MTL - After I Became a Zombie, My Face Is Paralyzed-Chapter 26 look, car thief

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Hanamaki turned her back, flung Xiao Shenwei's face with water droplets, and ran away with the fish in her mouth.

Xiao Shenwei silently washed his face and hands, holding the porridge bowl and started to drink porridge, but he secretly planned to take revenge.

There are already some cold winter mornings, and it is a very enjoyable thing to eat a bowl of warm pumpkin porridge.

The orange porridge is soft, glutinous and sweet, with a strong fragrance of pumpkin and rice. The small pieces of pumpkin are stewed softly and melt in your mouth.

Xiao Shenwei drank the bowl of porridge to the bottom before licking his mouth, holding his face and staring at Rong Yun, who had not finished drinking.

Rong Yun didn't drink porridge very fast, he drank it slowly, with a natural calmness in his every move.

Xiao Shenwei remembered that when this person even took a knife and slashed zombies and alienated beasts, he was always elegant and comfortable.

"What are you looking at?" Rong Yun was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Xiao Shenwei.

Xiao Shenwei blinked as if suddenly recovered, then looked at Rong Yun with a smile in his eyes: "You look good."

Rong Yun's ears quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Shenwei leaned over, held Rong Yun's cheek, gave a loud "bias" on his head, turned his face and ran away.

"Clang clang-"

The white porcelain spoon in Rong Yun's hand hit the edge of the bowl.

On the other side, Xiao Shenwei ran to the kitchen to clean up the kitchen waste, and by the way, after cleaning up the cat litter for Hanamaki, he was going to lift the door and throw it away.

Then he saw a few small cucumbers that were too late to put in the refrigerator on the side of the coffee table, and then looked at Hanamaki who was squatting and drinking water, his heart was full.

He tiptoed to pick up a small cucumber and quietly placed it behind the flower roll.

Then he slowly stepped back with the garbage bag in his hand.

"Flower roll."

Xiao Shenwei shouted.

Hanamaki turned back habitually, and then suddenly saw the cucumber beside her feet, and she was shocked, as if stepping on a spring under her feet, and she jumped in fright.


Frightened, Hanamaki's chubby body first hit the refrigerator door beside him, then rolled on the ground twice, and finally slid into the cat litter box.

The corners of Xiao Shenwei's mouth curled up, and his heart was already crazy.


Hanamaki lifted her head from the cat litter box, shook her head, and looked at Xiao Shenwei, who had already opened the door and was about to leave: ▽_▽

Xiao Shenwei looked at the flower roll that was stained with cat litter on his head and hadn't gotten rid of it: ...Pfft.

Hanamaki (super fierce): "Meow-"

Open the door, get out.

"Whoa whoa-"

There was a scratching sound from the door.

Xiao Shenwei turned around and pretended that nothing happened, and went downstairs with a garbage bag.

The weather is getting colder, and the prey is no longer easy to fight. Speed ​​​​thieves have begun to appear in the city. There have been many cases of car robbery in recent days.

It's just that Xiao Shenwei never expected this to fall on his head.

At that time, he was walking down the street with two garbage bags. There was only one trash can in this block, not too far away, but not too close.

Then a "boom" sound of the engine came from far to near.

There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing around.

Xiao Shenwei only felt that his hand was empty.

He turned his eyes in confusion, and only had time to see the back of the motorcycle sitting on the back seat, holding a garbage bag in one hand and pointing his **** at him.

Looking at the trash can that was still far away, and then looking down at his empty hands, Xiao Shenwei was silent for a while.

...Should I say thank you?

...But, would Hanamaki be angry if she found out that her **** had been snatched by the Snitch...

With some anxiety, Xiao Shenwei went home with a lot of thought.

However, he did not expect Hanamaki to be a cat who never holds grudges.

Because if there is a grudge, it will avenge it on the spot.

So the moment he opened the door, a bunch of orange cannonballs shot into the air.

Hanamaki slapped Xiao Shenwei with her small fat claws.

Xiao Shenwei, whose head and face were covered with soft meat pads, was blacked out by Hanamaki's huge body.

Hanamaki knew the severity, and she didn't show her claws, and she didn't put down her hands, but she didn't feel any pain.

It's just that it's too fat, it's fluffy, and it's a little overweight on its chest.

Fortunately, Rong Yun arrived just in time, he embraced Xiao Shenwei with one hand, pinched the back of Hanamaki's neck with the other, and carried Hanamaki, who was pressing his ears and dancing with his teeth and claws, to one side.

"Flower roll."

Xiao Shenwei looked at the flower scroll with the expression "I'm going to cut you" and sighed softly:

"Your cat litter... was stolen by a speeding thief."

Hanamaki: "...?"

Rong Yun: "??????"

When Xiao Shenwei and Rong Yun realized that they needed to save food for the winter, the weather was getting colder day by day.

There is no central heating in the city, and when you go out in the early morning, you can already see the white air exhaled from the door.

Xiao Shenwei's body temperature dropped again.

Hanamaki almost turned into a hand warmer and was carried in Xiao Shenwei's arms every day.

Surprisingly, Hanamaki never resisted Xiao Shenwei's warm hands by stuffing his cold hands under his furry belly.

Even if it would be frozen by Xiao Shenwei's hand every time.

Then it will flick its tail, look at Xiao Shenwei with "thank you soon", and then move its body to cover Xiao Shenwei's hand more tightly.

