MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 77 step dad 10

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Liu Mingda was working, and his assistant Xiao Cheng came over and told him that his father was here and was waiting for him in the reception room. Liu Mingda was stunned at first, and then ecstatic. It seems that after several months of precipitation, his stepfather still let go of his prejudices and came to see him.

He didn't notice the weird look in the assistant's eyes when he talked about his father. Instead, he smiled and got up and strode towards the reception room.

The assistant Xiao Cheng returned to work, and Xiao Zhou, who was sitting next to him, quietly and mysteriously asked, "Is your eldest's dad over here?"

Xiao Cheng frowned, and said hesitantly: "I have seen the father of the eldest in my family. The old man who was dressed in normal clothes, had a fierce face, and was obscene just now is not the father of the eldest at all."

Xiao Zhou smiled slightly and said, "Since he has already found the company, how could he not be your eldest father? Maybe he has two fathers."

Xiao Cheng scolded: "Don't talk nonsense."

Who has two fathers for no reason.

Xiao Zhou made a gesture of shutting up, smiled and remained silent.

Although she scolded Xiao Zhou, Xiao Cheng was also full of doubts. She knew Wang Peining, and the two of them had dinner together several times. Wang Peining often mentioned the boss's father in his words. for one person.

But the eldest father outside was not the eldest father she had seen, nor could it be the gentle and kind father that Wang Peining mentioned. So who is that? Is it true that the eldest brother has two fathers as Xiao Zhou said? She shook her head amusedly. What does the old man's affairs have to do with her? She was really full and was nosy.

Xiao Zhou glanced at the pensive Xiao Cheng, rolled her eyes, stood up, and quietly went to the reception room. During this time, her boss and Liu Mingda were competing for the position of manager. If she can help her boss, when her boss becomes a manager, her position will rise accordingly.

In the reception room, Liu Bingshen stared intently at the tall man in a suit and leather shoes striding in, and couldn't help but widen his eyes. Is this his thin son? I haven't seen him for so many years, but he has become so tall and handsome, looking like a social elite? He stood up abruptly, stepped forward excitedly, and said, "Are you Mingda?"

The familiar yet unfamiliar voice made Liu Mingda froze in his footsteps. He couldn't believe it, and stared blankly at the old and haggard man in front of him, but he was extremely familiar with him.

Seeing him, Liu Bingshen just stared at him without speaking. He hurriedly said: "Mingda, I am your father, don't you know me?"

Liu Mingda came back to his senses abruptly, looked left and right, saw that there was no one else, he looked slightly relieved, and asked in a deep voice, "How did you find my company?"

Liu Mingda's questioning tone made Liu Bingshen stunned, and then said with a smile on his face: "I was released from prison and had nowhere to go. I found Boya Xinyuan and found out that you had moved. Later, I found Han Ze. Knowing your current address, he gave me your company's address."

out of prison?

Xiao Zhou, who was hiding next to the potted plants outside the reception room, was full of excitement. It turned out that this man was really Liu Mingda's father, and he had been in prison. This news is simply too exciting. I don't know if the upper management of the company will promote Liu Mingda to be a manager after knowing that Liu Mingda has a father who is in prison. With such a father, what qualifications does he have to compete with his own boss.

Liu Mingda took a few deep breaths, frowned and said, "Then you shouldn't have found my company. The influence is not good."

Not to mention that Liu Bingshen has no education, he has been in prison for several years, and he is seriously out of touch with the society. I don't understand what impact it will have if he goes to his son's company to find him. Even before he was imprisoned, he was still a **** and could not listen to any bad words.

Now Liu Mingda is full of irritated questioning, which made him feel insulted by his son. He was full of anger and shouted loudly: "I am your father, not some shady person, what influence does it have? Do you dislike me for being in prison?" ?”

Liu Mingda's eyebrows twitched, and he hurriedly said, "Dad, keep your voice down."

Liu Bingshen snorted and said, "I have been in prison, but now that I am released from prison, it means that I am not guilty. The country has released me. You are my son. What right do you have to despise me?"

