MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 462 Accidents

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  Chapter 462 Accidents revealed

  Of course he has washed, except for the bloodshot eyes.

  The county magistrate sat down, and the servant immediately served hot tea.

  He took a sip, put down the cup, and asked the two of them, "What's the matter, you came here early in the morning."

  Li Dahu said angrily: "The surname Tu actually went to the special envoy of the prince to pass a note to report us."

  The county magistrate didn't take it seriously: "This matter in the village is not worthy of the attention of the special envoy of the prince. You are overthinking." As for their little activities, how could the superiors pay attention to them? A hillbilly is a hillbilly, and he can't hold his breath about anything.

  Wang Dahu suddenly changed the subject: "Master, who did you point out the mines in the territory of the millet pig?"

   County Magistrate Baishi was taken aback: "What are you talking about, where did you get the mineral deposits in the Boar Territory?"

  Li Dahu was holding back his anger: "The special envoy of the prince went into the mountain today to see the pig's nest, and brought back a lot of ore powder to my Shuojin Hall for identification. It is a stone network. There may be ore veins near the pig's nest!"

  Baishi county magistrate looked blank: "Shiluo? I haven't heard of it, is it important?"

   "This was appraised by Mr. Lu, the medicine monkey hired by me with a lot of money. Stone veins are the essence of mountains. There may not be a vein of stone blood mines in a thousand mountains. Do you think it is precious or not?"

   "What is this thing for?"

   "Many folk remedies must be used, and casting magic tools are also used." Li Dahu lowered his voice again, "It is said that this is also the medicine of elixir, or the introduction of the medicine of longevity."

  Magistrate Baishi hissed.

  The elixir of youth is a legend of the country of Beka, which is passed on among the people in a hazy and specious manner, and only the upper class knows its authenticity. But something that can be related to it must be very precious!

   "Really brought it back from Moon Mountain?" County Magistrate Baishi thought further, "Could it be that the special envoy brought it himself?"

"Oh, let's send people into the pig's nest to take a look, don't you understand?" Li Dahu sighed, "The death of this pig's nest is unclear. It was said that it was killed by an avalanche of rocks, but the special envoy said No. Look, did someone kill the Shiluo mines because they wanted to take them for themselves?"

  Wang Dahu continued: "That litter of pigs has been dead for more than half a year, and it is very likely that the murderer has been stealing stones and mining there for more than half a year. This, this... my lord, you have to take care of it!"

   "No one is applying for the mine here!" Baishi County Magistrate was annoyed, "If I approve it, you won't know?"

  In the countryside, this kind of news spread faster than anything else, and it was too difficult to suppress it.

  Li Dahu didn't sleep all night, thinking about this matter, his eyes were more bloodshot than anyone else. Seeing that it was time to come up with the crystallization of his thoughts, he coughed hard and cleared his throat: "My lord, I think there is only Wanjia who can dig and chisel in Haozhu's territory without attracting attention!"

  The county magistrate of Baishi was stunned: "Wanjia? The Wanjia who built lakes and dams?"

   "No one goes to Moon Mountain at ordinary times, only their group is chattering. Wouldn't it be easier to dig a mountain and mine under the banner of digging a lake?"

   Li Dahu glared at Wang Dahu. The latter understood, and then chimed in: "The progress of opening the lake is lagging behind. Originally, it was said that it would be completed by the end of this year. Wan Jia insisted that the geology is loose, and it will be pushed to next summer."

"That's right. Mr. Lu, the medicine man from my family, said that the reserves of stone blood veins are very limited, unlike copper and iron, which can't be exhausted when encountering rich ore. I see that next summer, the Wan family will dig up all the stone blood , and then fill the pit, hey, without anyone noticing!"

  Wang Dahu sneered: "His family made a fortune in silence, why should we hard-working businessmen and drug sellers give him the blame? It's not appropriate, it's too inappropriate!"

  They are all major local medicinal herbs dealers, but Wanjia is not. Now that Wanjia has put their hand into this field and made a lot of money, but they want them to take the blame?

  How can there be such a beautiful thing!

  The land under his control produces stone blood? The county magistrate Baishi was shocked at first, and then displeased. But he asked for peace, nodded and said: "I will send someone into the mountain to check immediately, and everything will be discussed after the evidence is convincing. Don't be impatient, and this matter must not be rumored!"

   Both big households said they knew.

  No one noticed that there was a crow standing on the eaves outside the house, and it turned its head when it heard this.


  That evening, the people sent by Baishi County Magistrate finally returned from Moon Mountain, and they really brought him some powder:

  Stone powder scraped from the pig's nest.

This person also secretly spied on Wanjia's lake construction project, and found that although the craftsmen were digging and chiseling in the huge cave, occasionally they would dig out small pieces of dark red ore, and the foreman would rush to collect them away. .

  The magistrate of Baishi County was furious, and sent officials to summon Wan Dahu.

  Unexpectedly, the official came back very quickly, and no one was found. Instead, he held a letter: "My lord, Wan Xianneng has been tortured by the special envoy, and both legs were broken. I just asked the doctor to deal with it..."

  Baishi county magistrate was taken aback: "What, the special envoy has already contacted Wan?" He snatched the letter from the official's hand, "Is this from the special envoy?"

   "Yes. The special envoy has already gone to Shuanglu Town with a steward in charge of the Wan family."

