MTL - After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit My Family Business-Chapter 16 laomiao cave

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The tragic meowing stopped abruptly, and the cat ghost who brought the kitten just now was brutally torn to pieces by the old cat ghost, punishing it for not picking up the kitten. The old cat ghost was trembling all over during the movement, and all the cat ghosts, including him, respected and even feared the kitten. Not like the same kind, but more like a humble servant.

The old cat ghost let out a deep purr, the kitten licked its paws, and stood in the middle of the firepit and the bamboo basket.

Everyone present could see that the cat ghosts' next actions depended entirely on the milk cat's choice.

If it chooses the mouse, everyone is happy. If it chooses the firepit...

A fierce battle will inevitably follow.

But bad premonitions are always better.

The milk cat salivated at the bamboo basket, then turned its head to look at the firepit greedily. Finally, sit between the two.

"Mi woo."

It wants it all.

The atmosphere immediately became tense. The cat ghosts' hairs exploded, their ears flew back, and their throats uttered threatening sounds that seemed to be crying but not crying. The village elders headed by the witch also stood up. The Qingling Gu was handed over to Wu Rong, there was no absolute restraint against ghosts, the only way to strictly guard the bonfire was to fight to the death. Everyone's face is determined to fight to the death, only the old **** Baigu is there.

Even if the green spirit Gu is there, it's useless, this kitten is not a lowly thing like a cat ghost. It is dirtier and more terrifying, and it is born to be the nemesis of all Gu and spiritual things.

Fortunately, Bai Gu had already prepared for it. This was his vote for Wu Rong, and it couldn't be messed up.


A spark suddenly exploded from the bonfire, and a faint smell permeated the air. This smell is so light that humans cannot smell it, but cats, whose sense of smell is thousands of times more sensitive than humans, can smell it. Smelling this smell, the kitten retreated a dozen steps as if it had been stabbed in the buttocks, its ears turned back in disgust, as if it smelled something extremely disgusting.

"Ah Choo, Ah Choo, Ah Choo!"

The milk cat shook its head and sneezed several times in succession. Afraid of Mimi’s whining, it turned around in circles, glanced at the bonfire, and finally let out an annoyed meow. In the vast forest.

The cat ghosts didn't react to the sudden change, and the old cat ghost howled and chased after him. The cat ghosts who would have set off a fatal crisis left with four baskets of mice, leaving behind the unknown Miao people.

Only Bai Gu knew what was going on.

The kitten is a monster bred by the resentment and yin energy in the mountains and forests when the world of spiritual recovery changes. It is invisible and formless, because it entered the corpse of a kitten at the beginning of the spiritual recovery, and it took on the appearance of a cat.

Also because there are few people in contact with in the mountains, the monster is muddled and ignorant. Although it is cunning and greedy by nature, it treats itself as a kitten.

Kittens hate the smell of burning orange peel. In his previous life, Bai Gu had seen Ge Lang use the burning orange peel to drive the kitten to do things for him. Of course, this kind of orange is not an ordinary orange, but an orange tree that grows from a person's head. It protrudes through the eye and bears only one fruit. After the fruit is picked, the tree will wither immediately, and the person will die. In the past, this was a vicious Gu technique, and the oranges produced were no different from normal ones, but ordinary people would be planted with Gu as long as they ate one petal, and finally died of intestinal rot.

Grand devoted himself to trying for many years, and finally discovered the magical effect of orange peel. Now they are all used by Bai Gu to curry favor with Wu Rong.

Time should be enough for Wu Rong to recover the Gu species.

Bai Gu hugged the wooden stick, his eyes wandering.

That is to say, when it was born, this little monster was relatively easy to deceive. After a year and a half, it would no longer be afraid, and even pretended to be afraid and obedient, and finally attacked Grand, ate his ten-child widow Gu, and walked away. I don't know how terrible it can grow to after a long time.

"Don't take it with your hands."