Liu Mingda felt even more headache and sighed again, why isn't his father Han Ze? He said: "I don't dislike you, it's just that it's not good for you to come to the company. After all, the company is a place to work."

Liu Mingda’s explanation, I don’t know if Liu Bingshen believed it, he snorted twice, and said: “Then you should ask the company for leave. Eat, and buy a few sets of clothes by the way."

Even if Liu Mingda was unwilling, he had no choice but to ask the company for leave and take Liu Bingshen out to eat and buy clothes.

However, as soon as he asked for leave from the company, the news that his father had been in prison spread all over the company, but he didn't know anything about it.

Seeing the rumors getting more and more fierce, Xiao Cheng wanted to tell Liu Mingda, but Xiao Zhou stopped him and told her that Liu Mingda had a bad temper, and he asked for leave, so he called him. What should I do if I scold you?

Xiao Cheng thinks about Liu Mingda's temper, and is also afraid of being reprimanded by him for disturbing him in private. Anyway, she has met the boss's father, and that man cannot have been in prison. The person who came to look for the boss today must not be the father of the boss, maybe he is a liar.

Liu Mingda took Liu Bingshen to dinner, and after shopping for clothes, he said blankly, "We've finished our meal and bought some clothes. Let's go. If you have nothing to do, don't bother me from now on."

Liu Bingshen was carrying a few big bags of clothes, his face was full of joy, his face was long when he heard what his son said, what do you mean don't bother him if you have nothing to do, what does Mingda mean, he doesn't care about him? Thinking of this, he felt angry, threw the clothes in his hand on the ground, pointed at him and asked, "You mean you don't plan to take care of me, let alone provide for my retirement?"

Liu Mingda turned his face away and didn't look at him, obviously that's what he meant.

Liu Bingshen said bitterly: "You are an unfilial son. Do it, are you afraid that my going to your company will have bad influence? Since you don't want to give me a pension, I will go to your company to make trouble every day, saying that you are unfilial. Don't give me old age."

Be nice to him, a son is a son. If it is not good for him, the son can also be an enemy.

Liu Mingda did not doubt his words, as long as his father treats him badly, he will deny his relatives in a blink of an eye, he said angrily: "You are a lunatic."

Liu Bingshen looked at him and said bitterly: "I am crazy, and I was also driven crazy by your mother and son. If Hu Xialan hadn't hooked up with someone outside, how could we have divorced. If I don't divorce, I won't be a bachelor, let alone Being ridiculed, killing people with a knife in anger, if I don’t stab people’s intestines out, how can I go to jail? All in all, it’s all your mother’s fault. Brothers, you must control me.”

Liu Mingda's anger was still on his face, he really didn't want to comment on that matter, it was his parents' business. He is now in a critical period for promotion, and it is impossible to let his father go to the company to make trouble, so he has to agree to take him back to the place where he rented the house.

The moment Hu Xialan saw Liu Bingshen, she felt dizzy, pointed at him, and asked tremblingly, "You, why are you here?"

Liu Bingshen licked his mouth at her and said proudly, "My wife and son are here, why can't I be here?"

Hu Xialan was disgusted by him, her face was blue with anger, she shouted: "Who is your wife? We are divorced, who is your wife?"

Liu Bingshen came up to her and touched her well-maintained face. Hu Xialan was taken aback, took a step back, and said nonchalantly, "Han Yuandatou is pretty good. He raised my wife and children fat and fat. At first I wanted to settle accounts with him, but now it seems that I have made money. Although my wife has slept with him for nothing for more than ten years, but he paid for it, it is better than that old white face in the village who gave his wife to sleep for nothing. , got nothing."

Hu Xialan swayed, she couldn't believe that he said such stupid things in front of her son, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Liu Bingshen laughed loudly, and said: "Aren't you talking nonsense, don't you know? If you don't cuckold me, will I divorce you? Will you stab someone with a knife because of being ridiculed? It's all right if you cuckold me , but I can't wear this green hat for nothing, you have to let that old white face compensate me, don't give me anything, I will find him to settle accounts one day."

