MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 471 Transshipment warehouse

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  Chapter 471 Transfer Warehouse

   After surveying Wan Song's house, everyone retreated.

  They didn't rummage through the boxes, so that Wan Song wouldn't be suspicious if he came home.

  The next location is Wan Song's warehouse.

  The county magistrate of Baishi also sent two officials to ask them to follow the orders of the special envoy throughout the process. The two of them have been working in the local area for nearly twenty years, and they recognize all the bull-headed and horse-faced people in ten miles and eight towns, and they have seen strange things. They are pure local snakes.

   It can be seen that the degree of cooperation of the Baishi county magistrate.

  He Lingchuan asked the two officials directly: "Do you recognize Wan Song?"

"Too recognizable." One of the officials was called Xu Dayou, "When he was elected into the Baiqi sect, Wan Xianneng gave this nephew a banquet to celebrate, and I went to have a drink. It's a pity that he was useless in the end and was rejected by others. Get out. If I had known that this cub was secretly killing demons, I would have slashed him!"

   "You can't beat him." Wu Huang, another officer, said bluntly, "He's a piece of hob meat. We should have seen that something was wrong with this kid. He didn't follow the rules of the country when he was young, and he grew up to be a desperado."

  Youtian Town is not big, and it takes less than a quarter of an hour to go from east to west.

  Wan Song's warehouse is next to the medicine field, next to the path, so the transportation is very convenient.

  Wan Song’s medicine field grows a lot of economical herbs, such as garcinia cambogia, elderberry, etc., and even employs a nest of weasels with small eyes and round eyes as caretakers.

   But there is no Prunella vulgaris in his field. General Ling grinned at He Lingchuan: "He doesn't grow it himself. Do you sometimes miss it?"

   "Really?" He Lingchuan didn't care, "We'll see."

   The two officials stood forward and said a few words, and the weasels didn't dare to stop everyone from opening positions.

  The current official is not as good as the current management.

  Half of the space in the warehouse has been taken up, and the piles are full of bags of herbs, of all kinds.

  Zhitian Township does not know how many warehouses of this kind exist.

  He Lingchuan drew his knife and randomly selected the opening of the medicine bag.

   Polygonum multiflorum.

  Prunella vulgaris.

   Tian Qi.

  Prunella vulgaris.

  Prunella vulgaris.

  He poked a dozen bags, only two bags were other herbs, and the rest were all Prunella vulgaris!

  Jiao Yu looked at General Ling and said, "What do you think?"

  General Ling simply took a few of them out of his mouth to satisfy his hunger, chewing and saying, "It tastes good, and it's quite fresh. Well, what does this guy want Prunella vulgaris for?"

  He Lingchuan had already figured out the previous confusion on the way here, so he grabbed a handful of Prunella vulgaris and said:

   "This is the feed. The monster's feed is probably the reason why Wan Song is stationed in Zhitian Township."

  Everyone was amazed: "Didn't that monster feed on demons?"

   "I'm afraid it has a different recipe." He Lingchuan stared at the blade of grass in his hand, "This product is not ordinary, I may have seen its maker."

   Yes, he remembered.

  The last person who mentioned Prunella vulgaris to him was Dong Rui.

  When this person developed medicine for Zhu Erniang in the Demon's Nest Swamp, he mentioned that he had made a demon puppet for people in the country of Beijia, number thirty-one.

  Because it was made too hastily, this goblin has flaws, and must often eat prunella vulgaris.

   "Otherwise, we won't be able to sustain it", these are Dong Rui's original words.

"who is it?"

   "Have you heard the name Dong Rui?"

  General Ling shook his head, while Jiao Yu said: "It is said that he is a notorious demon puppet master who is wanted by our entire Beijia Kingdom."

  It was a little surprised: "What does it have to do with this guy? Oh, you mean, this monster is the puppet he created?"


  Dong Rui’s works are weird and weird, but they all have one characteristic:


  As long as it is used properly, its power is not small.

   "A mere demon puppet master, can the demon puppet refined can swallow more than a hundred boar demons in one go?" General Ling didn't believe it, "If he has this kind of ability, does he still need to run around like a bereaved dog?"

   "You're right." He Lingchuan was not in a hurry to refute him, "Dong Rui's demon puppet is not so outrageous."

  Dong Rui's ghost ape, strange bird, and werewolf, he has fought against each other, and his combat power is good, but when it comes to killing more than a hundred monsters silently, it is still far away.

   Besides, Dong Rui admitted frankly that the production of No. 31 was too hasty, and its level of precision must not be as good as that of ghost apes and werewolves that are brought around.

   So what went wrong?

  Jiao Yu sniffed around on the warehouse floor: "The smell of monsters is everywhere."

  He Lingchuan wiped the wall of the warehouse: "There are also traces of dried mucus."

  He went out and called the weasels to ask, "How often does the owner of the storehouse come?"

   Weasel looked at everyone with his small black eyes, and said, "We can't remember."

  Jiao Yu said coldly: "The prince's special envoy handles the murder case, if you dare to omit the report, you are the accomplices!"

  Under his gaze, the weasel became short and wanted to burrow into the soil.

  He Lingchuan said in time: "The owner of this warehouse specializes in hunting mountain monsters and wild monsters, skinning and refining bones, which can be called a heinous crime. If you have any clues, you must help us arrest him and bring him to justice!"

  Beja Kingdom is a kingdom of monsters. If anyone dares to hunt monsters here for a living, it can indeed be called a heinous crime.

