MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 107 Sick Dad 18

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On the ninth day of August, the students who participated in the rural examination entered the Gongyuan one day earlier. All three candidates went for the examination. The room was suddenly empty. Wang Caiwei was worried about Han Ze and lost her mind to do embroidery work. Zhao Zhengxiu's wife, Mrs. Zhang, met She seemed to be at a loss, knowing that she cared about her man, and then thinking about her own man, her brows were also worried.

Mrs. Wang threw the shoes made for Wang Ziwen in the basket, looked up at the two young daughter-in-laws, and said, "You guys are thinking too much, they are young, even Han Ze is a little older, and he is not full. Thirty, if you fail this time, there will be a next time. Now that they have entered the examination room, we have completed half of the task of accompanying the examination. Whether you win or fail will be decided when the results are released. There is no need for you to worry. Relax your mind and wait for them to come out of the examination room with peace of mind."

Wang Caiwei smiled knowingly. Although Aunt Wang is not fat, she is also generous, but what she said is right, whether Xianggong can pass the exam, she will know when the results are released. After nine days, she couldn't help frowning. Although my husband hadn't fallen ill in the past two years, his body was already thin compared to other candidates, so I don't know if he could survive these nine days. Compared with Xianggong's body, she doesn't care much about whether she can win the exam.

In the next few days, the worry on her face became more and more obvious, and she was afraid that the husband would be carried out from the Gongyuan someday. Han Erlang saw what his sister-in-law was thinking, and was more or less worried. Every day before dawn, he hurried to guard the gate of the Gongyuan.

The partial student Wang Caixia didn't know what was on her mind, so when she came to her, she said, "This exam will take nine days, and it's hard for anyone who is strong, let alone my brother-in-law, who is thin and weak. Before the exam, I suggest that you make more soup for him." , you ignore it, and worry now, isn't it too late?"

Wang Caiwei was worried about Han Ze's body, but she poked her heart with every sentence, and was very impatient with her. She didn't say anything, but her face sank, and she just said: "Listen to the tone of the eldest sister, it must be this My brother-in-law will surely pass the test when he goes back to his hometown, so my younger sister congratulates my elder sister in advance."

Wang Caixia's complexion changed slightly. No one can say that she will pass the exam before the ranking is announced. Wang Caiwei congratulates her now. What does it mean?

But Wang Caiwei didn't want to deal with her anymore. Seeing her face change, she just felt happy. Although she thought she couldn't get along with her elder sister before, she was still a sister. She endured her indifference and provocation as long as she could. Now I think it's her patience. , the more she let the eldest sister feel confident, she actually made an issue out of Han Ze's body, which really made her intolerable.

He said in a low voice: "Is there anything else, big sister? If it's okay, I will do embroidery work. My husband is from a farming family, and the family is not well-off. If I don't do embroidery work for a day, there will be no money to spend. It's not as good as big sister's house, surrounded by servants." , There is a lot of money to spend, so don’t worry about money.”

After speaking, she stopped talking to Wang Caixia, picked up the half-embroidered handkerchief on the low stool, bowed her head and began to embroider seriously.

Wang Caixia knew that her younger sister was mocking her, but she couldn't find anything to say back to her, she just felt depressed, thinking that my husband's family is rich, is it my fault?

Wang Caiwei glanced at her, your family has too much money to spend, that's your business, and I didn't spend you a penny, why are you showing off in front of me? Even if my life is not good, and I didn't ask you for it, what right do you have to make irresponsible remarks in front of me? Look down on my husband?

Han Ze in the examination shed of the Gongyuan is not as bad as Wang Caiwei imagined, even if he has to stay in the Gongyuan for nine days, but now in August, the weather is neither cold nor hot, so there is no need to worry about being cold or hot, even if he is assigned Even compared to other candidates, he seems to be able to do a job with ease. He answers questions when he should answer questions, eats when he should eat, and sleeps when he should sleep. It is no different from when he was studying at home. People feel that he is at ease and enjoys the exam very much.

Han Ze really didn't have any sense of urgency. Even if he was assigned a stinky number, he just smiled helplessly and was not in a hurry. It smells good. After a few hours, during the exam, his mind is all on answering the questions, so he doesn't care about the smell, so it doesn't affect his exam. As for whether he is sure of winning the exam, he is not sure. Although he is confident, he will not underestimate anyone.

The invigilator looked at him frequently, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, the examinee probably used the examination room as an inn, and his mentality was too good. I don't know if he is really in a good mood and is sure to pass the exam, or if he has given up the provincial exam and is not worried about the exam results.

After the last test and handing in the test papers, even Han Ze couldn't help but let out a soft breath. It was really nine days, eating and lodging in this small test room, it was really hard, waiting to get out In the examination room, looking up at the clear blue sky, I just feel alive again.

Han Erlang, Wang Ziwen, and Zhao Zhengxiu's book boys had already been waiting at the gate of the Gongyuan. When he came out, Han Erlang ran and waved his hands, calling for his elder brother loudly.

Han Ze smiled, and hurried over, Han Erlang supported him, looked him over carefully, and after looking him over, he suddenly covered his nose: "Brother, you smell really bad, those who didn't know thought you fell into a latrine. "

Han Ze glanced at him, but didn't say anything. He stayed by the hut for nine days, how could he not smell bad?

