MTL - Age of Collapse-Chapter 1151 Ridiculous tyrant

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"Show your identity." Outside the Commander's dormitory, a Valkyrie responsible for peripheral vigilance blocked John.

John silently showed his identity card. After reading the Valkyrie, John used the observation system to identify John ’s physical features, including the iris and fingerprints. After confirming that he was correct, he scanned his entire body, and found no weapons or danger. Product, then set aside.

After pushing the wheelchair into the room, John saw Agronso taking a nap in the bed, and two Valkyries who were on duty 24 hours a day.

The two Valkyrie looked at John at the same time, and said with the same tone and frequency: "You have entered the alert zone, please do not make any dangerous actions. Any offensive behavior will be killed and revealed any harm. The intention is to be killed, and any move that might threaten the commander-in-chief will be killed. "

Looking at the two Valkyrie, who are indistinguishable from the machinery, John's heart has sunk to the extreme.

In recent years, out of a negative attitude towards the "personalization" of weapons, the federal army has completely erased the valkyrie consciousness. They are no different from the real machinery, there is no emotion, and they only take orders to input instructions. .

In order to prevent Agronso from being assassinated, or if someone wanted to hold Agronso to seize power, the federal generals had already reached a consensus and coaxed and deceived Agronso to order to stay with him for 24 hours. The closely guarded Valkyrie, except John and a few who are responsible for taking care of the living, are not allowed to enter Agronso's bedroom.

It can be said that Agronso is absolutely safe now, at least until the senior generals reach a consensus, choose a new commander-in-chief, and flicker again until Agronso de-security, he will never be harmed in any way.

At that time, the bald eagle was really bald, just like black hair became white hair, and his nickname also changed from "bald eagle" to "tyrant".

When the reminder of the Valkyrie came, Agronso opened his sleepy eyes, his mental head was not bad, and he stretched out a lazy waist, holding the blonde doll next to him in his arms, lazily. He looked at John and said, "Good afternoon, John."

John pushed the wheelchair to Agronso. He pouted tightly, took Agronso's hand, and trembled, "Commander in chief, someone needs your help."

Aglonso hugged the doll and touched his head in confusion: "Who needs my help?"

"The innocent." John looked at Agronso sadly. "The offensive of the Cross Church has intensified, and the Red Blood Empire can't hold on ..."

After a long silence, Agronso suddenly asked mysteriously, "Are many people dead?"

Seeing Agronso seemed to have responded to this, John's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly said, "Thousands, far more than you think!"

"Oh ..." Agronso held up, lowered his body, and put his mouth to John's ear. There was a little hope in John's eyes, thinking that Agronso was epiphanyed, but who knows, he heard the terrible four words again, "Kill them ..."

"Hee hee ... kill them ... kill them ..." Agronso stared roundly, his face full of sickly groans, holding the golden doll in his arms, rubbing constantly Its head, said excitedly, "John, please contact the Cross Church and ask if you need help. I can help them kill the people of the Empire. The more you kill, the better! Hehe hehe ..."

John looked at Agronso sadly and said quietly, "I will not pass this order."

Agronso seemed to be irritated, holding his hair in a desperate mood, and even appeared to be young because of mental problems. He kept rolling on the bed and hissing: "Quick order! I want to kill them !! Just them !!! ''

Aglonso's authority was connected to the body chip, and a guarding Valkyrie seemed to have been ordered to walk outwards.

John desperately hugged the Valkyrie's waist and tried to stop her, but couldn't do it with his crippled body. The whole man was dragged out of the bedroom all the way. He had to bite the Valkyrie's leg as a last resort. .

The Valkyrie was attacked, and the system determined the threat level and responded by breaking John's rib with a punch and knocking him to the ground.

Watching the Valkyrie drift away, John was sobbing silently, and said to himself desperately: "We are finished ... all of us are finished ..."


Ten minutes later, the command center sounded the highest combat readiness warning.

The senior generals who were still arguing in the conference room were frightened directly. They hurriedly asked the relevant personnel about the situation and finally got a unified response: the commander-in-chief conveyed the highest command to the entire army, and the air assault cluster and rapid reaction forces immediately carried out cross-sea operations The rest of the army assembled and reorganized within one week for landing operations.

When asked about the targets of the battle, the answers trembled everyone: the target, the Red Blood Empire. All annihilation, no matter the cost.

One general yelled angrily: "This is ridiculous! How did the commander-in-chief give such an order?"

Although the generals of the conference room have different political views, the general direction is the same. They all point their finger at the edgy Cross Church, treating the church army as the first threat, and if necessary, uniting the vital forces of the empire and giving them military assistance.

But no one thought that Agronso came directly back, not to mention how foolish it was to help the strong and the weak. Once landed on the coast of the empire, the goal was still aimed at the empire, and the Imperial Army Once killed, the federal army will be retired, or they will be captured by the church and killed in one fell swoop.

Tyre's eyes fluttered and he gritted his teeth and said, "Someone must have stimulated the commander-in-chief!"

The generals heard that they hurried to the bedroom of the commander-in-chief, and soon they saw John paralyzed on the ground outside the door.

Till grabbed John and yelled, "What stupid thing did you do ?!"

John just shed tears helplessly and muttered, "I'm sorry ... I messed up ... all blame me ..."

Tyre hadn't had time to beat him ~ ~ An officer walked over quickly and said Shen Sheng: "Admiral Tyre, you have been appointed commander of the landing force, please execute the order immediately, our The main force needs to complete the assembly within a week. "

Immediately afterwards, the officers transmitted orders to other generals. Most of the generals were appointed, but basically the positions were wrong-the logistics manager was appointed as the leader of the air assault cluster, and the communication manager was called to direct the command. The reaction forces, who were actually responsible for the command of the battlefield, were called to maintain the supplies, and they were completely confused.

However, power is such a delicate thing. When you can't resist it, or you can't afford the cost of resistance, you can't refuse a top-down command, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Now, the only thing the federal generals can do is to obey. If they disobey, they will either be arrested by the gendarmerie, or they will offend Agronso and be thrown into the sea by the Valkyrie.

In desperation, the generals could only fulfill their mission and set about preparing this ridiculous battle.

Before leaving, Tyre looked coldly at John, who was paralyzed on the ground, and said cruelly, "You are an eternal waste, useless."