MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 108 The upstart president and the down-and-out daughter (14)

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Gu Zhong's originally steady breathing frequency changed slightly, his hands moved slightly again, and the originally closed eyelids were slowly opened, and there was still a little mist in his eyes.

"Take care!"

One hand held her outstretched right hand, Ling Yan looked suspiciously at the person who stopped her.

"Ayan, do you want to ruin this rare night?"

Gu Zhong raised a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, his tone was very frivolous, completely different from the stubborn and charming young aristocratic family in the past.

For Ling Yan, she is very familiar with her. This is the person who has been with her for tens of thousands of years and who she has been thinking about for tens of thousands of years!


Muttering the name in her mouth, Ling Yan stared down at Gu Zhong who was lying on the bed in a daze, her eyes widened, as if all her consciousness and soul were taken away in an instant. No other superfluous expressions.

Gu Zhong lay on her back and was about to say something when a drop of warm liquid fell on her cheek, holding endless sorrow and longing.

Seeing the appearance of the beloved girl, Gu Zhong restrained all his indecentness.

"Ayan, don't cry, I'm back."

She raised her hand to wipe the tears on Ling Yan's face.

But it seemed to trigger some more extraordinary switch, and the man cried even more fiercely.

Ling Yan buried her head in Gu Zhong's neck and cried extremely happily, as if she wanted to express all her grievances and heartache for so many years.

She was originally an innocent and willful person, but she forced herself to become the calm and forbearing character she is now, because she has no one to rely on anymore.

At this time, she was able to turn back into a young child who did not need to take on anything. She tried her best to cry, but no one blamed her, and some cared and depended on her.

With her hands around her thin shoulders and neck, she patted Ling Yan's back soothingly, once, once, and again, as if she was coaxing the baby to sleep.

Xu Shi was really too tired, and the tight strings in his heart suddenly loosened, Ling Yan actually fell asleep on the sick person Gu Zhong.

He sighed helplessly, Gu Zhong's eyes were full of doting, and he didn't care that he had just woken up, just because he was weak, so they hugged each other all night.

Ling Yan woke up slowly when the first ray of sunlight hit her face in the morning. She hadn't slept so peacefully for a long time.

Ling Yan just wanted to lift her body up when she felt Gu Zhong wrapping her arms extremely tightly, and then relaxed again, lying on her side like this, looking at the sick man who was still in deep sleep suffer.

Gu Zhong's awakening was something she never expected, but thinking of Gu Zhong's awakening and final farewell from the previous world, she was not surprised.

The soul fragments are half pieced together, and Xu has reached the opportunity to wake up.

Lie down so peacefully and peacefully, the warm yellow halo gradually diffused in from the window, Ling Yan felt as if he had returned to the years ten thousand years ago.

She was lying on Gu Zhong's side like this, the two were so close to each other that they could hear each other's subtle breathing.

As soon as you look up, you can see the sun that never sets in the sky, and spread the warmth on them without any hesitation.

The finger on Ling Yan's back moved, and the person under him seemed to have had a good dream and was waking up.

"Miss Ling?"

However, the first sentence after Gu Zhong opened his eyes again made Ling Yan stunned on the spot.

She hurriedly sat up, broke free from the restraint of the warm embrace, and looked directly into Gu Zhong's eyes.

Those eyes were filled with endless confusion and surprise at the current state, and there was no longer any familiar warmth and doting—it was the original care.

Gu Zhong didn't really wake up.

This cognition is like a basin of cold water pouring down on the head, dousing the flames that rose in Ling Yan's heart.

She is not unacceptable in this situation.

It's just that everything last night seemed like a fantasy. After getting what I hoped for, and now playing it back as it was, people couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in the air.

I immediately adjusted my mentality and regained my senses. At this time, Ling Yan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

How should she explain the state of just waking up to Gu Zhong, who seems to know nothing now.

I can't say that I'm so heartbroken in the middle of the night, that I don't care about the patient's body and just fall on others.

Just as Ling Yan was thinking hard to find a reasonable explanation, Gu Zhong spoke again.

"Miss Ling, it's strange, I seem to have had a very long dream."

She didn't bother with the strange sight just now, but her words were full of confusion.

"I don't remember the content of the clear dream, but we seem to have known each other for a long time... You have been looking for me, and until today, there is a joy of reunion in my heart. ··"

Hearing this, Ling Yan's heart moved again, maybe this is the influence of Gu Zhong's gradual awakening?

Thinking of this, and thinking of the stubborn little guy in the previous life, Ling Yan felt a sense of guilt in her heart.

If Gu Zhong really woke up, then the current Gu Zhong, with the soul fragments of his own temperament, should disappear completely.

