MTL - After the Big Guy Wears the Abusive Text-Chapter 77 snatching relatives (1)

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The man was really in a hurry, so urgently wanted to leave Cike, for fear that Cike would run away? Ye Youqing squeezed the box slowly, and he could almost hear the sound of wood shattering.

There were many footsteps behind him, Ye Youqing closed his eyes, fastened the box tightly, and strode towards the house in the middle of the mountain.

"What are you doing?" The two black-clothed guards at the door reached out to stop her, Ye Youqing raised the wooden box in his hand in a low voice: "Send something."

The guard opened the wooden box, took a look, raised his hand and let her in.

Ye Youqing knocked on the door, but there was no movement in the door, she pushed it gently, and the door slowly opened. I was in a hurry last night, and I never looked at the house. Now I look up and find that the second king must have put a lot of effort into it.

There are several landscape pictures hanging on the wall, and a glass vase is placed in the corner of the table, which is colorful in the sunlight. There is a screen of flowers and birds on the right side of the house.

Ye Youqing walked in slowly, and saw the body of the woman sitting on the couch shaking, raising her eyes vigilantly.

After seeing Ye Youqing's face, her vigilance changed to relaxation and joy, she hurriedly stood up, held the handkerchief in her hand, and hesitated.

Ye Youqing put something like a hill in her arms on the table, and was about to speak when she felt a familiar and soft body bump into her arms and hug her by the waist.

I could feel the hot temperature in her palm, penetrated the clothes and went straight to the bottom of my heart.

"Don't be afraid." Ye Youqing said softly, lowering her head to put her lips to her ear, "I found the trapped cavalry, but only a few of them, there are not many people, I don't know if they can handle it. This whole cottage."

She began to crave the feeling of holding a woman in her arms, like holding a peerless treasure, steadfast and reluctant to let go.

Also a woman, Cike's body is softer than hers, so soft that she seems to fly away with the wind as long as she raises her hand.

Ci Ke shuddered slightly because of her approaching breath, closed her eyes, put her face on Ye Youqing's chest, and listened to the thumping sound inside.

She suddenly had the illusion that the heartbeat was for her.

Ye Youqing was reluctant to give up, and did not dare to waste too much time, she could only hold her shoulders, pushed her away, stretched out her hand and pulled the wooden box, and said in a low voice, "There is a Wedding dress, what did he tell you?"

Ci Ke's eyes flickered, and he nodded slightly: "Two days later, we will get married."

"Where are you going?" Ci Ke panicked, grabbed her wrist tightly, and controlled her not to let her leave.

Ye Youqing's eyes are like deep wells, only the aggravated breathing can show her anger, she was silent for a while, and said, "I will act tonight."

"No." Cike is rare and strong, and he never let go of Ye Youqing's hand, and said, "You just said it yourself, there are not many people who can use it now, so it can't be like this. Act rashly, or at least take advantage of it."

Dai Mei slightly restrained: "Ye Youqing, haven't you always been quiet? If you fail, not only will you die, but those who are trapped may also be silenced!"

"Then you want me to watch you marry an old man?" Ye Youqing said with a bit of anger and spoke very fast.

Ci Ke was stunned for a moment, she let go of Ye Youqing, the fox eyes slowly looked out the window, her eyes were dazzling like glass by the sunlight.

"Whether I will marry or not, who will I marry, what's the difference to you?"

Ye Youqing was shocked, she stretched out her hand to block the sunlight on Ci Ke's face, which also blocked her sight from looking out the window, forcing Ci Ke to look back at herself.

"Of course there is." Ye Youqing said, with a tone like a tantrum, bowing his head, "Anyway, I can't watch him approach you."

The expression on Ci Ke's face changed and changed, like a smile but not a smile, and after a while, the layer of colored glass became denser, making it even more radiant.

"He is in a hurry to get married in two days, and now he is speeding up preparations. On the night of the wedding, there will be a water table in Quanzhai, and he will definitely relax his vigilance." Ci Ke said quickly, she took two steps back, "You can't come in. too long."

Ye Youqing looked at Ci Ke's haggard face due to poor rest, and printed it in his sight, then turned around, strode around the screen, and walked back to the sunlight outside.

The guard at the door changed the guard with her, Ye Youqing said nothing, stood obediently at the door, leaning his back against the wall.

If everything goes well this time, she thought, there are some things to ask Ke Ke.

Time passed slowly, the two kings came several times this day, and they were all beaming with joy, and the guards behind them kept bringing in supplies for marriage, decorating the hut red.

