MTL - After the Global Evolution, I Stand at the Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 116 116

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116 / seven streams

Lu Yan has never felt like a social animal for a moment.

A small spot of light representing Ning Huai appeared on the map, flashing green for a while, and red for a while.

[He wanted to kill himself, but has lost control of his body. ]

A lot of rain fell into Lu Yan's eyes, causing some sour pain.

The system said: [You look really embarrassed when you are running in the rain, but you are such a handsome boy, I like it very much. ]

After two blocks across, Lu Yan finally met Ning Huai.

If it is said that Ning Huai's "human" department occupied a large number in the past, then now it is the distortion department that occupies a large number.

At the intersections of the streets, there are remnants of fierce battles everywhere. It's like experiencing an earthquake.

A huge spider was lying on top of the ruins, its abdomen was torn apart, and the little spider crawled out of it and wrapped around the mother's side.

These little spiders are already pollutants.

Some little spiders that were farther away from their mothers opened their hideous mouthparts like inlays and rushed towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan directly covered the surface of his body with scales. The pollution value of these new spiders was not high, and they could not even pierce his skin. But for ordinary people, dependence is a fatal existence.

If Ning Huai was completely distorted into pollutants, he and the spider army he fissioned would be like a locust environment, where life would be devastated, and no grass would grow.

Ning Huai looked at him and roared in a low voice, "...Go away!"

New dark purple eyes grew on both sides of his cheeks, which were different from the previous three pairs of eyes. The eyes on both sides had no whites, and were much larger than normal ones. His eyes were violent, like an avenger from the abyss. .

The system's tone was calm: [99.1...99.2...Ning Huai, it is expected to be completely distorted within 2 minutes and 17 seconds. ]

Ning Huai let Lu Yan go.

The reason is that he knows that with his current physical strength, it is very unlikely that Lu Yan can kill him in a short period of time.

He didn't want Lu Yan to die, at least, not in his hands.

Ning Huai killed the pollutant blue bird when he was the apocalypse. He didn't want to become a pollutant. The first one to kill was his former teammate.

Lu Yan said: "I want to save him, tell me how."

He knew that the system must have a way.

Otherwise, he will not be allowed to come to this street, but will find a way to let him evacuate and minimize the damage.

Of the 21 Apocalypse who went deep into Changjia during the Divine Kingdom operation, only four are still alive.

Lu Yan hopes that people like Ning Huai can see the outside world with their own eyes, instead of listening to some narrations from his mouth, and answering "that's good" in a gratified and melancholy manner.

The Kingdom of God is a cage, not only trapping the Holy Spirit, but also most of the life of these Apocalypse.

System: [Bad boy. Always beg me when you need me. ]

[You haven't had surgery for a long time, do you still remember the pollutant fusion surgery you learned in Tang Xun'an's dream? ]

It was the first institute ten years ago, and he briefly contacted the top researchers at that time, and gained some inspiration and knowledge from them.

[Grafting the body parts of pollutants onto human bodies, during the fusion period, humans can acquire the same characteristics as pollutants. ]

[Gong Weibin, through rational calculation, created a talent transplant operation. Transplanting talent from a human has less rejection, and it is easier for the transplanted body to survive. But if the top talent is to be transplanted, the mortality rate is high for both parties. ]

[And if you want to suppress the increase in disease severity, there is the easiest way. It is to remove the distortion part on the ‌. ]

[This method is theoretically possible, but rarely tried. Because of this, the Apocalypse and their deformed parts seem to have merged into one. For example, to scrape all your fish scales. Can a fish survive like this? ]

[In the early days, the death rate was as high as 100 during the first experiments, so the institute gave up this research direction. ‌And turn to high concentrations of specific drugs. ]

[ In fact, their thinking is right, but what needs to be cut is wrong. ]

In front of Lu Yan's eyes, some green and red circles appeared, covering the Spider-Man in front of him.

[Green is the part that can be preserved, and red is the lesion that needs to be resected. ]

[Pick up your knife. As I've been wanting to say, Hellfire looks like a No. 26 scalpel. ]

It is still raining, and the surgical environment is very simple, but I can only do it.

