MTL - After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit My Family Business-Chapter 15 cat ghost

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The burning sensation disappeared within a second, and the flames seemed to be covered with ice water. The pressure and cold covered his head and face. Wu Rong shivered, slowly put down his hands, and opened his eyes.

The scene in front of him made him startled for a moment, the stilted building built against the mountain, the tall and lush old maple trees, and the square in the center of the village used for sacrifices. The fire pit that Wu Rong entered just now was still there, but it was extinguished. All the environment in front of me is exactly the same as in the stockade, just like a mirror, but there is no color here, only black, gray and white.

There is also red, **** red is more vivid and dazzling against black and white.

The statue was still standing by the fire pond, and the blood splashed on the hem of the skirt slid down drop by drop, thick and steaming. The delicately sculpted face was smiling, and the more I looked at it, the more strange it seemed, as if possessed by an evil spirit.

She was looking at Wu Rong.

Instinctively alert, Wu Rong backed away without making a sound, and distanced herself from the statue. There was a cloud of cold air hitting his back.


The cry of a cow suddenly sounded behind him. Why are there cows here? ! Wu Rong glanced at the wooden frame for slaughtering cattle in front of the left, and slowly turned her head away.

A headless cow stood quietly behind him, Wu Rong's face was facing its neck. There was no blood in the wound, and there were no multiple scars cut by the axe. The incision was smooth, as if there was no head in the first place.


The bleat came again, this time more clearly. Wu Rong found a huge bull's head under the cow's belly, it was also single, its big eyes were still open, and it was chewing something repeatedly in its mouth, as if it was still chewing the cud.

"Hmph, hum, hum."

One after another, pigs screamed, and the bald pigs who had been burned off took a leisurely walk around the firepit. But some pigs only have the front half of their body left, while others have a back seat and hop on one leg. Wu Rong suddenly remembered what he had heard in his previous life.

Both humans and animals have souls after death, but the souls of humans are complete, while the souls of animals are muddled and scattered. Therefore, it is said that reincarnation as an animal is the greatest punishment for a wicked person. It is not only the transformation from a human to an animal, but essentially his soul is broken into countless parts and reincarnated into many animals. The pain of a broken soul is the ultimate in the world, so it can be used as a punishment for the wicked.

Only cows, cats, dogs and other psychic animals have relatively complete souls.

Wu Rong confirmed that those pigs and cows were dead, so what he saw now could be their souls.

What a weird and weird place this is!

Wu Rong didn't forget the purpose of coming in, where is the Gu seed?


The sound of the snake spitting a letter came from the fire pond, and the little green snake, or the green spirit Gu, was thrown into this world right after. The ground shook violently, as if something extremely heavy had landed. Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow covered Wu Rong. Looking at the things in front of him, he was rarely speechless in astonishment.

A giant snake that probably only appeared in myths and legends landed in front of Wu Rong. It was very big, coiled up like a small mountain, and the whole body was emerald green, and each scale was as big as the mouth of a bowl.

The giant green snake yawned, its **** mouth could swallow ten Wu Rong. It was full of energy and looked around, seeing Wu Rong standing still, it urged Wu Rong to hit Wu Rong with its head, causing him to stagger.

But after touching the green snake, Wu Rong strangely understood its meaning.

"Will you take me to find Gu seeds?"

The giant green snake spat out the letter cheerfully, and with another clever thrust, it pushed Wu Rong directly onto the top of its own head, and carried Wu Rong around the village very skillfully.

The usual stockade is only black and white, quiet and eerie, more like old art photos. And there are countless more gadgets than normal. Wu Rong saw a small road leading to the witch's stilted building, and Bai Gu warned him in the past that except for the only correct path, all other roads were bewitched. In the past, Wu Rong couldn't see it, but now he can see it clearly in this world. There are dense black insects that look like earthworms wriggling everywhere on this road.

When the giant snake passed by, they were so frightened that they all played dead, and each stretched into strips, like chocolate bars scattered on the ground.

The giant snake was leading him out of the village, and when he was approaching the entrance of the village, Wu Rong saw the bridge of Aiqiao. Standing under the Qingshi Banqiao is a woman in white clothes wearing a skirt and holding her hair in a bun. She was holding an oiled paper umbrella, with a gentle and demure expression, and smiled at Wu Rong, wearing the sachet that Ai Qiao put under the bridge that day on her waist.

Everything has a spirit, but in reality there are too many miscellaneous thoughts, and no one can see it.

The green snake had a clear goal and led Wu Rong to climb to the Drum Tower outside the village.

The atmosphere outside the firepit was dignified, and the flames were crackling and burning. Dozens of Miao men and Miao women guarded the side of the firepit vigilantly, their expressions were more serious and tense than those who sacrificed just now.

Whenever the firepit is turned on, the breath of another world will attract many dirty things. Before Wu Rong regained the Gu seeds, they had to stand firm and guard the fire pit to prevent foreign objects from invading.


Bai Gu warned in a cold voice, and hit the ground heavily with the wooden stick passed down from generation to generation by the great witch in his hand. In the depths of the darkness came the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves one after another, sharp and ear-piercing. Five hideous and distorted pale grimaces appeared on the edge of the firelight, with dense fangs. They looked at the blazing fire pit eagerly and fearfully, the leading one couldn't help the temptation, took a step forward, and exposed his whole body to the light.