After regaining his senses, Elder Zhai took people to the place where the cat ghost was lingering just now. The thing thrown off by the kitten looked like a folded note with faint writing on it. After admonishing the reckless youngsters not to act rashly, Zhai Lao ordered someone to bring specially treated grapefruit leaves, carefully wrapped the note and opened it.

Just looking at it, his face immediately turned livid, and he hurriedly presented it to the witch. A bad premonition rose in Bai Gu's heart, and he leaned over to have a look.

On the note were Ge Lang's words, and Bai Gu's eyes sharpened when he saw the content on it.

The evil seedlings encircling the mountain is a fake, and the cat ghost fighting the fire is a cover-up. They had found another road leading to Lao Miao Cave, ambushed in it, and waited for Wu Rong to use blood to draw out the Gu seeds before killing them all!

"It's over now, it's over..."

Zhai Lao muttered, his face was full of despair. The witch seemed to be frozen into a stone, and had not moved for a long time.

This is a completely hopeless situation, it takes a lot of blood to draw out the Gu seeds, Wu Rong is just an ordinary person, how could he deal with the Evil Miaoren in a weak state!

On the contrary, Bai Gu was the first one to calm down after the shock. There was a strange light in his eyes, and for some reason, he always had a mysterious sense of trust in Wu Rong.

Even if Wu Rong died, it would be fine.

When others die, they die, but that is Wu Rong.

Who knew someone would be stronger dead than alive.

In the world inside the bonfire, Wu Rong didn't know what was happening outside. He is in a stalactite cave, walking deep along the stone path. The giant green snake stayed outside, and when it first arrived at the entrance of the cave, it consciously put Wu Rong down, and coiled itself up to guard the entrance of the cave.

Only people with pure blood of the Wu family can enter the Lao Miao Cave.

The surrounding air is very cloudy, almost comparable to the temperature when the ghost boy descended that day. People with stronger masculinity will be more repelled here. Usually, Yin Qi will enter the body after walking halfway, and even if they do not lose their lives, the root cause of the disease will remain in the second half of their lives. Historically, only women from the Wu family are eligible to enter Lao Miao Cave and come out alive.

But Wu Rong is not an ordinary man.

He was reborn from the dead, and there was a big ghost hidden in his left arm, and his body was very dark. Not only did the environment in Lao Miao Cave not make him uncomfortable, but he felt extremely comfortable. The more you go in, the more humid the cave is, there are unknown crystals and mold growing on the rock walls on both sides, exuding a faint sweet fragrance—except for the blood of the Wu family, any intruder who smells this fragrance will be killed. Poison down.

Wu Rong frowned slightly. He remembered that the witch said when she told about Lao Miao Cave that in this section of the "Flower Fragrance Corridor", there were many highly poisonous black rock tarantulas living on the rock walls, all of which were cultivated by the ancestors of the Wu family to protect the Gu species. The black rock tarantula is extremely poisonous, and a drop of venom can kill hundreds of people. Only the blood of the witch family can make them retreat.

But Wu Rong didn't see their shadows at all, not even a spider web.

Is the information wrong, or the witch has not been to the seedling cave for too long, and the spiders are dead?

Wu Rong rubbed his eyes, since he entered this world until now, his left eye has been burning to an unbearable level. His vision was blurred, and double images began to appear. Thinking of the ghost in red in his left eye that day, he felt that this was not a good sign.

Wu Rong accelerated his speed and continued to walk deep into Lao Miao Cave. The poor state made his attention and vigilance lowered. He didn't notice that there were dozens of pairs of eyes hidden in every large and small rock crack on the rugged rock wall above his head. , dark and bright, staring at him faintly.

The intimacy brought by the blood of the Wu family was no match for the terrifying aura on that person.

This is a monster from the abyss. Although it looks lazy and harmless, the footprints it passes are enough to make the spiders tremble. Tarantulas live in this world all year round, and are most sensitive to ghosts and ghosts. Their instinct makes them hide in the mouth of their trawl nets. Only a little spider that had just hatched from its shell was unresponsive. Seeing Wu Rong, he only felt the joy of intimacy, curiously wanting to land on his shoulder.