Zhao Zhengxiu came from behind and said with a smile, "Your elder brother didn't fall into the latrine, but it's almost there."

"Ah?" Han Erlang was taken aback, why did the eldest brother almost fall into the latrine? Isn't he going to test?

Han Ze didn't bother to talk to the two of them, and now he just wanted to go home and take a hot bath to get rid of his fatigue and bad smell, and then take a good night's sleep.

Han Erlang scratched his head, hesitated for a moment, and still held his elder brother tightly. Even if his elder brother fell into the latrine and his body smelled bad, he was still his elder brother. His elder brother had just finished the exam and must be very tired and weak. After being helped, it was safely delivered to the house.

Han Ze didn't really need his support, he wasn't that weak yet, but seeing his stupid face, he let him go.

"Brother, you and Zhao Zhengxiu go to rest in the carriage first, and we will go back when Wang Ziwen comes out." Han Erlang asked while supporting Han Ze.

Han Ze said as he walked, "Did you rent a carriage?"

Han Erlang hurriedly said: "Aunt Wang asked us to rent a carriage, saying that you must be very tired after leaving the Gongyuan. Let us rent a carriage."

Han Ze nodded, sat in the carriage, closed his eyes and meditated. After a while, Wang Ziwen climbed into the carriage with disheveled hair and a sluggish expression, and collapsed in the carriage. Wang Ziwen lamented: "The exam is over."

Zhao Zhengxiu smiled wryly and said, "Having suffered such a serious crime, it's easy to say if you win, and if you don't..."

Having said that, he shook his head and stopped talking. Everyone understood what he had not said.

Han Ze said: "The exam is over, so don't think so much."

Yes, I have already finished the exam, why bother to think so much and make myself unhappy. A few people stopped talking, and the carriage suddenly fell silent.

When they arrived at the rented place, several people got out of the carriage. Wang Caiwei, Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Wang and others were already waiting at the gate of the yard. When they saw them get off the carriage, they rushed over to greet them.

Han Ze looked at Wang Caiwei and asked as he walked into the house, "Is there any hot water? Shall I take a shower?"

Han Erlang hurriedly said beside him: "Brother almost fell into the latrine, he needs to wash up."

Not only Wang Caiwei was stunned, but Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Wang next to her were also stunned. What's the matter?

Han Ze glanced at him, if it wasn't for being too tired to move now, he would have wanted to give him a kick, and he couldn't understand what he said stupidly.

Wang Ziwen and Zhao Zhengxiu were also taken aback. This Han Erlang is probably not stupid. They all knew that Han Ze had been assigned a stinky name, but they didn't expect to be misinterpreted by Han Erlang like this. But right now, they were not in the mood to explain. They just wanted to take a hot bath, eat a full meal, and get a good night's sleep. As for what he misunderstood, let them misunderstand.

Fortunately, Wang Caiwei and others thought about it in advance. There are two large pots of boiling water in the pot in the kitchen, and they can take a bath after mixing with cold water. After taking a bath, he drank a large bowl of hot chicken soup and ate two bowls of shredded chicken noodles. Han Ze fell on the bed and slept all day and night under the blanket. When he woke up, he felt refreshed.

Seeing him coming out, Wang Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't ask him how he did in the exam. As long as Xianggong was fine, she felt relieved, "Xiaogong, the chicken soup in the pot is still warm, why don't I serve you another bowl of chicken noodle soup?"

Han Ze was already hungry at the moment, he nodded, and when he finished eating the noodles and filled his stomach, Wang Caiwei asked worriedly, "What did Erlang say that he almost fell into the latrine?"


Why hasn't this happened yet.

Han Ze helplessly explained about the stinking number.

Wang Caiwei frowned slightly, angry and funny, couldn't help but spit: "This Erlang..."

But thinking that Xianggong lived next to the hut for nine days, she frowned again.

Han Ze patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "Don't worry, am I coming out soon?"

Wang Caiwei sighed lightly, yes, it is a good thing that Xiang Gongan came out of the Gongyuan safely, and she doesn't need to think too much about it.

Seeing that Han Ze had woken up, Mrs. Wang couldn't help looking at him, and said with a smile, "It's said that you are weak, I can't see it."

Han Ze and Wang Caiwei looked at her, and Wang Caiwei smiled and said, "Aunt Wang, what do you say?"

Wang Caiwei likes others to praise Han Ze for his good health. This is better than praising her husband's education, and it makes her happy. After all, it is recognized that her husband's education is good. It is also recognized that the body is weak. Now Aunt Wang said that Xianggong is in good health, so it can be seen that Xianggong is really in good health, so she doesn't need to worry so much?

Mrs. Wang said: "My Ziwen and Zhao Zhengxiu seem to be stronger, but they went to the exam together. They are still asleep. Your Han Ze has woken up now, so it can be seen that he has rested." , What does this mean, it means that Han Ze is physically stronger than the two of them."

When Wang Caiwei thought about it, it was the same thing. You must know that her husband was assigned a stinky name. In such a difficult environment, if he persisted for nine days, no matter whether it was his stamina or his physical strength, it was unmatched by others. Therefore, from now on, she Can you really not worry too much about Xianggong's body?