It has a ghostly face, a bright red nose, half a person's height, black and brown hair all over its body, small and energetic eyes, revealing a cunning and treachery that does not resemble animals. Facing the firepit, it stood up like a human, bared its fangs at the guards, and let out a ghostly howling sound, which made people's hair stand on end.

Ghost baboons, also known as mandrills. In the mountains of the southwestern region, their reputation is comparable to that of the yellow skins in the northeast, and they are all haunting mountain spirits and wild monsters.


Gunshots sounded, the Miao people's old-fashioned guns were not very powerful, and the sound was loud. The leader mandrill trembled in fright, and the rest of the mandrills fired one after another in protest. Finally, the small group of mandrills were scared away.

Use shotguns to deal with mountain elves and wild monsters, and chicken blood and Gu to deal with ghosts. Living in the mountains for so many years, the people in the village have enough experience.

In addition to mandrills, there were also many lonely and wild ghosts in the mountains who were attracted by the bonfire. After several waves of defense, the young people who looked after the firepit showed fatigue on their faces. But the expressions of the old witch Zhai and the others became more solemn. The Miao girls who were replaced to rest did not leave. They sat around the firepit, holding hands and singing the melodious and melodious ancient songs of the Miao nationality.

This is a song to praise the gods, to appease the Gu species, and it is also a song of prayer. Pray for the safe return of those who have traveled far.

"According to the time, Ah Rong should arrive at Lao Miao Cave."

Mr. Zhai smoked heavily, relying on the pungent and strong smell of tobacco to refresh himself.

"Wait until the rooster crows."

Zhai Lao cheered loudly: "Cheer up for me, there is still a tough battle to fight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a shrill sound like a baby crying suddenly from the depths of the pitch-black mountain forest. When the voice sounded, everyone's faces turned ugly. Zhai Lao clenched his teeth, and the words seemed to be forced out from between his teeth: "The cat ghost is here."

I saw more than a dozen dark shadows quietly appearing in the place where the ghost baboons haunted just now. The black shadow is small and exquisite, but the size of two fists, it looks harmless at all. But when they appeared, the bonfire, which had been burning vigorously, suddenly became shorter. The temperature plummeted, and frost began to form on the blades of grass closest to the shadows.

The Yin Qi is too heavy and ghostly, which leads to such a scene.

The bonfire dimmed, and the leading figure took a step forward slowly, and happened to sit at the junction of light and darkness. With a long and slender tail coiled on its front paws, it is bony and old, with deep black pupils, shining with evil and vicious light.

This is a group of cat ghosts.

Cat ghost is also cat Gu, the most dangerous kind of animal Gu, which was prevalent in ancient times. "Sui Shu · Concubine Biography · Literature Dugu Empress" once recorded: "The younger half-brother Tuo used cat ghost witchcraft to curse the queen and sit down to die." Later, these people who were good at using cat ghost witchcraft were exiled Borderlands, some wandered to the southwest borderland today.

Raising a cat Gu is too evil, and the cat Gu is notoriously the easiest Gu to counterattack, and if you are not careful, you will kill the Gu wizard. These cat ghosts were originally raised by one person in Emiao village. He wanted to raise many cat ghosts, make them devour each other, and finally create a Gu king. Unexpectedly, the cat ghosts joined hands and ate him.

This group of cat ghosts who killed the lord should have been destroyed, but they were put in the woods behind the witches' Miao village by Grand's poison plan.

Compared with mandrills and wild ghosts, they are more humane and more dangerous.

The witch who had been resting with her eyes closed all this time finally stood up. Her eyes were sharp and clear, just like when she was young. Pushing away the support of others, the witch strode to the firepit, and said something to the leader old cat in old Miao.

After finishing speaking, the witch waved her hand, and eight young people came in twos carrying four big bamboo baskets, and placed them beside the witch lightly. The old man overturned one of the bamboo baskets, and wriggling black shadows rolled out of it. After these things came out, the cat ghosts immediately became agitated.

The bamboo baskets were full of big rats that had been numb with medicine, and they were all still alive and very fresh. The four big baskets are enough for this small group of cat ghosts to eat and take. What the witch means is that as long as they leave here, these rats are theirs, and for the next three years, the village will use rats to enshrine them.

The old cat has a ghost, it understood, hesitated, the fierceness in its eyes changed, and it seemed to be lost in thought. After a while, it took a tentative step forward, and its paws were within the range of the fire. The witch's tone suddenly became severe, and a series of very rhythmic words poured out like singing, the tone was full of warning. But this time the old cat ghost seemed to have made up his mind and shook his head slowly.


It screamed hoarsely, and a cat ghost came out from behind it, and put a small white ball in its mouth in front of the old cat ghost. The cat ghost didn't move very skillfully. When it was put down, the small white ball didn't stand still and rolled around on the ground.


A young, thin cry sounded, so childish that it sounded completely harmless. But the moment the cry sounded, the witch's face changed suddenly, and Bai Gu who was standing behind also stared.

The scariest thing has finally come.

The white thing stood up, it looked like a snowball, staggered, stumbled, a Gulu rolled into the firelight, seemed to be hurt by the fall, and screamed aggrieved again.

"Mi woo."

This is the cry of a milk cat, and the one that was brought to the old cat ghost was a white and chubby little milk cat!