MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 518 Foreign aid is here

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  Chapter 518 Foreign aid is here

  Zhong Sunmou took the mirror and checked it over and over again, and the egg liquid was stained on his hand, so he was marked as the target of the snail toad.

  Of course He Lingchuan did too, but after he left the tower, he quickly washed his hands and mirror, and ran away in a small boat.

  So, it is very important to wash your hands after the event.

   As double insurance, He Lingchuan hooked up with Mai Xuewen yesterday.

  He took out the snail toad eggs in front of Mai Xuewen's puppet, and both parties confirmed one thing:

  He Lingchuan confirmed that Mai Xuewen and Snail Toad are still in Baisha.

   And Mai Xuewen was sure that He Lingchuan knew exactly what would happen if he crushed the snail toad eggs, because this special envoy must have interrogated Wan Song.

  Then, as long as there is a change in the snail toad this morning, Mai Xuewen has a high probability of guessing who is calling it.

  Under his intentional control, the snail toad will not eat the wrong person.

   It can be said that after the meeting between the two parties last night, Zhong Sunmou's fate is basically doomed.

  He Lingchuan was willing to take his life in exchange for his own initiative in this case. After staying by He Chunhua's side for so long, he has long understood a truth:

  The evidence shown to others must be open and aboveboard, and stand up to scrutiny.

   But the process and means of obtaining evidence, not necessarily.

   As for killing Zhong Sunmou and being able to vent his anger, he would definitely not admit it.

   Young Master He is tolerant and magnanimous, how can he care about the little festival?

  The only trouble here is that he might be suspected too. After all, Zhong Sunmou's death was in his favor.

  But He Lingchuan had an alibi, and even Fan Sheng, the deputy commander of Tongxinwei, was among the witnesses.

  This is the strongest witness.

  In addition, He Lingchuan lured Fan Sheng to He Palace with another intention, which is to lure away this guy with explosive force value and increase the success rate of Snail Toad in committing crimes.

   Otherwise, with Fan Sheng by his side, would Snail Toad be able to abscond smoothly? He Lingchuan couldn't know for sure, but it's always a good thing that Fan Sheng wasn't there.

   You must know that Snail Toad was severely bombed by He Lingchuan earlier, and it has only been a few days, and there is a high probability that the injury has not recovered.

   Therefore, the biggest difficulty of this plan lies in Fan Sheng.

  He Lingchuan must come back alive from under Fan Sheng's ax first, otherwise everything that follows will be in vain.

  For this short battle of more than ten breaths, he really racked his brains and deduced it for two days and two nights.

  Fan Sheng's force is powerful, and he also has Yuanli to help out. The main point of He Lingchuan's battle this time is to try to avoid confronting him head-on.

  The three-headed spider just now is the blood tooth guard summoned with the blood essence donated by Zhu Erniang, who integrates attack and defense with medicine.

  In this environment, they are all proper meat shield cannon fodder roles, attracting Fan Sheng's attention and restraining his actions.

  Besides, he also quietly heard from Xiang Yan that Fan Sheng's water skills seem to be very ordinary, because a woman fell into the water two years ago. Although Fan Sheng went into the water to rescue him, he vomited water for a long time after landing and choked to death.

  So He Palace is indeed a good place to face Fan Sheng.

  He believed that when Fan Sheng jumped off the Chaohu Tower and chased him, he never thought so much about it.

  He Lingchuan even made several sets of plans, and prepared several countermeasures. But Fan Sheng didn't use any magic weapon from the beginning to the end. After being bound by the spider web, he couldn't use it. Who can blame this?

   About two quarters of an hour later, someone knocked on the door.

   "Carriages lined up at the back door of Cen's residence, and boxes were piled up." Lu Du came straight to the point, "Cen Boqing is about to escape!"

   "Can't stop it?"

   "I have already sent people to surround it, but Cen Boqing led more than a dozen guards to charge on horseback, and even drew their knives and whips. My people dare not make a move."

