MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 475 cold blooded

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  Chapter 475 Cold-blooded and ruthless

   When He Lingchuan found the inn to check in, it was already the end of ugly times.

  Luo Cang was almost turned upside down by them. The Prunella vulgaris warehouse was full of sound and light special effects. It would be strange if the people in the town were not awakened.

  He Lingchuan took a cold shower directly, washed off the blood and mud from his body, changed into another set of clothes, and then went to the town office.

  The confession of Fatty Hei has already been interrogated. This is due to the fact that General Ling didn't waste any time, and began to extract confessions on the way back. No, it was an interrogation.

   As a powerful party, General Ling actually enjoys a lot of privileges, and no one dares to stop him from interrogation like this.

  The fat man was kicked out of the volute by the skunk during the battle, and he was captured early. Instead, he escaped being blown to pieces and is still alive and healthy.

  Jiao Yu was observing the trial, and confirmed that the black fat man was just an accessory, and everything was explained and arranged by the boss.

  The boss is Wan Song.

  But Hei Fatty also gave some key confessions. For example, they started this free business seven years ago. He was recruited by Wan Song, who was recruited by the former captain.

  The original captain died of serious injuries when digging out a pig's nest in Moon Mountain last winter, so Wan Song was naturally promoted to captain.

  In the past seven years, they have only been active in the border of Chiyan, and they have dispatched nearly 200 times before and after, killing thousands of monsters, big and small.

   This is an approximate number, and he can't remember the exact number.

  The reason why the number is so large is because some monsters are smaller in size, such as bats, and at least a dozen of them must be killed each time.

   "Thousands of pigs?" He Lingchuan still frowned when he heard the number, "Isn't that right? More than 100 piglets were killed on the Moon Mountain alone."

   "That's the later stage." Jiao Yu explained, "In the early stage, they hunted monsters carefully, trying to pick big wild monsters, so that they only need to hunt one or two heads each time, and try not to attract official attention."

  Safety can last for a long time.

   "That is to say, since last year, when Emperor Liuzhi came, the number of mountain monsters and wild monsters increased greatly, and the demand for jelly beads increased accordingly, so they were ordered to increase hunting."

   Otherwise, this matter will not be exposed.

  He Lingchuan finally remembered the business: "Then the courier in Lingxu City was hunted down, what happened?"

"Hei Fatty confessed that they only treated it as an ordinary monster and killed it for pearls, and they didn't even know it was the messenger of Lingxu City!" Jiao Yu sighed rarely, "He cried bitterly in front of us, saying that if he could have known That's a monster from Lingxu City, who dares to touch it? General Ling also made a move just now to make sure he didn't tell lies."

   After finishing speaking, Jiao Yu glanced at General Ling. This impatient guy almost kicked out Huang Du from the fat black man, who probably couldn't tell a lie.

  He Lingchuan wondered: "Did the white-shouldered eagle not justify itself before death?"

   After all, it is also a bird of prey. Is it so aggrieved to die?

"The monster assigned to Wan Song is called the snail toad. It can emit colorless and odorless smoke to the prey, making them fall into a deep sleep unconsciously. Therefore, the white-shouldered eagle is indeed unable to wake up. There was no opportunity to argue."

  Thinking of this, Jiao Yu also felt palpitations: "Fortunately, when we set up an ambush in the medicine warehouse, we all had refreshing pills in our mouths. Otherwise, if we woke up after sleeping, the murderer would have fled thousands of miles away. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to throw home?"

  He Lingchuan stroked his chin: "So that's how all pigs die?"

  "Mostly, but a few came back from the outside and were not caught. That's when a big battle broke out with Wan Song and others." Jiao Yu also interrogated clearly, "With the help of the power of the snail toad, they still won in the end."

   "What's the matter with this snail toad?" He Lingchuan was most interested in this, "Did you ask it? Tell me about it."

   "As you expected, that monster is a synthetic goblin. But the fat man doesn't know who the maker is. He only knows that this thing is made of evil ghost toad larvae and snails, and even the shell on its back has a lot to do with it."

   "What's the background?"

   "He doesn't know, he just heard this sentence from the former captain."

   "Evil Ghost Toad? Is there such a monster in Chiyan Kingdom?" He Lingchuan has heard the name of Evil Ghost Toad. It is said that this monster only appears in the countryside during thunderstorms, and it is specially ambush on the only way for pedestrians to pass.

  It itself has the ability to change color and shape, and often disguises itself as a cave or a house. When pedestrians go in to shelter from the rain, they throw themselves into the mouth of the toad and become a delicious meal for the evil ghost toad.

  "Chiyan doesn't have one. I heard that Zeguo has a family of evil ghost toads, but the seedlings are not thriving, and there are only three heads." Jiao Yu shook his head, "The evil ghost toads are huge and powerful, and it is difficult to have any more children nowadays."

  The more powerful a creature is, the more difficult it is to reproduce, let alone in such an environment with thin aura?

  He Lingchuan wondered: "Then where did this group of people get the evil ghost toad larvae?"

   "I don't know, but I guess it has something to do with Zeguo." Jiao Yu murmured, "If this matter gets out, there will be another uproar."

  Whoever sees their own children being turned into such a monster or a puppet will not give up.