When Ping Hanhai and Tang Qiu came, Xiao Shenwei was wrapped in a quilt and hugging the cat, curled up in Rong Yun's arms, half asleep and half awake.

Next to them was a half-human-high iron-barrel stove with a chimney that led to the outside.

This iron barrel stove, which has long been obsolete, once again shines in the doomsday era.

"It's so cold."

Tang Qiu sighed and rubbed his hands in his palms, then leaned his hands near the stove.

"This year is a bit unnaturally cold." Ping Hanhai sat down on the sofa and looked out the window, which looked bright but had no temperature.

In the past, this month has not been so cold, but this winter seems to have come too early.

Xiao Shenwei fell into a daze, his head shrunk into the quilt again, and his voice was murky:

"There are stewed sweet potatoes on the stove, take them yourself."

...just eat less or you'll fart.

...don't ask how he knew that.

Holding hot and fragrant roasted sweet potatoes in the cold air is indeed a pleasant thing.

After alienation, the sweet potato is amazingly large, and under the charred skin is a layer of dried potatoes that are roasted and browned.

Breaking open a small piece, the soft yellow flesh inside is steaming hot, mixed with a sweet and glutinous taste straight into the nostrils.

Ping Hanhai and Tang Qiu were not polite to each other. They each held a roasted sweet potato and began to nibble.

...probably the only good thing about this guy is that he's not a picky eater.

Xiao Shenwei quietly chewed sweet potato fries under the cover of the quilt.

He has always felt itchy at the roots of his teeth recently, so Rong Yun specially made some dried sweet potato fries for him to grind his teeth.

The best parts were made into Xiao Shenwei's exclusive snacks, and the rest were thrown on the stove and baked.

The firm fries with just the right hardness have a rich burnt aroma, and these sweet potatoes are very sweet, so Xiao Shenwei just chews them when he has nothing to do.

A few people ate breakfast hastily, brought some dry food, and then went out.

They have to go to Nanze, and now it is time to stock up on winter food.

Since they needed to bring a lot of prey this time, they decided to drive the heavy truck brought by Xiao Shenwei.

Charcoal headed around the truck excitedly.

Every time he drives a car, it means he can go out of town to have fun.

The heavy truck has been refitted, the cabin is nearly twice as thick, and the wheels are also hung with protective chains, which looks like a steel fortress.

Rong Yun was the driver, Ping Hanhai and Tang Qiu went to the back of the car, and Tantou squatted on the roof as always.

The heavy truck roared straight out of the city.

The refugee camp near the city gate has been re-built with walls, and concrete lattices have replaced the previous simple shacks.

The refugees were wrapped in leather jackets made of small pieces of animal skins and looked at the gray sky anxiously.

Once again, they saw that on the way back to the medical team, they met that special group of refugees.

Compared with other refugees who looked very shabby, their life was obviously much better.

They have a whole piece of thick bearskin and wolfskin, and the scarlet jerky is drying outside the humble house. Dozens of people are busy and busy, and they look very lively.

None of the refugees dared to go up and **** it, and the knives in the hands of the strong men guarding the jerky and animal skins were colder than the ice and snow in winter.

According to the guards, this group of apparently powerful guys did not accept anyone's solicitation. They only stayed in the refugee area quietly, and went out to hunt on weekdays, or went to the West City for some necessities, and never made trouble.

However, Xiao Shenwei saw a familiar figure in the group of refugees.

He jumped out of the car, looked at the figure with some uncertainty, and whispered:

"...Uncle Li?"

The alpha figure froze, and suddenly turned around: "Xiao Wei?!"

It was a weathered face, with a long scar on the cheek, and a beard that grew haphazardly.

"You're still alive!" The man called Uncle Li held Xiao Shenwei's shoulder in surprise, and his eyes were a little red: "I thought..."

"I heard that I went to look for you after the fall of Wo City, but I didn't find it... I saw you on the road earlier, and I thought I was wrong, but I didn't think so..."

This person is the original owner of the truck, Xiao Shenwei's neighbor Li Mao.

"How do you…"

Xiao Shenwei looked at the group of people, but didn't see Li Mao's daughter Li Wen, so he didn't speak.

"We... met the wolves on the way to Daxing, Xiaowen... gone... Later I followed this group of people."

Li Mao lowered his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse, and he didn't talk much.

He raised his head and patted Xiao Shenwei on the shoulder: "No matter what, it's good to live."

Xiao Shenwei's eyes were sore, thinking that the well-behaved and quiet little girl was gone, a little sad.

"Come on, let's get to know each other—" Li Mao greeted, and seemed to have a high status in this group of people: "This, Xiao Shenwei, my **** son—"

A group of young men gathered around, their smiles were hearty and sincere:

"Yo, Uncle Li's godson. The young man is handsome, how old are you this year?"

"This child has suffered a lot. Look at this pale face, there is no blood at all..."


No one noticed that several doctors, closely guarded by guards, emerged from the other side of the camp.

The woman at the head looked sideways, her eyes wandered around Xiao Shenwei's back, and then looked away without paying attention.


I feel like I've been a hair loss monster in my last life and I'm going bald.

Every time I wash my hair in the pool, it's like a biochemical crisis, and the clumps of hair look distressed.

Also, do you believe me when I say I'm a sweet writer (●v●)

Hhhhhh don't worry, they'll be fine~

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