Hu Xialan's face was pale, and Liu Bingshen didn't show her any face in front of her son. She didn't dare to look at Mingda's expression, and wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in.

Liu Mingda was extremely embarrassed, his face was full of shame, this is his parents. He said impatiently: "It's been a while since I met Pei Ning, you guys talk slowly, I'll go to Pei Ning to see her."

Before the two of them could react, he turned around and went down the stairs. Anyway, his parents used to be husband and wife, so he had nothing to worry about.

Hu Xialan looked at Liu Bingshen who was smiling at her, and panicked, "What are you going to do?"

Liu Bingshen sat on the sofa with a smile on his face, "I'm hungry after shopping all day, get me something to eat quickly."

Hu Xialan secretly hated, who does he think he is? She said angrily: "If you want to eat, go buy it yourself. I bought everything at home."

Liu Bingshen had a lewd smile on his face, and he proudly said: "You bought it, where did you get the money? Those things were bought with my son's money, and I can eat them. I not only want to eat, but also live here every day. What can you do with me?"

Hu Xialan's teeth were tickled by his rascal's appearance, she gritted her teeth and said, "We're divorced."

Liu Bingshen looked at her intently: "We are divorced. Who pays the rent for this house?"

Hu Xialan pursed her lips and said nothing, Liu Bingshen said: "It was paid by my son. Whether it is the rent or food for the family, my son paid for it. You can enjoy it as a mother, and I can enjoy it as an old man." enjoy."

Hu Xialan gave him an annoyed look, and turned to go to the kitchen to eat. Liu Bingshen didn't care about her disgusted eyes, which he had seen too many times before the divorce.

He glanced at Hu Xialan going to the kitchen, sneered twice and followed to the kitchen. On the stove in the kitchen, there were two dishes, a plate of fried shredded pork with green peppers, and a plate of green vegetables. Hu Xialan scooped up a bowl of rice and was about to finish dinner in the kitchen up.

Liu Bingshen stepped forward and snatched her bowl, pushed her aside, picked up his chopsticks, and finished the rice and shredded pork with green peppers on the plate in a few mouthfuls. Hu Xialan stared at her angrily, Liu Bingshen noticed her eyes, bared his teeth at her, laughed twice, and continued to eat.

Seeing Hu Xialan ruining two dishes of food by him, Mingda gave her less living expenses, she only bought enough ingredients for today, and there was nothing to eat at home, she felt depressed. Thinking of the degree of **** this person is, she has a hopeless feeling about her future life. Her son and son are unreliable, and there is a father who has been in prison to live with them.

This day was even more unbearable for her than living with Han Feiyu and Han Shutao brothers and sisters. If she knew that after the divorce, she would live such a life, even if she was killed, she would not choose to divorce.


The next day, as soon as Liu Mingda arrived at the company, he noticed that his colleagues in the company looked at him in surprise, and even some girls looked at him with fear. He frowned, sat in his office, called his assistant Xiao Cheng, and asked her to come to his office.

Xiao Cheng is at a loss, the boss will definitely scold her, annoyed that she shouldn't have listened to Xiao Zhou yesterday, she should have told Liu Mingda about the rumors in the company. She went to Liu Mingda's office nervously.

Liu Mingda looked at her, frowned and asked, "Has anything happened in the company?"

Xiao Cheng trembled, lowered his head, and decided to tell the truth: "...Yes."

Liu Mingda's face darkened slightly, thinking of his father, he had a bad premonition in his heart, and asked with concern: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Cheng gritted his teeth: "There are rumors in the company that your father is a prisoner of labor reform."


Liu Mingda stood up suddenly, his face was gloomy: "When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me?"

Xiao Cheng whispered: "After you left yesterday, it spread all over the company. I, I dare not tell you."

Liu Mingda looked at her impatiently, and angrily accused: "You didn't even tell me about such a big matter? How did you become an assistant?"

Xiao Cheng explained: "I met your father, he is so gentle, how could he be a prisoner of labor reform, I thought you came to the company and explained it clearly to your colleagues, and they will naturally stop spreading rumors."