   The weasels looked at each other a few times, and they were all shaken. Although they do not belong to "mountain monsters and wild monsters", they are also weak, and it is inevitable that they will be frightened.

  The most important thing is that He Lingchuan took out a pack of small jerky and handed it over: "Take it to grind your teeth?"

  The weasel immediately took it with its paws, weighed it and said: "Sometimes he comes every seven or eight days, sometimes half a month."

   "When was the last time?"

   "Six days ago."

   "No, five days ago!" retorted the other weasel, "That night the moon was full."

  General Ling couldn't help but said: "Then the next time will be soon."

  He Lingchuan saw that the prunella vulgaris in the warehouse was half full, which also matched the time that the weasel said.

   "Who will deliver herbs to this warehouse?"

   "A few medicine farmers nearby." Weasel said, "They live within a radius of ten miles." Then he reported the names of several people.

  Officer Xu Dayou immediately said: "I know where those people live."

  He Lingchuan nodded to him, and then asked Weasel: "You are guarding the field here, do you feel that there is something wrong in the warehouse?"

   "Yes." The other weasel replied, "Every time Wan Song comes over, we always feel that the warehouse is cold and gloomy, as if something strange and scary has appeared, and no one wants to get close."

  They are not strong in demon power, but their spiritual sense is not weak, and they are born with the unique vigilance of small animals.

  He Lingchuan got the materials he wanted, so he thanked them and stood up.

  Backing back to the warehouse, Jiao Yu asked in a low voice, "What does that mean? Wan Song was able to release this monster with him?"

   "It should be." He Lingchuan said, "I have seen several monster puppets in Dong Rui. They can change in size and even have their own spiritual consciousness."

   "If you have your own spiritual consciousness, is it still a puppet?" Isn't it called a "puppet" because it can only move when it is ordered by others, just like a marionette.

  General Ling looked at the Prunella vulgaris that took up most of the warehouse space: "As long as you don't startle the snake, Wan Song may still bring the puppet back to eat grass."

"No." He Lingchuan shook his head, "Wan Dahu doesn't know how Wan Song and the Yaoguo work, so they are obviously under the direct control of Mr. Mai; Mr. Mai's early escape means that he knew that Wan Dahu was arrested, and Wan Song probably knew about it too. "

"Wan Dahu was arrested, and the property entrusted by Wan Song to him is not safe, including this warehouse. If he is a smart person, he shouldn't take the risk to get Prunella vulgaris." He Lingchuan continued, "But we still We should give it a try, what if he is really that stupid? Butcher Wu, please send someone to remove these prunella vulgaris before laying traps."

  Having experienced so much, he knows very well that there is an old saying that one kind of rice feeds a hundred kinds of people.

   Never underestimate the stupidity of others.

  Wu Huang left at the sound.

  He Lingchuan asked Xu Dayou again: "Where else in Zhitian Township do you often stockpile prunella vulgaris? And the quantity should be large."

   "Large hoarding?" Xu Dayou thought for a while, "Maybe there will be in Luocang?"

  He further added: "That is the Sinotrans transfer station of five towns. There are many and large warehouses, and there are all kinds of herbs. Prunella vulgaris is not a precious thing in Zhitian Township. If there is a summary, it will probably be there."

  General Ling asked He Lingchuan: "Go to Luocang now?"

   "Do some layout first."

  Next, He Lingchuan asked Xu Dayou to collect all the Prunella vulgaris from the nearby Yao Nong’s house—about less than 800 catties—and all the herbs in Wansong’s warehouse were stored in the field, and they were burned clean.

  The good news is that these drug farmers haven't seen Wan Song recently.

  He Lingchuan also discussed something with the magistrate Baishi, and the latter readily agreed.

  In addition, the government also found Qinggu, Wan Song's good friend in Hongguanfang, and interrogated him.

  According to Qing Gudao, Wan Song is generous and always has a few friends by his side.

   But only those few.

  A few days ago Wan Song came over for a drink and was depressed from beginning to end. Only after Qinggu asked did he find out that two of his friends died outside.

  She also revealed that Wan Song only has two companions left.

Once the three of them were drinking too much, and a fat black man surnamed Lai said that he had already set up property in Baiying Mountain, and was going to set up a car dealership, and the price had been negotiated with others; Wan Song said that he He already had three lovers in Zhitian Township, but he didn't even lay an egg for him.

   Fatty Hei said, I am afraid that those women are too old to be useful.

  Wan Song also plans to go to Wan'an Town in autumn to buy a few pretty girls, and strive to bloom and bear fruit next year.

  After hearing this, He Lingchuan took a few monsters and twenty or thirty officers in plain clothes, and rushed to Luocang.


  Zhitian Township is responsible for one-third of Chiyan’s herbal medicine revenue. The larger the scale of the industry, the more complete the facilities, procedures, and processes, and the more detailed the division of labor.

   There are even specialized transshipment warehouses here, and there is even a town dedicated to storage business.

  This town is called Luocang.

  When He Lingchuan arrived, he saw that the road was wide and straight, and there were warehouses and warehouses everywhere, and the turnover of goods was very busy.

  Busy traffic, people coming and going.

  Everyone is in a hurry, as if there are endless things to do.

  It would be great if such a scene happened in Yuan Country. He Lingchuan sighed softly, thinking of the guards and coachmen outside Dunyu's large granaries who were busy catching fleas.

   Because many friends are interested, today I add the picture of the candy snail in Chapter 229 (Easter Egg Chapter).



  (end of this chapter)