…Then it was dragged back by the giant spider, and it was directly wrapped into a ball.

Not long after Wu Rong passed by, there were rustling voices in Lao Miao Cave again.

"Be careful, the channel is unstable, we have been sent to a different place."

Three evil seedlings in pitch-black outerwear held seedling knives and guns, and were alert to the surrounding environment in a triangular formation. The one in the lead breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the fluorescent mold growing on the rock wall, and said in a low hoarse voice: "This should be the Flower Fragrance Corridor, take the detoxification pill quickly."

"There is no spider web, the Wu family should have passed by here. We are lucky, the black rock tarantula only recognizes the blood of the Wu family, and it will be safe here for a while after the blood is dripped."

"Then let's go!"

One was impatient, salivating and looking at the bare rock wall: "The flesh and blood of the captured people is too difficult to use, and they can't cultivate any good Gu. Killing the Wu family and taking the Miao village, the village owner promised to let us choose the winning prize at will. The black rock tarantula is one of the top ten vicious Gus, and it is a waste of money to be used by the Wu family to guard this hole!"

"Stupid, there are better ones ahead."

The other person with pair of triangular eyes laughed and said: "Wind Flower Gu, Gold and Silver Gu, Mari'er Gu, there are four of the world's top ten fierce Gus, and there are four of them hidden in this hole alone. After things are done, it will be cheaper, brother." We. The Wu family was there to mine the landmines for us, and we will kill him after awakening the Gu seeds in the Gu hole, it's a piece of cake."

"You can't let your guard down."

The leader warned, and suddenly he frowned: "Where is Mo Hu, where has he gone?"

"Isn't the idiot right behind me? He was still talking just now..."

Before the words of the triangular-eyed eyes fell, he realized that something was wrong. Behind him was the cold, dark and deep cave, and there was no trace of the person who just spoke!

His hairs stood on end in a cold sweat, and he immediately raised his gun to guard his back, and stepped back slowly to the leader's side: "Brother, there is something weird here, hurry up and get the insect repellent."


There was no echo, his voice echoed in the empty cave. Intangible fear gripped the heart of the triangular eye, he was trembling all over, the hand holding the gun was trembling, tremblingly trying to take out the insect repellent herbal medicine, suddenly, his movements froze.

Thin, cool strands hung down to his neck, sticking to his skin one by one. There was a rustling sound above his head, but he was paralyzed by the poison on the spider web, and he couldn't see countless spiders hanging down with their silk, small spiders injected with venom, big spiders spun silk and cocooned, and the triangular eyes were tightly wrapped in the spider web. , was dragged back by the big spiders to enjoy slowly.

The venom injected into their bodies will slowly corrode the muscles and internal organs, and finally turn into a delicious thick paste. The triangular eye that was dragged back to the spider's lair stood sideways against the rock wall, next to the other two big white cocoons—these bad buddies could continue to talk about the future in the spider's lair.

The same thing happened everywhere in the Miao Cave. Wu Rong, who went all the way to the depths of the Miao Cave, couldn't help frowning. In his opinion, there were too few guards in the Miao Cave. If someone came in, they might not be able to guard against them live.

Altogether more than 50 people were sent by Bad Miao, and now there are only three lucky ones hiding behind, Gou Gooushou, their faces are terrified, pale and trembling.

"It's too scary, too bloody, and too cruel!"

A strong man was so frightened that he lost his mind, sobbing softly, with snot and tears covering his face. Just repeat the sentence back and forth.

"Relax, don't worry, the deepest part of Lao Miao Cave is safe, we just wait for Wu Rong's bloodletting to draw out the Gu seeds, and we can leave after we **** it."

The man with a sallow face trembled and talked to himself, not knowing whether he was comforting the strong man or comforting himself. His words caused the other person to look desperate: "Do we have to go back the same way?"

"It's too scary, too bloody, and too cruel!"

"No, it's all right, Master Shaozhai will come to pick us up, he will come."

The sallow face suddenly sniffled: "The smell of blood, the Wu family has started to bleed to attract Gu."

"Go, let's go to ambush."