MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 55 extremely aggrieved

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To be able to get such a strong pheromone, it means that Jiang Jinyi stayed with another omega for a long time last night.

Stay together, what happened?

The omega pheromone on Jiang Jinyi's body is really strong, as if she is taking an oath of sovereignty.

Continuously provoking Jiang Youwan's sanity.

Jiang Youwan stepped forward with a gloomy face, grabbed Jiang Jinyi by the collar, and made her turn around a little rudely, the box in Jiang Jinyi's hand fell on the floor, Jiang Jinyi You Wan didn't care what it was, she pulled back the long hair that covered the back of her neck, revealing her glands in front of her eyes.

Suppression is gone.

She told Jiang Jinyi to put on restraint stickers when she went out.

Jiang Youwan's face was pale, her brows were wrinkled, and there seemed to be another her in her mind, that she was sarcastically saying to her: "Jiang Jinyi doesn't remember your birthday, it's still with you Running out on her birthday and fooling around with other omegas, you should tie her up, lock her up, and teach her so that she can always see you alone, and always belong to you."

"You marked another omega?" Jiang Youwan's voice was as cold as ice, which made Jiang Jinyi tremble.

She didn't…

Jiang Jinyi was so anxious that she shook her head violently, "I didn't, I didn't mark any other omega!" She turned around in a hurry, her eyes were red, tears were rolling in her eyes, she was extremely aggrieved , "I didn't tag other omegas, I really didn't...the smell can be washed off, not the tag..."

Seeing her anxious and aggrieved like this, Jiang Youwan felt much less hopeless, but still very uncomfortable, she softened her tone: "What's going on? Tell my sister clearly. "

Jiang Youwan's tone softened, but Jiang Jinyi's tears couldn't hold back, all the grievances were magnified at this moment, she raised her hand to wipe away the tears, trembling her wet eyelashes , choked and said:

"I, I originally booked a flight ticket at 7 o'clock last night to celebrate your birthday, but I was deceived by Huo Qi, she gave me medicine and took me to a place In a house, she asked me to tag her, I didn't tag her, she ran away, and then passed out on the side of the road, and was taken back to their house by kind people to sleep for a night, and just came back home just now... …”

Jiang Youwan listened to what happened to her last night, her heart tightened, and she was extremely afraid and distressed.

I didn't expect Xiao Jin to remember her birthday, and I didn't expect that Xiao Jin encountered such a thing last night.

"Little Jin..."

The more she spoke, the more aggrieved she said, the more she choked up, she couldn't breathe, and her words became unclear, "I... um, I heard you came back, so I wanted to tell you Happy birthday to you, woo..."

When I heard you came back, I forgot all my grievances and unhappiness at once, I just wanted to say happy birthday to you and give you a gift, but I didn't expect to be murdered by you. Fierce, all the grievances could not hold back.

She just wanted to say a happy birthday to Jiang Youwan and wanted to send a birthday present...  

"Ugh..." Jiang Jinyi kept sniffing her nose and wiping her tears, her sleeves were all wet, she choked and repeated: "I didn't mark any other omega... ..."

Jiang Youwan's heart is about to be broken, and there is a feeling of being lost and found again. She regretted her actions just now, and just wanted to make up for her sadness just now. Her tone was soft and soft: "It's my sister's fault. My sister shouldn't have murdered you just now. My sister apologizes to you and doesn't cry, okay?"

Jiang Youwan stretched out his arms to take her into his arms, but Jiang Jinyi struggled to push her away, wiped her tears and ran out.

No, she has the smell of other omegas all over her body now, Jiang Youwan must be very annoying, she has to wash it off, wash it all off.

Jiang Youwan wanted to follow up, saw the box that had just fallen on the ground, stopped to pick it up, opened it, and found a necklace with a pearl pendant in the box.

The necklace is beautiful and delicate.


After reading this line, Jiang Youwan only felt sour in her heart, and all her emotions turned into distress for Jiang Jinyi, what should I do, how can I coax her well, Only to make up for her sadness.

Xiao Jin is so painful.


