MTL - Age of Empires From Scratch-Chapter 229 A little light shock

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  Chapter 229 A Little Light Shock

  Since the establishment of Snowfield Castle, it has received strong support from Iron Tree Castle, and all kinds of manpower and material resources have been transported to the northern plain, which is almost the center of the land.

   Therefore, the establishment of Snowfield Castle is very fast.

  When David looked at Snowfield Fort from a distance, there was only a simple wall around it. Now a simple city wall has been built around Snowfield Fort.

  Although this city wall cannot be compared with the tall and heavy city wall of Iron Tree Fort, it can be regarded as a prototype.

  If the orcs hadn't hit Snowfield Castle so quickly and given humans some time to slowly manage it, it wouldn't be so inconceivable that Snowfield Castle would become the most powerful and defensive fortress in the northern plains.

  It's a pity that the appearance of the orcs plunged Snowfield Castle into the flames of war early. Under the repeated impact of the orcs, many gaps appeared in these simple city walls.

  According to the current trend, as long as the orcs keep attacking, even if they can't enter the Snowfield Castle through the gap, they can continue to increase the gap, making the Snowfield Castle's defense worse and worse.

  With the human soldiers taking one thing at a time and losing another, and under mental pressure, it is only a matter of time before Snowfield Fortress falls.

   "No wonder they hurriedly asked for help from Winter Town."

  When David received the distress letter, although he knew that the situation in Snowfield Fort was not good, but when he got here, he realized that the key to the problem was not only the physical and mental state of the soldiers, but also the impending collapse of the defense facilities.

  Because of the gap in troop strength, once the protection of the city wall is lost, the people in Snowfield Castle will soon be completely swallowed by the orc army.

  Following Knight Maddox-Hawk, he quickly learned about the general situation of Snowfield Fort, and David also came to the wounded barracks.

   It is said to be the wounded barracks, but it is actually the barracks of Snowfield Fort.

   All the seriously injured are placed here, and there is a special place for corpses not far away.

  David noticed that there was already a pile of firewood, and it seemed that these corpses were ready to be burned at any time.

   "If you can hold on, these sacrificed soldiers will be sent back to Iron Tree Fort... If you can't continue to hold on..."

  David nodded, and burned the corpse directly to avoid being harmed by the orcs.

   Regarding the ugly, unintelligible, and seemingly uncivilized strange races outside the city, Maddox and the others did not expect the other party to properly arrange the remains of these soldiers.

   As for the wounded soldiers...

  David took a few more glances at the wounded soldiers. The wounded soldiers here are all seriously injured. Many soldiers just hang on their breath without swallowing. Maybe when David looked at them, someone swallowed their last breath.

Originally, he wanted Sally Whitemane to treat these wounded soldiers, but now it seems that there are a lot of wounded soldiers, and the injuries are serious. Although Sally Whitemane is an excellent priest of the Holy Light, let her It is still a bit difficult to treat so many injured patients in a short period of time.

   "It seems that I still have to do it myself."

  David looked at his position, and then walked to the open space next to Maddox-Hawk's puzzled eyes.

   "Master Baron, this is..."

   "You wait a moment, I will take care of these wounded soldiers first."

   "Deal with..." Maddox's face changed drastically, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

   Just as he was about to say something, he just opened his mouth when Lord David Glamorgan, in front of him, suddenly burst out with golden yellow energy.

  The strong energy burst set off a gust of wind, and Maddox, who hadn't expected this situation at all, was almost staggered by the gust of wind.

  Thanks to the armor on his body, it helped him stabilize his figure, and it also brought him back to his senses in the first place, clearly witnessing the whole process.

A powerful holy light erupted from David's body. As he slowly raised and opened his hands as if to embrace something, the holy light gradually expanded to the surrounding area until it enveloped the entire Snowfield Fort in a golden halo among.

And inside Snowfield Fort covered by the golden holy light, it seems that golden yellow 'rain' has fallen, but some of these rains are like silk threads, some are like feathers, and the falling speed is very slow, everyone can clearly see Seeing these 'rainwater', you can even touch it easily.

Accompanied by these peculiar scenery, the soldiers felt that their bodies had returned to their best condition, and all the fatigue that had filled the whole body was swept away. The injuries suffered during the battle during this period also dissipated with the washing of the rain. .

  Some people even took off their armor and watched in amazement that all kinds of injuries on their bodies healed quickly.

   "My God! This is a miracle!"

   "What is this? I feel that my body is stronger than ever. Let me go out of the city now, and I can kill three orcs with one punch!"