  When Baishi County Magistrate opened the letter, his hands shook. After reading more than a hundred words, I was sweating profusely.


  Actually, this morning, He Lingchuan took Jiao Yu directly into Wan Dahu's house.

  The crow came to watch at night, and he knew very well that Wan Dahu was at home.

  Wan Dahu was having breakfast, and before he put down his chopsticks, he saw a fierce tiger rushing in, staring at him.

  A man came in following the tiger, Shi Shiran stood with his hands behind his back, looked at him and said with a smile: "Wan Xianneng, something happened to you."

   With a bang, the chopsticks fell to the ground.

  Knowing the identity of the visitor, the housekeeper, servants and nursing home dare not go forward. He Lingchuan said to Wan Dahu: "How did the litter of piglets in Moon Mountain die? Do you want to take the initiative to explain it, or do you have to suffer torture first?"

Cold sweat broke out on Wan Dahu's forehead, but he knew that his confession would lead to a dead end, so he gritted his teeth secretly and said: "Master Special Envoy, I don't know what's going on! Those families that have grievances with the boar demon, you I’ve seen it all at the banquet, without me!”

  He Lingchuan didn't talk nonsense with him, looked at Jiao Yu and said, "Lord Jiao?" He didn't dare to let General Ling go, for fear that the wind-drilling beast would accidentally trample him to death.

  Jiao Yu didn't answer, and rushed into the room directly.

  Screams, begging for mercy, and screams are endless.

The fierce tiger treated Wan Dahu like this, that, that, ouch... He Lingchuan covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly at him, he turned to the stunned Wanjia and said, "Whoever takes a step outside the Wanjia during this special envoy's handling of the case will be regarded as a worthy accomplice of Wanjia. You have to cramp and peel!"

  All the servants were silent.

   There are a few nursing homes here. At first, I was embarrassed to take the salary of the owner's family, but I was still eager to try it. When I saw three big sheep coming in, I immediately gave up this idea.

  The people do not fight with the officials, this is a lesson baked into the bones.

  The scene in the house was quite bloody, so He Lingchuan had no choice but to move a chair and wait in the courtyard.

   After a while, the goshawk hovering in the air suddenly swooped down.

   Human screams also sounded from the west.

   After a while, a man was driven in and staggered in, with several blood holes on his shoulder.

  As soon as he entered the yard, he knelt down and cried to He Lingchuan: "My lord, I am only following orders!"

  The goshawk landed on the branch behind He Lingchuan: "I saw this man secretly picking up the package in the air, trying to sneak out of Wanjia through the back door."

  He Lingchuan asked the steward of Wanfu: "Who is this?"

   "This is the chief steward under the master, surnamed Lu."

  He Lingchuan had a few questions and answers with Steward Lu, then went to the front of the house and knocked on the door: "Wan Xianneng, your Steward Lu is recruiting. If you recruit after him, I guarantee you will suffer twice as much."

   As soon as the words fell, Wan Dahu's cry came out: "I say, I say! Please stop!"

  Jiao Yu's methods were so fierce that he finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"In Zhitian Township, the medicinal herb business was too difficult to do, so I turned to digging mountains, building roads, building bridges and mining. Unexpectedly, last summer's flood washed away the bridge I built, and the villagers believed that I was unreliable. This business It also took a turn for the worse." Wan Dahu was also bitter in his heart, "At this time, someone came to report that the stone blood vein was found on Moon Mountain. I know that stone blood is valuable, but that mountain is not mine. It just so happens that my nephew specially teaches the mountain demon Wild monster, I will ask him to help me scare this group of piglets... I really don't want to kill them!"

   "How did your nephew do it?"

"I don't know." Dahu Wan looked bewildered, "Not long after I begged him, he came back and told me that it was done. The snow melted in the next spring, and the litter of pigs was found dead in the nest hole. "

   "After they die, there will be no resistance to open source and dig lakes. The county magistrate entrusted me with this job, and I will, just..."

   went to mine.

   "So it seems that you have little to do with this matter?"

   "It's not big, it's really not big. I really don't want to kill that litter of piglets, and I wasn't the one who killed them!"

  He Lingchuan asked him again: "You only do this kind of shameful thing once?"

   "Just once, just this once!"

   "Oh? But that's not what Manager Lu told you." He Lingchuan pulled Manager Lu to him, "You just told me, how many trips to Shuanglu Town did Wan Dahu make you go?"

   "Nine, nine times!" Guanshi Lu dared to lie when he saw the miserable situation of Wan Dahu.

  He is just a part-time worker and receives a meager salary. Why would he sell his life for an unscrupulous boss?

   "Including yesterday's trip!"

   "So Wan Dahu is not only in touch with his nephew?"

   "More than that." Steward Lu immediately said, "He always asks me to send blood beads to Shuanglu Town!"

   As soon as the word "blood bead" came out, Wan Xianneng gulped down his saliva.

   It's over, even this has been confessed.

   "What the **** is that blood bead?"

   Steward Lu lowered his head: "It's a kind of red ball, about the size of a bullet. I don't know the specific function and origin. I just obey orders!"

  He Lingchuan glanced at Wan Xianneng, and said darkly: "When he finishes what he should say, you are useless."

  The sweat on Wan Dahu's forehead dripped down to his chin, he gritted his teeth suddenly and said, "My lord, it's not good for you or the prince to pursue this!"

  (end of this chapter)