Jiang Jinyi sniffed her nose and wiped her tears to find clothes. After finding a change of clothes, she immediately ran into the bathroom, closed the door, and ignored the wound on her arm. The smell of Huo Qi's pheromone was washed away, and it was clean, not a little bit left.

She wants to wash it clean, and then let Jiang Youwan get close, she doesn't want Jiang Youwan to smell the smell of other omegas and feel uncomfortable.

If other omegas are marked, the pheromone of the omega cannot be washed off.

She wants to prove to Jiang Youwan that she is clean.

The bathroom was foggy, Jiang Jinyi squeezed a lot of shower gel and wiped it on her body. Jiang Youwan came to coax her.

But... Jiang Jinyi feels that she is too much. Today is Jiang Youwan's birthday. Otherwise, let her be a little bit?

Just go and say happy birthday to her, just say it and ignore her.

Immersed in his own thoughts, Jiang Jinyi did not notice that someone was approaching, the bathroom door handle was held by a pair of fair skinny hands, "click", and opened.

Jiang Jinyi was startled, she turned her head sharply, and saw that Jiang Youwan was only wearing a bath towel, and was closing the door on her side. Button, raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Jinyi with a smile.

Jiang Jinyi was so anxious that her face was pale, she hurriedly pulled the bath towel hanging on the wall to wrap herself, her face instantly turned red, her eyes were flustered, and she said incoherently: "What are you doing?!"

How could she be so rude, when someone was taking a shower, she actually barged in, still, without clothes...

"Get out!"

Jiang Youwan chose not to hear her words, and slowly unfastened the towel on her body. Jiang Jinyi couldn't bear the picture and turned her back. She chuckled lightly. There are traces of charm hidden, like spider webs, they want to wrap and entangle Jiang Jinyi, and then eat them.

Jiang Youwan walked towards her and wrapped her arms around her waist, Jiang Jinyi froze, trembling slightly, she forgot how to breathe, and felt Jiang Youwan's face against her Her shoulders, she gently lifted her hair with her hands, her mouth and nose were very close to the back of her neck, and she said softly, "Baby, don't be angry, okay?"

I don't know if it was intentional or not. Jiang Youwan's breath was all sprayed on the back of her neck when she spoke. She took that kind of medicine not long ago. She was fragile, Jiang Jinyi pushed her, her voice was fragile and trembling: "Don't..."

"Are you still angry with my sister? How do you want my sister to make up for you?" Jiang Youwan is very good at coaxing people. He was so fierce just now and now he is so gentle, like Tan Chunshui, soft, Very pretty. Very pretty.

She wrapped around her waist and attached to her back, "Baby has been wronged, my sister will give you anything you want, and use it to coax you, okay?"

Give everything...

Jiang Jinyi couldn't help her, and quickly surrendered, "I'm not angry..."

"What's wrong with your hand?" Jiang Youwan suddenly noticed the wound on Jiang Jinyi's arm, and instantly became nervous, grabbed Jiang Jinyi's wrist and lifted her arm to see, only I saw a wound of about three centimeters on her fair arm.

Jiang Youwan's eyes were full of distress, and his tone was tense, "How did you get hurt? Did Huo Qi do it?"

Originally Jiang Youwan didn't say it was okay, but as soon as she said it, when she cared about Jiang Jinyi, she couldn't help being hypocritical, she said aggrieved and whispered: "Huo Qi gave me medicine, I couldn't mark her, and to keep myself awake, I scratched myself with the fragments of the vase."

Jiang Jinyi didn't dare to hit him hard, the wound was not deep, but in Jiang Youwan's view, it was still shocking.

Jiang Youwan can even imagine the scene at that time, when Jiang Jinyi was scared, frightened and uncomfortable.

A dark light flashed in Jiang Youwan's eyes, her voice was a little hoarse: "Don't worry, Xiao Jin, elder sister will make those who bully you pay the price.

Jiang Youwan's words carried an imperceptible hostility, Jiang Jinyi knew she was serious, shook her head, and said, "Huo Qi... Well, after all, she's a friend I've known since childhood, and I don't want to make trouble too ugly."

Jiang Youwan frowned in dissatisfaction, and seemed to be a little dissatisfied: "Will Xiao Jin be close to her in the future?"

