MTL - All For the Sake of Great Harmony-Chapter 19 .The legendary beauty model 6

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Sinan Keqiang smiled and said, "Relax, I'm fine."

"Today ’s politics has a quiz, English also has to dictate texts, historical geography needs to be checked and memorized, and you remember to look at it for a while." Although Si Nanke's grades are better than him, this state can not help but let Mei Xing substitute He was worried.

"Okay ..." Si Nanke smiled, albeit in a bad spirit.

Mei Xing shook her head. "You ... but don't be stubborn. If you are not in good spirits, just tell the teacher. You always do this, you take care of everything yourself, but you still smile." "Don't come here to tutor me tonight. Take a rest early when you get home."

Sinanke said, "No, I'm fine, but maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

Mei Xing shook her head and sighed.

When I arrived at the school, the first two lessons were okay, and the teachers in the second two lessons who had a bad face came to ask.

Seeing Si Nanke humming, he didn't know what he was talking about. The teacher sighed, pushed the reading glasses on his face, and said, "Who do you take Si Nanke to the infirmary to see? "

Mei Xing stood up, "Teacher, let me go."

The teacher nodded and said, "Go and hurry up, Si Nanke, you remember to take care of yourself. You look at you, your face is so bad, next time you feel uncomfortable, remember to ask the class teacher for leave directly, although our key classes are tight , But not to ignore the body. "

"Oh ..." Si Nanke responded, and the teacher felt that the sound was floating, Mei Xing didn't dare to delay, and quickly carried Si Nanke out with another classmate.

At the infirmary, the medical teacher checked and asked Mei Xing and another classmate to help him to the bed, saying, "Fever, 38.9 degrees."

Si Nanke was lying on the bed, he didn't know if he understood, he smiled at the medical teacher.

The medical teacher was happy, "Why are you laughing? If you didn't come early, you should be foolish."

"How can it be!" Si Nanke hippie said with a smile, "It's less than 39 degrees, it must be 42 degrees upward to burn people stupid!"

"Poor!" The medical teacher spit out a word, another young medical teacher brought the medicine and asked, "Is it an injection or a hanging bottle?"

Si Nanke said, "Let's get an injection, get an injection soon."

Mei Xing and another classmate were okay to see Si Nanke, and they discussed that they should return to the classroom first. The medical teacher said, "Stay alone. Teacher Zou and I will go out. There will be a meeting. You will stay here to take care of this classmate."

Mei Xing and another classmate glanced at each other. Mei Xing said, "I'll stay." Another classmate said, "That's it, I'll talk to the teacher when I go back."

The medical teacher opened a list, wrote the reason for the international student to take care of it, and gave it to the classmate. The classmate said goodbye to the medical teacher and left.

It didn't take long for the two medical teachers to go out before leaving and handing over the spare key to Mei Xing in case they could not return.

Mei Xing moved a stool and sat by Sinanke's bed.

Si Nanke, who had been given an injection and drank medicine, soon fell asleep, lying quietly on the bed, and without a sunny smile on his face, he became a little calm. Looking at it like this, the facial features were actually very delicate.

It is overly beautiful and slightly delicate and different from Mei Xing.

Mei Xing had nothing to do when she was idle. She simply supported her chin and looked at Si Nanke who was quietly asleep on the bed.

As soon as Si Nanke woke up from morning to afternoon, when he woke up hauntingly, the sunset glowed half of the sky, the warm light reflected in from the doorway, the medical teacher returned early, and was prescribing medicine for two cold students. "You little young people ... just ruin your own youth and don't stay up all night playing games."

The two students hurriedly went away.

Si Nanke sat up holding his body and was seeing Mei Xing coming in from the door, and there were four or five female classmates beside him.

"Wake up?" Mei Xing said hello from a long distance, opened the insulation pot on the side of the table, poured out the chicken, shiitake mushroom, egg and rice porridge with the flowers in it, "You've all slept for a day. But fortunately it burned out Come, drink some porridge, my mom boiled you for noon! I also bought the old hen hanging broth. "

The girls on the side heard the expressions, all with surprised expressions.