But before she could think about it more, she didn't know which wound Gu Zhong was involved in, the face that was not very good turned paler, and her breathing became rapid, even with The monitoring instruments on the side also clamored together.

Ling Yan then remembered the correct way to deal with the patient who had just woken up. She reached out to ring the bell on the bedside, but this time Gu Zhong did not reach out to stop her.

In a few minutes, the attending doctor rushed into the ward with a few nurses aggressively. After asking a few questions and doing some simple examinations, he opened a long list of examination orders. .

It seems that this weak patient will have to toss for a whole day before he can really rest well.

Accompanying Gu Zhong to and from various inspections, a busy and fulfilling day soon passed.

After the doctor finished his daily instructions and left, there were only two people left in the blank ward, but the atmosphere of the day was never to return.

Unspoken, they did not mention the doubts and topics of the morning, and the two turned to other things.

"It's been a long time, Miss Ling, thank you."

Gu Zhong was lying on the hospital bed, thanking her sincerely, the warm color lamp on the bedside table gave her a soft light on one side, and the other side couldn't help but look a little dark.

"No need to say thank you, to use Miss Gu's words, isn't this what a girlfriend should do?"

The pen in Ling Yan's hand that was writing quickly paused, then raised her head and replied with a smile.

For some reason, different from the usual ease, Gu Zhong did not answer, and the room fell into silent silence again.

"Miss Ling, hesitate again and again, I think I have to tell you about this matter."

After a long time, Gu Zhong suddenly spoke with a solemn and serious tone.


Looking at this serious posture, Ling Yan couldn't be scornful, she closed the cap of the pen and sat upright at the table.


A sincere apology smashed Ling Yan into a bit of a daze, she had already forgotten the unpleasantness it brought.

"Actually, we haven't known each other for a long time. It's understandable that you don't trust me."

She is obviously very open about this, and it is no surprise that some of them have come to Japan to grow and distinguish people's hearts.

"He described a blue ocean to me, an opportunity that is very likely to make Yao Chung the industry leader."

After apologizing, Gu Zhong talked about the opportunity Fang Yu offered her.


Ling Yan furrowed her beautiful eyebrows tightly, somewhat disapproving.

It is true that wealth and wealth are at risk, but the pie that falls from the sky must be poisonous. This is her consistent philosophy.

"Digital Finance."

The words were loud and loud, Ling Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and now someone has seen this market, which is beyond her expectations.

There is no shortage of visionary people in every era. It depends on who can act faster and seize every right opportunity.

Digital finance is indeed an opportunity and a blue ocean.

Emerging information technology, combined with the most sensitive finance, will produce a surprising connection reaction, no one today knows.

But it also has huge risks, which involves not only the relationship between input and output.

No matter how good things are, they will only be buried under unsuitable times and national conditions, and will only be a bottomless pit with no return, not to mention the sensitive points and interests involved.

In the current situation, the financial crisis is too short-lived, and the authorities will never allow the cornerstone of finance to be manipulated. No matter how good the blueprint and future are, it is impossible.

In a word, it is not yet that time.

"Miss Gu, I'm glad you told me candidly today. I heard that you have been very busy some time ago. You must be measuring this project?"

Ling Yan took a deep breath, and there was a rare solemnity in her eyes.

"It is indeed the case. Mr. Fang has listed a lot of policy conveniences. No matter what he thinks, he feels very hopeful. So I would like to ask Miss Ling what she thinks?"

Ordinary people only ask others for their opinions when they are not sure.

"This field has not yet opened up. If you step on it now, you will only lose your bones. My suggestion is to put it on hold."

Ling Yan gave her own opinion, and calculated the reason to persuade Gu Zhong in her heart.


Gu Zhong did not ask any further questions, as if he had regained the lost trust inexplicably, and obeyed her words without hesitation.

"Ms. Gu has changed quite quickly between being stubborn and being free and easy."

I felt a little uncomfortable, and there was nowhere to tell about the draft in my heart, so Ling Yan had to make a joke.

"Because of Miss Ling's vision, she has always been trustworthy."

The one who responded to Ling Yan was Gu Zhong's half-truth and half-truth.

"You are still a patient, the doctor said, you have to pay attention to rest, these things should be thought carefully after discharge."

Shaking her head, Ling Yan stood up and walked to Gu Zhong's bed, ready to turn off the lamp for her, but was blocked again.

"But I'm not very sleepy yet—"

Gu Zhongyu said coquettishly, Ling Yan turned her head to look at her, and always felt that there was something different about Gu Zhong.


The author has something to say:

Business is all nonsense! I've been decadent recently, I'm sorry, I'm a five woo woo... Work hard to restore the update!