"I won't play with her in the future, I will walk away when I see her." Feeling her displeasure, Jiang Jinyi assured her.

Jiang Youwan restrained her anger, and was noncommittal to Jiang Jinyi's words, her eyes became tender and watery again, and she lowered her head and kissed her smooth shoulders, Jiang Jinyi's body trembled and her face flushed red. Blood, and wanted to push her again, "Can you go out, how can you be like this..."

Jiang Youwan not only didn't leave, she also squeezed the bath towel that she was wrapping around her body, and whispered, "Sister washes for you."

Help her wash?

No, no, she'll be ashamed!

Jiang Jinyi tightly clenched the bath towel in her hand to prevent her from tearing it off. She looked like her, with a little pleading in her eyes. The eyes that had just been crying were wet and pitiful.

It seems that she will really be shy to death.

The more shy she is, the more excited Jiang Youwan is.

"Xiaojin's arm wound can't get wet, and there is a little smell of other omegas on her body. Can you let my sister wash it off for you? The tone of voice, but there is an irresistible hidden inside, and it is useless to refuse.

The bathroom door was locked by her, and so was the room door. Jiang Jinyi was like a harmless scholar trapped in a spider cave, struggling for nothing.

"Anyway, it's not the first time. My sister has given you a bath before, don't be shy?"

Jiang Jinyi was so ashamed, she wanted to agree to her, but was too ashamed to agree, so she found a reason for herself, the smell of omega was all over her body, and she couldn't smell it very much. What if there are residues? Jiang Youwan is so sensitive to omega's pheromones, if she washes herself, she will definitely be able to clean it...  

During this period of Jiang Jinyi's thinking, she never thought that Jiang Youwan had seized the opportunity to tear off the bath towel. She was startled and closed her eyes shyly. The shower was turned on again, and it was warm The water drenched on his body, drenched for a while, and was closed again.

Closed her eyes, her other senses were magnified, and she felt Jiang Youwan put the shower gel on her body and rubbed it away little by little.

Jiang Youwan covered her body with shower gel, and then heard her **** voice: "Turn around."

Jiang Jinyi made a pitiful "woo", turned around stiffly, but still did not dare to open her eyes, Jiang Youwan chuckled, "It seems that my sister really said it, Xiao Jin is an alpha who doesn't want to be used. If she is so shy, will her girlfriend make you *she dare not*? Then what should I do?"

Jiang Jinyi couldn't stand this kind of language stimulation, opened his eyes, and immediately winked at Shangjiang Youwan's eyes, an omega of SSSS level, a soul-sucking existence.

"You also help my sister wash, okay?"

Jiang Jinyi tightened her jaw, Jiang Youwan raised her hand, squeezed some shower gel into her hand, took her to wipe it on his body, and began to teach her how to help .

"Don't be shy." Jiang Youwan was gentle and patient, and guided her step by step, telling her that this is what Xiao Jin often buries, and that is what Xiao Jin will often add in the future. Things that are exclusive to Xiao Jin should be used frequently in the future, so don't be shy.

The two helped each other, Jiang Jinyi was dizzy and couldn't turn around, she didn't hear what Jiang Youwan said, and felt that her brain was burned out.

I have used a lot of shower gel, but the mandala flower fragrance in the bathroom has completely covered the smell of the shower gel. Excited to get her caress...

Different from facing Huo Qi before, she was instinctively seduced by Jiang Youwan and seduced by her.

This is the difference, she likes Jiang Youwan, she doesn't like Huo Qi.

Jiang Youwan suddenly leaned over and buried it in her neck, Jiang Jinyi didn't dare to move for a moment, and after two seconds, Jiang Youwan smiled and stepped back, praising her: " It's great, the smell of other omegas is gone, it's all the smell of my sister."

Jiang Jinyi blinked happily after being praised like this.

Is it all the smell of my sister?

She hates the smell of Huo Qi on her body, but she is not at all disgusted by the smell of Jiang Youwan, and even feels happy.

This is the difference, she likes Jiang Youwan, she doesn't like Huo Qi.

