MTL - After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega-Chapter 10

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Su Liang is not a fool.

He soon realized that this garden had an owner, and it was by the kindness of the garden owner who never showed up that he could rely on the orientation mechanism of the garden to escape the land. The harassment of the group of Alphas at home.

The young Su Liang is full of gratitude to the owner of the garden.

That is a very good person, although he has never appeared in front of Su Liang, but Su Liang can still feel the special tenderness and consideration of the other party.

For example, after the weather became cooler, a few persistent Alphas were still trying to contain Su Liang, but the barren garden was no longer suitable for children like Su Liang to stay for a long time.

And then suddenly one day, Su Liang discovered that there was a small flower house in the corner of the garden.

The dead branches and leaves that originally covered the flower house have been cleaned up, and the electronic lock of the flower house is flashing red, which proves that the electronic lock is in use.

Su Liang looked at the door of the flower room, hesitated for a moment, and tentatively pressed her hand on it.


Just as he expected, the flower house has already opened access to him.

After walking in, Su Liang found that there was something special in the small flower room. From the outside, the flower house and the garden look extremely dilapidated, but after walking in, you will find that the inside of the flower house is completely clean and tidy from the outside.

It is said to be a flower house, but there are no plants here. The walls and floors were made of a special white material that Su Liang couldn't describe. They were spotless, comparable to the operating room in the Lu family's private hospital.

There are almost no furnishings in the room, only a cold steel reclining chair in the center, and a half-human-high metal box next to it - it is a semi-automatic medical robot.

It looks quiet, empty, and unpopular.

Just like the garden outside, there is a cold atmosphere.

…But, for Su Liang, it is very warm here.

Su Liang spent a long time in the corner of this flower house.

He is doing homework, reading, and even in a daze.

Of course, he has always been very careful. He has never touched the steel chair and medical robot in the center of the flower room. When he leaves the flower room, he will clean the place where he has been very carefully.

Out of some special intuition, Su Liang felt that the owner of the garden probably would not like others to leave too strong traces in his territory.

Su Liang thought that she would never really meet the owner of the garden.

However, suddenly one day, Su Liang saw that person.

Su Liang was struggling with his mecha work in the corner of the room with a bitter face, and then he heard a strange buzzing sound.

He turned his head in surprise, and saw a secret door appeared where he thought it was a white wall.

A man swayed slightly and walked in straight.

Su Liang looked at the man who suddenly appeared in the room.

It was an extremely tall young man with a strange, cold and sharp aura all over his body. He is very handsome, but when ordinary people see him, it may be difficult to perceive his handsomeness, because his temperament is so special - like a very terrifying beast, or an invincible weapon on the battlefield.




Several words flashed through Su Liang's mind. He had never seen such an Alpha before, as if he would be stabbed by the lingering breath just by looking at him.

A long black hair was tied into a bundle, hanging down behind the young man's head. The ends of the braids are covered with silver-white mechanical tubes. It also flashed a red light that was incomprehensible.

In fact, it's not just the braids, most of the young man's body is embedded in the cold mechanical exoskeleton armor, and there is even half of the plasma energy muzzle on his shoulders that has not yet been retracted, his arms The mechanical blade on the top was also dripping down a very suspicious-looking yellow-green mucus.

Of course none of this is the most interesting.

It is his wounds that concern him.

A long and narrow knife cut from the left shoulder to the man's abdomen, as if it was about to split the man in half. Even if the mecha blocked it, scarlet blood was still gurgling out.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Su Liang would never have imagined that someone could move freely after suffering such a serious injury, and even the expression on his face did not change.


Su Liang jumped up, and the homework on her knees was scattered all over the floor.

The young man who suddenly appeared in the room just glanced at the flustered Su Liang lightly, he acted unusually cold, as if Su Liang's existence was completely air, and then he took back the With an indifferent gaze, he walked straight to the steel lounge chair in the middle of the flower room.

As he walked, the already damaged exoskeleton mecha automatically detached from him one by one and fell to the ground.

When the man lay on the recliner, most of his body was exposed.

Every muscle of his is terribly strong, but the more perfect his body is, the more frightening the wound looks.