   After all, the opponent is an official of Lingxu City. If there is any mistake in the confrontation, no leading soldier in Chiyan Kingdom would dare to take responsibility for it.

   While He Lingchuan was meditating, there was a flapping sound on the window sill.

  The two turned their heads to look, but it was the goshawk landing, breathing rapidly with its mouth open, it seemed that it was flying fast and anxiously just now.

   "Here we come, here we come!" It said to He Lingchuan, "We have passed the middle of the street, hurry up and meet us!"

   "It's just in time, why welcome!" He Lingchuan finally let go of his heart, and laughed heartily, "Tell him to go to the back door of Cen's mansion and meet me!"

   "..." Goshawk couldn't help but rolled his eyes, not to mention panting, he hadn't even had a sip of water yet, and he hurried to fly to notify.


  The soldiers brought by Lu Dutong surrounded Cen's mansion tightly.

  Cen Boqing led people to clear the way ahead, but the Chiyan soldiers did not dare to make a move, so they had to form a human wall to block them.

  The guards and servants of Cen's mansion pushed and shoved desperately, slapped their hands in the cold, and finally almost squeezed out of the wall.

  As long as he leaves Baisha, no one will be able to hold him accountable.

  Cen Boqing sneered in his heart, thinking about how to deal with these people when he returned to Lingxu City. The one surnamed He will definitely not be spared, as well as Lu Dutong who is ignorant of current affairs, and Tian County Magistrate who is obedient and violating.

   At this moment, more than a hundred riders rushed out from the corner of the street, and galloped towards Cen's mansion on the street.

   Shouting all the way, as if no one was around.

   Civilians who fail to dodge in time will be bounced aside by invisible energy, and those who are unlucky will hit their faces against the wall.

  Even the rich young masters of the high-ranking officials' families in Lingxu City, it is rare for them to be so arrogant and arrogant in Baisha.

  Running to the front, the person arrives before the sound comes, with a long laugh:

   "Cen Boqing, where are you going!"

  Cen Boqing also saw him clearly, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley in shock.

  Fu Shanyue, the new crown prince of Chiyan Kingdom!

   Shouldn't he win people's hearts in the capital of Chiyan? Why did he suddenly appear in Baisha?

   But this question was only for a short moment. When he saw He Xiao who was also riding a horse beside Fu Shanyue, he immediately understood.


  Fu Shanyue reined in the reins, and the rider stood up.

   "You owed me a drink last year, and now I come to ask for a drink, do you still want to blame?"

  Cen Boqing said with a calm face: "I have something urgent to go back to Lingxu City, why don't you go back to Bai Yuxuan for a drink with me?" Bai Yuxuan is a famous restaurant in Lingxu City.

   "Is there something urgent that makes you unable to stay at the Lotus Fragrance Festival, and insists on rushing back overnight?" Fu Shanyue smiled, his eyes flickering coldly, "Could it be that you want to rush to sell the stolen goods?"

   "Prince, be careful!" Cen Boqing shouted, "You guys poured dirty water on me desperately, but you can't get any evidence."

   "Can't show evidence?" What Fu Shanyue wanted was his words, "Come on, bring it!"

  The subordinates immediately pushed out a person with a square face and thick eyebrows, in his early thirties.

  He was tied up, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He obviously suffered a lot, and his expression was a little cowering.

   "Who is this?" Cen Boqing didn't recognize it.

  Lu Dutong gave this person a push: "Ask you, tell me!"

   "Little man, little man..."

   Lu Dutong slapped him on the forehead with his backhand: "Speak up, haven't you eaten at noon?"

"Yes, yes... The villain's name is Pang Denian, and he has worked under Wu Kai in the Cen House for seven years." The man lowered his head, not daring to look at Cen Boqing, and shouted loudly, "Ten days ago, Wu Kai ordered the villain to take a skewer If you have a good confession, go to the county prison to collude with Fu Songhua to force him to admit that he is the main culprit in the messenger case!"