She only likes Jiang Youwan, so she won't feel disgusted by Jiang Youwan's excessive things to her, how blushing her heart beats.

I want to give myself to her and let her play.

Jiang Youwan saw the addiction and enjoyment in her eyes, filled with an inexplicable sense of satisfaction, turned around, turned her back to her, and said, "Help sister wipe your back..."

Jiang Jinyi had already been led by her to wipe the front, but she was no longer so shy in the back, so obediently squeezed some shower gel and wiped it on her back.

Jiang Youwan's back is very beautiful, her skin is smooth and delicate, her figure is not slender, her body is uneven, her curves are very attractive, and her body is very soft.

Wiping and wiping, Jiang Youwan suddenly lifted the hair on the back of his neck, revealing his pink body in front of Jiang Jinyi, and said softly, "Wipe it here too."

Jiang Jinyi shook her hand and didn't dare to wipe it, but she was afraid of being laughed at, so after hesitating for a while, she obediently wiped the shower gel on. When she touched her body, Jiang Youwan overflowed. With a hum, the body was shaking.

Jiang Jinyi choked her breath, her face was extremely hot, her eyes wanted to move away from there, but she couldn't, and even a bold thought that she had never dared to think of, let Jiang Youwan also got his own taste.


Jiang Youwan should like it.

So, she couldn't help but start exuding the fragrance of hyacinth flowers, she only dared to be careful and gentle.

I thought Jiang Youwan couldn't notice it, but after a while, Jiang Youwan's body became softer and softer, and she was about to fall into her arms.

Jiang Jinyi hurriedly hugged her from behind, Jiang Youwanyi was in her arms, looking back, looking at her with anger but not anger, "Xiao Jin is bad at learning, but he actually knows how to use information Su seduced my sister, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Jinyi suddenly felt guilty, and the little movements of secret poking were exposed, and she was ashamed to admit, "No, no..."

"Isn't there? You smell it, it's all your smell..." Jiang Youwan held her head down and brought the back of his neck to her nose for her to smell, but Jiang Jinyi didn't Resisting, smelling it seriously, it is the scent of hyacinth and mandala mixed, the air is full of...

Wow, she couldn't hide and was discovered.

Suddenly, Jiang Youwan pressed her head down again, her lips touched her body, as if kissing, Jiang Youwan snorted happily.

The tail rises, and she is charming and charming.

Jiang Jinyi tensed her body and looked back in a panic. She was afraid that Jiang Youwan would be planted on the ground and couldn't move, so she could only let Jiang Youwan make trouble.

"You said you didn't..." Jiang Youwan blamed her, "Xiaojin looks so shy, but secretly seduces her sister with pheromones."

Jiang Youwan looked at her with blurry eyes, her cheeks were flushed, and it was clear that it was going to be sunny.

Xian's body was still rubbing against her lips, as if to lure her to bite...

"I, I didn't..." Jiang Jinyi panicked, she just thought, just thought... uh, she couldn't refute it at all.

Jiang Youwan chuckled, and couldn't help turning around and kissing the corner of her mouth, her fox eyes sullen, her nasal voice **** and sultry, "Sister said, I don't want to use inhibitors..."

The author has something to say:

It's late, everyone is in a hurry.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: the wind blows the wild, and the whole life is crazy for fishing! 1;

 , 42862500, this novel is so beautiful! , CZK, Y1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: . 40 bottles; 4978794428 bottles; 25 bottles of Yesheng; 24 bottles of Friendship, Phantom; 20 bottles of Xiaofei, Youdian, Lanshan; 10 bottles of Fu Yi Shisheng, Swan Meat, DDD.DDD, CZK, Feng Qingye, Qi Qi ; This novel is so good! 6 bottles; North Carolina blue, shimmering dreamland., small table, Pepsi Keller, pink hair dryer, 5 bottles for my 100 sisters; 1590, no one is just, a sheep, Yi'er③, the lamb is only three and a half years old 2 Bottle; 41321410, Shen Xiaoguai, Yongning County Lord, ? . ? . ?, Kasheng, Cixiu, 54513855, hhaoy, Han Nianzhen, Silent, Battlefield Haragawa, Xiaoerlang 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!