Ye Youqing just watched coldly, said nothing, and regarded herself as a scarecrow guarding the door.

If I can protect her like this during the day, I will at least feel more at ease, Ye Youqing stood against the scorching sun, thinking with sweat.

It soon fell into the night, and Ye Youqing's body became weak after standing for a long time. She finally saw someone walking up the mountain on the wooden steps. She breathed a sigh of relief, but her body stiffened and stood still.

Ye Youqing bowed his head and turned sideways, waiting for them to pass by.

However, when several people walked up to her, they all stopped.

"Look up." The voice of the two kings sounded, Ye Youqing straightened up when he heard the words.

The man's eyes hidden under the high eyebrows looked at her for a while, and sneered: "It's him, take it away."

Hearing this, the two black-clothed guards behind the two kings suddenly stepped forward, one left and one right, tightly holding Ye Youqing's hands and pressing her down in front of the two kings.

"You..." Ye Youqing didn't struggle hard, just raised her head and said sharply.

"Shh." The second king pressed his thick joint to his mouth, "If you quarrel with Sister Fairy, be careful that I will cut your tongue."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and Ye Youqing was covered by someone and dragged down the mountain.

Ye Youqing secretly scolded this man for being cruel and capricious, but he couldn't break free, so he could only step back again and again, watching the two kings say something with Cike outside the door.

I underestimated the murder of this second king without blinking an eye.

The anger was rising, Ye Youqing gritted her teeth and endured it, letting the two cover her mouth and drag her down a path hidden in the grass.

There is no moon or stars tonight, and after entering the forest, there are no five fingers around. Only based on the basic sense of direction, it can be identified that they should be heading behind the mountain.

The distance from the cottage was far away, so the two gave up covering their mouths and just walked quickly through the mountains and forests, bypassing some gravel and thorns, and they seemed to be familiar with each other.

I don't know how long they walked, and they stopped when they reached the corner of the moon that emerged from the stratus.

"Is this here?" asked the man on the left?

"Yes." The Scar Guard looked around and became more certain, "Look, I buried this last time."

Ye Youqing looked in the direction of his finger, it was a raised bulge with no weeds growing on it, it looked like a new grave.

Densely standing under.

Ye Youqing gritted her teeth.

And the two of them had no defense against her who looked weak. The scar guard had already left a few steps to dig a hole to bury people. Only the raw face raised a knife behind her and was about to slash horizontally. on her neck.

, At the moment before the man could react, his body suddenly approached, and he lifted his knee and slammed into his crotch.

I just heard a hoarse groan, the man wanted to squat down as soon as his legs were weak, Ye Youqing grabbed the long knife, his right leg flew up again, kicked him in the face fiercely, just listened to There was a click, and blood overflowed from the crooked nose.

One more kick, and the man fell to the ground, unconscious.

The movement here naturally alerted the Scar guard who was digging the pit. When he saw this, he quickly flew out of the pit, pulled out his long knife and flew in. Ye Youqing took a few steps back and raised the knife To resist, subconsciously resorted to the Shili Sect's swordsmanship, and pulled out a few sword flowers from a long knife, causing the Scar Guard to be in chaos for a while.

But Ye Youqing knew that he couldn't beat this person, so after releasing a fake move, he turned around and ran to the cemetery.

She was so nervous that her heart was about to fly out of her mouth. Since she came to ancient times, she has experienced a lot, but after all, she has never fought with real swords and guns. At this time, the sweat almost washed away Easy on the face.

The cemetery in front of her was flat again, except for an old tree standing on the hillside. She gritted her teeth and ran desperately towards the old tree.

The sound of footsteps getting closer and closer behind him, and whispering scolding and cursing, Ye Youqing was running under the tree, when he heard the footsteps behind him, and the Scar Guard's feet were off the ground, flying to rush will come.

Ye still had a clear heart, quickly raised her hand to hold the horizontal branch sticking out of the tree trunk, and performed some light work, her body suddenly flipped along the horizontal branch, and kicked the back of the guard with a kick , and then threw the long knife in his hand, and heard a loud shout, and saw that the long knife rubbed the man's body and scratched his arm.

Being avoided by him, Ye Youqing couldn't help but scolded, turned around and ran away, all the graves in front of her, she could only go towards the thorns on the side of the hillside, who would have guessed With one foot in the air, his body slammed on the ground full of old fallen leaves, and rolled down the steep hillside.