The semi-automatic medical machine started automatically when the man lay down on the steel chair. The box that was originally square was unfolded, and the spider-like medical arms moved towards the man. The laser ray landed directly on the open wound on the young man's body, a wisp of blue smoke rose, and there was a terrifying smell of burnt flesh in the air.

Su Liang just accidentally glanced at the scene, and her mind went blank with fright, even her legs were soft.

As the injured person, the young man seemed extremely calm from beginning to end, as if the person who almost had internal organs flowed out was not himself at all.

It wasn't until several medical arms carefully pulled out some glass capsules that seemed to be completely empty from the back of the man's neck and threw them into the steel tray, the man made a sound A very low muffled sound.

The strong **** smell seemed to be dyed with a strange sweet and greasy aroma, but when you sniffed it carefully, only the wet and sweet smell poured into the nose.

Su Liang's hands and feet are cold, and her whole body is like a wild deer illuminated by the car lights at night, unable to move.

The young man's attitude was so indifferent that he didn't even know how to react.

He could only guess from the numbered tattoo on the young man's forearm that was mottled with blood, that the other party should be a member of the Lu family's army.

Brother-in-law mentioned that the top Alphas of the Lu family are basically elite mecha warriors who fight directly with the Canaanites on the front line.

"...they are all members of the 'Viper' unit, directly under the patriarch. You're just a child who doesn't understand anything, theoretically, you shouldn't have an intersection with a big man like them, But if you encounter it, you just avoid it. Those people... suffered too much in the war, so their characters are usually strange and indifferent, it is best not to provoke them."

When my brother-in-law mentioned the people in the "Viper" team, his attitude was actually very contradictory. Su Liang could feel that his brother-in-law actually respected them, but there was a trace of fear that could not be concealed in that respect.

And now there is a living "serpent" warrior in front of Su Liang, and he finally understands why his brother-in-law is so contradictory when he mentions the Alpha who is also in the Lu family.

Because the real "Viper" warriors really look more like humanoid weapons than living humans.

Just when Su Liang felt weak and didn't know what to do, he could only stand there and watch the blood-covered young man heal himself, the latter's figure suddenly swayed .

Su Liang heard a few metal friction sounds, he subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, only to realize that there seemed to be something wrong with the treatment on the youth side - the treatment arm of the medical robot was grasping He tried to pierce the back of the opponent's neck with a thick needle.

Rubbing back and forth on the metal parts, it was unable to successfully penetrate the youth's body at all.

Su Liang didn't know what the medicinal liquid contained in the needle tube was used, but he guessed it was a very important medicine, because it was only a few dozen seconds of delay, the name The young man whose body was about to be split in half without any emotion, his face turned pale and blue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even his body shook.

"Come here."

Su Liang suddenly heard a hoarse and cold voice.

"Huh? You mean, me?

Su Liang was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the command was sent to him by the young man.

"It's you."

"Viper" said nonchalantly.

Su Liang leaned towards the other side tremblingly.

In fact, to a certain extent, even if the other party is really a member of the "Viper" team, his actions are very suspicious. With such a serious injury, he ran to an abandoned garden to use an automatic medical robot to treat his wounds that could kill him, instead of going to the Lujia private hospital for better treatment. But in the face of such a person, Su Liang found that he could not raise any doubts at all, and of course, he was even less likely to express any resistance.


He was also very strange, and for no reason began to worry about the other party's now particularly ugly face and injury.

Soon Su Liang arrived at the youth's side.

The smell of blood became stronger, making Su Liang dizzy.

On the contrary, the young man was still expressionless.

Su Liang has no doubts that even if the one standing in front of him is a slime, he may still be this indifferent without emotional ups and downs.

At the moment when Su Liang thought so, "Poisonous Snake" suddenly leaned forward. He seemed to be sniffing something, and the tip of his nose flashed by the side of Su Liang's neck.

Su Liang was so frightened that she shuddered, and when she was about to step back, she heard the young man whisper: "Are you not differentiated?"

"I, I don't..."

Su Liang stammered.

"Very good."

The youth said calmly.

Then he turned his body sideways and showed his back in front of Su Liang very calmly.