According to the system, if the operation is unsuccessful, there is a 70% chance that he will be swallowed by Ning Huai, who has become a pollutant.

"Team Ning." Lu Yan tried to keep his story short, "For surgery, please cooperate."

Ning Huai was lying on the ground, and the little spiders kept crawling out of his abdomen. These were originally worm eggs hidden in his body, but now they have fully hatched.

The little spiders are all pitch-black, with purple spots on their backs, like fired porcelain of the observable Tianmu.

Lu Yan wondered if Ning Huai heard it clearly. The fire of his **** penetrated into the newly grown eyes on Ning Huai's face.

Ning Huai's arthropods trembled slightly, and he almost tried his best to control his eight legs so that they could firmly grasp the ground, instead of hitting Lu Yan with a backhand.

The eyeball was cut out forcibly, leaving a **** slit.

But the most concentrated part in the red area is actually Ning Huai's abdomen, which has been completely distorted. Like the lower half of the spider, it is round and full of tiny spider eggs. The tail is dripping with white mucus. It is spider silk that has not yet solidified.

Lu Yan took a deep breath and got into Ning Huai's abdominal cavity.

The smell of blood in the abdominal cavity was very strong, and the follicles of many of the worms that were about to hatch were in the translucent mucus. Many small spiders had already drilled out half of the membrane, and their limbs danced happily in the air.

[Ning Huai has 5 egg bags in his body, and there are 1,000 small spiders in the body. Half of them have hatched, so cut 4 of them. ]

Lu Yan was puzzled: "It stands to reason that only female spiders have such things as egg bags."

[He was contaminated by the female spider at the beginning, is there any problem? ]

Lu Yan had nothing to say. With the knife in his mouth, he lifted the layers of flesh on Ning Huai's abdomen with his hands.

If it wasn't for him being able to breathe through the gill slits beside his ears, he would probably have suffocated in Ning Huai's stomach.

This big belly is more difficult to handle than Zhou Qiming's belly, especially since the time left for him is so short.

[Removing the eyes can temporarily keep Ning Huai awake, but the focus is still on the egg bag that grows in his abdomen. You have 82 seconds left. ]

When the first egg bag was cut off, Ning Huai's abdomen twitched with pain, and a stream of blood gushed out.

The egg bag that was cut off looked like a broken plastic bag, and the spider eggs inside fell out one after another, and many unformed spiders were stillborn.

[The severity of the lesion is 96.4...very good, you have a little more time. ]

The second egg bag was much stronger than the first, and had some bone connections. For a moment, Lu Yan felt that he was not performing surgery, but chopping ribs in the kitchen.

[Bypass the spinal nerves and great blood vessels. This egg bag is close to the position of his distorted heart. ]

About ten minutes later, Lu Yan, covered in blood, crawled out of Ning Huai's abdomen.

He had some half-dead spiders stuck to him, in addition to a transparent mucus that had cut open the egg sacks and was watered, and held four egg sacks that looked like egg membranes in his hands.

Lu Yan looked back at the nearly two-meter slit, and slowly picked off the spider eggs attached to the surface with his hands.

Like picking bunches of grapes.

If the old man was still conscious, he would probably want to steal one and try it. In this way, Lu Yan will discover that these spider eggs growing in Ning Huai's body not only look like grapes, but also taste very similar.

Although the process is a bit bloody. But fortunately, Ning Huai's disease severity was successfully reduced.

[In another day, Ning Huai will be shelled again. The newly grown carapace will be tougher than before. I didn't ask you to remove all the egg bags, because these egg bags are the source of Ning Huai's talent fission. ]

The little spiders jumped on Lu Yan's legs and on their backs, and many wanted to get in through his sleeves.

Lu Yan shook his arm and said to Ning Huai, who was still recovering from childbirth, "Can you take care of your child?"

Ning Huai turned his head and glanced at him, his hair was wet with sweat, but his expression was much more relaxed: "I can't control it, the pollutants are not under my control... What kind of healing talent do you have?"

Lu Yan thought for a while and replied, "It's not talent, it's the power of modern medicine."