Ye Youqing hurriedly reached out to grab the leaves of the vines and grasses, but the withered vines with one hand were still unable to stop the slide. Finally, when she was about to stand up and brake with her feet, she felt a hard body under her body. Suddenly a piece of mud was empty, and the body suddenly fell.

The situation changed too quickly, the mud, grass and dust fell on her face, Ye Youqing hurriedly covered her eyes with her arms, and when she was finally able to breathe, she found herself lying on her back, The back is covered with thick hay.

The heart was still beating violently, but Ye Youqing didn't dare to make a sound, she could only cover her mouth and nose to block the choking dust, and stood up slowly.

It got up just fine.

The walls of the cave have traces of fresh soil, as if they had just been dug up.

Orion's trap? She frowned, but this is a cemetery, who would set a trap here?

There was a rustling sound from the top of her head, Ye Youqing was afraid that the Scar guard would find it, so she touched her hand around and found that there was actually a hole on the right side, it was pitch black inside, I don't know depth.

The sound was getting closer and closer, Ye Youqing closed his eyes and calmed down, bit his head and climbed into the hole.

The hole is very deep, as if you can't walk to the end, and it is very narrow, only one person can crawl through, and Ye Youqing's knee was torn in a while, she frowned and tore off the cloth Wrap it around your knees as a pad before continuing.

Did you climb back to the stockade again? I don't know what's out there, so be careful, she thought.

Then lightly stepped forward and walked to the place where the light came, and the opening was much wider, allowing people to bend over and stand.

At this moment, a head came in from the hole, and the two were caught off guard and looked at each other.

The face was shaggy, and the hair had not been washed for a long time. .


The man kept slapping her hands with his hands, pointed to the outside, and shook his head violently.

"You said there is no one here?" Ye Youqing asked.

The man nodded quickly.

Ye Youqing raised her eyes suspiciously, only to see that this is not a house, but a cave, with candles burning and haystacks for people to rest.

Not far away was an iron fence, shaped like a prison, imprisoning them inside, and there was an iron gate outside the fence, which was extremely guarded.

Seeing this, Ye Youqing raised his hand and took off the hairpin on the top of his head, placed it on the man's throat, and said in a low voice, "Don't make a sound."

The man nodded quickly.

Ye Youqing released his hand, the man fell to one side, coughed softly for a while, then raised his head and looked Ye Youqing up and down.

"Where is this?" Ye Youqing asked again.

"Can't you see?" The man looked old, but his words were not so old. He should be in his forties or fifty years old. He raised his finger and pointed at the iron fence.

"Who are you?" Ye Youqing asked again.

The man stood up cross-legged: "Prisoner."

Ye Youqing picked up the hairpin when she heard the words, the man waved his hand quickly, coughed and said, "Why so arrogant at such a young age..."

Ye Youqing was worried, too lazy to say more, he directly pulled his arm and pulled up his sleeve, sure enough, the familiar cross appeared in front of him again.

The man stopped laughing when he saw her staring at the tattoo, but stood up and lowered his eyes.

"Who are you?" the man asked.


Red lanterns were hung in the wooden houses, and firecracker chips were scattered on the ground.

There are several long tables on the open space halfway up the mountain.


After a while, he stumbled and got drunk and was carried down with nonsense.

"Brothers, after today, our cottage will have a mistress!" He said staggeringly.

There was a cheer, and everyone said in unison: "Congratulations to the second king!"

The two kings hiccupped, threw down the jug amid the praise of the crowd, swayed to the tile-roofed house, and pushed the door open.

After closing it again, the door seemed to be isolated from the noise and became quiet.

He happily stumbled into the bedroom, the woman in red sat on the couch, clenched her hands, and kept looking out the window.

She has not seen Ye Youqing all day.

The person who has never put on powder is now colored, from water to fine wine, from delicate to coquettish, her teeth are clenching her red lips, and her face is getting paler.

She kept reciting Ye Youqing's name in her heart to resist all this.

The tall man came over and said with a smile, "Sister Fairy? How about we go out for a drink without talking about etiquette?"

Ci Ke's eyelashes trembled slightly, looking at him coldly.

"The guard at the door." She said.

"Guard?" The second king scratched his head, then remembered for a while, then grinned, "You said those two white-faced scholars? Now that you are married to me, it is inappropriate to keep them , will kill someone..."

He swayed and smiled, making a beheading gesture on his neck.

I saw the woman in front of me soften, almost sliding down the bed.