  Of course He Lingchuan doesn't care about Chi Yan's diplomatic risks, but murmurs: "The larvae of the evil ghost toad...hey, I'll go, isn't that just a tadpole?"

   It’s no wonder that the puppet looks weird, isn’t it just a tadpole with an incomplete (…) state?

  Tadpoles are born with a classic spindle shape. As time goes by, the root of the tail expands and the front and rear legs grow. Then the body becomes more and more bulging, the tail becomes shorter and even disappears, and it becomes a frog toad.

  The image of this goblin, apart from the snail's back shell and antennae, isn't it the intermediate form of a tadpole growing into a toad?

   But in terms of biological laws, this form does not last long and is particularly unstable.

   No wonder Dong Rui said that this monster must eat Prunella vulgaris regularly. Think about what method he used to keep the puppet in this form, but the manufacturing process was too hasty at that time, so no further adjustments could be made.

  What will happen if the snail toad does not eat Prunella vulgaris for a long time?

   Will it turn into an evil ghost toad?

  Will that lead to any bad consequences?

  He Lingchuan felt that after listening to these confessions, his doubts did not decrease, but increased.

   "Wan Song's current master, that is, Mr. Mai, how much does he know?"

General Ling answered: "He has never met Mr. Mai, and Wan Song didn't mention it much, but Wan Song came back from meeting Mr. Mai in Baisha at the end of last year, and said that they completed this group of tasks the best, so they got the reward. It is also the richest."

Year-end awards? "How much did they take?"

   There were originally six people in this team. The original captain died last year while hunting piglets, and the other two died while poaching He Lingchuan's blue sheep a few days ago, so this time they faced only three people.

   "At the end of last year, everyone got 700 taels, and an additional 1,200 taels was added as a reward." General Ling said bitterly, "Otherwise, they wouldn't have worked hard to kill so many monsters this year!"

   "In other words, there are other groups?"

   "He can't tell the truth."

   "Where is Wan Song's temperament?" This is a question he specifically asked Jiao Yu for interrogation.

   "Fierce and cruel, all the subordinates are afraid of him."

  He Lingchuan nodded.

  The fat black man has already been hollowed out by these two monsters, so there is no value in asking. He Lingchuan calculated the time and stood up, "Let's go to the medical hall."

  At times like this, he misses Ling Guang very much.

  After the midnight battle, Wan Song was sent to the best medical hall in Luocang for emergency treatment.

The doctors here are quite good at medical skills. After working for more than an hour, the bleeding of the wounded has stopped and the swelling on the face has basically disappeared, but they expressed their regret: "The internal organs are too seriously injured, and there is no way to recover. Let him live for another hour at most. Do you want to wake him up now?"

   "Wake up." Naturally, He Lingchuan and the others had nothing to regret, "Time is precious."

  So the doctors took a smelling bottle and put it under the nose of the wounded, shaking it gently.

   Soon, Wan Song woke up from the coma.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw He Lingchuan, and then his eyes swept over Jiao Yu, General Ling and other monsters, his confusion gradually turned into sobriety, and then turned into ashes.

   "It seems that you are very aware of your situation." He Lingchuan stretched out his legs and hooked a chair to sit down. "Be honest, you can suffer less."

   "Why, why did it explode?" Wan Song didn't think about it before and after he fell into a coma.

   "There are several jars of explosives in the medicine storehouse." He Lingchuan put them there, and originally planned to detonate them when the monster entered the medicine storehouse from the ground.

  Unexpectedly, it swallowed the medicine warehouse directly.

  That's even better, He Lingchuan sent his avatar to jump into that guy's mouth, causing a series of explosions, of course the power is astonishing.

   Wan Song raised his head slightly, looking at his legs:

   "Is there any help for me?"

  He Lingchuan bluntly said: "It's gone."

   "..." When Jiao Yu waits for the monster to come, shouldn't he be given hope at this time and threaten his life?

  But He Lingchuan knew that this person came from a Taoist school and was a desperado with his head pinned to his waistband all the year round. I'm afraid he had already assessed his injuries, so it might not be easy to deceive him from here.

  Wan Song has a hooked nose, high cheekbones and a thin face. At this time, his complexion is pale and gloomy:

   "I'm dying, what else do you want to ask from me?"

   "You may be implicated by the arrest of a large family." He Lingchuan picked up the cup on the table, approaching, "Drink water?"

   "Yes." Wan Song thought to himself what is there to be afraid of a dying person, so he simply said nothing.

  He Lingchuan fed him water with his own hands, and then continued: "The grandchildren of the Wanda family are still young, do you want to take them to hell?"

   "If Wan Xian couldn't confess me, would you have caught me?" Wan Song didn't care, "He hurt me, I hurt him, it's even."

  He is going to die, why do he care about other people's children?

  He Lingchuan smiled: "Okay, very good. Cold-blooded and ruthless, no wonder Mr. Mai can trust you."

  Wan Xianneng is his uncle, and also his only living relative, and he can ignore him even if he has helped him in the past. Is Mr. Mai fancy such a precious quality?

  Wan Song rolled his eyelids and looked at him, without saying a word, but all the contempt was in silence.

  He is going to die, what can this person do to him?

   Other than death, who else could he be afraid of?

  (end of this chapter)