple couldn't help rolling.

Perhaps his eyes were too hot, Rong Yun touched Xiao Shenwei's knee under the table with red ears, and coughed lightly.

Xiao Shenwei quickly returned to his senses, turned his face as if nothing happened, and looked at Tang Qiu: "The kidney-tonifying, eat it."

Tang Qiu was stunned for a while, then smiled and put the meat on the chopsticks into Rong Yun's bowl.

"Captain, make up for it."

By the way, he also gave Xiao Shenwei a meaningful look.

Xiao Shenwei: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

... no, wait, did you misunderstand something?

Rong Yun watched the meat in the bowl tangled for a while, then picked it up again and put it in the Ping Hanhai bowl: "Brother Hai, pay attention to your body."

Ping Hanhai's face turned green, and finally he silently pinched Tang Qiu's chin and forcibly stuffed the meat into his mouth:

"Can't you keep your mouth shut when you eat?"

Xiao Shenwei looked left and right, blinked, and asked Tang Qiu cautiously, "...Is it delicious?"

Tang Qiu chewed and swallowed, and was silent for a while: "To be honest, it actually tastes pretty good."

Xiao Shenwei: ...I feel like I missed a hundred million.

After the meal, Ping Hanhai and Tang Qiu wiped their mouths, and Xiao Shenwei took Rong Yun out for a walk.

If he didn't go out again, he felt that he was about to squat at home and grow mushrooms.

Xiao Shenwei even planned to take a few bounties out of the city for a few days tomorrow.

Tantou was suppressed by Rong Yun and did not dare to make trouble, and followed them obediently.

Hanamaki went out for the first time, squatting on the charcoal head like an emperor on a tour.

On weekdays, there are many citizens on the streets in the afternoon. Without all kinds of entertainment equipment, most people go out for a walk when they have nothing to do.

Today is much less, probably scared by the news last night.

The refugee camp in the north of the city has been completely sealed off. It was not until they walked near the city gate that they knew that Daxing had closed the door last night and did not allow anyone to enter.

Now there are many people outside the city, all of them are blocked from the door, and they are interrogated one by one.

"The recent refugees ... seem to have suddenly increased."

Xiao Shenwei stood at the front of the city and looked at the crowd around the city.

The two stood at the head of the city for a while, and then heard the news of the fall of several small safe areas, and even a medium-sized safe area was destroyed by the zombie tide.

In the past three years, when winter comes, the zombies will gradually calm down and no longer attack humans on a large scale, but this year is a bit abnormal.

Moreover, there have been frequent reports of large behemoths appearing on the periphery of the oasis in recent days, and many hunting teams have returned home with injuries or even attrition.

All of this exudes a breath of fresh air.

However, these have nothing to do with Xiao Shenwei and Rong Yun for the time being.

The two led the white wolf and walked back slowly, and then they saw Song Xi from a distance.

Song Xi waved to them: "Have you finished eating the canned food of the white wolf?"

Xiao Shenwei didn't have time to answer, and when he heard the word "canned", the charcoal head raised his ears and became restless.

Song Xi began to shout: "Tantou, I brought you canned food—"

Tantou broke free from the dog's leash with an "Ow" and ran towards Songxi.

However, they ignored a fact.

Between them, there was a wide stinky ditch, and in the ditch was a black torrent of black, stinky silt.

I saw Tantou rushed through the low fence, jumped into the stinky ditch with a "thump", was dyed in mud, swam over, and threw his tail excitedly at Songxi.

Song Xi's expression froze.

"You, you don't come here—"

On the streets of Daxing, a new news headline appeared again.

The beautiful omega ran in front of him with a terrified face. Behind him, a foul-smelling white wolf threw the mud and chased after him excitedly, unable to hold it.

In the end, the peak battle between humans and animals ended with the victory of the white wolf.

Charcoal head threw the poor omega into his arms, and excitedly smeared the sludge on his face.

Song Xi covered her face and burst into tears: ...I don't want to be a wolf control anymore...

In the end, Xiao Shenwei, who was laughing like crazy, apologized to Song Xi, and after sending him home, he kicked the charcoal head into the moat in disgust.

"You give me a good self-reflection!"

Tired of laughing, Xiao Shenwei sat on the shore and threw stones into the water to make it float.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Shi Zi'er bounced seven or eight times on the water before it sank with a plop.


Xiao Shenwei put a stone in Rong Yun's hand.




After a while, a fish floated up with its belly turned over.

Xiao Shenwei: ...emmm young hero is good at martial arts?

"You're in the wrong position, look at me."

Xiao Shenwei reached out to touch a small pebble from the ground, but accidentally touched the back of Rong Yun's hand.

Xiao Shenwei was taken aback by the warm touch.

He raised his hand with a dry cough, but was suddenly held back.

Xiao Shenwei's eyes fell on the charcoal head playing in the lake, and he didn't dare to look at Rong Yun: "What are you... doing."

I don't know if it was because the wind was too gentle at this time, Xiao Shenwei felt a little dizzy.

Rong Yun clenched Xiao Shenwei's hand with red ears and leaned against Xiao Shenwei's ear: "Last night I..."

"Ah last night..." Xiao Shenwei's head coaxed and began to smoke.

"I didn't sleep last night."

Rong Yun's palms were sweaty. He looked at Xiao Shenwei's profile, and when he was nervous, he blurted out: "I... can I tag you?"