It would be fine if Han Ze was his biological father.

Liu Mingda rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, feeling that nothing went well, he said angrily: "Okay, okay, you go down."

Xiao Cheng didn't move, Liu Mingda looked at her irritably: "What are you doing standing here? Waiting to be scolded?"

Xiao Cheng felt aggrieved, but still looked at Liu Mingda hesitantly, and asked cautiously, "Then, what about the rumors?"

Gossip gossip! Unless it wasn't his own father, the rumors wouldn't disappear. Liu Mingda once again resented those parents. Even if other parents couldn't help the child, they wouldn't hinder the child. .

He frowned, because he couldn't tell people that Liu Bingshen was not his father. With a twinkle in his eyes, he could really tell people that it was not his biological father who was in prison, but his stepfather. As long as he can be promoted, it's just a matter of denying that Liu Bingshen is his biological father, and it won't affect anything. Anyway, he will provide for him in the old age, so he shouldn't care so much.

Thinking of this, he looked at Xiao Cheng and said, "Yesterday, that was actually my stepfather. He stabbed someone and spent several years in prison during a fight. My mother divorced him because of this. Later, for me and my brother , remarried my biological father again, he came to see me yesterday, but he wanted me to give him living expenses."

When Xiao Cheng was overjoyed, she knew that the father could not be the boss. She smiled and said, "I'll explain to my colleagues in the company right away."

Liu Mingda smiled and nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Xiao Cheng said, "No trouble, no trouble."

In the evening Liu Mingda went home, and seeing his mother who was full of anger and his father who was secretly proud, he frowned and said, "Dad, since you choose to live here, don't make mom angry. Raised me."

Liu Bingshen crossed his legs and said, "If you don't want me to make trouble, you can give me two thousand yuan."

Liu Mingda was startled, "What do you want money for?"

Liu Bingshen said with a smirk, "Don't worry about it. Just give me the money."

Liu Mingda is saving money to buy a house now, how could he give him the money, "I have no money."

Liu Bingshen was not angry at all, he said proudly: "It seems that you don't want to live a peaceful life."

Liu Mingda was furious, with a sullen face, "I don't have so much cash now, so I'll withdraw it for you tomorrow."

Liu Bingshen followed closely: "I don't have any money to get it, I want it now."

Liu Mingda clenched his fist, he turned around to withdraw the money, Liu Bingshen got the money, and looked at Hu Xialan happily: "Disciplining a child requires means, if the means are not strong, he will think you are easy to bully."

Hu Xialan thought of the 50 yuan that Mingda gave every day, and now Liu Bingshen was about to get 2,000 yuan easily. She has mixed feelings.

Liu Mingda secretly thought it was bad: "Mom, during my current promotion period, I don't want to make trouble, so don't make trouble."

Hu Xialan looked at him quietly and said nothing.

The next day, when Hu Xialan came back from shopping, she saw a pair of high-heeled shoes by the door. She frowned. She was old and didn't like wearing high-heeled shoes. Wang Peining couldn't come here now. Whose shoes are these?

"Don't worry!" A woman's voice came from the room.

Hu Xialan was furious, she kicked open the door, the scene in the room made her even more frightened and angry, she pointed at Liu Bingshen with trembling fingers and couldn't say a word.

The woman was also surprised, stood up, and said, "Your family has something to do, so I'll leave. Two hundred yuan."

Liu Bingshen was so angry that he said, "Why are you going? I divorced that woman, and if I want to leave, she will go."

As she said that, she pushed Hu Xialan out. Hu Xialan staggered, fell to the ground, and knocked her head on the threshold. Liu Bingshen sneered, ignored her, and locked the door behind her.

Listening to the teasing laughter inside, Xia Lan felt extremely disgusted. Holding her painful head, she sat on the ground alone, weeping silently, and asked God again, when will such a day end.

No, she can't accept fate, she has to find a way to change the current state, she thought of Han Ze, Han Ze knew how **** Liu Bingshen was, knew that she was being entangled by Liu Bingshen, even if he had no affection for her, what did the two do? After more than ten years of husband and wife, they must also help her. After all, in this city, apart from Han Ze, she doesn't know who to ask for help.