In addition to the terrible looking metal ridge, the man had a snake on his back—

It's a lifelike, terrifying serpent tattoo that seems to leap from under the skin at any time.

Su Liang was so frightened that she breathed heavily, and almost at the same time, the young man's body also trembled.

With muscle tension, the snake seemed to be swimming slowly on the other's back.

"Press both hands on the 7th vertebrae, press the thumbs against the metal parts on both sides, and inject the medicine into the exposed space."

The youth clearly gave instructions to Su Liang.

"What, what?"

Su Liang recovered from the shock brought by the tattoo, and he looked at the man in surprise.

He could see clearly that the man's metal ridge was fully buckled into the body.

But now he has to inject the man in the gap between such complicated metal parts?

"I, I, I have no medical training," Su Liang almost cried, "Your metal spine is connected to the nerve, if I miss it, it will paralyze you—"

"Now, inject."

"Poisonous Snake" ignored Su Liang's resistance, he just repeated his order.

Even Su Liang himself didn't know how he finally mustered the courage to complete the injection for the "Viper" soldier.

He was just glad that he didn't seem to have made too serious mistakes, and the other party finally left the flower room standing.

Leave only the strong smell of blood that is full of flowery to sweet.

When the other party left, Su Liang finally realized that maybe he was the garden owner who helped him.

"I, my name is Su Liang!"

Su Liang plucked up her courage and said in a very low voice behind the youth.

"Thank you for opening the saved me."

The tall young man with his back to Su Liang paused for a moment, and he didn't even look back.


It was still the kind of cold voice, without a trace of emotional ups and downs, he just responded indifferently, and then stepped into the shadow behind the secret door step by step, never looking back at Su A cool look.

From beginning to end, Su Liang didn't know the name of that stinky but handsome big brother.

After that, he never saw each other in the conservatory again.

It didn't take long for those bad Alphas who harassed Su Liang to be exiled to the remote star area for some unknown reason.

There are no more strange and vicious rumors against Su Nuan and sisters in the Lu family.

At that time, the war between the Earth Alliance and the Canaanites finally came to an end. Lu Taipan, the head of the Lu family, slaughtered the last elite troops of the Canaanites with one person, and finally laid the cornerstone of the victory of the Earth Alliance. However, it is said that because of that battle, Lu Taipan was seriously injured, and all the "poisonous snakes" retreated into the shadows and disappeared in front of people.

The entire Lu family also became "quiet" because of Lu Taipan's serious injury, and Su Nuan and Su Liang finally reluctantly settled in the Lu family.

Su Liang no longer has to hide in the dilapidated garden to escape other Alphas with ulterior motives, but every now and then. He still goes around the garden.

Occasionally, he would think of the owner of the garden in his midnight dreams.

The eyes of that person were dead silence, as if he could give up himself and leave this world at any time.

Is it because of the war?

The Canaanites have been defeated, has that person recovered?

He won't be hurt so badly in the future, right? No, he should have reset the robot and made special programming for that metal ridge...

The chaotic thoughts flashed in Su Liang's little mind.

Of course, the innocence and softness of this exclusive child gradually faded with the passage of time.

Gradually, Su Liang stopped coming to this garden, and seldom thought of the "Viper" warrior who had only one side.

To this day.


Back to reality, Su Liang yawned and opened her eyes.

He looked around in surprise, only to realize that he was recalling the past yesterday and unknowingly slept in the flower room.


Su Liang jumped up immediately.

If Su Nuan finds out that she is not in the room, she will probably start thinking wildly again, worrying about this and that.

Su Liang hurriedly pushed open the door of the flower room, and ran out hastily.

It was precisely because of this panic that he didn't notice that the pheromone allergy symptoms on his body disappeared completely without any drug treatment.

He also wouldn't know, just after he left, the secret door that had not been opened for many years was pushed open again.

A man staggered into the flower room.

The author has something to say:

I couldn't help but write more about the previous story.

It's the plot where the super old-fashioned boss was injured and the little white rabbit was rescued.

Little Su Liang had no idea that there were only a handful of people in the entire Lu family who could approach Lu Taipan.


It is only after entering modern society that this tradition gradually becomes less stringent.