Si Nanke smiled, "Thank you!"

Mei Xing gave him a white look. "Do you need it? Drink it."

Si Nanke smiled and drank the porridge, but did not speak. But the loud noise in his stomach said it all.

The girls looked at Si Nanke and Mei Xing in surprise, and one of them asked, "You two are so good?"

Mei Xing has always been quiet. She rarely plays with others during class. They are obedient to review or complete homework. Sinanke is completely opposite to Mei Xing. We went out to play two games, and we had to chat and laugh with our classmates if we didn't play or not play.

Sometimes Si Nanke also talks to Mei Xing, but it seems that the relationship is good, and no one knows that the two are so familiar.

Mei Xing explained, "I and he are neighbors. His parents are very busy at work and don't go home so he always comes to our house for dinner."

In fact, he had never seen Si Nanke's parents go home. On the other hand, he had seen the lights of Si Nanke's family turned on in the middle of the night, and the sound of cooking came out. From time to time, Si Nanke complained to him that his parents always came home late, either missed him or awakened him, causing him to fall asleep.


Of course, it was Sinanke who deliberately tried to cover it up.

A few girls realized this.

"Speaking of which, I didn't see Si Nanke's parents when school started! Si Nanke did the admission procedures by himself," said a girl.

Si Nanke drank a bowl of porridge, and felt a bit hungry in his stomach. He licked his mouth and said with a smile, "Yeah, yeah, how unreliable are my parents? I am a junior high school student. Alas! But they are also busy at work, so I will be considerate. "

Seeing his bright smile, the girls blushed.

One stepped forward, gave him his notebook, and said, "You didn't go to class today, and it's probably a lot of down, but my notes are quite complete, you can go back and see if you can master them.

Si Nanke froze, remembering his identity as a hegemon, and almost cried. How good would it be to be a bachelor to learn scum from the last world? You don't need to learn the knowledge that you haven't used in 800 years as hard as you do now.

Pretend to be cool for a while, and replenish the intestines afterwards! !! !!


You are pretending to be loaded, and you must finish it while kneeling!

Si Nanke took the girl's notebook with a smile and touched it accidentally. Although the girl looked as usual, her ear tip turned quietly red. Seeing this, a girl next to herself hated herself for not taking a note with her, and chatting with Si Nanke with a smile, she did not want Si Nanke to notice the girl.

The rest of the girls secretly winked and thought, it was really dark.

But one of these girls, watching the girl who gave Si Nanke's notebook and the monitor who talked about sports and Si Nanke Kankan, had envy on her face that she didn't know.

Mei Xing watched the girl quietly seize the position beside Si Nanke, and talked and laughed with Si Nanke, but she didn't know what she felt. He looked at Si Nanke, who has always been wider than himself, and he was not in the taste.

Because of his personality, although he also has a few friends, he is definitely inferior to Sinanke who is very familiar with the class and even the people next door. It is said that Sinan Kelian's school grass upstairs and the school flower sister of the third grade all knew each other!

Mei Xing thinks that she probably has some envy in her heart, right?

A few girls quickly left reluctantly. Mei Xing helped Si Nanke pack his schoolbag at noon. He just brought it back. Si Nanke got out of bed and asked the medical teacher to help him take his temperature. Get your schoolbag and walk back with Mei Xing. On the way, Mei Xing said to Si Nanke, "You have so many friends ..."

Si Nanke grinned, "That's because I like to play and like to make trouble, you don't usually like to play with others, they are naturally not so familiar with you. But I'm also surprised, I thought that those who came to see me would be What about these guys? I didn't expect to be a few girls ... I don't usually play with them? "

On the 12th and 13th, it was already an age when boys and girls had clear gender consciousness and distinct circles. Although Si Nanke was a 20-year-old pretend old monster, he would not leave the stream to play with girls, so he would Others obediently play in the boys circle. The main thing is that girls like it no matter what time and space. He is a boy who likes to run and play, and likes to play! 2k novel reading network