  The commotion here in the Cen Mansion was too loud, and it had already attracted countless passers-by and residents to watch. When Pang Denian roared like this, the crowd exploded with a buzz.

Really? is it possible?

  Because the inspector of Lingxu City and the special envoy of the prince are both handling the case in Baisha, the case of the White-shouldered Eagle Messenger has been widely circulated in the local area, and there are many versions of variant conspiracy theories.

   Now that the crown prince is here in person, the servants of the Cen family have identified the master as the real murderer behind the scenes?

   Oh, the bosses are here. This melon is big enough and juicy enough!

  Pang Denian continued to shout: "The prince's special envoy is here to investigate the case..."

   Cen Boqing laughed back out of breath: "Bloody mouth, how can there be such a pickle in my house!"

  Lu Dutong bumped Pang Denian with his elbow, and he immediately yelled again: "I bought Pi Linhai, the prison prisoner, with fifteen taels of silver, and he let me in. Later, when the prince's special envoy came to investigate the case, Pi Linhai disappeared."

  Fu Shanyue squinted at Cen Boqing and said, "The jailer who took bribes died. You thought this thread was broken, so Pang Denian was sent by Wu Kai to Houjiazhuang in the southwest of Baishazhen to avoid the limelight."

  Cen Bo said coldly: "You just find a villager, and you dare to frame me like this? Go to Baisha and ask around, who can say that this person has something to do with my house!"

"Wu Kai, let him come out and confront him." Fu Shanyue smiled, "Four years ago, his grandson fell into the water. In the middle of winter, Pang Denian jumped into the ice hole to help him find his grandson. Afterwards, Wu Kai gave him two small gold bars , This story has long been spread in Baixiang, Pang De-nian's hometown, and anyone who asks anyone will know about it."

  Cen Boqing kept a straight face: "I haven't heard of such a thing. I don't care how the people in Baixiang spread rumors."

  He Lingchuan suddenly asked: "Where is Wu Kai?"

  He scanned around the scene of the conflict, but did not find Wu Kai. This person is Cen Boqing's confidant and has always been by his side. Why did such an important moment disappear?

  Furthermore, when Fu Shanyue asked about Wu Kai, Cen Boqing either talked about it from left to right, or avoided answering it.

  Cen Boqing sneered: "It's just an old servant, don't bother the prince."

Fu Shanyue cleared his throat and said: "Now Lord Zhongsun has also been taken away, and the two cases have been combined into one, which has become a major and serious case! The crown prince will investigate and deal with it himself, and we must find out the truth. I hope Lord Cen will cooperate well. Come on." Ah, help Lord Cen move the bedding back to the mansion!"

   This is life and death to prevent Cen Boqing from leaving. During the conversation between the two sides, teams of heavily armed officers and soldiers rushed over and surrounded Cen's mansion with three floors inside and three floors outside.

  The county magistrate Tian also came, and Fu Shanyue hooked his fingers, so he hurried forward, nodding while listening to the instructions.

  The prince is here, the soldiers will have no worries, they go forward to lead the carriage to carry the box, just like the hesitation just now.

  I suffered a loss when I formed a wall before, and now I dare to stomp on the opponent's feet to vent my anger.

  Anyone can see that the prince is determined to clean up the Cen family this time.

  Cen Boqing's face was livid, and he wanted to go back to the mansion with a wave of his sleeves. After all, he was one step slower and did not escape from Baisha.

  Lu Dutong, Tian County Magistrate and others threw their hands at him, but they couldn't stop him at all, but Fushan Yue was different. This guy is famous for being unstingy, and he doesn't care if the king of heaven comes, he dares to do it first and then talk.

  At this moment, County Magistrate Tian took half a step forward, coughed and said, "Wu Kai is being detained and put in jail pending trial."

   Continue to ask for a monthly ticket~



  (end of this chapter)