Compared with the soldiers in other areas of Snowfield Fort, who had no idea what was going on, Maddox Hawke, who was close at hand and watched Baron David Glamorgan release the huge holy light, was so shocked that he didn't know what to do. What is the right reaction.

   Especially when he saw that some seriously injured patients not far away actually sat up or even stood up directly from the bed by their own strength.

  As time passed, more and more seriously injured soldiers left the beds and ground where they were lying, and slowly walked to this relatively empty square.

  Except for a few people looking up at the 'rain' falling from the sky, most people are staring at the man not far away who exudes divine radiance with eyes full of emotions such as shock, hope, and gratitude.

  They don't know who this person is, but they all know that this person saved themselves.

  As the first knight knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to David to express his gratitude, more and more knights and soldiers knelt down on one knee to David.

  The holy light shrouded in Snowfield Fort gradually dissipated, and the light on David's body also gradually faded. The soldiers who had healed around him had already seen David's true appearance clearly.

   Just when they were guessing in their hearts who the man who saved them and almost gave them a second life was, they heard the man's 'self-introduction'.

   "I am the lord of Cold Winter Town, Baron David Glamorgan, and now I am officially taking over all the affairs of Snowfield Castle!"

  David's eyes swept over everyone, without staying on anyone. But everyone present felt that they were being watched.

   "Next, you will be my soldiers and accept my command!"

   "Willing to serve Lord Glamorgan!"

  The deafening reply resounded through the sky and spread throughout Snowfield Fortress, even the orc army stationed outside the city at a certain distance could hear the angry cry.

  The orcs couldn't understand human language, but they could perceive the raging fighting spirit from it. The orcs, who thought that there would be no changes in the next battle, began to feel something was wrong.

   It is impossible for Maddox Hawke, who was at the scene, to not notice something that the orcs who were some distance away from Snowfield Castle could detect.

  As these soldiers were healed of their injuries by that magical power, the morale of the soldiers in Snowfield Castle reached its peak, even surpassing when the reinforcements first entered Snowfield Castle.

It's not surprising when you think about it, if instead he was lying there unable to move, he could only slowly wait for the arrival of death, but in the end there was a powerful existence who healed his injuries, and he would treat that person incomparably gratitude.

  If this strong man is still his commander for a while, then he will have enough confidence to fight against any enemy!

  Even if he didn't have that near-death resurrection experience, he is now full of hope for the future.

  With this magical power as his backing, he no longer thinks the orcs outside the city are such a huge threat, even though there are more than 5,000 orcs gathered outside Snowfield Castle.

   "What's the current situation in Iron Tree Fort and Tilan Kingdom?"

  David determined through the reactions of these people around him that these soldiers from Iron Tree Fort would support him wholeheartedly in the future, and there would be no such thing as disobeying orders or even causing trouble for himself.

   Now he is very curious, after Snowfield Fort asked Iron Tree Fort for help, what was the reaction of Iron Tree Fort?

"The reinforcements from Iron Tree Castle will not be able to reach Snowfield Castle in a short time." Looking at the young Baron of Glamorgan in front of him, Maddox-Hawk became more respectful than before: "How will King Tilan react? , I don't know."

  David nodded, indicating that he understood, and then he went to the city wall, intending to observe the orc army outside the city.

   On the way, he also asked about the current situation of Snowfield Fort.

  This time the question is not about military power.

  He knew about the military strength of Snowfield Castle before he came. With the recovery of the seriously injured, although the military strength of Snowfield Castle has dropped a bit compared to its peak period, it is still very strong.

   But he doesn't know much about people's livelihood.

   Now through Maddox's introduction, David knows more about Snowfield Fort.

  Except for the 1,000 auxiliary soldiers who followed this time, there are still more than 700 left; the original male civilians in Snowfield Fort can basically serve as auxiliary soldiers, and there are still about 400 people left in this group.

  In addition, there are about 500 artisans and farmers who escaped from the eastern villages and towns and were subsequently recruited from the western villages and towns.

  There are no exact figures for women and children.

   After listening to the report on the population situation, David stopped asking.

  David doesn't like the building facilities in Snowfield Fortress. When the orcs are repelled, he will definitely let Digger completely remodel Snowfield Fortress.

   David, who stepped on the city wall, looked towards the orc camp in the distance: messy, simple, and rough!

   It’s a camp, but it’s more like a large group of orcs randomly looking for a place to sit down and rest in twos and threes. There are a few fires in the crowd, which should be the bonfires raised by the orcs. Other than that, they can’t even see a simple camp.

   After looking at it for a while, David asked Maddox directly, did he see anything special when fighting the orcs?

   "Special circumstances? It seems that there is no..."

  (end of this chapter)