Probably due to the sequelae of his talent and degree of use, his desire to speak was much higher than usual.

Lu Yan's eyes fell on the other side of the ground.

There lay a human-shaped body of contaminants, with a uniform coat issued by the Special Operations Department over his face. No, it's an old style from 40 years ago.

It was given to him by Ning Huai.

"Is this a blue bird?"

"Yeah." Ning Huai shifted his position a little, his aching eyes darkened, and he slowly changed to lying on his side, "Dead. I originally thought it was because I was disfigured, but he didn't recognize me. Does he remember... right, Holy Spirit?"

Lu Yan said: " died."

Ning Huai breathed a sigh of relief, sensing the location of the two previous fission bodies, and said, "Brother Huzi is still alive. This result is better than I thought. Wouldn't it be a dream?"


So, Ning Huai looked at Lu Yan and said slowly, "Thank you."

The configuration of the team this time can be considered luxurious, at least the highest combat power, which is much stronger than that of the Divine Kingdom operation ten years ago.

But without Lu Yan's second key action, Ning Huai felt that his end would probably not have been any better than the Blue Bird.

The white fog shrouded in the central court has dissipated. The east is white, and a ray of light can be seen faintly.

Lu Yan felt that he should go to bed, but could not find a suitable bed.

The system highly praised his behavior: [You are right, beautiful women can't sleep on the street, and they are easily picked up by garbage people. If you are sleepy, just take two steps. This place is not far from the holy pond where the white soul is soaked in the divine court. Maybe you can still see Director Hu. ]

Ning Huai was still recovering, lying on the ground unable to move at all. Lu Yan fed him special medicines and painkillers.

After a while, the tiger landed on all fours and ran in a hurry: "Team Ning! Ning Huai, Xiao Lu! You guys are all right!"

Lu Yan handed Ning Huai over to Tiger, holding his breath. Like a walk, I walked to the location of the holy pond.

In the center of the holy pond, there is a brain flower tree.

"It didn't seem to be here before?" Because of the pain in his head, Lu Yan wasn't even sure if he had a memory disorder.

[Yes. It's self-running. The brain flower that you violently took off gave it a little injury. ]

Probably due to the death of the main body, the brain flowers withered one after another and hung on the tree, like walnuts with their shells peeled off. Some of them turned into a black mass of unknown objects because of their small brains and fell to the ground.

System: [Eatable, is a special item dropped by the Holy Spirit. Buffing the brain, eating it can produce an 80 out of 100 immune effect against mental attacks, and it is the nightmare of all mental pollutants. ]

[In addition, it can also temporarily restore calm to the apocalypse who have fallen into a state of sequelae. ]

Fruit is a good thing.

Lu Yan picked these walnuts and counted them, and there were only 52 of them.

He ate one and pocketed the rest of the walnuts. Thinking of the brain flower that was trampled to death before, I suddenly felt distressed.

[Cut down this tree, it's a pollutant.  is the source of pollution that makes the Holy Spirit the apocalypse. ]

[If I have to say it, it actually stands on a sequence of entry, creating a "brain in a vat" that represents thought. It is both a plant and an animal. ]

[But it wasn't too hard to deal with. ]

When Lu Yan pulled out the knife, the tree pulled out the roots that were stuck in the ground, and it looked like he wanted to run away.

Lu Yan caught up with it, grabbed the trunk, and cut it in the middle.

The cross section of the tree spurted out red blood, and made a shrill scream similar to that of the Holy Spirit.

The trees were quickly charred by the fire of hell, and the young green leaves above their heads withered to withered yellow, losing all their vitality.

Lu Yan rubbed his yang point and said again, "I want to sleep."

His voice was already very weak.

Suffering two mental attacks a day, his headache seemed to be splitting, and he could even feel the thin bloodshots spreading continuously in his head.

[Go to sleep. Do you need me to sing you a lullaby? ]

Holding the knife, Lu Yan found a hidden corner, curled up like a kitten. This position protects the soft stomach.

This happened to be the triangular area formed by the collapse of the building, and the edges of the concrete blocks were dripping with water because it had just rained.

"No." Lu Yanxiao replied.

[Good night, my baby. ]