Han Feiyu went to work, Han Shutao was on a business trip a few days ago, Aunt Chen asked for leave, Han Ze was alone, playing chess with others in the gazebo of the community as usual. Therefore, Hu Xialan rang the doorbell at the door of Han's house for a long time, but no one answered her. Thinking of the last time I saw Lao Han, he was playing chess with people in the community, and maybe he could be found there.

Han Ze frowned slightly when he saw Hu Xialan with a bag on his back. He looked at his chess friend apologetically, stood up, and walked in front of Hu Xialan. The two found a quiet place. Came to see me?"

Hu Xialan was full of grievances, and thought she had found someone to complain about, but Han Ze's indifferent tone was like a basin of cold water poured over her head, which drenched her heart. She said weakly: "Old Han, please help me, I really can't live through this day."

Han Ze stated the truth in a deep voice: "We are divorced, and I don't want to interfere with your family's affairs."

Hu Xialan grabbed his hand, Han Ze was stunned, and tried to break away from her hand, he frowned: "Speak as you speak, don't touch your hands, it won't affect you well."

Hu Xialan's face turned pale, thinking that Lao Han was so kind to her before and put her first in everything, why is he so unfeeling now? Is it because she lied to him? Why didn't he think about it, she was a woman, married him with two children, and she didn't pretend to be gentle and virtuous, how could she win his heart, and how could she make him willing to pay for her two sons?

"Old Han, Liu Bingshen is out of prison. He lives in my house. You know what kind of person he is. He can do all sorts of **** things. I don't want to live with him... help me " Hu Xialan begged with red eyes.

Han Ze frowned. After the original body was paralyzed, the two lived together. Why didn't Hu Xialan despise Liu Bingshen at that time?

Thinking of this, Han Ze calmly proposed: "You were originally a husband and wife. Now that he is out of prison and your two children are so old, don't worry about it anymore. Why don't you remarry? The family is harmonious and beautiful." Wouldn't it be nice to be together?"

With He Meimei, she and Liu Bingshen and He Meimei? Hu Xialan shuddered at the disgusting thing she saw just now, her face was miserable, she shook her head and said, "No, I won't remarry. If I want to remarry, I will remarry with you."

Han Ze frowned and persuaded: "You and Brother Liu had two children. You must have had a good relationship before. Now that he is finally released from prison, you can forgive his mistakes and live a good life."

How could Hu Xialan live a good life with Liu Bingshen? If she wanted to live a good life with him, she would not go out to find others more than ten years ago. She looked at Han Ze prayingly: "Old Han, if we don't remarry, we won't remarry. Liu Bingshen is just a Beast, I will be killed by him when I go back, for the sake of the fact that we have been husband and wife for more than ten years, you can help me once, and help me find a way."

"How did I kill you?"

Liu Bingshen's gloomy voice sounded behind her, Hu Xialan felt a chill go down her spine, as if her heart was being pinched, she stiffened and turned around silently.

"You, why are you here?" The terrified voice showed Hu Xialan's fear at the moment. Seeing Han Ze next to him, she hurriedly hid behind him.

"I'm hungry, hurry home and cook."

Liu Bingshen's face became more and more sinister. He had just finished his work when he found that the woman had disappeared. Call Mingda, he doesn't know either. He guessed that this woman must have come to Han Ze. Sure enough, she came to Han Ze and ruined his reputation. This woman really owes a lesson.

Han Ze said calmly, "Hu Xialan, you and Brother Liu are the original couple, and you have two children. You are also in your fifties. Remarry Brother Liu. Stop messing around. The two children who are in trouble can't live a peaceful life, and they have to complain."

Hu Xialan never expected that Han Ze would really encourage her to remarry Liu Bingshen, not just talking about it. She asked, "It's not like you don't know what kind of person Liu Bingshen is. How can you persuade me to remarry him?"

Han Ze looked at Liu Bingshen helplessly. Liu Bingshen looked gloomy and looked at Hu Xialan viciously. What kind of person is he?

He didn't want to remarry her at first, what kind of woman can't find him with his son's money? Now it seems that in order to teach this woman a lesson, he can listen to Han Ze's suggestion.

Han Ze said to Hu Xialan: "You have always liked to tell lies and mislead others, but what you said is as true as the truth, otherwise I would not have been deceived by you for more than ten years. In view of this, I don't believe Brother Liu has What you said is so embarrassing, although I don't know why you don't want to follow Brother Liu, but for the sake of the two children, I still advise you to stop making trouble. Brother Liu is very good. "

After hearing Han Ze's words, Liu Bingshen's face softened a little. He looked at Hu Xialan proudly, and said, "Look, Han Ze said that I'm good, what else do you want? You gave me a cuckold, but I still want you. You don't thank me, and you corrupt me everywhere." Fame, are you still thinking about that old bad guy back home?"

"What old boy?" Han Ze asked with a frown.

Hu Xialan's face changed drastically, and she looked at Liu Bingshen imploringly, telling him not to speak out.

Liu Bingshen would not give her face at all, he laughed twice, and pointed at Hu Xialan: "Han Ze, Han Ze, do you think this woman is just cheating on you? I made a bad face, and the two of them rolled onto the bed, and I caught me. That's why we divorced."

Han Ze looked at Hu Xialan and saw Hu Xialan turn his face away in a panic. His face was full of disappointment. Hu Xialan opened his mouth to explain. Han Ze waved his hand and said lonely: "We are already divorced. How were you before? I won't say anything more. Ask. But even if you have done so many things in the past, Brother Liu is still willing to accept you. It is Brother Liu's benevolence. You should cherish your blessings, otherwise, no matter how great your blessings are, you will be tossed away. Also, don't come to me again in the future, Compared to Brother Liu, I'm a bit more ruthless towards you."

Hu Xialan's tears fell down steeply. Why did Liu Bingshen become a benevolent man in the end? That's obviously a bastard, she will never remarry him, otherwise she will be killed by him.

Liu Bingshen looked at Han Ze with even more satisfaction, and he said: "Yes, you gave me a cuckold, and I still want you. You should be grateful to Dade."

Hu Xialan's tears fell even more fiercely, full of despair, a reform-through-labor prisoner who recruited prostitutes, she was so disgusted, why should she remarry him? What is her fate if she is old and suffers such humiliation?

Han Ze glanced at the watch on his wrist, and sighed: "Hu Xialan and Brother Liu, go back and live a good life, I won't keep you guys."

Liu Bingshen had never seen Hu Xialan so desperate. She was not so desperate even after being caught in bed by him. He was in a great mood, grabbed Hu Xialan's arm, and said, "Stop making trouble with me, let's go home Han Ze's words are correct, one must know how to cherish blessings, otherwise, no matter how great the blessings are, they will be tossed away."

Hu Xialan is disheartened, her son is unfilial, her man is unreliable, what's the point of living? She was led forward by Liu Bingshen like a puppet.

Han Ze returned home, after thinking about it, he called Liu Mingda. Liu Mingda was surprised when he received Han Ze's call. He smiled and said hello, and Han Ze said bluntly, "Your parents just made trouble with me. , go back and have a look at them, you are their son, don't let them come to me with nothing to do."

After Han Ze finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Liu Mingda frowned. He was at work, so he had no time to go home. Thinking of this, he called Hu Xialan.

Hu Xialan sniffed, and couldn't tell him that his father invited a woman to come to the house, and she said, "It's okay, go to work."

Liu Mingda was busy with work and couldn't leave at all. Since his mother said it was fine, it wasn't a big deal, so she didn't take it to heart.

Xiao Cheng looked at him, and he smiled and said, "My dad called me. Old people are like this. Even though I'm in my 30s, they still don't worry about me. If you have anything to do, just call and care about me."

Xiao Cheng was very envious, she said with a smile: "Uncle is a gentle father, if my father treats me so well, it will be fine."

Liu Mingda smiled and said nothing.